Ice tanking - why?
Concept. Damage Aura. -Rech Aura. END Drain. Slow Resist (100% Slow Res is handy, but unfortunately the new Tsoo ignore it). Hibernate. The ability to reach the Incarnate soft cap (my Icer averages around 63% Def to S/L/E/N, enough to absorb one -Def attack and still be over the Incarnate soft cap).
Ice's only real drawback is when you have those massive +ToHit buffs out there such as with DE or the Orbs in Incarnate content. With those and spike damage in Incarnate content Icers really can struggle. Outside of that Ice Armor is quite effective.
Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)
Ice has several advantages over Invuln; for one it has, by far, the best aggro management tools of any tanker. For another it has a nice end drain/end recovery power in Energy Absorption that as a side effect boosts your defense. It also has a damage aura in Icicles that contributes more than you'd think. Don't forget that Chilling Embrace also has a slow, -recharge and -damage effect.
Yes, it isn't as tough as Invuln but it isn't bad. If you want to grab attention RIGHT NOW and hold it with vice grips there's nothing better. Durability wise it's about middle of the pack of tanker primaries.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Ice has several advantages over Invuln; for one it has, by far, the best aggro management tools of any tanker. For another it has a nice end drain/end recovery power in Energy Absorption that as a side effect boosts your defense. It also has a damage aura in Icicles that contributes more than you'd think. Don't forget that Chilling Embrace also has a slow, -recharge and -damage effect.
Yes, it isn't as tough as Invuln but it isn't bad. If you want to grab attention RIGHT NOW and hold it with vice grips there's nothing better. Durability wise it's about middle of the pack of tanker primaries. |
All this.
And because variety is fun.
I've taken every armor set to 50, except SR (currently lvl 38). I've taken invuln to 50 twice and am working on taking another fire armor to 50.
My SECOND tank was ice/SS and he was terrific fun to play. I still play him occasionally and also use him to get A-Merits by running the 1st SSA. He works great exemped down to 20. Actually, I would say that ice and WP are the best of my tanks for that arc (out of the ones available - two of my tanks are Vigilante so can't earn A-Merits).
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Ive got an Ice/SM tank and he is fun as
Ive actually got TWO damage aura's - Icicles and Chilling Embrace slotted with the Impeeded Swiftness Dam Proc.
Yes like most DEF sets when you do get hit you get hurt. Or before a fight with something that is likely to hit you take an orange Insp - they are there for a reason.
Also use HoarFrost. I usually punch it when Im just above 50% health (Hasten on Auto) or if I know the AV is GOING TO HIT ME with its Alpha pop it then charge in (with an Orange Insp just in case )
Remember even on a Tank there is no shame in smart Insp usage.
If you want to grab attention RIGHT NOW and hold it with vice grips there's nothing better. Durability wise it's about middle of the pack of tanker primaries.
I'll just let this After Action report of an ITF Tanker Tuesday run last year explain ...
Hellacious run for me tonight!
Tried running an All tank MoITF. Were it not for some REALLY bad luck right at the end it woulda been a done deal! As it was, a single death (though a couple close calls) for the entire TF! And smooth as silk! We didn't "speed". We fought our way to every objective. And "Lag Hill"? MUCH better lately. MUCH better! I had a couple rubberbands and that's about it. And I get a few of those a night anyhow! Admittedly, I was a bit timid tonight. My Stone/Dark's active build was less than 3 hours old. So I'd had zero time to break it in. Plus I was playing essentially a PUG (not in the BAD sense mind you, the entire group was EXCELLENT!) Hence we were running +0. Just so I could feel everything out. Barring the one bad luck death, I think we really set the diff too low. ![]()
All in all, a totally kick-*** team! MVP has to go to Shirayukihime though. Crazy Ice Tank was our enemy herd-master for the entire run. Left me crying because I couldn't get no aggro! While our run was no speed record, it probably would have taken twice as long were it not for Shira's efforts. I look forward to teaming with you guys again the next Tanker Tuesday or, barring that, the next time I'm on Virtue! |

So - the weekly tomorrow is Moonfire - a tf I try to use to get my toons ready for getting the Atlas Medallion. So, I look at my inventory of characters, and the only one over level 10 that doesn't have the medallion already is my level 17 ice/ice tank.
I've heard that ice is great for aggro management, poor damage and a defense based set.
So, I figured I'd take a peek at some builds from the forums, tweak as I saw fit - but I notice that the builds I'm seeing - well, they reach soft cap for s/l/e/n just fine. But the resistance is very low.
Well, I don't get it. Why would someone play an ice tank, when they can have the soft cap numbers PLUS the resistance numbers via an invuln or fire? Is there something about this set that makes it "hey, this is great"? So far, I'm not impressed. I'm thinking respec, take the good stuff out, and start over with something that can actually punch his way out of a bag.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese