Champions Online: just doesn't cut it.

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
Yeaaah, Resistance just gave me a feel for the support button and asking globals only to figure out it's broken. :/
Aside from the part of the mission that doesn't update when you exit the headquarters, what was broken?

I found the events in the mission worked fine.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
At the risk of sounding ignorant, I will ask: what the hell is that, even? Where is it? I dont even know where that is.....

This game gives you NO basic tutorial. I looked around on their forums, and every tutorial I can find is about crunching high-level numbers or what have you - there is nothing for people coming in on the ground floor, who don't know anything.

The only thing I remember being told about in the "tutorial" was blocking. That is NOT MUCH. they don't tell you how to level up, I was in the tutorial and had no idea how to get out, or even when that would happen.

Perhaps I am spoiled: in CoX the tutorial spits you out in front of a trainer, and tells you to go talk to them. I was level 5, running around the beginner zone wondering Who do I talk to, to level!?

Turns out you DONT level in there, but a little info would have been nice so people know what to do next. I am aware that all this makes me sound of small intelligence, but many of us without a lot of non-CoX MMO experience are doing a bit of flailing, I think.
I don't remember where I first found out about basic CO mechanics. It may actually have been from reading the manual.

Anyway, your energy bar has a point to which it'll naturally end up when out of combat. That equilibrium point is based on one of your stats (Recovery).

Each power framework also has an Energy Builder attack (it's the first power you get).

A list:



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
And there is the SECOND reason I cannot get into CO. I just cannot get used to the idea of using an attack (which takes energy) to build energy for another attack.
You also get energy back by blocking, by selecting an energy unlock power, and certain other powers (like concentration, a ranged damage boost toggle).

The FIRST reason is simply because I cannot stand looking at the game. This, in my very humble opinion, is a massive flaw in a form of entertainment that should be visually appealing.
I don't have this problem.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)




That's so weird that people are saying it does not teach you anything and that you get lost in the tutorial. A dialog should have appeared on the upper left when you first entered, then when you attack your first enemy, and on the right to show you missions(even has a 3d compass to help you find your way)

When you finish the tutorial you end up at the powerhouse. They actually added new things via the trainers to explain in text, visuals, and speech how game mechanics function.

Is all of this being ignored? I figure if someone wants to know how to play a game, they will jump on every piece of information that is given to them. I see things that say the contrary. It's like people go into it wanting to quit already and just ignore dialogs that are generally hard to miss.

It's like trying to assemble a cabinet(not Ikea, that's a bit different) and tossing the instructions aside, then another copy of the instructions, then reaching a point of frustration and pointing fingers at the manufacturer for ruining your day.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
At the risk of sounding ignorant, I will ask: what the hell is that, even? Where is it? I dont even know where that is.....
If you chose the free form your first choice is the energy building power and the game explains you like it works . With the archetipes you don't get the explanation because the powers are preset but you do not really need it because by default the energy builder is an autoattack (you can disable it in the options menu but if you are able to do that you already have an understanding of the basic game) so you don't have to worry

the only thing I remember being told about in the "tutorial" was blocking. That is NOT MUCH. they don't tell you how to level up, I was in the tutorial and had no idea how to get out, or even when that would happen.
Since when in the old tutorial of CoH they told you how to get out or how to lvl? You had to finish the tutorial first



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
You also get energy back by blocking, by selecting an energy unlock power, and certain other powers (like concentration, a ranged damage boost toggle).

I don't have this problem.

Neither do I but graphics are on the low priority side of judgement of how fun a game is to me. Doom 3, good graphics, excellent storyline but original Doom is still more enjoyable to play, regardless of the low pixels, and relatively thin storyline. Same deal with finding more fu in the NES Super mario bros. comapared to the N64 and later titles.

But for others, if the game doesnt have graphics they find visully appealing, they cant enjoy the game.

Just like I have a friend who refuses to watch anything that is not in HD or on Blue-ray.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
As bad as CO is, it was written by Cryptic, the same team that developed COH. Which just proves how hopeless a "spiritual successor" to this game would be, particularly if written by a bunch of amateur freelancers.

That doesn't "prove" anything, IMO. Just because the second effort of a bunch of professionals was mediocre doesn't guarantee that an effort by amateur freelancers would be worse. There are many professionals out there who aren't very good at their chosen craft, and many amateurs who are brilliant at it. Really, though, I'm frankly expecting to be extremely unimpressed with the Titan Network's efforts. I do agree that the odds of the Titan Network's proposed game being any good are pretty damn slim.

Furthermore, IIRC, while CO and CoH were both developed by Cryptic, the actual members of the teams were different. Unless I'm mistaken, most of the original CoH team stuck with Paragon Studios, and most of the team working on MUO-turned-CO was relatively new. And let's say, hypothetically, they were the same team; all that would prove would be that they collectively only had one good idea and they didn't know how to evolve it, and/or their other ideas are bad. Seems to happen all the time in music where an artist will have one really great album or even just one really great song, and the rest of their stuff winds up being mediocre at best.

I assume you were quoting me as a jumping off point to make a general point, not a point directed at me, as I didn't really mention the Titan Project in my post.

As for the graphics, this is all really a matter of opinion. I don't think Champions looks good. I can't put into technical terms what I think is wrong with it, I just don't like it. It's got nothing to do with cel-shading; I loved Borderlands and I think it's a great looking game. I do not think Champions is a good looking game. Some of the indoor environments are actually quite cool, but most of the outdoor environments and the character models, IMO, are awful. People say it looks like a comic book; I have to disagree. Borderlands certainly looked like a graphic novel; Champions, IMO, looks more like a low budget Saturday morning cartoon drawn by particularly untalented artists and animators.

And I like to think I've given CO a fair shake; heck, I was playing it last night (in a group, no less, probably the first time since I rolled the character that I actually grouped! With some names I recognize from this very forum). I've got a level 24 ice character. And I still maintain that it is an ugly and uninteresting, poorly written game. Other than the adventure packs and comic series, the only missions that are memorable to me are memorable because they're so bad: the ham-fisted "Anchorman" reference, the unbelievably insipid and inane Snake Gulch Robot Cowboy nonsense, and the vaguely racist Hi-Pan ("Mirrenny... Milrenny... The City!"). None of these are good impressions. The only other mission I remember is only memorable because it made little sense. This would be the mission against the Purple Gang in Milennium City, which would be completely forgettable, except for the last bit where the leader of the Purple Gang, which appears to be a street-thug/Mafia-esque gang, inexplicably has come into possession of a mind control device. It is never explained how such an exotic piece of hardware has fallen into such mundane hands. If the gang leader is some kind of tech genius, or has connections to a tech genius, it is never evident before, during, or after the mission, not that I can remember. Maybe he got it from Doctor Destroyer.

Every other mission in the game has gotten a resounding "meh" from me.

Despite my misgivings about the game, I'm probably going to continue to level my character to 40 simply out of mild curiosity to see if the game gets more interesting later. Unless I'm blown away by the endgame, though (and from what I'm reading, I won't be), that'll probably be the end of my time in CO. I will certainly say there are many very cool ideas in CO, but their execution is generally quite poor. I see they're adding vehicles and vehicular combat soon. That sounds really cool! And, if it's anything like the rest of the content and systems I've encountered in CO, it will be.... quite "meh".

With all that said, none of this should stop anyone who enjoys the game from continuing to enjoy it, and I encourage people who haven't played it but are curious about it to try it for themselves and forge their own opinions.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post

Freeform character powers are where the real fun is.
while it's certainly where the *power* is, the system itself is light years away from anything I'd consider "fun".

Which is probably why I've mostly ignored Incarnates here and why I have only a small handful of "IO Builds" in spite of my huge number of alts.

Long story short, for me the fun of a game is in the playing, not the making.

I picked up a two month sub card for six bucks, but rather than mess around with the irritation of blundering around a freeform slot blind I just google'ed a 'l337 build' which I've been following.

Performance outshines my non-freeform character by a huge margin, but if I hadn't been able to find a plug-n-play build I wouldn't have bothered.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by FrostPox View Post
That doesn't "prove" anything, IMO. Just because the second effort of a bunch of professionals was mediocre doesn't guarantee that an effort by amateur freelancers would be worse. There are many professionals out there who aren't very good at their chosen craft, and many amateurs who are brilliant at it. Really, though, I'm frankly expecting to be extremely unimpressed with the Titan Network's efforts. I do agree that the odds of the Titan Network's proposed game being any good are pretty damn slim.

Furthermore, IIRC, while CO and CoH were both developed by Cryptic, the actual members of the teams were different. Unless I'm mistaken, most of the original CoH team stuck with Paragon Studios, and most of the team working on MUO-turned-CO was relatively new. And let's say, hypothetically, they were the same team; all that would prove would be that they collectively only had one good idea and they didn't know how to evolve it, and/or their other ideas are bad. Seems to happen all the time in music where an artist will have one really great album or even just one really great song, and the rest of their stuff winds up being mediocre at best.

I assume you were quoting me as a jumping off point to make a general point, not a point directed at me, as I didn't really mention the Titan Project in my post.

As for the graphics, this is all really a matter of opinion. I don't think Champions looks good. I can't put into technical terms what I think is wrong with it, I just don't like it. It's got nothing to do with cel-shading; I loved Borderlands and I think it's a great looking game. I do not think Champions is a good looking game. Some of the indoor environments are actually quite cool, but most of the outdoor environments and the character models, IMO, are awful. People say it looks like a comic book; I have to disagree. Borderlands certainly looked like a graphic novel; Champions, IMO, looks more like a low budget Saturday morning cartoon drawn by particularly untalented artists and animators.

And I like to think I've given CO a fair shake; heck, I was playing it last night (in a group, no less, probably the first time since I rolled the character that I actually grouped! With some names I recognize from this very forum). I've got a level 24 ice character. And I still maintain that it is an ugly and uninteresting, poorly written game. Other than the adventure packs and comic series, the only missions that are memorable to me are memorable because they're so bad: the ham-fisted "Anchorman" reference, the unbelievably insipid and inane Snake Gulch Robot Cowboy nonsense, and the vaguely racist Hi-Pan ("Mirrenny... Milrenny... The City!"). None of these are good impressions. The only other mission I remember is only memorable because it made little sense. This would be the mission against the Purple Gang in Milennium City, which would be completely forgettable, except for the last bit where the leader of the Purple Gang, which appears to be a street-thug/Mafia-esque gang, inexplicably has come into possession of a mind control device. It is never explained how such an exotic piece of hardware has fallen into such mundane hands. If the gang leader is some kind of tech genius, or has connections to a tech genius, it is never evident before, during, or after the mission.

Every other mission in the game has gotten a resounding "meh" from me.

Despite my misgivings about the game, I'm probably going to continue to level my character to 40 simply out of mild curiosity to see if the game gets more interesting later. Unless I'm blown away by the endgame, though (and from what I'm reading, I won't be), that'll probably be the end of my time in CO. I will certainly say there are many very cool ideas in CO, but their execution is generally quite poor. I see they're adding vehicles and vehicular combat soon. That sounds really cool! And, if it's anything like the rest of the content and systems I've encountered in CO, it will be.... quite "meh".

With all that said, none of this should stop anyone who enjoys the game from continuing to enjoy it, and I encourage people who haven't played it but are curious about it to try it for themselves and forge their own opinions.
Yea, there isnt a single game made in the history of mankind that is made for everyone. Well, at least you gave CO fair shake and there is nothing more you can do.

And the rest of the storylines probably wont get better for you. In upper levels (36-38 period) for example vibora bay, you walk smack dead into the middle of the "apocalypse" and then eventualy travel back into time to pre-apocalypse Vibora bay with new missions that is suppose to prevent the apacalypse but it doesnt explain who/what this powerful thing is, why it's happening or happened, and what does the rest of the enemy groups in the area have to do with it besides a one line about promise of more power from this apparently powerful foe. Of course when you travel to the pre-apoc. vibora bay, the apoc has not happened yet and thus teh contacts have no idea what you are talking about and thus the storyline about the apoc. all but ends there. Monster Island, if you are familiar with the Island of Dr Moreau then the Man Animal storyline is easy to figure out but if may seem like a cliffhanger.

I think a lot of the stroyline lore is found in "exploration" badges and I guess they assumed that the player would come across these to put the pieces together.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by FrostPox View Post
The only other mission I remember is only memorable because it made little sense. This would be the mission against the Purple Gang in Milennium City, which would be completely forgettable, except for the last bit where the leader of the Purple Gang, which appears to be a street-thug/Mafia-esque gang, inexplicably has come into possession of a mind control device. It is never explained how such an exotic piece of hardware has fallen into such mundane hands. If the gang leader is some kind of tech genius, or has connections to a tech genius, it is never evident before, during, or after the mission, not that I can remember. Maybe he got it from Doctor Destroyer.
How did you manage to skip the part that explains that? You only do an entire mission where you beat the truth out of the guy who made it.



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post

Since when in the old tutorial of CoH they told you how to get out or how to lvl?
You never played the old tutorial if you have to ask this question. I actually missed the old tutorial when it was gone because it went so far out of its way to explain things.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
And the rest of the storylines probably wont get better for you. In upper levels (36-38 period) for example vibora bay, you walk smack dead into the middle of the "apocalypse" and then eventualy travel back into time to pre-apocalypse Vibora bay with new missions that is suppose to prevent the apacalypse but it doesnt explain who/what this powerful thing is, why it's happening or happened, and what does the rest of the enemy groups in the area have to do with it besides a one line about promise of more power from this apparently powerful foe. Of course when you travel to the pre-apoc. vibora bay, the apoc has not happened yet and thus teh contacts have no idea what you are talking about and thus the storyline about the apoc. all but ends there.
This isn't true: You contribute to starting the apocalypse in the first place, and end up going to Vibora Bay to help stop it. Once you travel back in time, two of the central contacts you dealt with during the apocalypse either immediately or eventually recall the events and work with you on preventing them from coming to pass. You get a series of missions that ends with Therakiel's Temple, a 5-person lair, and ultimately prevents the apocalypse.

I don't know, I didn't have any trouble interpreting this story arc. I'm not sure how you missed the central bit involving Dr. Ka and Caliburn that is all about preventing the apocalypse.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
You never played the old tutorial if you have to ask this question. I actually missed the old tutorial when it was gone because it went so far out of its way to explain things.
Yea I liked the old one better the new one kind of cut down on the information so much that it might as well be skipped unless that extra starting level is wanted and or needed.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



....Oh. I evidently forgot about that part. I guess that's what I get for playing so sporadically. I think I did that mission last December. So I retract that statement, that part does make sense. I still think most of the rest of the missions I've seen are less-than-stellar.

I frigging love Whiteout, though. And Serpent Lantern... and all of the APs/Comic Series. IMO Cryptic should do more of those, though I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of the CO playerbase, so I don't know if that's what they would want, which is, obviously, more important than the opinions of someone who's just flat out stated that he doesn't intend to play the game after hitting level 40.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
This isn't true: You contribute to starting the apocalypse in the first place, and end up going to Vibora Bay to help stop it. Once you travel back in time, two of the central contacts you dealt with during the apocalypse either immediately or eventually recall the events and work with you on preventing them from coming to pass. You get a series of missions that ends with Therakiel's Temple, a 5-person lair, and ultimately prevents the apocalypse.

I don't know, I didn't have any trouble interpreting this story arc. I'm not sure how you missed the central bit involving Dr. Ka and Caliburn that is all about preventing the apocalypse.
Not sure, but when ask Caliburn "If your remember anything about the apocalypse" button the reply is more of the lines of "No and I would of thought of you asa nut but Ka says you are telling the truth." And Ka's information didnt seem much deeper. Must of missed an important piece of cotnact dialog somewhere in the mix. Granted havent talked to Juryrig just yet in regular Vibora Bay and he might have more information on it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Well we did ask for the content to get more serious right before Vibora Bay, and it did start to go that way. They delivered on that partially with the tone of VB, then started cranking up the dial.

Fret not, we will have spurting wounds, sex, and broken bones any day now.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That's only because those using inventions pumped up their difficulty settings.

Once upon a time the max difficulty was, what, +2/x1? Now we can punch it to +4/x8. The game itself, if running at +1/x1 blue side, is the same as it ever was. Red side can be a bit rougher and gold side was designed to be even rougher.

But in any zone, you can still level from 1 to 50 using actual content without ever touching inventions. Edit: Ignoring incarnate content. All of that was geared around cranked up builds.)

Except for my main, I generally only use the one-offs early on (procs like the chance for +end, numina +regen/+recovery, etc) and basic IOs after 30.

But yes, if you want to run around at cranked up difficulty, you're going to need help and you can get a lot of help from inventions.
You're right, but only if you're soloing. Soloing is okay, but I'd much rather play with other people. If I want to play by myself I can go play Borderlands or something.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
What kind of things are you going against? Yea I found that blocking isnt much of a life saver but good for decreasing the damage of the charge up powers many of the Villain and up mobs do.

I personally never had a problem with death but not to say it is not an issue for some.
Yeah, blocking is a must for the charge-up powers. You can test out blocking in the powerhouse (there is a laser testing room that will shoot you so you can compare the damage you take with and without blocking.). Blocking can take a near-fatal blow and turn it into almost nothing.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Not sure, but when ask Caliburn "If your remember anything about the apocalypse" button the reply is more of the lines of "No and I would of thought of you asa nut but Ka says you are telling the truth." And Ka's information didnt seem much deeper. Must of missed an important piece of cotnact dialog somewhere in the mix. Granted havent talked to Juryrig just yet in regular Vibora Bay and he might have more information on it.
Juryrig remembers nothing. Ka remembers everything. Caliburn doesn't remember anything at first, but as you help him adopt the mantle of Archmage, he gains access to the memories although he doesn't remember them so much as know these things happened.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Juryrig remembers nothing. Ka remembers everything. Caliburn doesn't remember anything at first, but as you help him adopt the mantle of Archmage, he gains access to the memories although he doesn't remember them so much as know these things happened.
Yea just went back to Ka and you're right he does make clear of the storyline now. Guess after a few missions he gives more answers.

I'm still getting used to the way the storylines are presented. So far, between the missions and actually speaking to the involved contacts, it puts the storylines nicely together.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post

That's so weird that people are saying it does not teach you anything and that you get lost in the tutorial. A dialog should have appeared on the upper left when you first entered, then when you attack your first enemy, and on the right to show you missions(even has a 3d compass to help you find your way)
I never saw any dialog after zoning my new character in, except a prompt telling me to go talk to Mayor Somebody. I got pretty much no direction after that; I had no idea that in order to get out of the zone, you have to do all missions from all contacts in there.

However my test alt is *still* toting around a cat-carrier with a kitty named Reggie in it, so perhaps that is not entirely true.... but just sayin'.

When you finish the tutorial you end up at the powerhouse. They actually added new things via the trainers to explain in text, visuals, and speech how game mechanics function.
They don't tell you that until AFTER you leave the zone though; meanwhile I was level 5 and had no idea what to do as far as leveling. NOW I know what to expect; sure didnt then.

Is all of this being ignored? I figure if someone wants to know how to play a game, they will jump on every piece of information that is given to them. I see things that say the contrary. It's like people go into it wanting to quit already and just ignore dialogs that are generally hard to miss.
...What dialog?!!! Seriously.

I am trying hard to get used to CO. I'm trying. It does not seem all that user-friendly so far, but I am giving it a chance. I think I am just going to street-sweep for a while until I get a better feel for things. I am avoiding CoX right now because every time I log in tears come to my eyes. I need to stay busy doing something else.



Those popups do exist, although I know I tend to close them as soon as they appear. Wouldn't be surprised at anyone else doing the same because they're so damned annoying.

But they do explain the game mechanics.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by RoleplayerX View Post
You're right, but only if you're soloing. Soloing is okay, but I'd much rather play with other people. If I want to play by myself I can go play Borderlands or something.
Just make sure all of your teammates are running SO only builds as well.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post

I am trying hard to get used to CO. I'm trying. It does not seem all that user-friendly so far, but I am giving it a chance. I think I am just going to street-sweep for a while until I get a better feel for things. I am avoiding CoX right now because every time I log in tears come to my eyes. I need to stay busy doing something else.
I still log in every day to COH, however there's usually nothing going on. I've been playing CO, and trying to learn to love a new game. Anyway, I'm not going to argue points here, people will make up their own minds. I'm having fun at least.

My global there is @Zalkenai, just like in COH. If you are on and want any help, I will answer any questions I can. That goes out to all of you, I would love it if our community could stay together as much as possible, although that's just a pipe-dream.




Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Those popups do exist, although I know I tend to close them as soon as they appear. Wouldn't be surprised at anyone else doing the same because they're so damned annoying.

But they do explain the game mechanics.
Yea that's what I've been thinking too. I personally read all the popups despite my underlying desire to close them and mash buttons. I'm feeling like a lot of people here expected to be able to close the instructions and still understand what's going on, and then they decided to complain about it.