What I dislike the most

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post

Also, in many superhero stories, the name of a character isn't something they came up with beforehand: it's the name the media gave them, that the townspeople started calling that mysterious rescuer making the headlines, and it stuck. So a name doesn't always have to be a precise reflection of the character's personality. Maybe the flame guy whose name is "Lord Asbestos" isn't weirdly pretentious: perhaps it's the name that some random crook mockingly called him during his very first mission ("hey look guys, check out Lord Asbestos there! Har har... ow..."), and the hero has a sense of humor and kept the name as kind of a dare for anyone else to try taking him lightly. Creativity isn't just creating in a void, it's also writing around the roadblocks that might spring up between the initial inspiration and the final story.
Actually, that brings up a unique naming system I'd once heard of, interesting, but with issues... and way too cumbersome for the modern MMO gamer. I mentioned it once before not because I endorse it, but because its so different:

You name the people you meet.

You essentially have the option to put an alias on anyone you encounter, calling them what you want to call them. That name then appears in above them, and that's the name you use see in chat for them and what you use to send them tells.
It worked something like this:

- you could "alias" anyone you want with any other name you wanted. You'd see that one instead.
- when I see someone I haven't alias'ed, it shows me the most common alias my friends use for that person instead. I can opt to use that one or create my own.
- if neither I nor my friends have alias'ed someone, it checks to see if there's an extremely popular name on the server. otherwise, it uses the person's own preferred name, which I can opt to use.
- I could see the "top" few names people are using for me, but not who was using them.

It was meant to:
1) let you label real jerks by name- and warning your friends, assuming that people would try to avoid negative IDs (forgetting that many people revel in negative attention)
2) let you manage identical names like you do in real life (Have 3 "Daves" at work, you may differentiate it with "Dave in IT" or lastname or nickname, etc).
3) encourage unique names without requiring them. People that don't want nicknames or alternatives will gravitate to the unique names. Those that want to be something less unique may call themselves whatever they want, but may find that others don't consider them the "real" freelancer as there's another more popularly-known "freelancer" already on the server. (On the other hand, someone who's "freelancer" running in different social circles than you are has no issue with using the same name you are using).



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
This is the very essence of the problem... some people play this game to play traditional superheroes (that was completely what sold me the first time I heard about the game from G4, back before it was even in beta), and a name like "Your ExGirlfriend" doesn't appeal in the slightest to those players. Which is why we're so skeptical when people say that there are plenty of good names, and you just have to be willing to be creative, and just tweak your character concept a little. In this, yes, I am rigid. Every single character of mine is done as if they could appear in a comic book, because I am a comic book fan. Some would be mere supporting characters, some would be comic headliners, but all could appear in a serious comic like Batman or Captain America. That is the benchmark I strive for, and because of that, the pool of names I would use is limited. Not everyone plays my way, and that's fine. But don't expect me to play your (generic you) way just because you're willing to use a wider selection of names.
People are always going to be skeptical about acquiring names in a 8 year old MMO, but it doesn't mean you can't get a good name to fit your concept. I spend more time on a name than anything else in this game.

Amused that you're taking joke names so seriously.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You think there's a possibility Harry Potter is summoning water fowl at your location?
Yeah, was totally unaware of the Potter thing when I chose the "Arcanum". I didn't even do my golden rule of "google it" to see if there were alternative meanings. I was just making up a variation of "arcane" and pretended it meant "student of Arcane" in some fictional language. Arcane was supposed to a midnighter that had tried to get the somewhat reluctant and skeptical Chase to hone his natural magical talent. He only really came around to it after his death and chose the name as to give a tribute to the guy.

As time progressed and I became more familiar with the lore (like the Arcanus family) and "arcanum's" actual meaning... and the fact that there's already a well-known forum guru using an "arcan" variation... I just started liking it less, but by then it was the moniker I was most recognized by.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Again, word salad =/= creativity. Using a thesaurus =/= creativity. Google Translate =/= creativity. There is nothing at all creative about calling the Blue Beetle the "Azure Scarab".
Quite honestly, "Azure Scarab" would make me wonder why s/he had that name, and get interested in the character. First thing that comes to mind is something either ancient or Egyptian related. "Blue beetle" sounds like it was named after his favourite cheap car.

Frankly, your problem can be boiled down to three letters, after looking through your various comments. Namely, Y, O, U.

"Oh, that's not a legitimate name." .... to you.
"Oh, that doesn't fit this"... to you.
"Oh, that doesn't XYZ" ... to you.
"Oh, that's pretentious" .... to you.
You're the one putting a ton of limitations on yourself.

Essentially, the argument starts boiling down from "All the good names are taken" or "I can't find a good name" to something along the lines of "I can't get any names starting with Ynx that refer to mesoamerican gods!"

As far as name@global or other iterations - no freaking thanks.



Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
Maybe it has been lost in the shuffle, but what exactly is your solution to the problem other than 'let everyone use whatever name they like'? Because if Blue Bolt invites me to a taskforce, how do I know if I am being invited by Blue-Bolt-who-leads -a great-TF or Blue-Bolt-who -couldn't-lead-a-TF -if-his-life-depended-on-it? Because costumes and powers mean nothing on a chat channel or when the person is five zones away.

The only solution I've seen anyone suggest is adding the global to the name which, quite frankly, is hideous. I cannot think of anything more anti-comic book/superhero feel than running around with a name like Bob@suchandso. I have yet to see a superhero with a name like an email address.
I would tie the system to the super group name. When you join a super group you get to pick a name that is unique within that super group, and choose to display that name instead. If there is a server conflict you would see them as "Black Serpent (Repeat Offenders)" or "Black Serpent of the Repeat Offenders" if it becomes necessary to differentiate them.

So I start my character, Black Serpent is taken, I create him as Obsidian - Anaconda, and then I join a super group and pick Black Serpent as my super group name. I can then be identified by my name and super group.

This, to me, is very much in genre and looks pretty good.

When you leave the super group the name is lost and you just appear as Obsidian - Anaconda once again.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Quite honestly, "Azure Scarab" would make me wonder why s/he had that name, and get interested in the character. First thing that comes to mind is something either ancient or Egyptian related. "Blue beetle" sounds like it was named after his favourite cheap car.

Frankly, your problem can be boiled down to three letters, after looking through your various comments. Namely, Y, O, U.

"Oh, that's not a legitimate name." .... to you.
"Oh, that doesn't fit this"... to you.
"Oh, that doesn't XYZ" ... to you.
"Oh, that's pretentious" .... to you.
You're the one putting a ton of limitations on yourself.

Essentially, the argument starts boiling down from "All the good names are taken" or "I can't find a good name" to something along the lines of "I can't get any names starting with Ynx that refer to mesoamerican gods!"

As far as name@global or other iterations - no freaking thanks.
This. There's a reason I tend to just tell Traska to stop when threads like these come up. There were six(!) naming policy threads in the I21 beta forums, and Traska was in each one refusing to accept that the problem was with THEM, not the game or players.

Dead horse, Traska. Stop beating it.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
I don't see why someone else giving their character a silly name has any effect on you. No-one is suggesting you use a silly name, and them doing it doesn't lower your pool of names. You aren't unique in having well writen back stories for each and every character. But having a backstory doesn't marry you to that characters super hero name. Especially in a world where ALL super heros are registered as per the games lore. Just coz your thick-as-bricks only english speaking fire brute came up with the, in his mind, perfect name for himself does not mean that when he registered at the FBSA and gave over the name he wanted to be know by the desk cleark didn't look over her glasses contemtivly and say "sorry dear, that name is taken." Also, a thick-as-bricks brute is unlikely to have a great name that would look good on the front of a comic book in the first place. There could also be a world of difference between what the hero wants to call himself and what the world at large want to call him.

I already gave an example of how I came up with a name for a concept for a character yet when it came to creating in game found, unsuprisingly, that it, and all permutations of it (Flash Fire, Flash-Fire, Flashfire) was taken. A hand full of back up names were taken too, or maybe clashed with a power name (if that is posible) so blazing bolt, for example, was also out. It took me no fewer than 5 minutes to come up with The Blistering Blaze. I name that is not only much better, but also wouldn't look out of place on the front of a comic book.

I have another character where his first choice of names slotted nicely in to his back story. Thus Shock Tactic, was formally the low rent wannabe super Villian Lightning Rod, at least till he crossed The Family and his wife and child paid the price. Other names, for serious heros I have, that you'll no-doubt hate, are

Psi Fire (Appearing in a comic near you soon (tm) ),
Mistique Blade,
Microwave Girl,
Clockwork Kitten, and her praetorian 'twin', Clockwork Kitty,
Kid Ego,
Time Mind (Brought to CoH from an old Marvel RPG campaign I played years ago),
Justin Tyme, (same marvel rpg campaign),
Lolita Lethal and her genetic clone sister Lina Lethal (escaped crey experiments)
St Angelius aka, The Black Angel (First choice name, so went with real name for display name),
Tess Trueshot,
Shadow Smite,
Miss Victory,
Dr Frost,
Cold Chamber,
Perfect Pitch,
Dread Visage,
Trapdoor Spider,
Senior Diablos,
Speedo Sound (former champion Swimmer turned speeder that can't give up his former glory).

Were all of those first choice name, well, for the most part, yes, but not all of them. Could most of them appear in a lagitimate comic book? Hell yes! Even My hero A Cold Spell, a technomance cryo sealed in armour of his own spellcrafting, could. Just because the character had a sense of humour with his own name doesn't make him any less of a lagitimate type hero. Infact, IC wise, he finds all the silly (read as serious) names most of the heroes of Paragon go around calling themselves to be rather childish.

But basicly, as I tried to demonstrate, first choice name doesn't have to mean BEST. I came up with a better name than anything on my short list of names and ended up with The Blistering Blaze, which is far more suitable. I cannot think of any example of a back story where only one name will fit, other than a long established one being ported over, as was demonstrated with the Shepard and Freelance sory a few pages back. I did the same with 2 of my own characters when DP and Time were released and got both. if the names weren't availible, I wouldn't have brought them an and created new stories for new characters with new names instead. I work out my characters backstory before I create them too, but I almost never lock them down to a single posible name, always have a stable of posible names and know which ones I would prefer to have. If that doesn't work, I keep trying, there WILL be something out there that fits without getting silly or lazy.
Two things, the amusing one first.

I have a character I wanted to name Perfect Pitch, and had to go with a different name instead. It's not likely the same server, but it is amusing to me.

Second, someone having a silly name doesn't affect me. But when I see an account full of silly names, and said person says something to the effect of "I always get the name I want quickly, I don't know why you dont", the first thing I think to myself is "well, it's because we go for entirely different names."

Also, to all those who say that the global shouldn't be part of the name... who says it has to be? Title and Supergroup are always visible, but they're not connected to the name. Why couldn't it be:

Title Goes Here
Name of Hero
Supergroup Name

You could even make the global a smaller font so as not to stick out like a sore thumb.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
This. There's a reason I tend to just tell Traska to stop when threads like these come up. There were six(!) naming policy threads in the I21 beta forums, and Traska was in each one refusing to accept that the problem was with THEM, not the game or players.

Dead horse, Traska. Stop beating it.
Or, you could stop reading threads you don't care for.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Second, someone having a silly name doesn't affect me. But when I see an account full of silly names, and said person says something to the effect of "I always get the name I want quickly, I don't know why you dont", the first thing I think to myself is "well, it's because we go for entirely different names."
How is that ANYONE'S problem other than your own?

Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Or, you could stop reading threads you don't care for.
Nah. I kind of like watching forum history repeat itself every two to three weeks whenever someone asks for a name purge and/or new naming system.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Again, word salad =/= creativity. Using a thesaurus =/= creativity. Google Translate =/= creativity. There is nothing at all creative about calling the Blue Beetle the "Azure Scarab". There is nothing creative about calling Iron Man "The Awesome Armored Avenger". There is nothing creative about calling The Tick "Le Cocher". And there's nothing creative about tearing down a perfectly good character concept just to choose a name that doesn't fit. Many of my characters are easy to fit with the current name system. But many are not.
Word salad can facilitate creative expression. Google translate can facilitate creative expression. A thesaurus can facilitate creative expression. These can all be used to facilitate creativity. In this you are incorrect. However, the people saying "be more creative" are equally incorrect.

Using the exact word you want for a specific symbolic meaning is incredibly creative. The intrinsic value of that word can contribute to the character and narration, granting the character a specific symbolic dimension that will NOT be the same with any old synonym or word combination. A single word carries substantial power, and the freedom of using the one that best works for your purposes is equally powerful.

Abandoning that vision by selecting another name isn't a matter of "being more creative." It is a matter of "abandoning a creative endeavor." Anyone that's had to step away from a powerful muse knows how difficult and unfulfilling that can be.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
How is that ANYONE'S problem other than your own?
You miss the point entirely. My point was, If there's no common ground between one person and another creatively, then telling someone else that there's plenty of names out there isn't just counter-productive, it's actually a little bit arrogant. The names you (all yous are generic here) like aren't necessarily the names I like, and telling me that because you can find names that you like means that I have plenty of names to choose from is tantamount to declaring that the way you make characters is the only correct way. Your way is not the only way, my way is not the only way.

Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Nah. I kind of like watching forum history repeat itself every two to three weeks whenever someone asks for a name purge and/or new naming system.
Yet you have no problem insisting that I stop responding to threads.



I see both sides here...

The problem boils down to personal opinion.

Fitting a name to a character, especially if that name is so deeply tied to the character, can be difficult to overcome.

I have a character originally created over 20 years ago for a tabletop superhero RPG. Her name was Omen. This character became such a mainstay in the group that eventually when I started playing here I naturally wanted to make her. As a dark/dark/dark defender, this did well. Unfortunately the name Omen was not available. Now... she's Lady Omen. Pretentious? Not the character. She doesn't have time for that. But it works and doesn't detract from the concept.


Another character, similar situation. Her name was Shard. The Shard name is so heavily tied to her backstory that to remove it destroys an integral part of the character. Right now she has Transform, a name gifted to me, and though it works due her shapeshifting powers... it's Just Not Right.

I have a hard time playing Transform because though a *great* name, it's not the one she should have.

Still, there are good names out there, many mentioned in this thread. I would much rather read a comic of the Azure Scarab rather than Blue Beetle, personally, but again, that's just me.

Do I think the name policy needs changing? No. I *like* being my own special, unique snowflake. I know several people who have the names *I* wanted. Oh well. That's how it goes. I'm not going to tell the devs they need to change it.

As for older accounts, I've understood that in the last name purge that it did not free up as much as people hoped. Also, there are now some people returning to the game after being gone for three+ years. They're thrilled that they still have their characters. I doubt there will be any more purging.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
When you leave the super group the name is lost and you just appear as Obsidian - Anaconda once again.

It's an interesting suggestion. But sure as the world, someone would be on the forum in five seconds complaining about how they had been forced to join a supergroup to get the name they wanted. Or how they tried to create a solo supergroup for that, and they couldn't get the name of the *supergroup* they wanted.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Also, to all those who say that the global shouldn't be part of the name... who says it has to be? Title and Supergroup are always visible, but they're not connected to the name. Why couldn't it be:

Title Goes Here
Name of Hero
Supergroup Name
And how does that work in chat?

"[ Broadcast ] Memphis Bill: Yeah, all these f'ing noobs should just go away, freeloading jerks, rabble rbble rabble"
[ Broadcast ] Some new guy: Hey, I'm just trying to get help with a mission
[ Broadcast ] Memphis Bill: Whatever, noob"

... except it's not Memphis Bill @me, it's Memphis Bill@someone with a hair up their nethers trying to cause trouble. And that @ isn't seen, so a day later when I come up, I get the blame.

Now, sure, when it's *reported* (assuming it is) to a GM, *they'll* see who it is, even if @someone else deleted the character after. But when I walk up or answer a request/LFG/etc. to, say, join a TF? The name, not the @global, is going to be remembered. And no, people don't seem to use things like player notes when there's a problem.

Then again, even the hovering bit you're talking about just starts looking bad.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Be creative.

Use a Thesaurus.

Be creative.

Use a foreign language.

Be creative.


I have gone to google translator http://translate.google.com/# and turned the english word I wanted to use but couldn't into a Latin word and another into an Italian phrase. I even went and found a web site that translatesEenglish to Elfish to create a name for my Elf Warrior Maiden (Arch/Ice) Blaster.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
There are millions of possibilities for names out there..whether they are desired or good names is a matter of subjective opinion. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
This here. Me, I see any name with a number in it, and I just think, another stupid kid. Some people love those l33t names. I think they're junk.

I'm not wrong, I'm not right, I just don't share someone else's idea about a good name.

To me, I think a hero's name depends largely on what people would call them. I don't think Daredevil ever introduced himself to the media. "Hi, my name is Daredevil". It's a nickname that the people chose to use because they had no idea he was Matt Murdock.

In the case of the Fantastic Four, Reed Richards was semi-famous before he became Mr. Fantastic, and I don't think Spiderman or Dr. Doom ever called him that anyway.

Thor got called Thor or Thunder God, God of Thunder or Goldilocks.

My main is named Ukase Rex. Big surprise, but most just call him Uka or UR, or Rex.

In the end, noone really cares - just don't go afk too much, contribute, and never quit a task force unless it's just an absolute emergency.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Apple will sue your pants off if you try and use Apple for a computer company of any sort. Apple Corps (the recording studio for The Beatles) will do so if you're in the entertainment industry in any way shape or form. Ditto for Microsoft, IBM, Cisco etc.

Try using "Bank of America", or BoA for a lender of any sort. I think we know where using the name Progressive in insurance would progress too.

McDonald's has successfully closed down restaurants that used the McDonald's name. I think only one or two were successful at keeping it as they had a longer history then "the golden arches".

Shall I mention Starbucks and what they've done to anyone who even gets close to their logo?

Nike and footwear anyone?

Adidas and clothing?

Wait! I've got the perfect hero wizard name for a story I want to write! His name is Harry Dumbledore! oh...... nvm.

Shall I name more?

Yeah, I know. This isn't real life, this is just a game. Just pointing out you'd lose this argument in real life.

Personnally, I think "inertia" will rule any naming changes in this game. The dev's have shown a huge reticence to make changes that will anger a large portion of the game population. (A recent example of this was the initial power pool changes.) So even changes that may seem beneficial, to you, will probably piss off a lot of folks. While you might not have an issue with bob@robertrobertrobert as a naming mechanic (or something similar), I know I would hate it, and so would my wife.

I'm fine with the the system as it is. Is it perfect? No. There have been times I've come up with a name I "thought" was unique, but it was taken. (Well, I guess it wasn't as unique as I thought it was.) At that point I move on and try other things. If the system allowed for multiple of the same name, I'd be getting lots of name changes for my characters as "I DON'T WANT THEM TO BE THE SAME AS ANYONE ELSES!" (at least on the same server) I like having each of my characters a "unique snowflake", even if I didn't get the name I wanted in the first place.

I also think that they, the developers, wouldn't want to be seen as copying "that other game".

Anyway, I need more popcorn.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I'm surprised when I get regular names o.o

I named my Natural Staff/SR Scrapper, Elena Cortez



One other amusing thought I had.

The current Marvel movie verse Tony Stark wouldn't hesitate a second to send a "Cease and Desist" order to anyone who tried to use the name "Iron Man" without his permission. I can see those Stark Corp lawyers in a tizzy now...

Ah.. moar popcorn.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



As an avid user of sites like Virtueverse (or Unionverse depending on your server tastes) I couldn't imagine the train wreck those sites would turn into if the naming system was changed.



It's not going to change for CoH, but no doubt CoH2 will use a global identifier instead of a character name as a unique ID.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
One other amusing thought I had.

The current Marvel movie verse Tony Stark wouldn't hesitate a second to send a "Cease and Desist" order to anyone who tried to use the name "Iron Man" without his permission. I can see those Stark Corp lawyers in a tizzy now...

Ah.. moar popcorn.
Doubt it given the term Iron Man existested before he used it, hell they even play the ironman song by black sabbath.

Then you've got Iron Man competitions going back as far as people liked to show off by doing impressive feats of strength to tump other peoples feats of strength.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
I also think that they, the developers, wouldn't want to be seen as copying "that other game".

Anyway, I need more popcorn.

You mean the one made by people, who used to work at this company?

The one that actively sort to not have the issues with that game, that this one suffered?

Such as unique names and power customisation?

That other one?

Or the other one that uses unique names, and made every other MMO 101 mistake they could make and crashed into free to play, so fast the Flash stopped and said "Did anyone else see something blur past?"

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
It's not going to change for CoH, but no doubt CoH2 will use a global identifier instead of a character name as a unique ID.
We'll see what we shall see should the "mythical" CoH2 ever descend from heavens, or rise from the Oceans.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.