Have to admit it . . . GW2 may replace COH for me




Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
And that's all that matters in the end. That I can look myself in the mirror and know I didn't stab my friends in the back by handing over money to the people that killed City of Heroes, the best damn MMO ever made.
Kind of a drama queen, here. I think it's fine not to give a company money once it's shown bad faith, but this is over the top nonsense.

People who spend money on GW2 or any other NCSoft product aren't stabbing anyone in the back. Get over it.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Then I truly pity you.
Why? Because I don't have misplaced loyalty to a video game? Not a developer or even a lead designer, but the game itself? The worse thing to come of this is Paragon losing their jobs and I think it's terrible to think it happening to another studio would be an okay causality in your grandiose vendetta.



Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
As if NCSoft is even listening.

If people want to play GW2, that's fine by me, personally. If it's a game they enjoy, the death of this game shouldn't prevent them from enjoying it.

I got it as a gift, and I'm going to play it, because it's a solid game. However, I won't be buying anything in the cash shop, which is something I may have done otherwise, just to support the game. But I don't have any illusions that NCSoft cares one way or another about my lack of support, and I'm not doing it to send a message. I'm doing it because NCSoft's piss poor customer relations haven't earned my money.
You can use in-game gold to buy the currency used in those shops. You can even play the market by buying and selling the two during the fluctuations.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
You can use in-game gold to buy the currency used in those shops. You can even play the market by buying and selling the two during the fluctuations.
Thanks, already knew that. What I meant is they aren't getting any money injected into the system from my bank account. (I'm also unlikely to grind gold to convert to cash shop currency, so effectively I won't be using the store. Nothing in there is vital anyway, afaik.)

Good to point out for other folks, though. They can play guilt free if they're willing to grind out the gold to convert to cash shop currency (diamonds?) when they want to buy something from the store.



EDIT: Do as you will and have fun.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post

At least in the 2.5 years you have before it gets closed down. (That's the average lifespan of all Western MMOs other than City of Heroes that NCsoft has ever published.)
And that's why I won't be giving them any of my cash.

To be honest, it may not hold my interest for that long anyway.



Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
And that's why I won't be giving them any of my cash.

To be honest, it may not hold my interest for that long anyway.
The original Guild Wars is still running after 7 years.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm curious now.

If NCSoft did decide they were done supporting GW2, could ArenaNet keep on producing it without any problems?

Does NCSoft own GW? Or is it like with CoH where NCSoft had to purchase it at some point from Cryptic?
Since NCSoft bought ArenaNet, lock, stock and barrel in 2002, ArenaNet would either have to buy themselves back from NCSoft as well as the IP. It would probably be easier to dissolve and reform as a new company and raise money as "the team that created GW and GW2".

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Just adding my own comments here for posterity. I'm not likely to read this thread at all again.

GW2 is a fun game. I prepurchased (not preordered, prepurchased as in full price) the collector's edition because I loved GW1. In some ways, I find it to be inferior to GW1. There are fewer skills, and traits aren't as easily changed as attributes were. Moreover, there seems to be only one or two viable high end builds for each class. That will change with time as more skills and possibly traits are added or revised. I preferred the old system of story delivery, despite the added depth in GW2. But I can adapt. Will I play it? Yes, partly because I paid for it a long time ago anyway. But also because many of my RL friends play it and it's a genuinely fun game.

I don't want to give up CoH though, and in no way will GW2 ever replace CoH for me. There's no superheroes. No supervillains. There's just undead and dragons and slightly modified elves that happen to be made of plants. If CoH dies, it will be Plan Z that eventually replaces it for me. In the meantime, Champions Online might serve as a temporary outlet for some super powered shenanigans.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



If there is one thing I am dissatisfied with, it's that your sense of power doesn't really ever grow in GW2. You never solo 16 enemies at the same time like you can in CoH.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
If there is one thing I am dissatisfied with, it's that your sense of power doesn't really ever grow in GW2. You never solo 16 enemies at the same time like you can in CoH.
I don't think you can do that in any other game either so it's a wash.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



It's the price you pay for having relevancy for all levels.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
If there is one thing I am dissatisfied with, it's that your sense of power doesn't really ever grow in GW2. You never solo 16 enemies at the same time like you can in CoH.
I actually bought GW2 prior to NCSOFT announcing the closure of COX & Paragon Studios as well, might as well play it.

I agree with your above comments. The auto "exemplaring" acts as a double-edged sword. It is good when you want to play with friends who have just started and have significant level difference. And or if you done with your lowbie zone and want to experience another race's lowbie zone.

But it gets REALLY ANNOYING if you are just moving around exploring or farming raw materials for crafting. I can't count the number of times I draw aggro while roaming in Charr (1 - 15) zone when my elementalist is lvl 26.

I wish Arenanet would implement an ingame toggle on whether we want to be auto-"exemplared" or not.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
If there is one thing I am dissatisfied with, it's that your sense of power doesn't really ever grow in GW2. You never solo 16 enemies at the same time like you can in CoH.
I think that's kinda one of the core principles of the game. You start as a grand hero, and you retire as a grand hero. Oh, and could you please feed my cows while I stand here and watch. Stupid lazy farmers.


Slight tangent there. But yes, I think the horizontal advancement is rather the point. It's a sort of 'low fantasy' (except, you know, with lots of magic) feel that I suspect they are aiming at. And I think, had ANet been a little braver (and if they had infinite money) they might (should?) have tried for a level-less system because that is, essentially, what they are trying to emulate.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
If there is one thing I am dissatisfied with, it's that your sense of power doesn't really ever grow in GW2. You never solo 16 enemies at the same time like you can in CoH.
That's something I've always loved about CoH, and will sorely miss when it's gone. I like being able to take on missions meant for a full team by myself!



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I don't think you can do that in any other game either so it's a wash.
I was just doing it in Champions the other day. It was a ridiculously frenetic dogpile, and I was largely ignoring them to bust open cages, then I'd turn around and go 'oh, are you guys still here?', let loose with a couple of breath weapons and get back to busting cages. There may have been more than 16 a couple of times.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



EDIT: Do as you will and have fun.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
It's the price you pay for having relevancy for all levels.
According to CoH, that's not true.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Don't make the mistake to think that I LIKE that happening. Don't make the mistake to think I WANT that to be happening to Arenanet.

That's why I've said before, and I'll say again - if Arenanet disengaged somehow from NCSoft, I would have no qualms supporting them or GW2 in any way whatsoever.

But I will NOT budge one inch. NO money to NCsoft. And unfortunately that means no money to Arenanet at the present time either.
That's fine if that's what it means to you. And I don't think anyone's saying that you should personally play GW2.

But he was responding to you saying...

Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
But it means something to ME. I will know that I acted honorably and with principle.

And that's all that matters in the end. That I can look myself in the mirror and know I didn't stab my friends in the back by handing over money to the people that killed City of Heroes, the best damn MMO ever made.
Which pretty much implies that everyone playing GW2 is dishonorable and "stabbing their friends in the back." Which is out of line.



EDIT: Do as you will and have fun.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
There are those who were never COH players who do not know what has happened to City of Heroes. They are completely clueless. I can't fault them for playing even if they do find out at a later date.

There are those who bought the game pre-order digital who can't get their money back, and even if they are COH players, I can't fault them either.

There are those who were gifted the game by others. I can't fault them either.

Those who were City of Heroes players, past and present, and who now know the score - who know what NCsoft has done - If they KNOW and are still okay with giving NCSoft money NOW? At this point and beyond?

Yes. I consider them to be backstabbers. And I don't want to know them, speak to them, or engage them in any way whatsoever.
So you hope the devs in that game suffer the same fate as ours did? Are you sure you were playing the same superHERO game I was playing? KEEP HATE ALIVE!!!



EDIT: Do as you will and have fun.



Atlantea, you don't have to explain or defend yourself, it's not worth your effort when there are better ways to focus your time and energy; and ANYONE around here who has been paying attention should know by now that you're doing your part to save City of Heroes. And anyone who rakes you over the coals over where you choose to spend YOUR money is just looking to distract you from the real goal: Answering Calls to Action, and saving City of Heroes. It's also none of their fracking business in what direction you open your wallet.

As a customer, stand your ground and be proud of where you stand. I'm right here beside you, along with MANY others. I won't be giving any more money to NCSoft. Heck, I wasn't interested in any of their games anyway. I'm a super hero comic book fan. I DO wish their other studios well, I wish them the best, in fact. But what I don't wish well, or support in any way, is careless, clumsy customer service and NCSoft exemplifies it. And you know what? I bet anyone in any of those other studios would choose to understand and respect my stance.

So, the rest of you who have a problem with my stance? With Atlantea's stance? With any of us? You can whine, insult, bait us with silly mindgames all you wish. We. Aren't. Budging. Trust me. I didn't budge with the last publisher I boycotted. I've got practice.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Yes. I consider them to be backstabbers. And I don't want to know them, speak to them, or engage them in any way whatsoever.
Well, I do enjoy my stalkers.

But on a serious note, how about we don't antagonize the community? The last thing we need are camps fighting it out over who's dealing with CoH's fate in the correct way. I've been a loyal costumer of NCSofts for 8 years. They clearly don't care. If anyone stabbed anyone in the back, it's NCSoft. Certainly not some guy who's enjoying GW2.

So feel free not to pretend that you're more honourable than me, or that I've somehow betrayed the community by playing other games than CoH in the last eight years. We're in this boat together, we've all suffered the same loss, we just deal with it differently. There has to be room for all of us. If you can't handle that, you can swim.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
