Earning the Time Portal
Because I can't spell Ourobous (sp?), I'll call it the time portal--that nifty yellow gateway you can start using at lvl 25 if you've earned it. I've read all through paragonwiki and looked at the forums on how to earn it, but it always points people to using tricks such as guildmates. My understanding is that you get access to it by completing an arc that is related to time travel. So my question is this:
What is the lowest level mission arc and who is the contact so I can earn the portal for each side? Thank you for your replies. |
Villainside: ... Honestly, I've always gotten somebody to drop me a portal when I've gotten to 25.
You can get it blue side by doing the fualtline story arc at level 15. Not sure about red side as i do not play villians that often.
ParagonWiki page listing all rewards that grant the Entrusted with the Secert badge (and thus the Ouroboros portal).
Lowest level hero story arc would be Doc Delilah's arc in Faultline. (edit: technically, Mercedes Sheldon's "Magic Man" arc is in the same level range as well.)
Lowest level villain arc would be Marshall Brass's Echo Down the Aeons.
Thank you very much! I appreciate the replies.
Legend has it that it was granted to a sole villain and he has passed it down to all of us.
i just wait until 25 then head to oro and go straight up to the buildings point that hangs over the courtyard and snag the portal
i want to earn the time haters portal...so i can hang out with all the other haters from across time
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Just wanted to add 2 things.
1: You can actually get the portal as early as lvl 1, if you're in a team running the Doc Delilah arc. Okay, you'll probably level up a couple times along the way unless you just join at the very end, but you get the drift.
2: Regardless of what level you pick the power up, you still cannot use the portal that you create until you have trained to lvl 25 (and I want to stress the trained part, because simply having leveled will not trigger the portal to let you in). Others who are above lvl 25 can still use your portal with impunity.
One last bit to add to the discussion in case people reading this might not know... your portal closes the second you enter it, but any number of people can use your portal without causing it to close. If at all possible, let all of your teammates use your portal before entering it, in case no one else can open one (this is especially for TFs where time is an issue).
Also, if you're lucky enough to be a member of an SG/VG with a base that has the Ouro Crystal in it (can't remember the exact name of the crystal) you can use it (after level 25) to access a flashback mission. If you don't have the Ouro Portal summoning power yet, you will get it once you complete a mission using the SG/VG Ouro Crystal.
Pillar of Fire and Ice
Also, if you're lucky enough to be a member of an SG/VG with a base that has the Ouro Crystal in it (can't remember the exact name of the crystal) you can use it (after level 25) to access a flashback mission. If you don't have the Ouro Portal summoning power yet, you will get it once you complete a mission using the SG/VG Ouro Crystal.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com

Seriously, spell check doesn't even recognize the actual spelling.
According to Wikipedia and Google, it's "ouroboros".
Feel free to keep misspelling it. Add enough O's and most folk realize what you mean.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
We real life people, whose main method of communication is spoken, can't spell it. Flower Knight, being a videogame character whose main method of communication is text, can't pronounce it.
Amusing coincidence?
- Do you know how to spell "Mississippi"?
- Of course I know how to spell it. I just don't know when to stop!
I got it on a level 10 hero during the 6 year event when she got the badge for Black Scorpion.
And I often pronounce and spell it as Ourburritos (whereas Orenbega is either Boonga-Boonga, Orangebagel, or Orangeburger.
If you missed the Faultline arcs (or simply don't want to do them) it's pretty easy to get someone to drop a portal for you. If you go somewhere with plenty of people (the Wentworths in Talos or Steel are good options) and ask politely in local chat someone will almost always open a portal for you.
Its the worst kept secret ever entrusted.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Fleeting Whisper goes for the "classics": - Do you know how to spell "Mississippi"? - Of course I know how to spell it. I just don't know when to stop! Mississississississippi? |

Dec out.
Because I can't spell Ourobous (sp?), I'll call it the time portal--that nifty yellow gateway you can start using at lvl 25 if you've earned it. I've read all through paragonwiki and looked at the forums on how to earn it, but it always points people to using tricks such as guildmates. My understanding is that you get access to it by completing an arc that is related to time travel. So my question is this:
What is the lowest level mission arc and who is the contact so I can earn the portal for each side?
Thank you for your replies.