An Update




Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I did, however, follow many threads and read over there and there wasn't a single element of endorsed anti-Korean racism/culture-attack.
Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
Hang on, hang on! Let's all go cherry pick examples from a couple of emotionally charged people, then try to claim the entire movement is a hatred movement!
Try to keep up. Doesn't matter if it's cherry picking if the claim is "there wasn't a single element."



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Technically, Labor Day was instituted to celebrate the contribution of blue-collar workers. Paragon wouldn't qualify.
All those poor CEOs left to run their businesses by their lonesome since all their serfs err associates are off drinking cheap beer and eating near rancid under cooked meat. I weep for them.



FYI that Korean you defended ... was me and I sent you a PM thanking you.

I have never said everyone who posts AT Titan is racist. What I have said is that TITAN is. When an entity allows such things to exist and get out of hand...that ENTITY is responsible. If you do not want your organization to be seen a certain way then you need to make sure you aren't seen that way by policing. If Titan does not want to be seen as advocating something like the kibun; they do have moderation tools as well as a voice to stop it. Titan has key figures: TonyV, Mercedes Lackey, and Rae for example. Mercedes Lackey is the one who sent the largest kibun letter. Like I said...I don't hate her, but I think what she did was morally reprehensible. Do I think that because I understand kibun...yes. Then again as a Korean American I would never feel comfortable initiating something similar to a kibun from a culture I had no first hand experience with (Africa for example); regardless of what others told me or I found on the internet.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I'm just simply going to say this once for anyone looking on who may not be sure, so that they can, at least, make a decision based on who they'll trust a bit more (or, go ahead and search the Titan forums as well)...

I Burnt The Toast's claims are just simply not true, folks.

I'm not even a big part of the Titan Forums or anything. Most of them may not even know me by name or anything.
I did, however, follow many threads and read over there and there wasn't a single element of endorsed anti-Korean racism/culture-attack.

There were some people offering insights and some doing research on the Korean culture and discussions about miscommunications on both sides due to some possible differences and discussions on how better diplomacy could possibly be reached by understanding and using the kibun aspect of Korean culture.
Nothing more. Nothing less.

I have a longtime friend who works as a diplomatic liaison and this is exactly how they respectfully go about dealing with people from all over the world. It's not an attack to attempt to understand and use the culture of the person across from you in negotiations and/or discussions.

No surprise, but, it is my opinion that IBTT is just firing off overly-charged personal negativity at the people of Titan Network.

I saw one instance of inappropriate comments one time (and this was before any kibun stuff had ever come up). I reported the person's post, I sent a polite message to a Korean poster that chimed in and the bad post (and subsequent replies) were deleted by the moderators very quickly.

You all know how TonyV and the Titan Network people roll. Anyone reasonable knows that any such hateful actions are not tolerated (unless you're a catgirl... then you deserve it).

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Then again as a Korean American I would never feel comfortable initiating something similar to a kibun from a culture I had no first hand experience with (Africa for example); regardless of what others told me or I found on the internet.
Well you called all Germans Nazis. You're off to a good start.



The intent; even if humorous to you...IS degrading to people of Korean ethnicity. I'm sure some people think black jokes are funny too....or slanted eye jokes....or polish jokes...still makes them unacceptable to society as a whole.

Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
There's a difference between being hateful and being ignorant.

If someone gets hit by a car, it doesn't mean the driver hates them. It might, if the driver was looking right at the guy and put the pedal to the floor. But most likely it's because the driver wasn't paying attention.

Oh of course! Why didn't I think of that? Because all the Koreans at NCsoft, being afraid of electrical shorts from fans that are left on overnight, would scream, flail their arms in the air, and run out of the building, unable to return until the bomb squad came to remove the Hellish abomination.

We'll just pretend that actually would have worked, even though a fan delivered by mail would obviously have no power going to it, and everyone present was awake.

Or is this a robo-fan, that would plug itself in and then self-detonate when nobody was looking?

I really need to check on what Titan Cybernetics has been working on lately. Perhaps Mega-Fan is finished. Wait till you see it. It's going to make typhoons look like a baby blowing out birthday candles.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Again, to my knowledge the letter has not been sent - she had misgivings and wanted to wait until she was sure it was a good idea. I hope, based on what you've said, that it never is.



STOP! I DARE you to show me where I called ANY German a Nazi. I stated a kibun is like sending a Yellow Star of David with the word murderer on it to a German. IN NO WAY does that equate me thinking or calling them a Nazi!
What it does mean is it is a grossly degrading thing to do based off their past/culture.

I'm not sure if you are being purposefully ignorant or are just stupid and can't comprehend what I wrote.

Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Well you called all Germans Nazis. You're off to a good start.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
STOP! I DARE you to show me where I called ANY German a Nazi. I stated a kibun is like sending a Yellow Star of David with the word murderer on it to a German. IN NO WAY does that equate me thinking or calling them a Nazi!
What it does mean is it is a grossly degrading thing to do based off their past/culture.

I'm not sure if you are being purposefully ignorant or are just stupid and can't comprehend what I wrote.
It didn't seem to matter which German company. It could have been any German company, and German person, you didn't care which.

Or perhaps you're just going over the handle bars with this kibun thing.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
The intent; even if humorous to you...IS degrading to people of Korean ethnicity. I'm sure some people think black jokes are funny too....or slanted eye jokes....or polish jokes...still makes them unacceptable to society as a whole.
That comparison only applies if fans are somehow a part of Korean anatomy. Unless there's something ELSE that was overlooked in the Kibun report, I don't think they are. There's also nothing culturally significant about being afraid of fans. It can't even be linked to religion or superstition.

Now it's just being forced to that level of racism, nationalism, culturalism, kittyism, whatever ism is the popular one nowadays, for the sake of villification. I see worse happen on SNL and its international equivalents all the time, and nobody is trying to raise Hell about it.



You are the first person I have ever ignored on these forums. I may be a lot of things but racist is not one of them. You do not know what I have gone through as a Korean in the US nor my experience with racial hatred towards me and my family. You have no idea what kibun is or how important it is to Koreans. Whatever you have read (or likely not read) on the internet does not even remotely portray the scope of it in the Korean culture.


Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
It didn't seem to matter which German company. It could have been any German company, and German person, you didn't care which.

Or perhaps you're just going over the handle bars with this kibun thing.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
That comparison only applies if fans are somehow a part of Korean anatomy. Unless there's something ELSE that was overlooked in the Kibun report, I don't think they are. There's also nothing culturally significant about being afraid of fans. It can't even be linked to religion or superstition.

Now it's just being forced to that level of racism, nationalism, culturalism, kittyism, whatever ism is the popular one nowadays, for the sake of villification. I see worse happen on SNL and its international equivalents all the time, and nobody is trying to raise Hell about it.
You be suprised....

Try being disabled in the UK right now when the press (owned by Americans) are vilifying you as "benefit scrounging scum" and disabled people are getting assaulted and nothing being done. Even worse, is that a US company is behind the scenes pulling the strings to influence government policy.

And then there is the case when a UK comedian made a (in my own opinion) non humerous joke about disabled people.

Strangely enough there was more of an uproar over the comedians non joke, then the actual harm that is being done to disabled people.

How do I know this? Because I care for a disabled person and have experienced it 1st hand.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
And here's your spokeswoman.

Still think you deserve to be taken seriously?
I don't have any official role with the Titan Klan - I just help sew their hoods.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
You are the first person I have ever ignored on these forums. I may be a lot of things but racist is not one of them. You do not know what I have gone through as a Korean in the US nor my experience with racial hatred towards me and my family. You have no idea what kibun is or how important it is to Koreans. Whatever you have read (or likely not read) on the internet does not even remotely portray the scope of it in the Korean culture.

Indeed. First hand knowledge is always superior. I am beginning to understand - Kibun has no overlap with the western perception of honour.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
You be suprised....

Try being disabled in the UK right now when the press (owned by Americans) are vilifying you as "benefit scrounging scum" and disabled people are getting assaulted and nothing being done. Even worse, is that a US company is behind the scenes pulling the strings to influence government policy.
They've been saying the same thing about Americans. The American press I mean, not the U.K.



Woot! Now I have one less person to twist my posts.

Though unfortunately he won't see that German-Americans didn't have a fun time around WWI or WWII here in the States and will miss the fact that some people find Nazi comparisons, even in jest, just as offensive as he's making the kibun issue to be.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Woot! Now I have one less person to twist my posts.

Though unfortunately he won't see that German-Americans didn't have a fun time around WWI or WWII here in the States and will miss the fact that some people find Nazi comparisons, even in jest, just as offensive as he's making the kibun issue to be.
He'll probably still see it through some one else quoting it.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Woot! Now I have one less person to twist my posts.

Though unfortunately he won't see that German-Americans didn't have a fun time around WWI or WWII here in the States and will miss the fact that some people find Nazi comparisons, even in jest, just as offensive as he's making the kibun issue to be.
You are aware that such was actually his point? If anything, those letters are likely to make efforts to save the Game all the much harder, the more I think about it.



I'm actually going to miss these arguments. Even at the most heated, it's still a load more cordial and well-intentioned than the type of discussions you'll see anywhere else.

With that aside, with just a couple weeks left to go before the forums go dark, can't we spend that time supporting each other? We all have at least one thing in common here.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
I'm actually going to miss these arguments. Even at the most heated, it's still a load more cordial and well-intentioned than the type of discussions you'll see anywhere else.

With that aside, with just a couple weeks left to go before the forums go dark, can't we spend that time supporting each other? We all have at least one thing in common here.

*Coughs* Sorry, dunno what came over me. I do agree with you, I think we need to spend more time trying to get along before we go, but I think a lot of the people here have some built up aggression where the closure is concerned, and they have to take it out somewhere...

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Some more than others.

Recent Marketing grad that I am...



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
You are aware that such was actually his point? If anything, those letters are likely to make efforts to save the Game all the much harder, the more I think about it.
I also think the idea was abandoned though. But if any were sent, and it worsens things, no more than the initial tirades, which seemed to have no argument against it beyond, "Business can do whatever they want." Interest in CoH spiked, and NCsoft, if they chose to, could have used to that inflate the selling price. Not saying I think they did, but they could've.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
I'm actually going to miss these arguments. Even at the most heated, it's still a load more cordial and well-intentioned than the type of discussions you'll see anywhere else.

With that aside, with just a couple weeks left to go before the forums go dark, can't we spend that time supporting each other? We all have at least one thing in common here.
I've been noticing that too. This is one of the most level-headed forums I've ever seen, especially for a gaming forum. Anywhere else, this would've degraded into nail-spitting flame-fests long ago.

On the last sentence though, it seems hard to push past the divide. The only reason this debate is even happening right now, is a disagreement about whether people should be allowed to hope that CoH may have a future.



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
..... but I think a lot of the people here have some built up aggression where the closure is concerned, and they have to take it out somewhere...
The Evil Face of Marketing scoffs at your feeble weapons. Pardon me while I stop to feast on the tears of starving Koalas.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



I don't know what you are talking about. As a Scotsperson, I am contractually obligated to hate only the English.