Call Me Awesome

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  1. If you have end problems then the obvious solution is Cardiac. Crafting another tier 1 Alpha isn't a biggie... it only takes 12 shards to craft, or 8 shards and a component. A good ITF run can frequently get you what you need.
  2. A Fire/Dark corruptor can be a powerhouse, even on SO's. It combines very good damage with good debuffs and decent survivability. True, an SO build won't be as powerful as a good IO build but it'll do the job just fine.

    After all, for the first several years the game was out SO's were what we had to work with, other than Hamidon Origin enhancements at level 50 which were hard to come by. We got by just fine on those "obsolete" SO enhancements for a long time and quite a lot of us still do.

    Can an SO build do the things that a top of the line IO build can? No, but it can be a valued teammate and quite effective. I'll take a good player on SO's any day over a bad player with a 20 billion inf IO build... and I've run into both many times. It's the person behind the keyboard that's important, not the build of the character they're playing.

    For right now as you're learning the game don't worry a lot about an ideal combination; just play something that looks fun and enjoy. Later on when you've learned your way around you'll have plenty of time to make an uber powerful character. I usually suggest a Scrapper as a first character because they're powerful enough to kill quickly while also being durable enough to be forgiving of mistakes. They're still highly effective in the high levels.
  3. It's possible; I know someone on Guardian (Blackberry Thorn) who runs up to 7 accounts at once on one machine. I don't know the particulars but they run windowed mode with 6 instances small and one large.

    Now what kind of settings and FPS come from that I have no clue, the most I've ever run is 2 at once... and that was just to pad a TF or to do things like trading items before you could email them and to invite alts to the SG.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Oh, regarding PvP:

    You will probably be told about pre-Issue 13 PvP by a lot of the PvPers.

    Ignore them when they start rambling about it. Issue 13 was almost 4 years ago and people are STILL complaining about it.

    Issue 13 had a lot of changes to how PvP works that drove off a lot of the PvP population. It is not going to be changed back, so listening to people tell you how cool it used to be is going to be worthless to you if you're trying to have fun with it now.
    Indeed, the nerdrage was heavy at that time. Personally I could care less about PVP and issue 13 came with some nice buffs so I was happy with it.

    Of course there's still people who remember the dark times of issue 5 and 6 when the nerfbat swung vigorously and armor turned into tissue paper...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by zelly View Post
    hi, just registered today b/c this game seems awesome but i have a few questions

    1. hows the population for freedom?
    Freedom is the largest server (arguably tied with Virtue) and has the largest population. It also seems to have the largest population of jerks; there's a lot of really good players there but also a lot of ones you'd just as soon not team with.

    2. hows the PVP? (open-world? faction based?)
    For all practical purposes PVP doesn't exist. Very few players have any interest in it and it's largely ignored. There are a few PVP zones and the Arena for those who want to participate. Of the 4 PVP zones 3 are faction based and one is free for all. I can't help you much more on PVP as it's never interested me.

    3. Gears aside, are there any cookie-cutter PVE (for farming?) or PVP builds?
    4. say for a newb to start off, PVP probably won't be recommended right away... so what is the best way to go to start farming/gearing up?
    5. lastly, are there any benefits for VIPs upon character creation? IE: if im not VIP, i won't be able to make the most optimal PVE or PVP build?

    There's thousands of possible powerset combinations among the AT's (what you would call "Classes") and most of them are viable in PVE, although of course some are better than others. What do you enjoy playing? Melee? Ranged damage? Control? Team support? Different AT's are better at different roles and powersets in AT's can also have a massive effect on the roles a character is good at.

    For someone just starting out I typically recommend playing a Scrapper as a first character; they're durable enough to be forgiving of new player mistakes while you're learning the game and have enough damage output to kill things quickly. Actually they're one of the highest damage AT's in the game and are good the entire trip to 50.

    VIP gets you access to additional character slots, the Market, the Invention System for the best (albeit incredibly complex) enhancements available. You also need to be VIP to take advantage of the Incarnate system which is the post-level 50 game.

    COH isn't a "gear focused" game; everything is perfectly playable on the basic enhancements you can buy at the in-game stores... those are what we all used for the first 4 years of the game's existence.

    To digress a slight amount, your character gets powers and enhancement slots as he levels up. The powers will be things like attacks, defenses and other abilities while the enhancement slots allow you to make a specific power better by increasing it's damage, accuracy, recharge and so forth. That's how you gain power, not by equipping a +5 Sword of Doom.
  6. Is your character already 50? If not then don't worry about HO's at all as they're level 50 enhancements and can't be slotted below level 47.

    It's been awhile since I've built an SO-only character but if I were building a Fire/Fire brute I'd do something along these lines:

    Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.96

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Science Brute
    Primary Power Set: Fiery Melee
    Secondary Power Set: Fiery Aura
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery

    Villain Profile:
    Level 1: Fire Sword -- Acc(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(3), Dmg(5), EndRdx(15)
    Level 1: Fire Shield -- ResDam(A), ResDam(7), ResDam(9), EndRdx(9)
    Level 2: Cremate -- Acc(A), Dmg(11), Dmg(11), Dmg(13), EndRdx(13)
    Level 4: Healing Flames -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(15), Heal(17), Heal(17)
    Level 6: Blazing Aura -- Acc(A), Dmg(19), Dmg(19), EndRdx(21), Dmg(27)
    Level 8: Incinerate -- Acc(A), Dmg(21), Dmg(23), Dmg(23), RechRdx(25), EndRdx(25)
    Level 10: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff(A)
    Level 12: Super Jump -- Jump(A)
    Level 14: Acrobatics -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(27)
    Level 16: Plasma Shield -- ResDam(A), ResDam(29), ResDam(29), EndRdx(31)
    Level 18: Breath of Fire -- Acc(A), Dmg(31), Dmg(31), Dmg(33), Range(33)
    Level 20: Consume -- Acc(A), RechRdx(33), RechRdx(34), RechRdx(34), Acc(34)
    Level 22: Build Up -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(50), RechRdx(50)
    Level 24: Boxing -- Acc(A)
    Level 26: Fire Sword Circle -- Acc(A), Dmg(36), Dmg(36), Dmg(36), EndRdx(37), RechRdx(37)
    Level 28: Burn -- Acc(A), Dmg(37), Dmg(39), Dmg(39), RechRdx(39)
    Level 30: Tough -- ResDam(A), ResDam(40), ResDam(40), EndRdx(40)
    Level 32: Greater Fire Sword -- Acc(A), Dmg(42), Dmg(42), Dmg(42), EndRdx(43), RechRdx(50)
    Level 35: Fiery Embrace -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(43), RechRdx(43)
    Level 38: Weave -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(45), DefBuff(45), EndRdx(45)
    Level 41: Char -- Acc(A)
    Level 44: Fire Blast -- Acc(A), Dmg(46), Dmg(46), Dmg(46)
    Level 47: Fire Ball -- Acc(A), Dmg(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(48)
    Level 49: Taunt -- RechRdx(A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Fury
    Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift -- Run(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Heal(A)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(5), EndMod(7)

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Please note that on a leveling build (IE building it while playing from 1-50 as opposed to respec'ing at 50) the slot order would probably change but I'd end up somewhere close to this in the end.

    Don't take this as gospel as there are a lot of different playstyles and equally valid build decisions you could make but this should be effective. There's not a lot you can do on SO's to make Fire Aura really tough unfortunately, that's the price you pay for it's offensive (pardon the pun) firepower.
  7. Hmm, from a first glance at the Bio set in Mid's it looks like a real beast... no pun intended.

    I hadn't looked at the set previously, from a glance at the numbers it looks like a combination of Ice, Inv and WP, and it looks to likely blow all of them out of the water. Is it really as good as my first glance seems to indicate? If so it may be looking at a swing of the nerf bat.

    Unless there's something I missed that pretty drastically changes the set it looks like I'll be buying it when it goes live. I haven't thought of a pairing though; I may just finally roll up a /SS character.
  8. It looks doable for me this time; as far as I know I'm home (20 miles north of Indy) at the time and there's not a lot going on. Unless something comes up I'll plan on being there.

    Getting into anyplace near the convention center may be a bit of a challenge; lots of places will have long waits to get in. Are you planning on reserving an area Hyper? Or are we going to do a bum rush on the joint?
  9. This is the second or third time I've even looked in this forum, and this thread being the active thread was what caught my attention.

    As has been said this is a really disorganized (insert expletive of choice); most of the knowledgeable posters aren't competent to give advice on every AT and powerset so they don't bother looking for threads they can give good advice on here... instead we stick to the AT forums where we CAN give useful advice on most builds.

    I've played most AT's to 50 and have a broader knowledge of them than many players but I've only made really in depth studies of a few AT's... on others I've been the one looking for advice from those who had that in depth knowledge.

    Right now I think the only AT's I've never played to high levels are Dominators and Masterminds.
  10. Call Me Awesome

    Something Fast?

    Try a Street Justice Scrapper; all the attacks animate quickly, it has good damage and really, who doesn't love kicking the bad guys in the nuts?

    My StJ/Inv scrapper was among the most fun characters I've played to 50.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
    If that's the case, then what exactly do I need to do? Do I need to reinstall windows, or can something simpler be done.

    I don't mind completely wiping my computer if that's what needs to be done. I'll just save anything I need to keep.
    Personally when I start getting lots of issues I tend to go for the nuclear option of format/reinstall; that typically takes about 2-3 hours and I can easily waste that much time on trying to fix the issue before ending up with a reinstall anyway.

    If it doesn't get solved easily then nuking it from orbit is the only way to be sure.
  12. Right now it looks like my calendar's open for Gen Con... I'm not sure what the story will be but I live about 20 miles north of Indy so I may be there this year.
  13. Call Me Awesome

    What to try

    Originally Posted by Bright_Tempest View Post
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. After reading everything I decided to go with Elec Armor, seemed like that came highly recommended next to Inv and Fire, both of which I don't find interesting. For attacks I went with StJ. Mainly because I've not had the opportunity to play with it much yet.

    Thanks again for all the great suggestions!

    Sounds like it ought to be capable. I have to admit that probably the most fun I've had with a character 1-50 was with my StJ/Inv scrapper... Street Justice is a lot of fun. Kick 'em in the nuts and send them flying straight up, then an uppercut to the nuts to finish them off. It's even more fun with a short character
  14. Call Me Awesome

    Tanker damage?

    Inv/Fire should be a very nice combo on a tanker; once it matures a bit Inv doesn't need any help from the secondary in the durability area while /Fire is quite light on endurance and has nice damage with decent AOE.

    I've played /Fire on a tanker twice to 50, once as Stone/Fire and once as Shield/Fire... the set is quite nice at damage and the AOE's are good at saying "Look at ME!" to the mobs. My only Inv tanker is of course my namesake Inv/Stone and he's my go-to tank for any tough content.

    Inv is so good it's hard to come up with a bad pairing (besides /EM... that set really sucks now. I've a 50 Stone/EM tanker I exiled to another server shortly after the nerf) and /Fire offers good damage, low endurance and good AOE at the expense of any damage mitigation so it's suggested for strong primaries.
  15. Ice has several advantages over Invuln; for one it has, by far, the best aggro management tools of any tanker. For another it has a nice end drain/end recovery power in Energy Absorption that as a side effect boosts your defense. It also has a damage aura in Icicles that contributes more than you'd think. Don't forget that Chilling Embrace also has a slow, -recharge and -damage effect.

    Yes, it isn't as tough as Invuln but it isn't bad. If you want to grab attention RIGHT NOW and hold it with vice grips there's nothing better. Durability wise it's about middle of the pack of tanker primaries.
  16. I think you're going to have fun with that SJ/SD scrapper; I found my SJ/Inv scrapper to be just about the most fun I've had from 1-50. SD is a great secondary for scrappers; I took a BS/SD to 50 a couple of years ago and it's a beast.

    You're going to be in the market for IO bonuses to def and +recovery though; my SJ scrapper was a bit of an end hog until I got my slotting under control. I highly recommend the Miracle proc in Health.
  17. Just rolled up my very first Stalker... I think it's the only AT I've never played at all. Staff/Nin and we'll see just how The Hickory Stick pans out as he matures.

    Now the question is do I level the Stalker, the 36 Dark/Time controller or finish incarnate on the StJ/Inv scrapper...
  18. My main system is a desktop with dual 24" monitors... it's just a lot nicer than a laptop. That said I do have a high powered laptop I use on the road for video editing (and the occasional game) since I spend about half the year traveling.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    Would resisting Smashing or Lethal damage carry over to resisting the attack's secondary effects? For example, if the Cadaver/Abom resists the Lethal damage from Stone Spears, is it also likely to resist that attack's Knock Up effect?
    No, the resist would just reduce the damage they take.

    By the way, I don't believe any Vahz resist holds, slow or confuse... one of my favorite tricks on an Illusion, Dark or Mind character is to confuse the Embalmed and let them kill their buddies. Also the cadavers are so slow that any slow effect will work virtually the same as an immob. I haven't played your sets but it looks like all the Grav immobs have a slow attached to them... even if they resist the immob the slow effect should still work. Crushing Field ought to be able to assist greatly in keeping the zombies out of explosion range.

    Vahz ARE one of the tougher low level groups along with COT; you do need to put a little thought into them. As others have mentioned once you kill the Morties the zombies are so stupid you can walk right past them with impunity, or pick them off one at a time easily.

    After awhile you'll get the hang of how to handle the various mobs in the game. Later mobs will be much tougher with more tricks... but then you'll also be tougher with more tricks.
  20. Call Me Awesome


    I'd suggest checking out my first 20 levels guide for the Invuln side. Later on if you go for an IO build check out the Soft Cap guide to maximize your defenses.

    Of course feel free to alter your build as you please, I've just put down a framework of the important powers and some slotting suggestions.
  21. Hmm, I really don't have one in particular... I've played a very wide range of characters. I've played Rad to 50 three times, twice as a controller secondary and once as a defender primary. Dark Miasma twice, once as a defender and once as a corruptor. Invuln twice, once as a tanker and once as a scrapper. Stone Armor twice, both tanks, one stone/fire and one stone/em. Fire Melee four times, twice as a tanker (stone/fire & shield/fire) once as a brute and once as a scrapper. Broadsword twice, once as /regen and once as /shield. Regen twice, both scrappers, one BS, one Spine.

    Thinking it over those are the only sets that come to mind that I've played more than once. There's a few lower level characters that repeat sets but not a lot. I tend to roll up something I haven't played before most of the time; that's why my new dark controller went /time as both were sets I had no experience with.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Valheru_fury View Post
    Seen lots of dark/dark dark/time anyone made dark/kin or dark/rad? How did they go? I'm thinking FSed shades and beast would put out some damage and darks tohit debuff would make up for kins lack of survival. Rad mainly cause i havent made one in years and pretty much overused all the other secondaries
    Well, in my experience it's hard to go too far wrong with /rad paired with anything. /kin should also work nicely, although kin is a very 'busy' powerset. Kin likes to be in, or close to, melee range and there's not much in Dark that demands range so I can see some synergy there.

    Dark seems to work very well in my, admittedly limited, experience. Mine just hit 31 tonight and is Dark/Time. It's not too great on damage but it has a lot of control and safety. Slot Living Shadows with procs and it suddenly becomes your best damage power... I've the Will of Controller proc, Trap of the Hunter proc, Posi Blast proc and Cloud Senses proc all in mine and it almost always has at least one proc nail most of the mobs and frequently two or three hit.

    I don't have the puppy yet but the ghosts are pretty effective; like Phantom Army you'll want to get a lot of recharge so they're up as much as possible.
  23. Ok, here's the sequence of events I would use. First, make sure that the CD drive is the first boot device by entering the BIOS (press delete at bootup, or f1 or f2 depending on the BIOS) and going to that section. Different BIOS' are laid out differently but there will be a 'boot order' setting (or words to that effect) somewhere. Set it so that it reads:

    Primary Boot Device: CDROM
    Secondary Boot Device: Hard Drive

    Then save changes and exit BIOS.

    After that put the Win7 disk in the drive and reboot. It will come up with a prompt to boot from CD, accept that and let the computer boot up from the CD. It'll take a bit while it runs through a long list of things then you'll be prompted to setup windows. At this point I would select the drive I wanted to install to, then I would DELETE THE PARTITION on the hard drive and let Windows create a new one then format and install. That should solve your problems; if it doesn't then I would suspect a bad/failing hard drive.

    Actually from your description of the problem I wouldn't be all that surprised if your drive did take a dive... if so it may be a good excuse to drop in a new SSD or at least a faster conventional drive. I've had a HD get flakey on me before causing some weird windows issues then suddenly on a bootup dump it's MBR effectively wiping it clean. That only happened to me once but it can happen and it does kinda sound like the symptoms you're describing. If you do get windows to install I would watch the machine closely for a while to see if the problems reoccur and if they do I'd replace the HD.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    It's in the i22 patch notes, so pretty recently.
    I don't know about Singy but Phantasm still just loves to run in and say hello... just like his AI's been borked for the last couple of issues. Cast Phanty and engage a mob; he will take a shot from range, summon his decoy and then LEEEROY JENKINS! right into melee. Plan to slot for recharge because you're going to need to resummon his suicidal butt frequently.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    In my case, I haven't noticed any change. It consistently runs fine and has for years. I can dual box. I can do iTrials and mothership raids. And my internet sucks like a tornado. My connection is slow, unreliable and lightning in the area knocks it out completely.
    Definitely a "YMMV" thing; personally while I've encountered a few bugs over the years things in general have been remarkably stable. It's been a few months since the last crash to desktop and I haven't encountered any real problems.

    Now gameplay wise I've a few nitpicks <cough> pet AI <cough> but as far as starting, logging in and running missions, iTrials, raids and whatnot it's fine so far... <looking around for some wood to knock on>