What I dislike the most

Adeon Hawkwood



I agree, but "people who liked Avengers" is not the same group as "current CoH players", and unless they've got a few Fortunatas on the payroll over there, I doubt the super secret new project that started way more than a month ago is an attempt to capitalize on Avengers buzz.

Edit: sometimes when I rearrange a sentence before and posting but not restructuring all the parts correct way.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
"At some point" doesn't mean anything near "soon", though.
I never said it did. At the very least it'll take them a few years to finish up the Incarnate system and realistically I wouldn't expect them to start winding down CoH until after their new MMO is a solid success.

And frankly, CoH's playerbase right now, much less years in the future when there are so few of us that we don't even cover the cost of keeping the servers turned on, doesn't seem like a large enough demographic to mold their whole strategy around targeting us.
Yes and no. You are correct that developing an MMO to only appeal to CoH's demographic would be a poor move. However the opposite is also true. If Paragon Studios releases a new MMO then encouraging existing CoH players to migrate to it is a very sensible goal since that will help build up the initial community and at the end of the day a successful MMO needs a strong community.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Another great hero name has been claimed on Virtue!

He's a classic, iconic, four-color super hero! (It says so in his bio).
I love this community



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
For the record, if we're really going to categorize this side of the argument as a temper tantrum, then the other side can easily be similarly mislabeled as a greedy child clutching toys to his chest and screaming "MINE!"
Mislabeled? No, that's actually what it is.

My character names ARE mine, and NO, you CAN'T have them.



As I read this thread all I could think of it was " Daddy I want a squirrel !! I want a trained squirrel !!"
I like the name system the way it is.




Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Mislabeled? No, that's actually what it is.

My character names ARE mine, and NO, you CAN'T have them.
It's hilarious because that's how the world works.

If you try to file a trademark that someone already filed, you won't get told "We'll just put Trademark@JohnSmith at the top so we know it's your version of something someone already owns."

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
It's hilarious because that's how the world works.

If you try to file a copyright that someone already filed, you won't get told "We'll just put Copyright@JohnSmith at the top so we know it's your version of something someone's already done."
I can post things that have nothing to do with the discussion too.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
I can post things that have nothing to do with the discussion too.
Actually his statement has a direct relationship to the conversation at hand....

It was actually YOUR statements that had nothing to do with the conversation except a feeble attempt at flaming someone.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Copyright law has nothing to do with this discussion as it (copyright law)deals with the concept of ownership. You don't own your characters in this game. They are fanfiction. You can make another character for some other thing(movie, game, book, e.t.c.) that has all of the elements of the game stripped from them, but shares a (non-copyrighted) name and appearance. But then that's not the character in this game, and, again, has nothing to do with this conversation, I.E. the Naming system within this game. The person who has a name in this game first doesn't own it. There may be a case to saying they are renting it, but that still has no comparison to copyright.

It was actually YOUR statements that had nothing to do with the conversation
Man, you got me.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Copyright law has nothing to do with this discussion as it (copyright law)deals with the concept of ownership. You don't own your characters in this game. They are fanfiction. You can make another character for some other thing(movie, game, book, e.t.c.) that has all of the elements of the game stripped from them, but shares a (non-copyrighted) name and appearance. But then that's not the character in this game, and, again, has nothing to do with this conversation, I.E. the Naming system within this game. The person who has a name in this game first doesn't own it. There may be a case to saying they are renting it, but that still has no comparison to copyright.

Man, you got me.
Except I do have a claim over my character's names.... Don't believe me?? I suggest you have a GM take my name away and give it to you then

Oh you can't? Why? Ahhh... ok then

The poster (nalrok) stated...
It's hilarious because that's how the world works.

If you try to file a copyright that someone already filed, you won't get told "We'll just put Copyright@JohnSmith at the top so we know it's your version of something someone's already done."
He wasn't saying CoH names are copyrighted... he was giving an example of how copyright's don't work...and how the naming system does not/should not work

He was making an assimilation between copyright and how players feel/view about their character's names....not saying we (players) have a copyright on our character's names.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Except I do have a claim over my character's names.... Don't believe me?? I suggest you have a GM take my name away and give it to you then

Oh you can't? Why? Ahhh... ok then
Yes, I could see how you think that's a valid point.It's not, but I can see how you'd think that.

He wasn't saying CoH names are copyrighted... he was giving an example of how copyright's don't work...and how the naming system does not/should not work
Except it doesn't, actually work like that. It's completely different.

He was making an assimilation between copyright and how players feel/view about their character's names....not saying we (players) have a copyright on our character's names.
How players individually view their names and how they actually work are completely different. Which is what I said. concepts of ownership(coyright) have nothing to do with this discussion, because they are completely different things. He's comparing apples to oranges in order to troll someone who he feels has trolled him.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Why is the captain talking to himself?
Honestly, because of posts like this and the way you're ignoring any posts against yours, I'm just gonna assume you're only arguing to argue. Wanna know why I'm gonna assume that?

Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Yes, I could see how you think that's a valid point.It's not, but I can see how you'd think that.

Except it doesn't, actually work like that. It's completely different.
Because you give us those little gems without actually explaining why they're different, or why it's not a valid point. I can say "It's this way, and that's all there is to it", but without evidence no one will pay that any mind.

Toast is exactly right with what I was saying. If you really don't think that my post has any value and that I'm wrong, why don't you stop with the one-liners and tell me why?

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Because you give us those little gems without actually explaining why they're different, or why it's not a valid point. I can say "It's this way, and that's all there is to it", but without evidence no one will pay that any mind.

Toast is exactly right with what I was saying. If you really don't think that my post has any value and that I'm wrong, why don't you stop with the one-liners and tell me why?
Because I... did?
Copyright law has nothing to do with this discussion as it (copyright law)deals with the concept of ownership. You don't own your characters in this game. They are fanfiction. You can make another character for some other thing(movie, game, book, e.t.c.) that has all of the elements of the game stripped from them, but shares a (non-copyrighted) name and appearance. But then that's not the character in this game, and, again, has nothing to do with this conversation, I.E. the Naming system within this game. The person who has a name in this game first doesn't own it. There may be a case to saying they are renting it, but that still has no comparison to copyright.
edit: Let me pretend for a second, to humor you.

Arguments based in how X name "belongs" to someone just because they were able to "get" it are false because you don't actually own any of the things you "Have" in the game. It's not yours, it's not mine, even if you made it up yourself or bashed your own personal head into your own personal keyboard(both things you actually do own). It technically, belongs to Paragon Studios because all of the things that make it what it is belong to Paragon Studios. Many players, myself included, tend to view the game as a medium or a tool in which to express their ideas. This is not the case. The character creator isn't a pencil or a camera or a microphone, it's a game. You are allowed to use X name to play X character made up of X costume pieces and powersets in Paragon Studio's game pretty much entirely at their whims.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Because I... did?
edit: Let me pretend for a second, to humor you.

Arguments based in how X name "belongs" to someone just because they were able to "get" it are false because you don't actually own any of the things you "Have" in the game. It's not yours, it's not mine, even if you made it up yourself or bashed your own personal head into your own personal keyboard(both things you actually do own). It technically, belongs to Paragon Studios because all of the things that make it what it is belong to Paragon Studios. Many players, myself included, tend to view the game as a medium or a tool in which to express their ideas. This is not the case. The character creator isn't a pencil or a camera or a microphone, it's a game. You are allowed to use X name to play X character made up of X costume pieces and powersets in Paragon Studio's game pretty much entirely at their whims.
Why don't you go ahead and tell me where exactly I said we owned our characters.

I'm not talking about ownership. I'm talking about something already being registered in a system that does not allow repeats.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Mislabeled? No, that's actually what it is.

My character names ARE mine, and NO, you CAN'T have them.
I disagree Neko. I believe the only way his analogy could be in any way accurate would be if the pro-unique naming faction actually believed the devs were going to change the naming policy.

For example when the devs announced the server lists being merged and the EU players were told that their global names were going to be changed if there was an NA player that was using it.

So their understandable anger could be mislabeled by someone that wanted their global name for themselves.

Without any "threat" that we might lose our unique names we have no reason to behave in the fashion that was portrayed in his analogy. This is why the pro change side of the discussion always resorts to playing the victim and accusations of name calling.

Remember the person you responded to revealed his defensive, dismissive, and one could say hostile agenda clear in his first post when he made this accusation

Originally Posted by Traska View Post
I agree with you. But you're going to get a number of responses:

i) You suck at naming (and I am awesome at naming), so the naming system is perfect.

Originally Posted by Traska View Post
One more thing: Before this goes any further, can we please pledge to break the cycle of how these threads usually go?

A: "I think that we should have a more open naming system."
B: "You suck."
A: "No, I just think that with the age of the game, we should take into account that the perfect name is no longer sitting out there."
B: "That's because you're stupid, unimaginative, and you suck."

When these guys can't discus their point of view on it's merits they always try to derail the threads with their verbal shenanigans.



And yet this topic has NOTHING to do with copyright law.

It was given as a simile...and not a statement of fact regarding CoH names.

The CURRENT system of character names does not allow for duplicates. The proposal in this thread is to allow for duplicates (sorta). What people ARE saying is that they own/rent/have reserved names...which they do.

As long as I have a character name you cannot take it away from me. You can't pay Paragon to take it away from me. You can't force me to give it up... so in essence the name is mine.
(so long as the name is not violating the ToS etc).

If you would like to prove me wrong.. I have told you - go ahead take my name... there is NO way you can. Sure you can try to get me banned, but that would require that I actually do something to get banned permanently...and then with the way the name scripting works... not 100% sure the name would be freed up in THAT case.

So no while I may not legally OWN the name.. it is not truly wrong for me to state that the name is mine..because unless I GIVE it away...you cannot have it.

THIS is where the simile to copyright came in...then you tried to go all Lexus Nexus and state blah blah copyright blah blah.

Instead of trying to use the web to back up your hubristic highfalutin misconstrued argument... try using common sense. Common sense: The name is mine and you cannot have it.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Why don't you go ahead and tell me where exactly I said we owned our characters.

I'm not talking about ownership. I'm talking about something already being registered in a system that does not allow repeats.
Hey Nal, aren't you glad we have Psi Cops like Mister Bester there on the forums that can tell you what actually meant to say despite your explaining otherwise.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
And yet this topic has NOTHING to do with copyright law.

It was given as a simile...and not a statement of fact regarding CoH names.

The CURRENT system of character names does not allow for duplicates. The proposal in this thread is to allow for duplicates (sorta). What people ARE saying is that they own/rent/have reserved names...which they do.

As long as I have a character name you cannot take it away from me. You can't pay Paragon to take it away from me. You can't force me to give it up... so in essence the name is mine.
(so long as the name is not violating the ToS etc).

If you would like to prove me wrong.. I have told you - go ahead take my name... there is NO way you can. Sure you can try to get me banned, but that would require that I actually do something to get banned permanently...and then with the way the name scripting works... not 100% sure the name would be freed up in THAT case.

So no while I may not legally OWN the name.. it is not truly wrong for me to state that the name is mine..because unless I GIVE it away...you cannot have it.

THIS is where the simile to copyright came in...then you tried to go all Lexus Nexus and state blah blah copyright blah blah.

Instead of trying to use the web to back up your hubristic highfalutin misconstrued argument... try using common sense. Common sense: The name is mine and you cannot have it.


Maybe he's 'gently' ushering you to the term 'trademark' or servicemark, but names choosen are owned by the owners of this game.

That is to say, I or he can't take away your name, but the devs can under the user agreement you agree to every time you log into the game. That is to say, if the devs found it necessary or chose purely out of spite, they can take away your name or they can make your name and everyone elses' name available through a similar system as Champions Online. Not technically trademarked, but the name you chose is associated with their services and therefore they can do what they want with it and you can't take legal action against them.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
And yet this topic has NOTHING to do with copyright law.

It was given as a simile...and not a statement of fact regarding CoH names.
Let me say it again. That "simile" involves two different things which have nothing to do with the thing being described.
In other words, it's a bad metaphor.

Instead of trying to use the web to back up your hubristic highfalutin misconstrued argument... try using common sense. Common sense: The name is mine and you cannot have it.
I don't use hubristic highfalutin misconstrued arguments. I use facts, it's a bad metaphor because the two concepts involved don't have anything in common.Apples and oranges. Using copyright as the basis of your argument is wrong.
Also: The name isn't yours but I still can't have it.(I also don't want it, I'm more or less happy with the names I get)

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post

See I can use silly pics too... actually I prefer them as I find people go on and on and on and on and on.

To the OP....

No thanks... I prefer to keep my names the way they are

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!