Do the devs even care?
I'm just wondering - there are daily posts about the mouse/cursor issue
There are 2 updates/week (4hours), every now & then you download 15mb of files or more. Things are getting altered - but the mousebug is as it is. In the meanwhile people that send tickets are being ignored, being told their ticket will go to higher support and get ignored afterwards,... Do the devs want to provide us a quickfix for mac or do they hope we just stop crying about it? I know this comes out like a rant, and it partially is but if a devs would acknowledge this problem and put it up on the mainsite and let us know wether they're working on it or not, I think it'd already satisfy us so we know there is a solution coming. I'm kinda getting desparate on seeing a fix here - every downtime I hope my issue will be resoled when I log back in, but no success. the issue wasn't around in i15 and it came to us with i16 - I'd even drop my i16 gains to just get a normal cursor back. |

I got a reply from Support asking me "if everything was fine now" (standard follow-up email, I guess); I replied back "no, obviously the game is still bugged."
Anyway, I've unsubbed and my account goes inactive after the 16th... might resub if they fix it (and if I find out they've fixed it.) In the meantime there's always Fallout 3 which I haven't gotten around to...
There was a new patch today, and it mentioned fixed a memory leak problem with the mouse... but nothing has changed with the bug. Argh.
Yup the stealth patch today failed . This is getting to be annoying.
Quick iPhone reply:
The devs do care - but this problem may be more complicated than it looks. Could be a Cider issue, or a game client issue, or a driver issue, or worst case, all 3. They'll get it fixed when they can.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
under Cedega I needed to use the command -compatiblecursors when launching on previous engines.
Recently, as of the 7.3.x engine I've not had to use the command against my Radeon systems to get a proper mouse, but I still do need to use it against my Geforce systems (6800 Mobile, 7900 GT KO, GTS 250 Triple SLI).
I believe /compatiblecursors can be used as a slash command in game, or at least it can according to ParagonWiki. Maybe this will help with the issues.
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssssssssssthere's a bunch of bugs that heven't been corrected yetwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I was thrilled to see that a patch went out today.......Archery/devices blasters will no longer use the snapshot animation when activating a target drone! All of my characters will do a spin in celebration.... well really just because the mouse makes them shift in circles. :P
under Cedega I needed to use the command -compatiblecursors when launching on previous engines.
Recently, as of the 7.3.x engine I've not had to use the command against my Radeon systems to get a proper mouse, but I still do need to use it against my Geforce systems (6800 Mobile, 7900 GT KO, GTS 250 Triple SLI). I believe /compatiblecursors can be used as a slash command in game, or at least it can according to ParagonWiki. Maybe this will help with the issues. |
if i use that comm ig it says: compatiblecursors 0
No clue what it means

if i use that comm ig it says: compatiblecursors 0
No clue what it means ![]() |
"/compatiblecursors 1" will toggle it on.
I just called support today, and they say that the devs are working on the issue, it's just complex. They said that hopefully it will be fixed really soon. So they do care, it's just a tough thing to patch.
I just called support today, and they say that the devs are working on the issue, it's just complex. They said that hopefully it will be fixed really soon. So they do care, it's just a tough thing to patch.

Well I kinda exagerated this post in the hope to get a dev response - but that didn't happen, your msg made my day though

I really do believe the voice of someone from support but thats what most Customer Support representatives say to placate angry customers.
Finally got the devs to reply - but ya it's a we're working on it thingy
Thank you for the update. I would like to apologize again for the delayed response. This issue that you are having is a bug. Please be assured that it is not being ignored. Our development team is working very hard to resolve this as soon as possible. We thank you again for your patience. |
The devs totally DESERVE to hear a lot of angry "rants" about this. They've introduced a bug which makes the game pretty much unplayable for a small but significant number of users, and have failed to resolve it for a couple of weeks now.
And hoping to have it fixed "soon" is frankly not the response I was expecting. "We'll drop everything to fix it now" would be more like it... if that was the response sometime last week. Now we're wading into "I want a damn refund for the lost time" territory.
My monthly bill re-ups in a couple days. If it's not fixed by then, I'm out. And the likelihood of me coming back is not that great.
During Training Room testing, I found a critical bug (not related to the mouse bug) that held back its publish - it was supposed to go live with I16, but was delayed.
I use an nVidia 9600 based Mac for testing, and I believe there was someone with an ATI based iMac. Sadly, I have no Intel GMA 3100, and I'd have to borrow a GMA 950 to test that.
It's unfortunate that there weren't any GMA 950/3100 testers to spot the mouse bug on the Training Room while it tested there for several weeks. If a bug like that would have been noted, I'm sure it would have held back the release until it was fixed. I'm hoping next round of testing we can get some Intel GMA players on the Training Room before release.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
I have no qualms about the content of the post, just the way in which it was described.
During Training Room testing, I found a critical bug (not related to the mouse bug) that held back its publish - it was supposed to go live with I16, but was delayed.
I use an nVidia 9600 based Mac for testing, and I believe there was someone with an ATI based iMac. Sadly, I have no Intel GMA 3100, and I'd have to borrow a GMA 950 to test that. It's unfortunate that there weren't any GMA 950/3100 testers to spot the mouse bug on the Training Room while it tested there for several weeks. If a bug like that would have been noted, I'm sure it would have held back the release until it was fixed. I'm hoping next round of testing we can get some Intel GMA players on the Training Room before release. |
Perhaps if more are able to do so we may yet stem the tide of another bug like our current "Curse of the Orange Hand."
Shell game: Arc_ID:417344: It can't be good for humanity if the Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon and The Vahzilok are making deals.
A Final Solution: Arc_ID:402587: Earth is under stress. Every being she has spawned and some she hasn't want to possess her. Some of her children believe they have a way to put a stop to this and bring a peace.
i've also been meaning to start playing in the testing server, but everytime i start dling it, something comes up (or i get bored and just go on the normal one). I guess this is the best motivation to actually start playing it.
thanks manga~
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

My prediction is that we won't see a fix until after the Halloween event.
It's been 3 weeks, the least NC Soft can do is offer a free month of game time. Making up to the customers is a very good business practice when you rely on word of mouth.
Blue: Terra Skye, Piper McCormick, Urban Shaman, Umbral Squall, Nosila Marie, Shava, Subtronic, Invisible Osprey, Violet Vision, Master of Moonshadow
Red: S1lv3r Bull3t, Skilljack, Shamanic Steel, Mallory Madsen, Miss Mao, Lightweb, Mad Maenad, Deviant Red
Praetorian: Magnetic Mole, Ljosalfar
All on Virtue
During Training Room testing, I found a critical bug (not related to the mouse bug) that held back its publish - it was supposed to go live with I16, but was delayed.
I use an nVidia 9600 based Mac for testing, and I believe there was someone with an ATI based iMac. Sadly, I have no Intel GMA 3100, and I'd have to borrow a GMA 950 to test that. It's unfortunate that there weren't any GMA 950/3100 testers to spot the mouse bug on the Training Room while it tested there for several weeks. If a bug like that would have been noted, I'm sure it would have held back the release until it was fixed. I'm hoping next round of testing we can get some Intel GMA players on the Training Room before release. |
EDIT: Make that the day after open beta dropped, just found the email response to my in-game bug report.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Maybe they didn't have enough data to know that it was a problem specific to GMA-powered Macs. I dunno.
Also, with all the people posting in this thread about the mouse bug, hopefully they've all reported it with /bug or a support request so QA and the devs have a better idea how many people are affected. That data goes *directly* to them - with the sheer number of forum posts it can take several days for them to find threads like these.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
That explanation is almost dead-on. There were very few people testing the Mac client on the Training Room, and all of them were using nVidia or ATI based Macs. I kept a close eye out for Mac client problems, and you can bet I would have made all kinds of noise to stop a release if I thought it had a bug like that (just like I did about the now fixed 3D sound crash issue).
Also, with all the people posting in this thread about the mouse bug, hopefully they've all reported it with /bug or a support request so QA and the devs have a better idea how many people are affected. That data goes *directly* to them - with the sheer number of forum posts it can take several days for them to find threads like these. |
I reported with /bug the day it happened.
I'm tired of waiting. If they didn't notice the bug before release, and they don't notice the /bug reports and they don't notice the info on the forum, well maybe they will notice when a bunch of us cancel our subscriptions, as I am doing TODAY.
Buh-bye, people. If they ever get their act together, I might come back. Maybe.
i have a
Intel GMA X3100:
Chipset Model: GMA X3100
Type: Display
Bus: Built-In
VRAM (Total): 144 MB
Vendor: Intel (0x8086)
Device ID: 0x2a02
Revision ID: 0x0003
Color LCD:
Resolution: 1280 x 800
Depth: 32-Bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Built-In: Yes
Display Connector:
Status: No Display Connected
if they do care
I'm just wondering - there are daily posts about the mouse/cursor issue
There are 2 updates/week (4hours), every now & then you download 15mb of files or more. Things are getting altered - but the mousebug is as it is.
In the meanwhile people that send tickets are being ignored, being told their ticket will go to higher support and get ignored afterwards,...
Do the devs want to provide us a quickfix for mac or do they hope we just stop crying about it?
I know this comes out like a rant, and it partially is but if a devs would acknowledge this problem and put it up on the mainsite and let us know wether they're working on it or not, I think it'd already satisfy us so we know there is a solution coming.
I'm kinda getting desparate on seeing a fix here - every downtime I hope my issue will be resoled when I log back in, but no success.
the issue wasn't around in i15 and it came to us with i16 - I'd even drop my i16 gains to just get a normal cursor back.