What I dislike the most

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by HellsPixie View Post
Personally, I'm against the idea of allowing multiple uses of the same name on a server because doing so would break the genre this game is supposed to be emulating. In comic books, a character's name is their identity. With a few very specific exceptions, there is only one person per comic universe using any given name. When someone says, "I saw Superman today!", everyone knows exactly who they mean. Nobody has to ask, "Which one?"

In that world there have been two Supermen at the same time, three Flashes at the same time, umpteen hundred Green Lanterns, four of which are on Earth and recently three Batmen.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Not to nitpick but CoH is not a comic book. Yes it is based on super heroes; who are mainly in comic books...but it is not a comic book mmo.. it is a super hero mmo...hence the title of the game: City of Heroes - not City of Comic Books.

I'm sorry you can't get THE name you want, but what right do you have to take away my individuality that I have had on a character for 5-6-7-8 years? CoH is a SOCIAL game...and truth be told I do not want Joe Schmoe out there in Broadcast with a duplicate of my name saying things that I would never say. Sure my friends may know it's not me because they know my global... but Player A who sees I BURNT THE TOAST screaming profanity or racial slanders in broadcast.... will probably react negatively to me if they saw me 15 minutes later. I'm sorry but I have little faith that scenarios like this would not be a daily occurrence as there can be quite an immature player base spouting off in various channels. I can see duplicate names being used to harass more well known players in this game...sadly. There is nothing to stop me from creating a new Forbin Project, Arcanaville, etc... and doing my best to ruin their reputation in game.

So no I am not for duplicate names unless their is a clear indicator that the duplicate is just that...with some type of preface such as @OtherGlobal: Duplicate Name .... otherwise... thanks but no thanks.

Yeah, given that, that doesn't happen on the other superhero mmo with a none unique character name system?

I think you're scaremongering for no reason.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Present system is good. I would hate to see duplicate names. Sometimes you have to think slightly longer but that's not any big problem. Just avoid some most common words like slasher, ripper, blade, sharp etc. Even I with crappy english can name new characters easily. And please don't use xXcoolnameXx style. It's childish and ugly.

Using foreing languages could be sometimes slightly confusing if you meet people from those countries. Other languages are not just funny looking words. People are using those languages in their everyday life and english is foreing for them. So... When I saw one hero with finnish name I naturally greeted him finnish of course. He said he just liked words but he was english. Not any big problem but if you choose french name you will get whispers in french. Or any other languages. We are there in game

edit. If you have some cool idea and then you noticed that all good names are already taken you could change the way of thinking. For example one of my characters is dual blade brute. I tried all names with blade, sword, sharp, edge etc. They were all gone. Then I startet to think what will this character do... Well he is tough so maybe "Adamant" could work and then Adamant Avenger was available. Not very original I know but it's ok. So you could use dictionary and try to found rare synonyms.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



I do find it annoying that, whenever I am making a name for one of my characters, when I eventually come up with one that is just right, I find it is taken. No matter how obscure the reference or idea, it'll be taken. Literally, half of my toons have names that are deliberately misspelled because of this: Zerenade (instead of Serenade), Allatrope (instead of Allotrope), Hare Splittor (instead of Hare Splitter), Nazka (instead of Nazca), Vespila (instead of Vespula). When I am taking references to giant etchings in the ground or pulling random scientific terms out of a field guide for insects, they're already taken.

As much as I would love to change that and have the names I want, I can't find a system that would really work without causing a myriad of problems.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
You haven't "built" anything until your character enters the game world.
Completely and blatantly wrong. Some have a complete back story including pre-powers days already fleshed out. I've done it for a couple of characters I was really interested in.

I try not to name my characters after their power sets in most cases, and finding a name, that is english (because I have no foreign nationals in my roster), is not the scientific name for a virus, etc, is occasionally pretty tough under the current system. *shrug* I've got 2 characters that have periods at the end of their names. I don't feel (too) bad about it.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Vert Flame Guy (green flame guy)

Auburn Flame Guy

Bronx Flame Guy

Fallow Flame Guy (Fallow is a brown color)

Gold or Golden Flame Guy (not to be confused with Golden Girl)

Mighty Flame Guy

The Great Flame Guy

American Flame Guy

Flame Guy Gus

etc, etc, etc....

Each and every one of those is terrible.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



The naming process for me can take hours, especially if what I had in mind is taken. Luckily we have plenty of web resources for me to try and work around this without feeling like I'm losing out on concept. Wikipedia, Thesaurus.com and Dictionary.com are my best friends in toon creation.

Great example, on Triumph back in the issue 4 days I had a grav/kin controller named Dying Breath. He was a 3rd generation Japanese scientist who worked for Crey and eventually gained powers via a serum he developed. He realized Crey intended to abuse the serum and intended to destroy it. Crey hired Freaks to execute his family on live TV and he vowed to avenge them with his Dying Breath and used his own serum, gaining powers. He was a very Sunfire inspired hero costume wise. Well when I went to reroll him on Pinnacle, my home server these days, the name was taken. I spent days trying to come up with something similar but the same. After a few searches on Wikipedia I came across Onryo. A Japanese spirit of vengeance. Perfect! I rerolled as fire/thermal troller and feel that the character actually grew from me having to think outside the box, even though I didn't get the name he'd had for around 2-3 years. Instead of just unlocking powers, the serum now granted powers based on the subject's emotional makeup at the time of injection. His anger and rage transformed him
into an inferno of revenge.

The addition of the check name box has helped me alot. One thing I wish we had the tech for is a global cross check on names. If it's taken the system would check to see if that name's account has been active within let's say a year. If not active, the name "free's" up. If we already have something like that in place I'm unaware of it.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
The secret to getting the name you want in this environment isn't to "be creative", but rather to have the good fortune to be first.
You don't get to be first by being fortunate, you get to be first by being creative.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
You don't get to be first by being fortunate, you get to be first by being creative.

No you don't.

For example, if you were an EU player and now wish to play on a US server. No amount of creativity on your part will ever prevent another player having an additional X amount of years to claim that name before hand.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I am not FOR the idea... then again I am not FOR any changes being made to the naming system as it is. I'm not gonna sit here and tell people to be creative etc, but imo there is nothing wrong with the current system. I see plenty of great names still being created every day...and I play on Freedom one of the higher population servers.
The issue here is this; if you are willing to accept "I Burnt the Toast" as the name of your main that's cool but we don't really have any common ground on which to discuss naming conventions.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
The issue here is this; if you are willing to accept "I Burnt the Toast" as the name of your main that's cool but we don't really have any common ground on which to discuss naming conventions.
If you think that a person who chooses to use unique names means that you don't have common ground to discuss the naming conventions with that person, then your dismissive attitude negates any value your opinion on the subject has and can be dismissed as easily as you dismiss others.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If you think that a person who chooses to use unique names means that you don't have common ground to discuss the naming conventions with that person, then your dismissive attitude negates any value your opinion on the subject has and can be dismissed as easily as you dismiss others.
I don't see him as being dismissive.

He's at least acknowledging that he recognizes there IS a difference in values here, and that that difference is so broad that there may be no common ground to work on. Yes, it includes a snub toward the others' name. Yes, that's unnecessary, but that's a bit different than dismissing another person's entire position AND insulting them by saying they're just not creative.

(and yes, I do see the oddity in arguing this, given that my name, which started out as just a joke, is neither very creative nor very good)



It's not? I actually like your name. I must be missing the joke part...

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
It's not? I actually like your name. I must be missing the joke part...
eh, was more of a private ribbing toward a friend that recruited me to CoH.

I never really liked it, but never could think of one better. I explain it away as him being somewhat distracted while registering as a hero ("Chase" is his first name)

"I always meant to get around to fixing that, but let's face it, combat isn't really the best place to try out a new name... Y'know, people yelling "Arcanum, DUCK!" and you totally don't realize they're yelling at YOU until WHAM! it hits. Much better to just keep with something you're familiar with, really...."



It's not? I actually like your name. I must be missing the joke part...
Sign me up for the "thought Chase Arcanum's a pretty unique name" club too.

As for creativity, if anyone's mapping out their character to the point that the name is indispensable before even logging in to reserve that name, they're bound to be disappointed. Creativity is always limited by the medium you're working with, and you can't precisely express an entirely pre-written character who's inflexible in any way through the medium of CoH character building. There are bound to be limitations with the costumes, the faces, the hair styles, how much the powers can be tweaked into the concept, and there's the issue of whether the name's taken. As long as you keep the character's concept a little flexible, it can actually help shape the creative process. Twilight Detective, for instance, wasn't my occult detective character's first, second or third name choice, but I can't even remember what they were now; once I finally grabbed that name, the word twilight made me think of the Celtic otherworld's connection to twilight hours, which reminded me of Croatoa and which then inspired the character's connection to Salamanca and his motives as a hero, so that now the name fits him perfectly.

Also, in many superhero stories, the name of a character isn't something they came up with beforehand: it's the name the media gave them, that the townspeople started calling that mysterious rescuer making the headlines, and it stuck. So a name doesn't always have to be a precise reflection of the character's personality. Maybe the flame guy whose name is "Lord Asbestos" isn't weirdly pretentious: perhaps it's the name that some random crook mockingly called him during his very first mission ("hey look guys, check out Lord Asbestos there! Har har... ow..."), and the hero has a sense of humor and kept the name as kind of a dare for anyone else to try taking him lightly. Creativity isn't just creating in a void, it's also writing around the roadblocks that might spring up between the initial inspiration and the final story.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Y'know, people yelling "Arcanum, DUCK!" and you totally don't realize they're yelling at YOU until WHAM! it hits.
You think there's a possibility Harry Potter is summoning water fowl at your location?

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You think there's a possibility Harry Potter is summoning water fowl at your location?
Don't be such a silly goose!

(Hey, take a gander at that pun!)



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
In that world there have been two Supermen at the same time, three Flashes at the same time, umpteen hundred Green Lanterns, four of which are on Earth and recently three Batmen.
As i recall they're generally called something more than just Superman or Flash or Batman when there's more than one unless they're deliberately trying to obfuscate who is actually using the name at any given time. Also, in most cases they're actually from or on different Earths when using the same name. Almost like the names were being used on different... shards? servers? dimensions? On the same world at the same time they tend to have other adjectives/identifiers added or be called something else while on the world (server?): Red Superman, Blue Superman, Cyborg Superman, Green Lantern (Earth), Kilowog (Green Lantern Alien). Probably because it would otherwise become incredibly confusing in very short order. Something that is occasionally played with for the sake of drama or humor when more than one character uses the same name...

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
And again, "you're not creative", "you're not original". Condescension grows tiresome.
You know, Traska, every time this thread comes up (what is this, #502?), you bring the same argument (creativity is not necessary), you say the same things (redo the naming system) and you're always met with the same response (be more creative). Might be time to learn that you're beating a dead horse with a dead horse, and people are beating YOUR dead horse with THEIR dead horse for doing so. /xzibit

Seriously. This thread, with all the arguments identical to the threads that came before it, and every thread that will be identical to it that come after, need to stop.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Don't be such a silly goose!

(Hey, take a gander at that pun!)
You're cuckoo if you think you're getting more than the booby prize for that.

I toucan play this game.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post

Creativity isn't just creating in a void, it's also writing around the roadblocks that might spring up between the initial inspiration and the final story.
Cool story.

I'd have to agree but I don't feel it's the only approach. Creating a character around a name is a valid creative approach, it's just not always a *successful* one *here*.

But for limitation's sake, I just name my characters whatever I want and 'call' them something different for the game. Among the other limitations of the naming system, I often make multiples of the same character with altered powers. They're not clones or time travelers or something, they're the same exact person who has all those powers. My Kat/SR is also a MA/SR and a TW/WP and a DB/SR. What do I name him? Quick-Strike. What do I have to call him? Well 3 more other names so it really doesn't matter.

I will say though, there are creative limitations with our current system and pretending they're not limitations doesn't make it true. It's not all about creativity, but if one willingly accepts the game's limitations or at least tolerate them.



Here's one way to look at it: if there were superheroes in the real world (I mean *real* ones, with superpowers), how likely is it that they *wouldn't* copyright their super monikers so that no one else could use them? Or that existing comic companies and the like wouldn't go after every "Spider-Man" wannabe name-stealer out there operating without the legally sanctioned usage of their copyrighted name?

Then imagine that Paragon City is the same way.

(Of course, the villains should be immune to such threats, since, y'know- they're scofflaws by nature. What's a copyright infringement charge added to murder and larceny? But maybe lawyers in Paragon are superpowered, too? Maybe the Coming Storm/Battalion is really all lawyers. )



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
As i recall they're generally called something more than just Superman or Flash or Batman when there's more than one unless they're deliberately trying to obfuscate who is actually using the name at any given time. Also, in most cases they're actually from or on different Earths when using the same name. Almost like the names were being used on different... shards? servers? dimensions? On the same world at the same time they tend to have other adjectives/identifiers added or be called something else while on the world (server?): Red Superman, Blue Superman, Cyborg Superman, Green Lantern (Earth), Kilowog (Green Lantern Alien). Probably because it would otherwise become incredibly confusing in very short order. Something that is occasionally played with for the sake of drama or humor when more than one character uses the same name...
Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner. All known as Green Lantern, all on one world.
Jay Garrick, Barry Allen and/or Wally West and/or Bart Allen (At leastBarry and Wally together at the same time), all known simply as Flash, all on one world.
Bruce Wayne, Richard Grayson. Both known at the same time as Batman.
The Eradicator, Hank Henshaw, Conner Kent (at the very beginning), all calling themself Superman at the same time.
And that's just core Justice Leaguers.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
You know, Traska, every time this thread comes up (what is this, #502?), you bring the same argument (creativity is not necessary), you say the same things (redo the naming system) and you're always met with the same response (be more creative). Might be time to learn that you're beating a dead horse with a dead horse, and people are beating YOUR dead horse with THEIR dead horse for doing so. /xzibit

Seriously. This thread, with all the arguments identical to the threads that came before it, and every thread that will be identical to it that come after, need to stop.
Again, word salad =/= creativity. Using a thesaurus =/= creativity. Google Translate =/= creativity. There is nothing at all creative about calling the Blue Beetle the "Azure Scarab". There is nothing creative about calling Iron Man "The Awesome Armored Avenger". There is nothing creative about calling The Tick "Le Cocher". And there's nothing creative about tearing down a perfectly good character concept just to choose a name that doesn't fit. Many of my characters are easy to fit with the current name system. But many are not.

What royally peeves me is when my argument for a different naming system gets boiled down repeatedly to the ad hominem of "you lack originality and creativity". Claiming that because my creativity springs from a different direction than your means I have no creativity is the height of elitism, and does nothing to help the discussion. Which is convenient, since it allows you to off-handedly dismiss the discussion.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Again, word salad =/= creativity. Using a thesaurus =/= creativity. Google Translate =/= creativity. There is nothing at all creative about calling the Blue Beetle the "Azure Scarab". There is nothing creative about calling Iron Man "The Awesome Armored Avenger". There is nothing creative about calling The Tick "Le Cocher". And there's nothing creative about tearing down a perfectly good character concept just to choose a name that doesn't fit. Many of my characters are easy to fit with the current name system. But many are not.

What royally peeves me is when my argument for a different naming system gets boiled down repeatedly to the ad hominem of "you lack originality and creativity". Claiming that because my creativity springs from a different direction than your means I have no creativity is the height of elitism, and does nothing to help the discussion. Which is convenient, since it allows you to off-handedly dismiss the discussion.
Not calling you un-creative, but I disagree... renaming a toon based off the examples you gave..is creative in my book.

To me creativity is more than thinking up a simple name...it is taking the challenge and being creative about it. I honestly think Blue Beetle rates pretty low on creativity whereas I think Azure Scarab...pretty frickin creative.

It reminds me of Boggle...where you look for all kinds of words in a puzzle. If you constantly use the same 4-5 letter words...you are not using your creative side as much...and get a lower score....because a lot of people see the same ordinary words in the boggle puzzle and disqualify your choice. I love the challenge of naming toons and would think seeing the same name over and over followed by @Global would be silly....and frankly quite boring. The creative names people come up with this in this game...make me smile.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!