Characters "Saved" by I24

Adeon Hawkwood



So I24 has got a whole lotta changes. Between Blaster Sustains, Blast Set updates, Resistance IO bonuses there definitely room to change how things work.

The issue name (Resurgence) strikes me as extremely appropriate since it's restoring my interest in several characters that I'd given up on before. So is it causing anyone else to take a renewed interest in characters that you never thought you'd play again?

Speaking for myself I've got two. First I have a level 50 Inv/Axe Tanker that has been sidelined for some quite a while for two reasons. Part of it is that I don't really enjoy melee characters as much as ranged ones but the other side of it was that I was never able to design an IO build that I really liked. Oh sure I could design a nice build with high S/L Defense but that wasn't really what I wanted. I wanted high resistance. So with I24 I'm strongly considering taking her out of retirement and giving her a nice, solid resistance build (including Psi resistance). It probably isn't optimal but it should be fun.

The second one is Kheldians. I LOVE the VEATs (I have a level 50 Crab Spider and am working on a Fortunata) but have never felt the same way about Kheldians. I have a level 50 Warshade but he never really gelled for me. Whenever I look at builds I feel compelled to build for perma-hasten and Tri-Form both of which really, really annoy me for a variety of reasons. However between Overwhelming Force and the I24 changes I'm considering giving Kheldians another go with a human form Peacebringer. I like the idea of a high resistance Blapper and I think I can make that work.

So, what characters do you plan to restore for I24?



all my trollers and mm's for the set bonus updates coming with i24 for pet ios. ^_^



My elec/elec blaster was one of the first chars I built. I hadn't seen elec blast before, so I assumed electricity would be white or yellow as it is on television. I made him an orange / yellow costume and was disheartened with the purple blasts.

Power colorization came around and he became fun again with the right colors. But without APP colorization I could not bear to bring him to level 41.

He'll be coming out again in i24 and hopefully hit 50 at some point.



I have a dark/sonic defender I was happy with after I hit 32 I've been waiting for i24 so I can use the nuke. An extra AoE stun should make the character a lot better. She was good with a cone sleep and a cone fear but lacked hard control.

When the world was young I played an ice/nrg blaster and I will almost certainly try a blaster again. Although I still haven't tried a stalker again since the changes.



I have a Mind/Rad controller, created a month or two after the game went live. I think it may be my oldest character, tied with an Energy/Energy blaster.

It took me 8 years to get it to 50. I copied him to the test server and slapped on the sorcery pool and he's a brand new character. I enjoy playing. May actually get a few trials on him.

Maybe even give him a proper name.



I24 saved the entire Blaster archetype for me. Between making all of the Blaster secondaries a bit more comparable to /MM and the huge slew of changes to Blast sets, I might have a reason to play one over a Corruptor now.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
The issue name (Resurgence) strikes me as extremely appropriate since it's restoring my interest in several characters that I'd given up on before. So is it causing anyone else to take a renewed interest in characters that you never thought you'd play again?
Nope. When I don't like a character, unless it's a special case ("get one of each X to 50,") it doesn't last. Only reason my Illusion 'troller didn't get nuked, for instance, was trying to get one of each control set to 50.

Yes, even though I have a ton of alts, I *do* delete things.

Nothing in I24, though there are some interesting changes, are making me go "Hey, wow, I have to dust off X character/recreate this now!" (Not saying I don't like what's coming up in I24 - I do. Just that nothing's changing my mind on any characters.)



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
looking forward to enjoying my ar/dev blaster again....
I have been pulling my AR/Dev/mun. mast. blaster out lately anyway, mostly due to a love of the char in general. Forgot what an aoe beast he was, and how many combat options he brought to the table. I can only see benefits in his future.

Also, a ton of chars I walked away from due to awkward colors in my pool choices not meshing with primary/secondary customization. Gonna be a busy fall...


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



If it "saves" my DP/Dev blaster.... I still wouldn't have the time to play her.

I don't have any characters that I truly hate, though. Well, yes, I guess I do. My PB.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



The PPM changes are going to put a bunch of powersets in my own personal "magical" range for DPS, right at the point where I can really enjoy a toon. Too many to list, really.

Snipe changes already got me to reroll a Rad/Kin corruptor a few days ago, just so she'd be all set. I say "reroll", but I have played every ranged powerset out there, just gave up on (and deleted) everything that wasn't Fire Blast ultimately. So this is a comeback of sorts.



Draeth Darkstar. Would you be kind enough to adjust your sig. Every thread you are in gets messed up by your long sig. Thank you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I still hold out hope that changes will come along to make Trip Mine and Time Bomb a bit more useful, but as it stands, I have an elec/dev ready to go.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Draeth Darkstar. Would you be kind enough to adjust your sig. Every thread you are in gets messed up by your long sig. Thank you.

He doesn't have a long sig.

O.o ??



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post

He doesn't have a long sig.

O.o ??

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



generally Blasters as a AT has been brought back through this issue



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
He doesn't have a long sig.
The problem (such as it is) is that his sig width is fixed by the scroll bar thingy so if you have a VERY narrow window it screws up the thread. Not a problem for me but I could see it being an issue on some laptops.



I tend to design my characters with an eye for survival, and the new resistances bonuses are going to make me dust off a lot of old alts and look at this aspect of their build. My Sonic Resonance Corruptor and Mastermind, in particular, are going to get a revamp to see how easily they can hit the hard cap.

The only character that might truly be saved from the alt dustbin is my Illusion/Empathy Controller. As the character that made me fall in live with CoH, and first 50, I want to play him more but he doesn't even have a useful attack chain. I am going to see if the Presence and/or Fighting pools can fix this. I'm not sure how well it will work our how long it will last, but he's getting a respec and a lot more play time that he's had in years.



Originally Posted by Two_Dollar_Bill View Post
The only character that might truly be saved from the alt dustbin is my Illusion/Empathy Controller. As the character that made me fall in live with CoH, and first 50, I want to play him more but he doesn't even have a useful attack chain. I am going to see if the Presence and/or Fighting pools can fix this. I'm not sure how well it will work our how long it will last, but he's getting a respec and a lot more play time that he's had in years.
You may also want to consider the Sorcery pool.



I'm remaking my first fifty, an emp/rad def as a rad/martial combat w/medicine pool and sorcery pool blaster, because that's really closer to how I thought of her in my head.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



My main toon Stalker will have more Status Reistance with the IO revamo changes

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
The problem (such as it is) is that his sig width is fixed by the scroll bar thingy so if you have a VERY narrow window it screws up the thread. Not a problem for me but I could see it being an issue on some laptops.
And phones. It's far from the only thing that does it, but his sig shoves his post so far over that I can only read the last word or two on each line of his posts unless I scroll WAY over, read his post, scroll BACK, and then keep going.

To the original question:

My first character, and my first to 50, was an Elec/Energy blasterthat I built with a "modern wizard" concept. He's been sitting unplayed for over a year as I've tried to rebuild him in a way that I'm happy with. There is so much in Issue 24 that is PERFECT for him that he'll probably be my first project as soon as the issue lands.

My main is a BS/Shield scrapper that has been a Paladin (or something similar) in numerous other video games and Pen and Paper games. Right now, I've got two builds for him - One has Blaze Mastery for Fire Ball (A "Holy Fire" or "Pillar of Flame" attack) but runs out of endurance quickly unless I'm eating inspirations by the handfull. The other has Body Mastery and has no Endurance issues, but lacks any kind of Fire attack (other than Pyronic Judgement, which has a far longer recharge). I'll be able to use Enflame to provide the fire attack while keeping Body Mastery for the endurance. As an added bonus, since I need prerequisites for Enflame, I can use the Absorb power as a "Healing Touch".

I don't have any other characters that will be dramatically affected by I24, but if the Tech origin pool is anything like what the leaked info claims, It will be perfect for a Cyborg character I'm currently working on.




nobody "saved" because i tend to not get so hung up on changes that i feel characters are broken, just changed, but i see sorcery working as a thematic benefit for several of my characters, and i see a few concepts springing forth from martial assault and martial combat. so there will be rerolls, and there will be respeccing, lots of it.