Have to admit it . . . GW2 may replace COH for me




Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
Apologies if this is an obvious question (though you do say CoH was the only video game you'd played, so maybe not), but have you made sure your firewall is set to allow GW2 access? If everything else is connecting fine but GW2 is acting like you're offline that would seem the most likely explanation.
Lisa runs up to Biowraith and gives him/her a big Texas hug.

Your obvious question to me a bullseye.

Sunday, when I tried to get the Client (.exe file) to run, I did try to turn off the firewall as I remembered dimly having to do something similar due to AVG not playing nicely in one of the COH betas, but I guess I did not succeed Sunday, because, this morning, after reading this, I tried my hand once again at turning off the AVG firewall.

After turning it off, I went and downloaded the client again, held my breath and poked "RUN" then did a fist pump as I watched the great download begin

This right here is an example of a stellar community...when people who are having problems with the obvious are not jeered for asking....and people who help are not condescending.

Thank you, thank you, thank you


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Anyone who plays a game by Ncsoft like GW is a traitor to Coh, NcSoft did this too us, how can we say, Hey Coh Fuc@# You and go play GW.
NCSOFT is a business composed of Koreans who do not have a Western Mindset. To them, the won is king...which is why I am crossing my toes, fingers and eyes that they will sell City Of Heroes to someone who will cherish us. More wons for them, the game for us.

So, that said, if you want to throw out outrageous and not so outrageous accusations....you can also say that all those posts of people being smug and proud that they were saving their points, those not buying points, those not going VIP, those not spending money at all to help support City Of Heroes, they were the reason our won loving Korean Overlords decided to Sunset the game. Not enough wons being brought in, no game for you.

If they don't sell the game to us, which will infuse them with more of the lovely wons they are so enamored with, and just put the game into some dusty vault with all their other sunsetted games, well, then, they are not logical, and someone in that boardroom is possessed by a City Of Heroes hating devil...that is my current fav outrageous reasoning at least

Anyways, GreenFlame, relax and don't be too much a hater. You will make yourself into a bitter, untrusting, sort of person...and do you really want to go through life that way?


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Anyone who plays a game by Ncsoft like GW is a traitor to Coh, NcSoft did this too us, how can we say, Hey Coh Fuc@# You and go play GW.
Well to be fair, I *could* take the stance that anyone who played City of Heroes *after* NCsoft shuttered Auto Assault, Dungeon Runners, Tabula Rasa, Exteel are traitors as well, for not putting pressure on Paragon Studios to escape the grasp of the evil NSEESOFT when their shuttering happened.

But I don't take that stance.

People play games that they enjoy, I enjoyed City of Heroes, I enjoyed Tabula Rasa, I enjoy Guild Wars 2.

Hell, I even enjoy World of Warcraft and Eve Online (yes, I must be insane)

But do I call people who migrate to those games traitors? No.

Everyone is different, and taking the stance of "you are a traitor to the cause" is *not* a good stance to take if you want to save the game and especially if you want to save the *community* of the game.

Right now, taking that stance is just fracturing and forcing away players who might even play a spiritual successor to the game.


Why is that when TR closed down, the community of players there got tighter (from what i can tell). Sure there were disagreements among players, that will always happen. But there was never this huge "if you go and play another NCsoft title, you are traitor". I cannot deny that some people thought this, but it was still a minority among the player base.

The most common thing i read/saw was "see in the other game", referring to either City of Heroes/Aion or a completely different game (I migrated over to Eve Online for a couple of years).

However here, it is more apparent that even *thinking* about swapping titles is heresy.

*shrugs* And welcome to the self destruction of a community that was well known for being open and welcoming and especially forgiving (in general... there are personal grudges out there that will not die) to its player base for any mistake that they made.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
After turning it off, I went and downloaded the client again, held my breath and poked "RUN" then did a fist pump as I watched the great download begin
Btw, you should be able to set up an exception in AVG to let GW2 through even when the firewall is on (since turning a firewall off completely is generally not ideal). I'm hazy on the details with AVG, but I'd expect there's a bit somewhere that lets you specify files (e.g. GW2.exe) that you want to allow access.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games? I mean granted, it seems that all the games NCSoft has axed have been games that have been something other than poxy elves, dwarves and paladins and they've done so as a result of people not playing them very much, but what I don't understand is why.
I'm sure a lot of people are, or at least were, tired of fantasy gaming. On the other hand, people who got tired of it a few years ago and who have played mainly non-fantasy games since may well be back in the mood for elves and dwarves... I know I for one don't really get "over" a genre of games long term, I just get burnt out and need a few months' break if I play the same genre too long.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Also, we can logically conclude that everyone who doesn't play games by NCSoft are crazy fruit baskets. Because us vs. them mentality is really healthy.

I'm going to assume you're kidding rather than, you know, being an idiot, and just have to say: Not funny bro.
I think the combo of the quote and sig kinda says it all.

Look, there's ONE thread where we're talking about GW2. If you don't like it, don't come in here and threadsh!t. Move on.



tengu would be the race that would interest me, since it would mean that we go back to the remains of canatha. hopefully they would take the chance to add either polearm weapons on land or fist based weapons. I really would like them.

Its funny fey, i have to admit my problems with the charr are the opposite of sams. I love their look but their culture just bugs the hell out of me. violent, angry, hostile to religion, uncaring of their weaker members, its like reddit. I haven't gotten far yet in the charr ash legion line, so maybe i will quit hating them later, but right now culturally, i have to kind of grit my teeth and ignore them.

Oh and there are few things as funny to watch as an asuran warrior going off with a two handed sword.



The only thing that bugs me about the Charr is their all-fours running (well, bounding). When they're standing or walking that all seems to fit their general build and stance and I think they look pretty cool, but they don't look to me like they'd drop to all fours to run (even if it fits the cat aspect of them), so when they do I find it quite jarring, and somewhat goofy looking.

And I dislike the look of humans, at least the cloth wearers. Their gear is all a little too effeminate, all finery and frills, for my tastes. Despite that my main is still a human necromancer, cos none of the other races felt to me like they fit Biowraith.


Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
Oh and there are few things as funny to watch as an asuran warrior going off with a two handed sword.
I made an asuran warrior for exactly that reason



I'm pretty sure that Kodan and Tengu are poised for addition to the game. They've got locked-off areas and obvious feed-ins.

I'm still hoping that we get Skritt and maybe Centaurs, though they'll obviously be more work.

On Charr: yeah, they're Spartan. But they're also awesome in a kinda bromance chest-thumping kind of way, and probably have the most laugh-out-loud moments so far. They're just so EARNEST about their chest-thumping!

Also, they have very good reason to have contempt for religion, seeing as how the Flame Legion tricked their way into leadership by worshipping false gods (Titans/Destroyers) and the Flame Legion are the ones responsible for the Foefire, suppressing the females of the race, etc - until those females rose up and kicked the **** out of the Flame Legion and helped lead the rebellion to topple them, that is.

And the human gods have literally LEFT the building. It does no good to worship them. So charr really have good reason to believe that it's best to trust in your own arm, your own efforts, and your own companions, rather than whining and praying for some greater power to save you.

And I love the warband system. The whole band-of-brothers, blood doesn't matter thing, the military structure to the ENTIRE culture from cub to greymane... love it. It's so unusual to have such a military culture WITHOUT them being totally cold and bloodthirsty, but they did a great job with the Charr.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I'm pretty sure that Kodan and Tengu are poised for addition to the game. They've got locked-off areas and obvious feed-ins.

I'm still hoping that we get Skritt and maybe Centaurs, though they'll obviously be more work.

On Charr: yeah, they're Spartan. But they're also awesome in a kinda bromance chest-thumping kind of way, and probably have the most laugh-out-loud moments so far. They're just so EARNEST about their chest-thumping!

Also, they have very good reason to have contempt for religion, seeing as how the Flame Legion tricked their way into leadership by worshipping false gods (Titans/Destroyers) and the Flame Legion are the ones responsible for the Foefire, suppressing the females of the race, etc - until those females rose up and kicked the **** out of the Flame Legion and helped lead the rebellion to topple them, that is.

And the human gods have literally LEFT the building. It does no good to worship them. So charr really have good reason to believe that it's best to trust in your own arm, your own efforts, and your own companions, rather than whining and praying for some greater power to save you.

And I love the warband system. The whole band-of-brothers, blood doesn't matter thing, the military structure to the ENTIRE culture from cub to greymane... love it. It's so unusual to have such a military culture WITHOUT them being totally cold and bloodthirsty, but they did a great job with the Charr.
oh, i know the why, it still just makes playing them less pleasurable.

plus, its less that the five (well six, kormir went all tiber septim) have left, they according to the stuff on the gw2 site, have stepped back to allow their children to gain greater self reliance, a trope that is common in fantasy and i wont dwell on my feelings towards it, but they still have some interaction in the various human skills up tot he point you can become an avatar of one of the 6 with an elite skill.

but its less that i dont get it in the lore, its just lore that i dislike. it always struck me that in games where intelligent races have any diplomatic relations, outliers would develop as interactions would lead to sympathies for the worldviews of other races, and while I understand that writing stories for all outliers would be impossible, the game tends to fill a lot of characterization blanks in for you, and i find myself disliking my own character, despite loving his look. Like i said, i can content myself hopping around like yoda with my asuran crazy person

i don't know about your definition of bloodthirsty, but have to disagree that the carr arent, they i recall overhearing discussions about one char having a problem with a younger one, and the solution was to beat him up and scar him so that he learns. The repair merchants threaten to kill you. te whole blood legion starter quest shows that rytlock solves disputes with arena violence rather than investigating your claims against your warbrand leader. I dunno, seems a pretty violent society to me.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
te whole blood legion starter quest shows that rytlock solves disputes with arena violence rather than investigating your claims against your warbrand leader. I dunno, seems a pretty violent society to me.
One of the human story quests kinda does this too, the accused chooses a trial by combat rather than an actual trial examining the evidence etc.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
i don't know about your definition of bloodthirsty, but have to disagree that the carr arent, they i recall overhearing discussions about one char having a problem with a younger one, and the solution was to beat him up and scar him so that he learns. The repair merchants threaten to kill you. te whole blood legion starter quest shows that rytlock solves disputes with arena violence rather than investigating your claims against your warbrand leader. I dunno, seems a pretty violent society to me.
I said they're not TOTALLY cold and bloodthirsty. They're bloodthirsty in a hot-blooded kind of way, which is different to me than like, the intro to 300.

Also... you chose Blood Legion. BLOOD LEGION! I mean, if there's a violent meathead section to the Charr... it's Blood Legion!! I haven't done Blood Legion (got an Iron and Ash) because they're the least interesting to me, but Rytlock is humorous and intelligent in the cutscenes I've run across him in. Which was nice, because I hated the Edge of Destiny book, it was nice to like Rytlock in-game.

Teaching younger charr to fall into the ranks that the ENTIRE society is built on has to be regarded as just sense. He's not going to make it otherwise.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, that's kind of the point. I don't want my characters to have an important role in the world, because for that to happen, many aspects of my character have to be written for me. Kingdom of Amalur ALMOST pulled off a miracle with the whole "You don't know who you are, so you could be anyone" deal... Right up until the end where it turns around and basically tells me what my story is, and it's nowhere near as exciting as I imagined it might be. It's downright dull, as a point of fact.

City of Heroes taught me a valuable lesson - the less the fictional world tries to tie ME into it, the more leeway I have to imagine. Inversely, the more the world tried to assume about my character for the sake of "immersion," the more uncomfortable I became. It's why I despise the basic setting of DC Online, where my origin is always "Exobites," with an implied pre-origin of "human." Well, that's 3/4 of my characters down the drain right there. Same for the Secret World, same for Guild Wars.

I games giving me a discrete choice between several predetermined concepts, is what I'm saying, and that's precisely what races are. Sure, Human, Kheldian and Rikti are statically defined in CoH lore... Which is why I never made any Kheldian and Rikti characters, and why most of my humans tend to be from alternate dimensions or timelines, and the ones that are from "here and now" tend to more or less disregard the game's story but for the broadest of strokes. Basically, I account for "the great disaster" in general terms and that's about it.

No game with races will ever work for me, and that's just a simple fact. Not after City of Heroes. I prefer a game to focus on building up an engaging world that I have reason to care for, but also make no effort to tie me into it. Give me the playground and I'll figure out whether I want to swing on the swing set or climb the jungle gym, or maybe even just sit on a bench and look into the distance. The more games try to "engage" me, the less engaged I am because I'm constantly butting heads with the narrative. The only way this works is if you can get me to switch mental gears and just accept I'm playing someone else's character in someone else's story, like I would be in Oni, say, but that's a very different type of game that I wouldn't want to play in RPG form.
Couldn't you write your own novels, draw your own comics or make your own games for stuff like that?

Games are also a media for telling stories too and one 'aspect' of a roleplaying game is taking a predetermined role in the world and 'acting' it out.

Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post

I made an asuran warrior for exactly that reason
I'm waiting for no-weapon combat before I make a 'fighter Asuran'.

Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
On Charr: yeah, they're Spartan.

And I love the warband system. The whole band-of-brothers, blood doesn't matter thing, the military structure to the ENTIRE culture from cub to greymane... love it. It's so unusual to have such a military culture WITHOUT them being totally cold and bloodthirsty, but they did a great job with the Charr.
Meh, they don't do a good enough job of it, IMO. It just comes off as cliche Kitty Spartans to me.

They downplay their technology *FAAAR* too much to the point that's not a defining aspect of their culture...otherwise you'd see more tacticians and mindful inventors making an impact in their culture...even if it's to build machines of destruction...

Because logically, when you've got sufficient technology, wielding a sword is simply illogical and inefficient...and yet their culture seems to uphold those illogical and inefficient members above all else.

Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post

but its less that i dont get it in the lore, its just lore that i dislike. it always struck me that in games where intelligent races have any diplomatic relations, outliers would develop as interactions would lead to sympathies for the worldviews of other races, and while I understand that writing stories for all outliers would be impossible, the game tends to fill a lot of characterization blanks in for you, and i find myself disliking my own character, despite loving his look.
I'm probably on the same page as you.

Maybe it's because I wanted to make a feral, bestial character that just happens to be cunning, mindful and charming rather than just a Kitty Spartan...I even made my Warrior an Ash Legion.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Lisa runs up to Biowraith and gives him/her a big Texas hug.

Your obvious question to me a bullseye.

Sunday, when I tried to get the Client (.exe file) to run, I did try to turn off the firewall as I remembered dimly having to do something similar due to AVG not playing nicely in one of the COH betas, but I guess I did not succeed Sunday, because, this morning, after reading this, I tried my hand once again at turning off the AVG firewall.

After turning it off, I went and downloaded the client again, held my breath and poked "RUN" then did a fist pump as I watched the great download begin

This right here is an example of a stellar community...when people who are having problems with the obvious are not jeered for asking....and people who help are not condescending.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Awesome - enjoy.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



I would suggest those into non-standard WoW clone MMOs check out GW2, it really is different. The thing that originally sold me on the game was a negative review by a WoW fanboy listing everything he hated about it... and I liked everything on the list.



Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
I would suggest those into non-standard WoW clone MMOs check out GW2, it really is different. The thing that originally sold me on the game was a negative review by a WoW fanboy listing everything he hated about it... and I liked everything on the list.
People will hate it for the sole purpose of hating it, it will color everything they see and do in the game. I'd rather not have them play it because I don't think they'll enjoy it under any circumstances and it'd be a waste of money for them. That said, I've been burned out on fantasy settings for a while but Guild Wars 2 has so many small details and hidden things in the world that I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I love exploring and helping others in the game explore or find the hidden puzzles in each map.



Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
I would suggest those into non-standard WoW clone MMOs check out GW2, it really is different. The thing that originally sold me on the game was a negative review by a WoW fanboy listing everything he hated about it... and I liked everything on the list.
Do you have a link to this review? I would love to see it.


Also, here I take a first look at Torchlight 2 today, for those curious.

My wife and I have had quite a bit of fun with it already - and the game is so cheap - it just launched last week I think.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Also, here I take a first look at Torchlight 2 today, for those curious.
Not to derail the thread with Torchlight, but yeah. Fun game. I'm currently working on a dual-pistol berserker.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




take it from someone who's played GW2 since release. It's no replacement for CoH. It gets old fast, there's nothing even close to the customization both in looks and power choices like there is in CoH, and without those things, what does it have going for it? It's got polish and it's pretty to look at. WvW is a lot lamer than I thought it would be, and there's really no endgame type stuff like CoH has.

I really don't see how anyone coming from this game will enjoy it for long.



Originally Posted by Nox__Fatalis View Post
and there's really no endgame type stuff like CoH has.

I really don't see how anyone coming from this game will enjoy it for long.
Well, I for one *do* enjoy the game right now.

So, just wondering but what kind of endgame does City Of Heroes have?

Just asking, because for a long time, City of Heroes was well known for *not* having an endgame, and that some forum goers out there dislike the "raiding" endgame (see Incarnate/iTrials) that City of Heroes *does* have.




Who the hell keeps bumping this travesty? Just let the thread die, obey the forum rules for once and stop talking about, dear god, NCSoft games!! Traitors!!




-------------- /End ----------------



Originally Posted by Nox__Fatalis View Post
take it from someone who's played GW2 since release. It's no replacement for CoH. It gets old fast, there's nothing even close to the customization both in looks and power choices like there is in CoH, and without those things, what does it have going for it? It's got polish and it's pretty to look at. WvW is a lot lamer than I thought it would be, and there's really no endgame type stuff like CoH has.

I really don't see how anyone coming from this game will enjoy it for long.
Yay! No raids! It RUINED COH IMO when they added the pseudo "endgame" raids!

Yay, I could make my Sylvari look EXACTLY the way I wanted her to, despite loot drops, using transmutation stones!

Yay, my gaming partner and I play the same classes in almost completely different ways, thanks to weapon choices and skills!

Yay! I've got an 80, 4 30s, a 20, and a 15 and I'm not even close to "done with" or "tired of" the game - it only gets "old" if you come at it from a WoW-MMO mentality - coming at it from a COH "I can play who I want to be today because the journey is the point, not how fast I can win/end it" makes it indefinitely enjoyable!

Yay, that every game is different and saying "well, I can't fly in this game so it won't be good!" and things like that only makes you sound like an ***!

Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Well, I for one *do* enjoy the game right now.

So, just wondering but what kind of endgame does City Of Heroes have?

Just asking, because for a long time, City of Heroes was well known for *not* having an endgame, and that some forum goers out there dislike the "raiding" endgame (see Incarnate/iTrials) that City of Heroes *does* have.
+1 that.

COH was so much better when the "endgame" was just continuing to enjoy new content and roll new characters. I never liked the Incarnates - and all the new powersets PS was putting out were much more of an "endgame" for me.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post

Who the hell keeps bumping this travesty? Just let the thread die, obey the forum rules for once and stop talking about, dear god, NCSoft games!! Traitors!!




-------------- /End ----------------
You may have noticed that before Zwill left, we were given permission to discuss other games here.

So GTFO our thread and stop crapping in it.

Did you bother to go threadcrap in the Secret World, Champions, WoW etc threads?



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
You may have noticed that before Zwill left, we were given permission to discuss other games here.

So GTFO our thread and stop crapping in it.

Did you bother to go threadcrap in the Secret World, Champions, WoW etc threads?
No, because I encourage people to find other games after CoH, as long as it's not on NCSoft. Now stop quoting my posts! I don't like you and the less I see of you the better.
