I hate to say this...but, I think it's really over for our beloved game.

Ad Astra




This is probably just part of the reason out of the other things that have to happen in nego. talks that make it take a while.

and maybe a little bit of this from one of the comments another poster posted.


And those elements might be juts a sliver of what must be discussed to seal a deal.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
<shrug> To me, that news doesn't mean jack. Right from the start, I figured the best hope was that the game would be bought by another studio who, obviously, would already have their own staff.

Did you expect the people at Paragon Studios to wait and see what happened? They have FAMILIES to support.

Especially the last part. - and those would have been some f the first calls they made in a job search.

I'm really, really hoping they got decent severance packages to tide themselves over for a bit, but I would have to assume that in the MMORPG world, being out of work is frightening and allowing job skills to lag behind is poisonous to getting another job in the industry. You are quickly assumed to have out-of-date skills.

And of course, some of the people laid off at PS had some good friends - or at least LinkedIn contacts - and those would have been some of the first calls they made in a job search.

Good for whoever it is - he/she managed to find something really quickly.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



If someone from Paragon Studios is now working with Cryptic on STO, then well done them I say!

Don't forget Cryptic still has numerous ex-CoH staff already, what with being the game's original developer and all. If this ex-Paragon employee has landed among old friends then I have nothing but good wishes for them, as I do for all our beloved Paragon team

As for this spelling any kind of death knell for the game, that's a non-issue I'd say. We all know that if CoH continues after Nov 30th in any form at all, it most likely will have little to do with any of the Paragon dev team, so this news really is of zero relevance to that matter.



Seeing as NCsoft and Perfect World are joined in a "strategic partnership" through Nexon I halfway feared some of our devs would be hired to work on Champions Online.

@Nanas (on Defiant)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
You know, hopeful rumors are fun to spread, but there is nothing to prove this.
Except multiple reports from people we trust. It's okay if you don't trust or believe those people. We don't mind.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
That was posted two weeks ago. I don't know how long negotiations take,
Months. All the people getting antsy after just 3 weeks have no clue.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Bananas View Post
Seeing as NCsoft and Perfect World are joined in a "strategic partnership" through Nexon I halfway feared some of our devs would be hired to work on Champions Online.
That would be great - maybe Champions would be worth a damn then.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Personally, I'm glad at least some of the PS crew have found work already. These guys have families to feed, y'know? They can't afford to wait for some ephemeral "negotiations" to conclude, no matter how much WE might want them to.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It's not over till it's over, and until I have official word that it's officially over and hopeless, I'm going to keep responding to Tony's Calls to Action and keep doing my own stuff around the Internet to help.

But sometimes, I look at the past three weeks and I just can't help but think, what a senseless waste NCSoft has caused. It's hard to believe this is even happening. One day this was the world's most popular super-powered MMORPG, profitable and full of promise, lined up with new issues in the development pipeline--and then, all the sudden, the next day, for no reason that anyone has been able to make definitive sense out of--Paragon's days were given a number and its architects thrown out into the cold. Just like that. All that promise, gone.

There was a better way out for NCSoft and in their carelessness, they didn't take it, choosing instead to harm everyone involved, even tarnishing their own name for the sake of convenience. It's just senseless. What a waste.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
That would be great - maybe Champions would be worth a damn then.
That's my hope if COH isn't saved somehow. A good enough number of the Devs go over to Champions that it becomes what it could be, a real succesor to COH.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Months. All the people getting antsy after just 3 weeks have no clue.
It's more that they have common sense.

There is no logical reason NCSoft would sell or license the game/IP.

They would in no way support something that would essentially be competition for their games, and any MMO they don't own could be viewed as such.

Nor would they want any title with their name still associated, which it would be even if they licensed the game to a 3rd party, to be outside of their sphere of control. If the game did something to make them look bad (Issue 30: Naked Statesman attacks South Korea!) they would have no way to stop it.

And ultimately, if they wanted a situation where they received a tidy stream of income for the game to continue while someone else managed it semi-autonomously, they would would have kept things going like they were with a few adjustments because that is essentially the set up they had, or at least would have been easier to transition to.

Instead, not only did they shut the studio down with little notice while they were about to release a new profit generating issue, they proceeded to dismantle everything as fast as they could, did everything they could to scatter the developers and get them into place at other studios and essentially salt the earth as far as possibilities for the game being able to continue.

Which makes no sense unless someone in NC corporate has a major hate on for the game and the decision to kill it was personal/politics and not business, which everything that's happened seems to point to IMO. Which means they'd never seriously play ball with anyone trying to buy it/save it.

At this point, there is next to no hope for CoH; the game and franchise. It's dead Jim,

Efforts should be focused on getting someone to make a spiritual successor, be it a few ex-Paragon Studio devs or TonyV's efforts or someone else. Nothing would make me happier at this point than for Positron and others to confirm they even still want to work on a superhero-ish MMO and that there's been talk of getting the band back together.
But they haven't, so there is very little reason to be hopeful of anything at this moment.




Negotiations are going to take a lot more time than this, Johnny. And we're not saying they can't or won't ultimately fail. However long it seems to you, though, this is nothing. I took A.P.B. what, a year and a half to be rezzed? And it was in beta forever after that. Hellgate London was rezzed several years after its demise. Gods & Heroes was down well over a year or maybe two before it came back.

I'm not saying it will take anywhere near that long with CoH, if it happens, but it will probably be somewhere in between. And as PS are looking for work and rightly so, probably precious few of them will come back if or when CoH gets rezzed.

And picking up another dev team's code is one of the hardest things to do as a programmer.

No finger snapping will be going on here. No instant anythings are even remotely going to be happening. All we can do is hope (and keep making noise publicly about it) that eventually CoH is salvaged in one form or another.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
At this point, there is next to no hope for CoH; the game and franchise. It's dead Jim,



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
There is no logical reason NCSoft would sell or license the game/IP.
Except that negotiations to this end are currently taking place, so someone who matters doesn't agree with you.
And there is a good business reason to sell it NOW. It has value NOW. If the game is shuttered, any potential value will decline steadily over time.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
If the game is shuttered, any potential value will decline steadily over time.
It could be argued that the value of the game is already decreasing due to fewer players logging into the game (GF has noticed that the global chat channels that she frequents, the most active one decreased in "regular" users by roughly 90%)



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Except that negotiations to this end are currently taking place, so someone who matters doesn't agree with you.
And there is a good business reason to sell it NOW. It has value NOW. If the game is shuttered, any potential value will decline steadily over time.
i agree with johnny...iron your one of those wants to believe...the realistic part of the rest of us know its done.

ill come back here on nov 29th to tell you i told you so. till then welcome back to the real world.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Except that negotiations to this end are currently taking place, so someone who matters doesn't agree with you.
And there is a good business reason to sell it NOW. It has value NOW. If the game is shuttered, any potential value will decline steadily over time.
Stop and think for a second whom you are speaking to.

I lobbied non-stop for five years, more or less alone, for what is admittedly a ludicrous cause for most people. Uphill, against pretty much everyone.

I don't give up easily. If there is one person on these forums who knows about the relentless pursuit of the impossible, about bull-headed cussedness, I dare to say it's me.

I know when there is still a fight to be fought, and I know when there isn't.

Based on all available information, which I freely admit we may not have all of, the fight for CoH is done. Until information comes to light to contradict that, spending energy working to that end or giving people false hope doesn't help anyone. From what I gather, TonyV thinks the same based on his latest Titan address.

We need to focus on moving forward while we still have momentum. The dinner for the devs was probably the best single thing the SaveCoH movement could have done even though it would in no way result in CoH being saved. It got major attention in the gaming press because it wasn't something that could be spun as a selfish tantrum by children who were going to have their toy taken away, which is how the Atlas gathering was spun by many. You can't buy good publicity like that. Further, it cemented our dedication to the former dev team and hopefully planted a seed that they may want to pick up and start over on another game.

Again, we have to look towards the future. Until there's a press release that says otherwise, CoH is done.





Saving the game as it is now is likely just not going to happen. NCSoft isn't going to reverse their decision, and the developer team has to move on - I can't blame them there. They have their own futures to worry about and if they had the chance for employment elsewhere, then I'm glad they took it.

There's always hope, of course. I'll continue to support Tony's ideas and hope that he can get something done. Even if it's trying to lead a spiritual successor to the game.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I don't give up easily. If there is one person on these forums who knows about the relentless pursuit of the impossible, about bull-headed cussedness, I dare to say it's me.
Good point. Can I be ranked Number Two with all my rants about bases? [That's an Austin Powers ref ftw not a bowel movement ref ftl]

I know when there is still a fight to be fought, and I know when there isn't.
I agree (with just about all you said in your post)... welcome to the "Killers of All Hope" club. Enjoy the great response from most of your fellow players.

We need to focus on moving forward while we still have momentum.
Well, even though I chose not to participate in the save CoH movement for much of the reasons you have already stated, I will say that whatever momentum "we" do have is a result of the efforts of TonyV and company. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I don't give up easily. If there is one person on these forums who knows about the relentless pursuit of the impossible, about bull-headed cussedness, I dare to say it's me.
Not trying to provoke you in any way shape or form, but I never understood just what it was you wanted for tanks.

After I18 and the later scrapper changes you had a spectrum on melee survivability Stalkers least survivable highest ST DPS, to Tanks with most survivability and lowest damage. I can see and understand if you had a main that you were attached to and didn't want to reroll as a brute. Granted, the devs never got the legal concept of "Being Made Whole" when they fixed things. Other than it always seemed like a taste thing. Well that and bruise seemed like one more Castleism, should of at least been the T1 and T2 seeing as it didn't stack from the same caster.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Stop and think for a second whom you are speaking to.

I lobbied non-stop for five years, more or less alone, for what is admittedly a ludicrous cause for most people. Uphill, against pretty much everyone.

I don't give up easily. If there is one person on these forums who knows about the relentless pursuit of the impossible, about bull-headed cussedness, I dare to say it's me.

I know when there is still a fight to be fought, and I know when there isn't.

Based on all available information, which I freely admit we may not have all of, the fight for CoH is done. Until information comes to light to contradict that, spending energy working to that end or giving people false hope doesn't help anyone. From what I gather, TonyV thinks the same based on his latest Titan address.

We need to focus on moving forward while we still have momentum. The dinner for the devs was probably the best single thing the SaveCoH movement could have done even though it would in no way result in CoH being saved. It got major attention in the gaming press because it wasn't something that could be spun as a selfish tantrum by children who were going to have their toy taken away, which is how the Atlas gathering was spun by many. You can't buy good publicity like that. Further, it cemented our dedication to the former dev team and hopefully planted a seed that they may want to pick up and start over on another game.

Again, we have to look towards the future. Until there's a press release that says otherwise, CoH is done.

Pff. I've been complaining about stalkers since before you were even on these boards, grasshoppah. You're an amateur.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Stop and think for a second whom you are speaking to.
Someone who doesn't understand logic and will not budge on their personal opinion no matter what.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Stop and think for a second whom you are speaking to.
1) It's "to whom you are speaking"
2) If you find yourself using that phrase on an internet forum you might need to get up and take a break



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Pff. I've been complaining about stalkers since before you were even on these boards, grasshoppah. You're an amateur.
and your no billz....so back of the line stalker boy..ive been complaining about tanks before your stalker ever exsisted.and they needed their nerfs.and if we ever got to another pvp redo.your crappy scrappers would have been next.



lolPvP. No one has played PvP since I13.



This is really doom.