Dear NCSoft...




This was the only game I played . I will never give money to anotherof NC Softs products,



City of Heroes was my first MMO, and it's been my longest as well. I tried WoW multiple times, TOR and Secret World as well, recently, but I've always come back to CoH.

I just bought and installed Guild Wars 2 about 1 hour ago.

I was looking forward to Wildstar, too. It looked like it had promise.

No more. I cannot help but feel betrayed and used but this company. I will never again spend a single cent on this company's products or services.

EDIT: And really, it's not that it's done. We knew it was going to happen. But it's the manner in which this has been done. It feels very disrespectful. And that's a sentiment I hope reaches the highest levels of NCsoft's hierarchy.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



My "other MMO" is Aion...

Honestly, the way things are going over there, I seriously suspect AionNA will be the next thing up on the chopping block.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I'll add my voice in too, not another dime for this company from me.



/also signed



I agree.

And, since the internet masses love to hear stories of corporations being jerks, I suggest spreading the news of this absolutely atrocious action to as many people as possible. If gamers realize that NCSoft can and will end a thriving game for no given reason, they may be a great deal less willing to do business with NCSoft.

Gotta hit NCSoft where it hurts; their profits.



Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
signed. NCsoft will never see another penny from me.
Same here. They have doomed themselves.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Not another dime. If I could send back GW2, I would do it in a heart beat now. I know it doesn't change anything, but I'll speak with my wallet.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Agreed. I was interested in some of the upcoming NCSoft work. Not any more.

Too Many Characters... not enough player
Member of Alts-R-Us.



I'll be going back to console games but will always be on a look out for NCSoft products... so not to buy any of it.



Wow this one was depressing.

I feel similar to you guys. I probably won't pay for another NCSoft game, but that's mainly because I was bored with Guild Wars 1 fast, and COX was the one game they have made that I really enjoyed.

8 years is a good run for an MMO. I will miss COX and miss you players I've teamed with, joked with, and spanked the old Hami with every night until he was given the games first incarnate powers =D

Take care everyone, the devs, and players alike.

"Melt 'em like butters!"



I've been playing this game since i0. I can't believe it's going away... that's like finding out the neighborhood mean kid randomly killed your puppy.

However, I will not be boycotting NCSoft.

GW2 is a fantastic game. And ArenaNet no more deserves your scorn and disdain than Paragon does. These studios are owned by NCSoft, but they are NOT NCSoft. Blaming Anet for what NCSoft does is stupid. I'm sure that right now, Anet is banging their heads on the wall at what a stupid, utterly boneheaded move this is, and now it hurts THEM too.

My heart is breaking for CoH. I played over 30 characters, many to 50, in the almost 8 years I was here.



BRB griefing the tits out of GW2.


But TBH ArenaNet should be quaking in their boots. GW1 is superceeded and doesn't have PayG so it won't make money. Other titles like Aion will go soon enough too...

Frankie says it best.



Signed also



While I probably won't play another mmo. If the rumors i am hearing are true, it's a licensing thing and I can't really hold ncsoft at fault. It explains why the red names haven't been too angry, just resigned to the inevitability of it all.



This pretty much is my position now too.

One qualifier though;

If they sell the IP to someone who will do something with it, I'll buy NC stuff.

If they just burn the house down, **** 'em.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



I sincerely hope NCSoft goes bankrupt, along with every single person that was in charge of this decision. I hope to see them all living on the streets, begging for money, the ultimate irony. A bit much? Maybe. But they have all my rage and scorn right now. Every last one of their board members can burn in hell.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
No idea if this will even get noticed by the corporate suits, but:

Proceed on this path, dismantle Paragon Studios and close City of Heroes, and you ensure that I and likely many friends of mine will never touch another product of yours.

I won't be picking up Guild Wars 2, shiny new thing trotted out to mass fanfare.

I shall not touch the stunted and faltering Aion.

I will not deem Lineage 2 worthy of my attention.

I would deny Guild Wars in any of its boxsets my notice or hard drive space.

I shall shun Blade and Soul despite whatever promises it may make.

I will not touch Wildstar no matter what it tries to lure me with.

Any creation of yours shall be verboten to my money, mind or heart.

And dare to use the City of Heroes IP without the developers that nurtured it to be such an enjoyable game and my contempt for your company shall grow to leviathan proportions.

Yours sincerely,

A City of Heroes fan since the EU Beta.
I think the majority of the player/fan base of a game that is still on top mmo charts agrees with this. I do.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,




Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
i already bought gw2, it is the last penny they will see from me.
Take a crap in the box and send it to NCsoft
Originally Posted by Mr_True_Shot View Post
Left-field much??! I HOPE they were just hacked!
Yeah? I hope they get hacked...


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



/em cutspalm

/em dipslargequillpen





Never again will I buy a product of theirs even if this was licensing issues.

But it also got me to cancel Sto, Im not sure if they were involved in this, but Im assuming it was true.

My money will go to wow or steam or gamefly.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Not that it will do any good:

As others have stated, I won't be playing any of your other games... not because of you shutting down CoH, but because I really have only enjoyed playing CoH because it is (soon to be was) the best Super Hero MMO going.

That also does not mean I will go and run off and sign up on one of the other Super Hero MMOs that are out there, as I have already given them a try and found them lacking.

Now, should ANYONE develop a new Super MMO, I will give them a shot...

NCSoft? Do YOU have such a game in the works, and is that why CoH is being given a slow death?