What I dislike the most

Adeon Hawkwood



While I acknowledge the flaws in the current naming system, I used to toss my hat in with the "be a little more creative and it isn't an issue" crowd. Experience has changed my mind-- sometimes "being creative" means finding a particular inspiration and following it through. Sometimes the right name is the most critically-defining element of a character.

I have a character in a story- an older guy... a hero who's had other monikers over the years but now just goes by his real last name, which happens to be "Shepherd." He's a callous character with people issues- a personality that's meant to contrast against (and sometimes compliment with) the idealized mental image many think of (the "good shepherd" ).

Another character in that story is a reporter trying to get Shepherd's story. He resorts to tagging along in the circles that Shepherd frequents as a kind of "embedded" reporter, slowly earning the trust of this the hero crowd. Having explained once that he was "working freelance" on this one, "Freelance" became the moniker that the others used for him. Another double purpose. A freelancer usually doesn't stick around. He's there for a specific purpose/goal/employer and when the task is gone, so is he. The name doesn't just describe his job, but might reflect his loyalty (or lack thereof) to the group.

Neither of these characters' names could be changed without significantly altering what the name contributed to the story. Appending a color ("Scarlet Shepherd") or rank ("Captain Shepherd" ) or full name full name ("Tom Shepherd") won't convey the same meaning. The names may not be good names by some peoples' standards, but they help define these two in a way that no other name would. I won't even go into some of the supporting characters like "Tabby."

Had I ever wanted to bring these characters alive in City of Heroes (I don't), I'd be hard pressed to find a free server with those names available (I checked).

I know many people aren't going to give nearly the thought or planning into their creation. For them, the techniques mentioned by others to assist in name creation will serve them well, but don't dismiss others as being lazy when they don't. This game's character designer is phenomenal at letting you follow your muse and create something truly yours in every way except one: the name.



Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
Wolverine? Nightcrawler? Batman? All of those sound more "scary/villain" than "heroic".
Two of those are mutants whose very existence is meant to be scary and hateful to Marvelverse inhabitants and totally not an out of date reference to apartheidnow matter how retarded it is for Marvel to keep milking it.

And Batman killed people when he was first written.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
That is actually based on one of the ebtter marvel comic events.

Though in that one, the son of Reed Richards creates an entire new world, because he's bored and so OP.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Ranks don't work (other than Captain, ad that often sounds pretentious) unless your character is of a military mindset.
Some ranks have colloquial, or even tangential meaning. In particular: Commander, Major, and General.

There's also another kind of rank of a related type: professional. For example, Doctor (Strange, Doom, Mordo, Detroit), Master, and the like.

One other heavily used comic book naming trope is to prefix materials or other things. Iron Man. Beta Ray Bill. Firestar.

titles of nobility don't work unless your character *is* pretentious, or they're legitimately nobility.
"Lady" and "Lord" also have colloquial meanings detached from the ceremonial. At least, I wasn't thinking nobility when I named my main "Lady Arcana."

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
"Lady" and "Lord" also have colloquial meanings detached from the ceremonial. At least, I wasn't thinking nobility when I named my main "Lady Arcana."
They still convey a certain amount of pretentiousness though... Someone named "Lightning Lord" is completely different from someone named "Lightning Lad".



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
By serious I mean the creators weren't dong it as a lark. They were committed to making a quality product. They had an unusual name/concept and they turned it into a respectable, popular super hero comic.
Oh, I gotcha. Yeah, that was a good comic.

On the topic at hand, I'd like to have a better grasp on other languages so I stop accidentally naming my characters gibberish when I try out different languages. Thankfully I can usually retcon it to claiming they picked the name out of a dictionary.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Oh, I gotcha. Yeah, that was a good comic.

On the topic at hand, I'd like to have a better grasp on other languages so I stop accidentally naming my characters gibberish when I try out different languages. Thankfully I can usually retcon it to claiming they picked the name out of a dictionary.
That happened to me. I tried going for "Brain Storm" in another language and was pleasantly surprised to learn from a native speaker I stumbled across one day that what I got from the online translator actually meant "Attack of Madness". Sometimes things work out for the best.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Again, only speaks English and is thick as a brick (which is a valid character concept), why would they have a name in a language they likely can't pronounce?
Most people are GIVEN their names before they have even learned to talk.
So what's your point?

As long as people are dissatisfied with a feature, they're going to keep asking that it be fixed (and yes, from a certain viewpoint, the system is broken).
<sigh> Sloppy thinking. (Or just straight-up BS.)
The system is not "broken". The simple fact is: YOU don't like the way it's designed.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
I would bet dollars to cents that if COH2 has global naming, a lot of the people who hate the idea now will not have a problem with it a year down the line, just as what happened when they did the right thing and made the market merged.
Or, more likely, after an initial bout of complaining, we would just suck it up and deal with it - a concept that seems foreign to some people in this thread.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



If you're creative enough, no one will ever have the name before you grab it.

If you can't think of the things that could go wrong with having multiple people with the same character name running around, or having large, ugly character names with globals (which some people like to keep to themselves) or server names (still won't solve multiple people wanting the same name), there's no point trying to convince you to think of a different way to come up with character names.

"All the Good names are taken" is never valid. There is no reason to fix the naming system that's worth the effort or the grief it would cause to players who get along just fine with the current model.

Saying things like "If I want to make a Flash character" tells us you're not creative enough. Be more original.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Again, only speaks English and is thick as a brick (which is a valid character concept), why would they have a name in a language they likely can't pronounce?
So you cannot be tricked by Superman into returning to your own dimension.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If you're creative enough, no one will ever have the name before you grab it.

If you can't think of the things that could go wrong with having multiple people with the same character name running around, or having large, ugly character names with globals (which some people like to keep to themselves) or server names (still won't solve multiple people wanting the same name), there's no point trying to convince you to think of a different way to come up with character names.

"All the Good names are taken" is never valid. There is no reason to fix the naming system that's worth the effort or the grief it would cause to players who get along just fine with the current model.

Saying things like "If I want to make a Flash character" tells us you're not creative enough. Be more original.
On the other hand, "if you're creative enough and put thought into your character, the name will be clear, concise, recognizable, relevant to your character, and instantly communicate a great deal about your character. It'll also probably be taken."

Probably best to avoid phrases like "if you're creative enough" as it turns into a condescending insult to people that put a different value in what a name should be able to do than you do.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Most people are GIVEN their names before they have even learned to talk.
So what's your point?
Seriously? Superheroes are given their names before they learn to talk? You do realize it's superhero names we're discussing when I talk about only speaking English, right?

Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
<sigh> Sloppy thinking. (Or just straight-up BS.)
The system is not "broken". The simple fact is: YOU don't like the way it's designed.
Yes, I don't like that it takes an hour sometimes to find a name that fits my concept. I don't like that we have to "try to find names" at all, when the genre dictates that a name is a very important part of a character's identity. I don't like that new players just coming in may grow disgusted with the naming system and leave before they can see just how great a game it is. It is broken, from a certain viewpoint, because it makes character creation more difficult. Why would *any* game want the first thing a player sees to be more difficult?



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If you're creative enough, no one will ever have the name before you grab it.

If you can't think of the things that could go wrong with having multiple people with the same character name running around, or having large, ugly character names with globals (which some people like to keep to themselves) or server names (still won't solve multiple people wanting the same name), there's no point trying to convince you to think of a different way to come up with character names.

"All the Good names are taken" is never valid. There is no reason to fix the naming system that's worth the effort or the grief it would cause to players who get along just fine with the current model.

Saying things like "If I want to make a Flash character" tells us you're not creative enough. Be more original.
And again, "you're not creative", "you're not original". Condescension grows tiresome.



I would love a system that allowed the freedom to make duplicate names.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



I don't mind a system that allows duplicate names IF the person who had the name first sees no alteration of THEIR name.

In other words (not that I think anyone would choose my name but using it as an example)

My main toon is: I Burnt The Toast

If someone else came along and wanted that name I think their name should appear as:

@Global:I Burnt The Toast

If this were the system.. I would make damn sure I never had a name that had @Global:Name because frankly I think that looks about as stupid as it comes

If a new naming system came that made all my current toons have @Global:Name even though I chose the name first... I would be a lil upset. I personally think such naming systems are stupid looking and take away more from the individualization of the game than anything. But hey if Joe Schmoe is happy with @Global:Mecha Man then so be it.

I truly am tired of all these "name" threads though...and wish they would just go away. I see people create toons on a daily basis with some very cool names and a lot of the time I think to myself "Wow... I am surprised no one had that name before...."

I'm not saying people who support new naming procedures are lazy or unimaginative, but I just hope IF something ever happens to allow more "diverse" names that it does not affect me and my already unique names. I take great pride in my names...and if a new policy were to come along that butchered them ala putting @Global in front of them... I'm not sure if that would be the final nail in the coffin for me, but I do know it would push me away from this game.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Personally, I'm against the idea of allowing multiple uses of the same name on a server because doing so would break the genre this game is supposed to be emulating. In comic books, a character's name is their identity. With a few very specific exceptions, there is only one person per comic universe using any given name. When someone says, "I saw Superman today!", everyone knows exactly who they mean. Nobody has to ask, "Which one?"

The simple fact is all the easy and obvious names are in use. Many of the easiest you can't have, period, because they're copyrighted. You need to be flexible with the name when coming up with a character's concept. Don't fixate on a particular name. Let the back story suggest multiple possibilities.

Perhaps this is just me, but I think the game would loose a lot of it's appeal if there were 16 dozen Capt. Incredibles running around.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I don't mind a system that allows duplicate names IF the person who had the name first sees no alteration of THEIR name.

In other words (not that I think anyone would choose my name but using it as an example)

My main toon is: I Burnt The Toast

If someone else came along and wanted that name I think their name should appear as:

@Global:I Burnt The Toast

If this were the system.. I would make damn sure I never had a name that had @Global:Name because frankly I think that looks about as stupid as it comes

If a new naming system came that made all my current toons have @Global:Name even though I chose the name first... I would be a lil upset. I personally think such naming systems are stupid looking and take away more from the individualization of the game than anything. But hey if Joe Schmoe is happy with @Global:Mecha Man then so be it.

I truly am tired of all these "name" threads though...and wish they would just go away. I see people create toons on a daily basis with some very cool names and a lot of the time I think to myself "Wow... I am surprised no one had that name before...."

I'm not saying people who support new naming procedures are lazy or unimaginative, but I just hope IF something ever happens to allow more "diverse" names that it does not affect me and my already unique names. I take great pride in my names...and if a new policy were to come along that butchered them ala putting @Global in front of them... I'm not sure if that would be the final nail in the coffin for me, but I do know it would push me away from this game.
Dual policy for the win!

Seriously... I have a number of characters whose names I like (Blueshifter comes to mind, ad does Organique, and the two separate Skullbusters I have (one on Virtue, one on Exalted, both completely different characters). Also, on Justice, Cat's Eye (who I am never, *never* moving, deleting, or renaming). But I have characters that I would love to rename also. I recently deleted and remade a level 18 character because the name I'd always wanted for her became free and it wasn't worth $10 to save leveling back to 18.



Originally Posted by HellsPixie View Post
Personally, I'm against the idea of allowing multiple uses of the same name on a server because doing so would break the genre this game is supposed to be emulating. In comic books, a character's name is their identity. With a few very specific exceptions, there is only one person per comic universe using any given name. When someone says, "I saw Superman today!", everyone knows exactly who they mean. Nobody has to ask, "Which one?"

The simple fact is all the easy and obvious names are in use. Many of the easiest you can't have, period, because they're copyrighted. You need to be flexible with the name when coming up with a character's concept. Don't fixate on a particular name. Let the back story suggest multiple possibilities.

Perhaps this is just me, but I think the game would loose a lot of it's appeal if there were 16 dozen Capt. Incredibles running around.
The number of heroes per server breaks genre to begin with. Even in Marvel's Manhattan there's not even a tenth the number of heroes as Paragon has, and Manhattan is a BIG place.

And there are more duplicate heroes than you may think in comics. There have been as many as three, perhaps four Flashes operating simultaneously. Two Batmen. Two Captain Americas. At least two Spider-Women. Over three thousand Green Lanterns, four on Earth alone. Two Wolverines, Hawkeyes, Spider-Men... all the Avengers in the Dark Avengers storyline. Two Iron Men (before he was War Machine, Rhodey also went by Iron Man, even as Tony was in the suit). There are currently two Hulks (even though one is Red, his name isn't "Red Hulk", it's just "Hulk"). Two She-Hulks. Two Human Torches. Duplicate hero names aren't that big a deal in the comics.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I don't mind a system that allows duplicate names IF the person who had the name first sees no alteration of THEIR name.

In other words (not that I think anyone would choose my name but using it as an example)

My main toon is: I Burnt The Toast

If someone else came along and wanted that name I think their name should appear as:

@Global:I Burnt The Toast

If this were the system.. I would make damn sure I never had a name that had @Global:Name because frankly I think that looks about as stupid as it comes

If a new naming system came that made all my current toons have @Global:Name even though I chose the name first... I would be a lil upset. I personally think such naming systems are stupid looking and take away more from the individualization of the game than anything. But hey if Joe Schmoe is happy with @Global:Mecha Man then so be it.

I truly am tired of all these "name" threads though...and wish they would just go away. I see people create toons on a daily basis with some very cool names and a lot of the time I think to myself "Wow... I am surprised no one had that name before...."

I'm not saying people who support new naming procedures are lazy or unimaginative, but I just hope IF something ever happens to allow more "diverse" names that it does not affect me and my already unique names. I take great pride in my names...and if a new policy were to come along that butchered them ala putting @Global in front of them... I'm not sure if that would be the final nail in the coffin for me, but I do know it would push me away from this game.

Only problem with that is it would open a new thing for GM's to police for coppyright violations.

Can't get your favorite comic super hero name? make it your global and pick a character name that's in use.

So, sorry but I'm against this idea because it would cause more headaches for the GM's.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Seriously? Superheroes are given their names before they learn to talk? You do realize it's superhero names we're discussing when I talk about only speaking English, right?
Once again I remind you that 80% of English language are words taken from other languages. The concept of a purely English name is a fallacy.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Only problem with that is it would open a new thing for GM's to police for coppyright violations.

Can't get your favorite comic super hero name? make it your global and pick a character name that's in use.

So, sorry but I'm against this idea because it would cause more headaches for the GM's.
I am not FOR the idea... then again I am not FOR any changes being made to the naming system as it is. I'm not gonna sit here and tell people to be creative etc, but imo there is nothing wrong with the current system. I see plenty of great names still being created every day...and I play on Freedom one of the higher population servers.

Any changes that would require @Global being put into names is not something I want....as I think it actually takes away from the individuality of characters. There are PLENTY of great names out there...and even as "odd" as my names are (more sentences than names)...it can still take me hours to come up with a name I truly like; not because names aren't available but because I want the name to be something unique and fitting that toon. I do not write Bios for my toons... my name is my bio...it conveys what I want people to know about that character

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
The number of heroes per server breaks genre to begin with. Even in Marvel's Manhattan there's not even a tenth the number of heroes as Paragon has, and Manhattan is a BIG place.

And there are more duplicate heroes than you may think in comics. There have been as many as three, perhaps four Flashes operating simultaneously. Two Batmen. Two Captain Americas. At least two Spider-Women. Over three thousand Green Lanterns, four on Earth alone. Two Wolverines, Hawkeyes, Spider-Men... all the Avengers in the Dark Avengers storyline. Two Iron Men (before he was War Machine, Rhodey also went by Iron Man, even as Tony was in the suit). There are currently two Hulks (even though one is Red, his name isn't "Red Hulk", it's just "Hulk"). Two She-Hulks. Two Human Torches. Duplicate hero names aren't that big a deal in the comics.
Not to nitpick but CoH is not a comic book. Yes it is based on super heroes; who are mainly in comic books...but it is not a comic book mmo.. it is a super hero mmo...hence the title of the game: City of Heroes - not City of Comic Books.

I'm sorry you can't get THE name you want, but what right do you have to take away my individuality that I have had on a character for 5-6-7-8 years? CoH is a SOCIAL game...and truth be told I do not want Joe Schmoe out there in Broadcast with a duplicate of my name saying things that I would never say. Sure my friends may know it's not me because they know my global... but Player A who sees I BURNT THE TOAST screaming profanity or racial slanders in broadcast.... will probably react negatively to me if they saw me 15 minutes later. I'm sorry but I have little faith that scenarios like this would not be a daily occurrence as there can be quite an immature player base spouting off in various channels. I can see duplicate names being used to harass more well known players in this game...sadly. There is nothing to stop me from creating a new Forbin Project, Arcanaville, etc... and doing my best to ruin their reputation in game.

So no I am not for duplicate names unless their is a clear indicator that the duplicate is just that...with some type of preface such as @OtherGlobal: Duplicate Name .... otherwise... thanks but no thanks.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It's not a whole new system. GMs use it to generic your name. Swapping servers uses it when the name you have is currently taken.
Just wanted to point out that the renames due to generic by GM works differently to rename tokens. Its a manual process where you send 3 names via email to the GM and they manually rename your character.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Not to nitpick but CoH is not a comic book. Yes it is based on super heroes; who are mainly in comic books...but it is not a comic book mmo.. it is a super hero mmo...hence the title of the game: City of Heroes - not City of Comic Books.

I'm sorry you can't get THE name you want, but what right do you have to take away my individuality that I have had on a character for 5-6-7-8 years? CoH is a SOCIAL game...and truth be told I do not want Joe Schmoe out there in Broadcast with a duplicate of my name saying things that I would never say. Sure my friends may know it's not me because they know my global... but Player A who sees I BURNT THE TOAST screaming profanity or racial slanders in broadcast.... will probably react negatively to me if they saw me 15 minutes later. I'm sorry but I have little faith that scenarios like this would not be a daily occurrence as there can be quite an immature player base spouting off in various channels. I can see duplicate names being used to harass more well known players in this game...sadly. There is nothing to stop me from creating a new Forbin Project, Arcanaville, etc... and doing my best to ruin their reputation in game.

So no I am not for duplicate names unless their is a clear indicator that the duplicate is just that...with some type of preface such as @OtherGlobal: Duplicate Name .... otherwise... thanks but no thanks.
It's based on comic book superheroes specifically. Hence why when the game first came out, they published a monthly comic right alongside the game. When you enter the tutorial, it's presented as if in the pages of a comic book.

As for taking away your individuality... if someone wants to do that, there's other ways to duplicate your identity. Your costume for example. Duplicating your costume exactly and then taking a name that's extremely similar (for example, I Burned The Toast, I Burnt The Toast., I Burnt The Taoist, I Brunt The Toast...) will fool a lot of the people a lot of the time.

Now, the duplicate name would presumably be suffixed with @global (so if I were to duplicate you for some strange reason, it would be I Burnt The Toast@traska), but the global wouldn't show up over the hero's head... it would show up in all channels and when you target, and in a different color (just to make it stand out from the actual hero name). And of course, you'd still be the only I Burnt The Toast whose name isn't followed by a global. Heck, color code it a bit, make it so that if they've got the original, gen-u-wine article name the name is colored differently, or italicize the duplicates.

The point is, it would include a way of telling one person from another fairly easily, plus they can check logs and see that the I Burnt The Toast that's disrupting the game isn't you.

I currently play a game with a F2P model and the ability to have any name you want and, frankly, I never see duplication going on, with one exception... my SO and I play characters who are identical in name and appearance, because one is an alternate universe version of the other... the kind of thing that *should* be able to happen in a superhero world, but can't here.