Issue 16 Open Beta Known Mac Issues
Possible new Critical Issue:
Console log message: "Could not load graphics driver 'macdrv'" symptom leading to CoH failing to load on recent Macbooks.
A thread for another game using the Cider engine outlines it in here. I'm putting one Mac user here through steps to see if their issue is the same or not.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Actually I've been having what I consider a serious problem with my camera POV in the beta. Using the same machine and the same controls as on live, my camera POV shifts randomly at times. I'm be moving along and then whoop, I'm looking at the top of the character or from the side or something. It happens enough that I eventually get dizzy from spending time on test. I've bugged this repeatedly now in game.
Too many alts to list.
As Doc noted above, there's also an issue where the mouse coordinates will reset without warning. This causes your character or the camera angle to abruptly change direction/orientation, or trays/windows to abruptly leap to the center or the left of the screen.
P.S. This is not present in the Live client yet, as the Mac patch hasn't been published from the Training Room yet.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
This does apply to beta, but it DOES apply to Mac (of which I am a user) and i16 being live... 1) Sometimes when I Menu>K my costumes all show up as white rectangles, a pre i16 issue 2) When I try to save a custom colorset it doesn't appear in the "load" file. It only worked on the first toon i tried it on, the following 2 toons had no file (yes, i saved :P) 3) also on the pre i16 note, MY mouse bounces around and sometimes freezes mid screen (ok the pointer does...), I thought it was the mouse... if I think of anything else I'll post it here, or mebbe someone can point me to the proper posting area... LINK MEH! See ya in game! RRROOOAAARRR!!!
As Doc noted above, there's also an issue where the mouse coordinates will reset without warning. This causes your character or the camera angle to abruptly change direction/orientation, or trays/windows to abruptly leap to the center or the left of the screen.
P.S. This is not present in the Live client yet, as the Mac patch hasn't been published from the Training Room yet. |
Possible new Critical Issue:
Console log message: "Could not load graphics driver 'macdrv'" symptom leading to CoH failing to load on recent Macbooks. A thread for another game using the Cider engine outlines it in here. I'm putting one Mac user here through steps to see if their issue is the same or not. |
I downloaded Vidiotmaps map pack for mac issue 12 & it messed up my game: I could not mouse over my map or my mouse would go haywire, and I could not come close to any edge on my hud or my mouse would go haywire once again.
So I thought - let's uninstall, reinstall & done.
problem 2: I uninstalled, but after reinstalling I couldn't load up CoH - when I loaded it via cider (inside the contents) it said that macdrv error.
What I did was - I tried downloading the testserver & see if I had an issue with it - guess what no issue.
But when I tried with my CoH client - the same issue would go on.
I simply deleted my CoH Preferences (inside the library(finder>name>library>preferences>coh...))
And voila suddenly my loader popped up after running it again and I could patch my game to run on my mac without the macdrv issue.
I hope this helps some people with this issue - as I'm not sure this is a fix for 100% of the cases, it just fixed it for me.
I'm going to add that one to the Mac Guide.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Well, I see couple of mouse problems but I think I've got the mother of mouse problems. I can't click on any clickable item be it other user, enemy, door to door mish, anything. The cursor simply flicks away to another part of the screen with an accompanying graphic flicker, glitch on the top half of the screen.
It happened on the test server 1st when they put power spectrum beta on. It's still there. When power spectrum came to the main servers it wasn't there but I've just patched tonight and it's now here on the main server. makes the game unplayable for me.
Well, I see couple of mouse problems but I think I've got the mother of mouse problems. I can't click on any clickable item be it other user, enemy, door to door mish, anything. The cursor simply flicks away to another part of the screen with an accompanying graphic flicker, glitch on the top half of the screen.
It happened on the test server 1st when they put power spectrum beta on. It's still there. When power spectrum came to the main servers it wasn't there but I've just patched tonight and it's now here on the main server. makes the game unplayable for me. |
I also have the same issue, and experienced it with the same time frames (both on test and on live).
Both of you make sure your game's screen resolution is set to the native resolution of your monitor.
Failing that, try playing in Windowed mode. You can switch to that by pressing Cmd-Enter.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
CoH's already set to my Macbook's native resolution, and windowed mode doesn't help.
yup, same issues with mouse since patch. can't play game
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

Which Mac and version of MacOS are all of you with mouse trouble using?
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Macbook running leopard. had no problems, played fine yesterday. logged in today, saw patch apply, and then mouse all screwy. Keeps flicking up to the corner, esp when I try clicking on stuff like WW employee or O-portal
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

Macbook running leopard. had no problems, played fine yesterday. logged in today, saw patch apply, and then mouse all screwy. Keeps flicking up to the corner, esp when I try clicking on stuff like WW employee or O-portal
Native resolution (1280x720... I play in the living room on an HD projector)
I was also cheerfully playing early yesterday evening without this issue. No suck luck tonight.
Not being able to select nav points on the map, nor respond to mission dialog boxes, makes the game pretty much unplayable, even with the "work around" of leaving the mouse still and scrolling the POV over NPCs and other stationary objects you want to interact with.
Macbook, one of the ones with Intel GMA graphic chips. 10.5.8 is my OS version.
Also, I have news: if those of you with similar problems have easy access to a right button, you can constantly right-click as you move your pointer toward the object you're trying to click. This way you can get your pointer onto pretty much anything that was off-limits.
The game just became far more playable if still a nuisance. Still hoping for a fix soon, but now I can do stuff in the game.
Also, I have news: if those of you with similar problems have easy access to a right button, you can constantly right-click as you move your pointer toward the object you're trying to click. This way you can get your pointer onto pretty much anything that was off-limits.
The game just became far more playable if still a nuisance. Still hoping for a fix soon, but now I can do stuff in the game. |
Are all of you with problems using a Macbook with Leopard and the Intel GMA video?
Any of you using Snow Leopard with a Macbook and the Intel GMA video?
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Are all of you with problems using a Macbook with Leopard and the Intel GMA video?
Any of you using Snow Leopard with a Macbook and the Intel GMA video? |
Macbook 2Gig Intel Core duo GMA video I Gig system Ram.
Cursor just won't behave. I've tried the windowed mode solution. Didn't work for me. I have a ticket in with support and even another thread before I saw others posting here.
I'm glad to see I'm not alone but saddened that others too share this pain. Ah well the more that have it may draw attention and hopefully a timely solution. I think its just an errant piece of code. Hopefully its just a minor change in logic and we all can be back out there again to "layeth the smacketh downeth" on the forces of evil!
Shell game: Arc_ID:417344: It can't be good for humanity if the Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon and The Vahzilok are making deals.
A Final Solution: Arc_ID:402587: Earth is under stress. Every being she has spawned and some she hasn't want to possess her. Some of her children believe they have a way to put a stop to this and bring a peace.
Are all of you with problems using a Macbook with Leopard and the Intel GMA video?
Any of you using Snow Leopard with a Macbook and the Intel GMA video? |
Today I purchased Snow Leopard (updated to 10.6.1 now) - mouse bug persists sadly enough
I'm using one of those white macbooks with the intel GMA 3100
(2,4 Ghz Intel core 2 duo processor, 4GB 667 MHz DRR SDRAM)
I can provide you with more info if you need it
In addition to the cursor issue that most people are having, I seem to be having a problem with the environments themselves. It seems to go hand-in-hand with the cursor issue, but when the mouse jumps so does the textures in the environment. Not sure how to explain, but parts go black or invert. The game is really hard to play at the moment.
HMm if I understood it correctly, I don't think I have that particular bug - so might be local? (not sure)
Edit: this bug also occurs to me in caves apparantly - pretty annoying
Yeah, the bug appears the worst in smaller environments... and it's brand new. It appeared with the mouse issue and seems to be triggered by it.
- CRITICAL: DO NOT turn on 3D sound. It works great, until you try and log off. Then the game will freeze, and you may have to forcibly restart. The setting CANNOT BE TURNED OFF ONCE IT'S TURNED ON - any attempt to do so will cause the game to freeze, forcing you to restart. The only current solution is to trash your game preferences (it's in Users > youraccount > Library > Preferences > City of Heroes Training Room Preferences). FIXED IN 9/16 PATCH
- CRITICAL: Saved powerset colors files will NOT show up in the list until you exit CoH completely and log in again. Note to devs: This worked properly in early closed beta, something changed and broke it. STILL AN ISSUE IN 9/16 PATCH, except in 9/16 patch the saved colors will NEVER load even if you restart the CoH client. The costumes, however, work correctly.
- The Cmd-Q hotkey to quit the game or updater no longer works.
- Remaining issues involving lag in certain zones.
- Remaining issues with occasional crashing.
- FSAA, advanced effects disabled.
- Tiny avatars in Mission Architect don't animate.
- Setting water quality to high on Macs with an ATI video card causes windows to smear.
Please add to this list of you find or can remember any more. This is posted here instead of the beta forum because of the critical issues noted at the top - if I16 goes live real soon, I want to make sure people see those.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination