Discussion: The City of Heroes Summer Event starts TOMORROW! Intrepid Informer Issue 22

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's not - the Incarnate slots unlock in a certain order, just like powers in a power set.
With a new type of XP to earn those rewards. Which is the point. And the only way to earn that XP in a realistic way (Farming DA arcs in the ozone is NOT realistic) is to run trials, which are massively different to the rest of the game.

Edit: If for example the only way to get past 35 was to run the ITF repeatedly I don't think the game would have been as successful. And lets say they had IO's gated behind TF's in the same way ipowers are gated behind i-content. CoX was always the inclusive MMO, I don't like that changing.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No one's being excluded from it - people who don't play the summer event are chosing not to play it.
And there will always be team content in an MMO - we're geting more in the upcoming Issues, just like we've been getting it for the past 8 yers.
I never said don't make any team content, I think things like TF's should require teams, but for special events that are only available for a small time and then gone again, they should really be there for everyone to see so we can all appreciate the work they did.

For example why can't you just solo all 4 roles in the heist one after the other and pretend the timing doesn't matter that much?

People's arguements seem to boil down to a childish 'cos dad (devs) said'.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No one's being excluded from it - people who don't play the summer event are chosing not to play it.
And there will always be team content in an MMO - we're geting more in the upcoming Issues, just like we've been getting it for the past 8 yers.
Virtually everything in this game is team content should the people want to team on it. Things like Task Forces, Trials, Hamidon raids? It's ok that it requires a team since they can be done at virtually any time.

Limited time events? Not so much.

Making events possible to solo does not in any way prevent you from teaming for them, if you so desire. Making them require a team automatically eliminates those who like to solo or forces upon them a playstyle they might not like in order to take part in the event.

In other words, you can play how you want and we can play how we want. Is that such a bad thing?



Has anyone else encountered the "Cannot use this enhancement until level 47" lock-out on Overwhelming Force? I first encountered that while trying to slot the proc on my level 42 blaster. It surprised me, considering we can collect this set at level 15, we can trade them within our accounts, and they are, after all, attuned. I was dumbfounded when one of the other pieces was also unavailable to my blaster. Working as intended?

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Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
Has anyone else encountered the "Cannot use this enhancement until level 47" lock-out on Overwhelming Force? I first encountered that while trying to slot the proc on my level 42 blaster. It surprised me, considering we can collect this set at level 15, we can trade them within our accounts, and they are, after all, attuned. I was dumbfounded when one of the other pieces was also unavailable to my blaster. Working as intended?
It's a known bug that they're working on. Basically, instead of being properly attuned, the enhancements are dropping 'fixed' at the level of the character claiming them from the reward table.

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Something else that's bothering me...

Why are we being limited to level 29? Both this and the Halloween event have that limitation. It's pretty painful in this one, especially trying to go for the Invictus badge, which by the way combined with the level limitation is overkill on the Favor part.

So far, the teams I've been on have lost the favor of the crowd before the first fight is over, due to needing to avoid damaging/killing the two angels.



Originally Posted by Stargeist View Post
Considering that the parts of the event that aren't fighting are all on short timers there's not much of anything to read. The way the event is structured pushes you through, not your teammates in this case. And some info is delivered in cutscenes, so yeah, give it a shot. It might not be as horrible as you think.
Does this mean that individual team members can fail their tasks (making it harder for the rest of the team)?

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
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Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Does this mean that individual team members can fail their tasks (making it harder for the rest of the team)?
They can fail their tasks in the heist, but all that means is that you don't get that badge during that run.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
They can fail their tasks in the heist, but all that means is that you don't get that badge during that run.
Actually I think it also increases the number of mooks fought in between stages, but that's pretty minor.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Actually I think it also increases the number of mooks fought in between stages, but that's pretty minor.
Not really. I've noticed only one difference on both completely successful or where 2/4 have failed their roles for the heist

Cutscene -> preform roles -> 20 thugs -> AV -> cutscene -> preform roles -> 20 thugs -> AV -> Special AV.

If you didn't do well, you might not get the last AV.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
I just wouldn't want my goofing up (like I goofed up the Red Widow ritual) to affect anyone else.
Call 'Hitter' as your role. You will only need to click 4 glowies for your first part then click to talk to the crazy old guy until he runs to the tables on the second.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Not really. I've noticed only one difference on both completely successful or where 2/4 have failed their roles for the heist

Cutscene -> preform roles -> 20 thugs -> AV -> cutscene -> preform roles -> 20 thugs -> AV -> Special AV.

If you didn't do well, you might not get the last AV.
I've had one where everyone 'failed' their roles and the mook count was 80. I forget which segment it was though (first or second mook wave that is)



I've seen a 45-mook count, too. Not sure exactly what caused it.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Well, any fears I had about the event were put to rest today. I've run it seven times on a wide variety of characters, and all runs succeeded. One even achieved all of the badges other than Ninja Monkey. I've completed all of the roles, and while they aren't difficult, they do a good job of keeping you engaged. Overall, a very enjoyable event.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Well, been trying for the last couple of days to get a run or two together for some alts and no luck. Granted, I haven't been trying very hard, but still. This is the problem when you have these events that require <x> number of people to do...if you don't do it in the beginning, you (probably) won't be able to get it done.

Please devs, for future events, give us the ability to complete these missions/event things solo. Heck, for things like the Casino Heist, let us pick up NPC followers to perform the roles of the other characters. Maybe make it random on whether or not they do it "Perfect" for the badges, so that a soloer would have to run it a few times to get the complete set, but take a step back from the teaming requirements for these things.



So why was the event shut off early? Hit Streak said it went till the 31st and today's the 31st. Or did they shut it off this morning rather than letting it go for the duration of the 31st?



If it went the duration of the 31st, that would be "until August 1st."

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Sorry to see the Summer Event go, I think it was a lot of fun even after repeating it a lot of times. It was really well designed for quick and fun teaming and I'd love to see future events along similar lines.



Originally Posted by Iron_Emerald View Post
Sorry to see the Summer Event go, I think it was a lot of fun even after repeating it a lot of times. It was really well designed for quick and fun teaming and I'd love to see future events along similar lines.
yea fun times. Went by too quick it seems.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Iron_Emerald View Post
Sorry to see the Summer Event go, I think it was a lot of fun even after repeating it a lot of times. It was really well designed for quick and fun teaming and I'd love to see future events along similar lines.
Agreed. Although I recognize that the ease of teaming I found was due to being on a high-pop server, it was awesome to be able to log in to a character, enter the queue, and within a few minutes (at most) start a bite-sized bit of interesting content with reasonable rewards (both xp and otherwise) with random folks. I don't PUG often, and this had me PUGging almost the entire time it was live, with great success.

I like the winter event too, but I'll be honest and say that I mainly end up farming aspects of that solo. Small-team events are a nice change, and this one was (to me) more fun and more repeatable than some of the other small-team events that have been offered.

Kudos, to all those responsible.

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It's always kind of sad when an event like this ends; I understand why they have to, but... it's content being removed from the game, and that just seems wrong on some level.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



They should make it a purple recipe drop while completing Ouroboros story archs: complete a arch chance to get a special portal for you and 3 others on a team(or solo-doubt it though).

Dare a say could earn via ouro credits

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