Discussion: The City of Heroes Summer Event starts TOMORROW! Intrepid Informer Issue 22

Agent White



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Woohoo, another Event!!! Always better than wastring some of that development time on silly old tasks like updating years old content, fixing issues, or improving Qol.
Always? No.

Sometimes? Yes.

The blockbuster event is pretty nifty, and I'm glad we have it. If you want attention on whatever your pet issue is, that's cool, talk about that in the appropriate place. Choosing whatever happens to be the most recent feature and attacking it for not being the thing you want is rather silly.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Sweet zombie jeebus guys. Can we PLEASE get an event that does NOT require teams? I'd like to be able to go through these at my own pace and reading everything without feeling like
Sorry, gotta go; event starting.

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Sweet zombie jeebus guys. Can we PLEASE get an event that does NOT require teams? I'd like to be able to go through these at my own pace and reading everything without feeling like I'm holding the rest of the team back.

While four is a lot better than eight, it's worse than one.
Oh I can't agree with this enough. I will not do this no matter how much I want a way to turn off KB, and considering this thing isn't even a permanent effect that you can count on It's SO not worth it. Removal of KB is so critical it should be something free for everyone not something tied to one of your horrible events. It would be something I might be able to get into if not for being forced to team with 2-3 other random ppl who already know what they are doing, and won't even talk for the whole mission, or give me the time to figure out what is going on. I hate trials and the like, and these are even worse, as if that were possible, at least in a trial you can talk to the people before hand, and usually pick who you go with. I hate that all the kewl maps and things get tied into these awful things.
Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
A movie does not have a single star~

( Okay SOME do but they're not always good. )
But it ISN'T a movie, no matter what they want to say, it's a game, and a game should be playable in the way that makes the players most comfortable, making the player uncomfortable, and feeling rushed is not, to many of us, FUN, the key element to a GAME.

As far as the single star movie vs multi stars, many of both are bad, many of both are good, the number of stars doesn't matter, its the writing and the acting that matter. And writing seems to be a dying art these days. If you are counting the bad guy/antagonist as a star (and by some rights that's true) but then what role is left for the npcs? duh can't count that for the game, unless the event is also pvp! The bad guy from Die Hard would be the boss NPC if that were the game event, so no he can't be part of your team, the 'star' has to be the hero and or his/her team otherwise it is unrelated to the topic at hand, team vs solo missions. What you are saying is that batman comic with out a team wouldn't be good... The main character(s) are all that count, the rest are npcs, many a good movie has has one main character. Especially when we talk about heroes.

I am kind of glad we didn't get a new raid, the nem one was really annoying. I am pretty tired of them too, can't step out of a mish with out getting attacked for half the night. Switch zones and it follows you. Of course with the nem it was like it was going on in half the zones at a time. All the time. At least this one I can completely avoid, and will, tyvm.

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Considering that the parts of the event that aren't fighting are all on short timers there's not much of anything to read. The way the event is structured pushes you through, not your teammates in this case. And some info is delivered in cutscenes, so yeah, give it a shot. It might not be as horrible as you think.



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Woohoo, another Event!!! Always better than wastring some of that development time on silly old tasks like updating years old content, fixing issues, or improving Qol.
It's quite possible to do both at the same time

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Devian - as far as the IO goes - the "no kb/kd present in the power" effect of proving kd is the only part of the power that is a proc. the KB->KD part is a constant effect for the power.

And you CAN choose your teammates for this - using the turnstile system does not require random teammates.

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3 points.

1) Not that concerned about not being able to put the io on the market. But not being able to CONVERT is an issue. We should have a way not to waste time/space on incomplete sets.

2) Special Event Badges should be ACCOUNT Based not Toon based. Way too many alts to get them badges. Be lucky to run the event at least once with each alt for some of the badges. Badges shouldn't be used as the carrot to rerun events. No problem with the io set being the carrot as it is something that can be used and has value.

3) 4 people seems like a good balance between massive league or solo play. Sorry but sometimes you do have to get out of solo mode to play a MMORPG. I do like solo play but lets face it 4 people 100x easier than 18-24 on a league. Given this is the same as the Halloween event with 4 people it shouldn't have been a shocker.



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
No, I read it just fine. You're ignoring a whole lot of what I typed because it doesn't support what you want it to. Terminator? Lethal Weapon? Nightmare on Elm Street? Et cetera.
It doesn't support it because multi-cast ensembles, such as The Avengers have absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making. Namely, that single-star (read 'star' as protagonist because that's what the game is, we are the 'stars' for our individual stories and everyone else is a supporting character) movies are doable and don't always equate to 'bad' movies.

3) 4 people seems like a good balance between massive league or solo play. Sorry but sometimes you do have to get out of solo mode to play a MMORPG. I do like solo play but lets face it 4 people 100x easier than 18-24 on a league. Given this is the same as the Halloween event with 4 people it shouldn't have been a shocker.
Why? Making it soloable means that EVERYONE can do it at their preferred setting, either team or solo. And quite frankly, I'm sick to death of the 'get out of solo mode to play a MMORPG' argument, that has been trotted out for everything. It's pretty much Godwin'ing the thread. And 'sometimes' equates to 'pretty much every event that involves a mission'.

Is it too much to ask that a bone be thrown to the soloers so that they may enjoy the event in their preferred method of play?



95% of the game is solo'able. You have an incarnate solo path. Every new arc added is solo'able.

A once a year team up event with 3 other people is not breaking the bank. And you'll be able to get the IO's via the market when they fix it.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Is it too much to ask that a bone be thrown to the soloers so that they may enjoy the event in their preferred method of play?
It could be worse - they could have made the required team size for the heist 11-13.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TheDevian View Post
But it ISN'T a movie, no matter what they want to say, it's a game, and a game should be playable in the way that makes the players most comfortable, making the player uncomfortable, and feeling rushed is not, to many of us, FUN, the key element to a GAME.
Well, if there are plenty of people out there who want to play slowly through an event without feeling rushed, you shouldn't have any problem filling a team of four people with like-minded players, right?

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Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
95% of the game is solo'able. You have an incarnate solo path. Every new arc added is solo'able.

A once a year team up event with 3 other people is not breaking the bank. And you'll be able to get the IO's via the market when they fix it.
Once a year team up?

Let's look at the events that require teaming...

Nemesis/Rikti/Zombie Invasions - require big teams to get the badge mob to spawn

Halloween Event - Lowbie trick or treating pretty much requires a team given the prevalence of boss mob spawns; the Haunted Mansion thing requires a team; Banners requires teams

XMas event - Winter Lord requires a team to spawn, iirc; Lady Winter mission requires a team for all but a few uber builds; Lord of Winter requires big teams

Spring Event - Requires a team up to get the clickies in the Scratch/Ganymede missions finished

Individually, yes, it's just a 'once a year team up'. Collectively, it is a bit different. It's kinda like brownies. You tell yourself that you're only eating "one" brownie. But then you eat another brownie, because it's only one. Pretty soon, the entire pan is gone, but you were only eating "one" brownie.

As for the IOs, not everyone is doing it for those.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
95% of the game is solo'able. You have an incarnate solo path. Every new arc added is solo'able.

A once a year team up event with 3 other people is not breaking the bank. And you'll be able to get the IO's via the market when they fix it.
Lol at the solo incarnate path, anything that involes spending your whole life in the ozone is as much a path as the AE.

But I am sure you would be ok if we forced you to do an activity you didn't like several times a year just because we felt like it?

Newer MMO's are moving away from the forced teaming model, CoX never really got as far as forcing it, and the missions it was forced have mostly been changed; this is a(nother) backwards step.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Lol at the solo incarnate path, anything that involes spending your whole life in the ozone is as much a path as the AE.

But I am sure you would be ok if we forced you to do an activity you didn't like several times a year just because we felt like it?

Hey I'm a badger so I've done lots of "afk farming" for badges or doing pvp things for badges, or what have you...Heck even doing day job badges is something I don't like doing.

Did I enjoy doing them? Absolutely not... Did I do them? Yes, because I want the badges so I thought the effort was worth the reward.

If you don't think it's worth your time, don't do it.

P.S. I'm not saying you shouldn't request content to be solo'able (or to be able to start it as a solo person).

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I like the fact that you can onbly earn an enhancement every week. Hopefully this means that after two weeks, people are still willing to play.



Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
I like the fact that you can onbly earn an enhancement every week. Hopefully this means that after two weeks, people are still willing to play.
I thought it was once every 20 hours.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I thought it was once every 20 hours.
I agree with this. Also, are these mail-able to your own account. If so and you have alts, it shouldnt take that long to get a few toons decked out.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
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Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
Also, are these mail-able to your own account.
Yes, they are. I mailed two of them last night.

Arc# 137705: Rage Within The Machine. A mystery in five acts. Robots are rising up and attacking hero and villain alike. Who is responsible? Heroic, Very Long, Story arc, no EBs or AVs, no "defeat all", no Ninjitsu. For level 30 and up.



Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
I agree with this. Also, are these mail-able to your own account. If so and you have alts, it shouldnt take that long to get a few toons decked out.
Originally Posted by Saul_Invictus View Post
Yes, they are. I mailed two of them last night.
You can email them to any account and even put them in base storage. I am fairly sure they are meant to be traded on the market - but early posts indicate there is a bug with this.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



I am sorry ahead of time to anyone not pushing, but trivializing things that annoys the heck out of other people just ticks me right off, especially when I am the one of the ones annoyed, lol.

Originally Posted by Stargeist View Post
Considering that the parts of the event that aren't fighting are all on short timers there's not much of anything to read. The way the event is structured pushes you through, not your teammates in this case. And some info is delivered in cutscenes, so yeah, give it a shot. It might not be as horrible as you think.
that makes it sound even worse. I don't like being 'pushed' and cutscenes suck in this game. Though come to think of it the Holloween one was the same way, it pushed and pushed and gave you no time to figure out what was going on too.

and the IO adds a proc that gives kd to powers that dont do it normally?!?!?! OMG oh no, I definitely don't want that. I just want KB to go away, completely, no KD, no KU, just gone. KD would be OK if so many wimpy mobs didnt go flying anyway, like monkeys, but it doesn't, so it's not. I don't even like stun because everything stumbles out of range right as my attacks go off!

And No, I do NOT have to do large team play, just because it's an MMO, I can completely ignore all other players if I choose to (for now), there is nothing that will get me to do these forced teaming events/missions, I even solo the invasion events when I don't avoid them completely. I just skip garbage like this. I specifically picked this game due to the soloing abilities it offered. It was the only one that offered soloing as a way of life. No 'carrot' will change that for me, nor will rude, thoughtless comments. If they want to make events then they should make them so that we can ALL do them in any size group we choose, period. To someone who is a solo/small team style player, there is no compromise that is acceptable in that regard.

It's not a 'shocker', it's annoying, and offensive to those us us who hate to be forced to team up with people we do not want to. ANY team member requirements, be it 1, 4, or 28 it doesn't matter, it's all bad! Anything that screws up your working team is a bad deal, and it takes away from actually playing the game. Every mission should work with every team size, so everyone can enjoy them at their own pace, in their own way. The main goal of new content is (I assume) to get all of us to want to do it, and that would be the best way to do that. It should be obvious to anyone who gives it any real thought at all.
Why is it so many people think that because these games allow for group play that it should be the only reason anyone plays it? Can a person not just like a game and not just the fact that it is build on top of a big chat room? Can we not want to see the new things without having to deal with other people's garbage, like mine. (I wouldn't wish waiting on me on anyone else, I never have time to read anything in this game in a team situation, takes to long, never get any playing done).

And no this isn't once a year, it happens every 2-3 months on the average, not counting the trials (and all the other missions that have team member requirements), that are as close to required as it gets if you want the incarnate stuff {a.k.a. not retire at 50}, DA helped but not near enough. They should just switch it so everything that would give xp gives incarnate xp to the ones who are working on it and let us pick which bars we fill in what order beyond the alpha, get rid of the whole idea that you can only get incarnate xp in certain places. What it means as is that all content stops existing at 50, and only incarnate content can be done or you are wasting your time. As it is it's like this whole system was put in place solely to get more people to do their stupid trials.

Well, if there are plenty of people out there who want to play slowly through an event without feeling rushed, you shouldn't have any problem filling a team of four people with like-minded players, right?
Wrong! I (and other 'like minded people') DON'T WANT A TEAM! I don't want to have to deal with other people, don't want to try and find those same people, who are all likely hidden, like myself, and I am dyslexic, so no, there is not likely to be ANYONE who needs as much time to read as I do, no. Nor do I want to spend the time to LOOK for other people like me (We make it hard to find us intentionally, because we don't want to be found, too many people blind inviting [even when we say not to in the search box] or begging to join, so we have to hide), most of the ones I do know are not on when I am, and I am fine with that (and frankly most of the people I like chatting with, are not people I want to team with either, because they like to rush rush rush, and not play the little game I like to call, 'follow the tank', the healer is in charge, and the tank leads, these are basics tactics, everyone is welcome to play the way they enjoy, but I like to be slow and methodical, and almost always go left, heh). At the time of day I play the whole bloody game is a ghost town. And that is the way I like it, and why I always log in to the least crowded servers. That was why I started playing on test on EQ, to be left alone (even soloed a cleric, well), I did that here but they wiped the server and I lost everything. (every game said that was possible, but it never happened on any of them I had played before this one, at least not that were not restored soon after from a back up, 14 years later, my toons are still on EQ's test server).
And as a natural reaction, the more people push me into these forced teaming situations the more I will resist, the more of them there are, the more I will hate them, human nature.
I guess it doesn't matter, if they do to KR what they did to AP and Mercy (and I assume they will) in the upcoming revamp, then I am done, I haven't been happy with the direction they have been going for years, but at least I had old content and new powersets, but if they are going to ruin all of the other zones with their gimicky garbage, take out all of the old arcs, add black out areas and all those awful gimicky missions, then I want nothing more to do with them. I refuse to pay for things I find more frustrating than fun. Bad enough we lost the leveling pacts, I really liked have my characters who have partners to always be in sync with their partner, I could play that toon w/o worrying about getting ahead, or his taking all the missions wouldn't get him ahead because he got more xp from the dumb missions (fedex, kill XX, etc...). It was really nice to be able to both do our leveling and shopping at the same time, and not make one of us wait on the other one.

Many game players have disabilities, and being pushed and rushed is not something all of us can handle. If I had good hand eye coordination I might play more action games, but being in pain isnt fun for me, so I stick to rpg's (of which there are few real ones these days), but even then, having to do things fast is painful to me, my right arm doesn't like being used. Try playing with 8 (mostly) full trays and almost no mouse, doesn't work well at all.

Again, sorry, I tried to be as calm and reasonable as I could, but just because something is not a big deal to you, does not make it trivial to everyone. It takes all kinds in this world, and THAT is what makes MMO's a great idea, an ever evolving game that all people can participate in the way they enjoy. It when too much of that evolution doesn't keep that variety in mind that they fail, in my eyes. Wish they had just spent this effort to give us a switch/option to turn KB on or off as we like. After all it is not the power that causes the KB, the way it is used, if you have enough control you could KB or not as you desire. I can get you to fall back with a feather too if I use it right. ...and don't worry, I won't be back to this thread to bother you groupers again. sorry if I was annoying.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Hey I'm a badger so I've done lots of "afk farming" for badges or doing pvp things for badges, or what have you...Heck even doing day job badges is something I don't like doing.

Did I enjoy doing them? Absolutely not... Did I do them? Yes, because I want the badges so I thought the effort was worth the reward.

If you don't think it's worth your time, don't do it.

P.S. I'm not saying you shouldn't request content to be solo'able (or to be able to start it as a solo person).
This makes little sense to me.

You do things that aren't fun instead of asking for the things you don't like to be made more fun?

I don't care about the reward from these arcs, but that doesn't mean I think it is a good idea to introduce MORE content that not everyone will experience.

I won't comment much about badges because I think it is more akin to an illness than a way of having fun. And your post kind of shows me that with your 'I must do this even if I don't like it' mentality.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by TheDevian View Post
They should just switch it so everything that would give xp gives incarnate xp to the ones who are working on it and let us pick which bars we fill in what order beyond the alpha, get rid of the whole idea that you can only get incarnate xp in certain places. What it means as is that all content stops existing at 50, and only incarnate content can be done or you are wasting your time. As it is it's like this whole system was put in place solely to get more people to do their stupid trials.
This is my beef and what has put off almost everyone I have ever played with. I just cannot understand the decision to make a new progression path that is so different to the rest of the game.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
I like the fact that you can onbly earn an enhancement every week. Hopefully this means that after two weeks, people are still willing to play.
Or it could be great fun and people would play anyway? If you are worried that people wouldn't want to play it without the rewards surely that means the missions suck?

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
This is my beef and what has put off almost everyone I have ever played with. I just cannot understand the decision to make a new progression path that is so different to the rest of the game.
It's not - the Incarnate slots unlock in a certain order, just like powers in a power set.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I don't care about the reward from these arcs, but that doesn't mean I think it is a good idea to introduce MORE content that not everyone will experience.
No one's being excluded from it - people who don't play the summer event are chosing not to play it.
And there will always be team content in an MMO - we're geting more in the upcoming Issues, just like we've been getting it for the past 8 yers.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork