Dear NCSoft...




Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
Not that it will do any good:

As others have stated, I won't be playing any of your other games... not because of you shutting down CoH, but because I really have only enjoyed playing CoH because it is (soon to be was) the best Super Hero MMO going.

That also does not mean I will go and run off and sign up on one of the other Super Hero MMOs that are out there, as I have already given them a try and found them lacking.

Now, should ANYONE develop a new Super MMO, I will give them a shot...

NCSoft? Do YOU have such a game in the works, and is that why CoH is being given a slow death?
Wouldnt play it no matter how good it is.

You can say im bitter, but this was the best game out there.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post

NCSoft will never get another penny of mine, and I'll make sure all my friends know about this, too.

I will vilify NCSoft to my gaming friends and coworkers. Explain how they laid off talented, dedicated, people with no warning, and lobbed green, puss ridden, disease filled boogers on the loyal players who stuck with this game since the beginning.

I fear the Devil has attached himself to the souls of the suits at NcSoft who made this decision.

If they go bankrupt...I shall help me, I shall.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



i'm throwing my lot in with the OP as well.

CoH is the only product NCsoft has that doesn't suck far as I'm concerned, and guild wars2 might as well not exist for all i care. you kill it your losing a customer that you will not get back.



If only they sell the IP, rights and studio to another more clever company...
Our game could be saved.
Not sure if we can hope for that possibility...

This is weird, all the upcoming powersets, new awesome I24, costume sets, all the work, thrown to the trash, so suddenly?
Usually companies stop the production of new updates, before announcing a shut down.
I may be still in denial



I said it in another thread already, but I will also never purchase another NCSoft game again. I was going to be buying GW2... now I won't. I was very interested in WildStar... sorry WildStar, I'm interested no longer.

I will speak as ill of NCSoft as every disgruntled SWG player speaks to this very day of the NGE. We gamers have very long memories and very potent ire.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
If only they sell the IP, rights and studio to another more clever company...
Our game could be saved.
Not sure if we can hope for that possibility...

This is weird, all the upcoming powersets, new awesome I24, costume sets, all the work, thrown to the trash, so suddenly?
Usually companies stop the production of new updates, before announcing a shut down.
I may be still in denial
It depends on what actually happened.

Its possible we could see some sort of reprieve by a new buyer, or the license deal could come through.

Its slim

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
No idea if this will even get noticed by the corporate suits, but:

Proceed on this path, dismantle Paragon Studios and close City of Heroes, and you ensure that I and likely many friends of mine will never touch another product of yours.

I won't be picking up Guild Wars 2, shiny new thing trotted out to mass fanfare.

I shall not touch the stunted and faltering Aion.

I will not deem Lineage 2 worthy of my attention.

I would deny Guild Wars in any of its boxsets my notice or hard drive space.

I shall shun Blade and Soul despite whatever promises it may make.

I will not touch Wildstar no matter what it tries to lure me with.

Any creation of yours shall be verboten to my money, mind or heart.

And dare to use the City of Heroes IP without the developers that nurtured it to be such an enjoyable game and my contempt for your company shall grow to leviathan proportions.

Yours sincerely,

A City of Heroes fan since the EU Beta.



I'm sorry all of this NcSoft makes no sense to me.

Was the game profitable and supporting the studio, yes. No sense to cancel.

Guild Wars to had over a million buys prelaunch. Again, no reason to cancel.

This being the month of license renewal with former owner Cryptic, yes. Did Cryptic ask too much and simply refuse, probably.

Sorry, until the smoke clears my angst will not be directed to NcSoft, but rather Cryptic who's lead designer has had failure after failure since leaving. "If" Cryptic or Atari decide to put out a shiney NEW CoH I will then focus all my ire on them because this all smells of corporate backstabbing shinanigans.

So Jack E., who constantly told this community, "No, it's not going to happen." I say the same to you and your team if you decide to rebrand, "No, it's not going to happen. The nail is in your coffin where I'm concerned."



Yep, never another dime from me NCSoft. Just glad I didn't get GW2 yet, my love for CoH led me to at least try all your other games and at times spend money on them. Seeing NCSoft on any game from now on means I will NOT touch it.






Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
Signed with my blood.
This ^



This may not be seen by many, but to any of us who will miss CoH but wish to continue playing any NCSoft product: I implore you to reconsider. They have a history of this type of thing and I foolishly hoped that CoH would be the exception. If you play Aion, it'll happen to you. Guild Wars 1 or 2? It'll happen. The only way to avoid the inevitable grief is to avoid NCSoft products like a plague. Stop playing their games so that the community shrinks. Don't buy anything else. Cancel your subscriptions. Tell every friend and passing acquaintance. The only way to teach a lesson to a company is to make their wallet feel it. I practice this against EA, Activision, and a few others, but they are likely too large to feel it at all. NCSoft? They should feel it. Let's see to it that they do.

NCSoft will be getting no more of my money and my GW2 purchase was halted the day of the announcement. I'm a loyal and very profitable customer. I hope to return to giving them all of my money, should CoH survive.



Originally Posted by Surgepoint View Post
This may not be seen by many, but to any of us who will miss CoH but wish to continue playing any NCSoft product: I implore you to reconsider. They have a history of this type of thing and I foolishly hoped that CoH would be the exception. If you play Aion, it'll happen to you. Guild Wars 1 or 2? It'll happen. The only way to avoid the inevitable grief is to avoid NCSoft products like a plague. Stop playing their games so that the community shrinks. Don't buy anything else. Cancel your subscriptions. Tell every friend and passing acquaintance. The only way to teach a lesson to a company is to make their wallet feel it. I practice this against EA, Activision, and a few others, but they are likely too large to feel it at all. NCSoft? They should feel it. Let's see to it that they do.
To be honest, if you are going this far... do it for *all* MMO's... because eventually they will close down for whatever reason.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
To be honest, if you are going this far... do it for *all* MMO's... because eventually they will close down for whatever reason.
It's what I'm considering. Save my money for single-player games, books, dvds and music.






Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
NCSoft? Do YOU have such a game in the works, and is that why CoH is being given a slow death?
While I agree with most of what you have to say - this is not a slow death. This is a bolt from the blue, struck by lightning death.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Never goving NCSoft any of my money again. Wankers. I'm crushed.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I've been around since closed beta. I enjoyed the ride. As much as I don't want the game to end, based on numbers below from the NCsoft Investor Website, COH/COV may not be bringing in as much money as it once did:

Consolidated Sales Breakdown by Game (Excluding Royalties)
NCsoft Corp. & Subsidiaries
(January 2012~ June 2012)

(Unit : KR Mn Won)
--------------- 1Q, 2012 ---- 2Q, 2012 ---- Total
Lineage ----- 43,646 ---- 58,449 ---- 102,095
Lineage II ----- 18,413 ---- 16,912 ---- 35,325
Aion ----------- 52,947 ---- 36,367 ---- 89,314
COH/COV ----- 2,890 ---- 2,855 ---- 5,745
Guild Wars----- 1,709 ---- 1,277 ---- 2,986
Others ----------- 6,334 ---- 13,822 ---- 20,156
Total ----------- 125,940 ---- 129,682 ---- 255,622

Not sure what these units are: "Unit : KR Mn Won"

If I understand the above correctly, COH/COV had less than 1000 sales ($14.95) per month? Can that be right? Also, I'm not sure how point sales were tabulated.

28 L50's on Freedom
L50 Time Titan WP/Stn, L50 Lord Time Titan Grv/Rad, L50 Super Hero USA DM/Rgn
L50 Decoy Master Ill/Rad, L50 Shield Slinger SD/Ice, L50 Super Heavyweight Stn/Nrg
L50 King's Jester Fire/Kin, L50 Winterchill Ice/SS, L50 Alberta Clipper Ice/Ice
L50 I Mastermind Bots/Dark, L50 MVP Invul/Nrg, L50 Steely Resolve Psi/MM



QR: KR Mn Won = Millions of Korean Won

Going from the 2Q figures, that is roughly $2.5mill for the quarter @ $15/month (this is assuming EU/UK players are spending $15 as their sub fee... they arent, so this is only approximinate).

2.5mill/quarter = $833,333/month across *all* the players. This is subscriptions and microtransactions being taken into consideration.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
agreed, this is only ncsoft game that ive ever had interest in, losing this means they lost a customer

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Completely endorsed. F* U* C* K* NCSoft.

I curse them from the depths of Hades that no product conceived by the people that are responsible for the shutdown of this amazing game EVER succeeds. I hope their stock bottoms and they have to go back to McDonalds and cook burgers. Or whatever job it was they first garnered when they entered the job market.



NCSoft will not be getting any more money from me. I have had an active sub for over 7 years on two accounts. They can go screw themselves into the ground