what content do you play with each character and why?
I do whatever happens to be going on. If nothing is going on (in the channels I watch or on vent), I solo a bit. If it bores me I go play something else.
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
Do you choose content because it is: fast xp, team vs solo, thematic, fun, needed to unlock something, needed to get a badge/accolade, merits, ???
Yes to most of that.
I don't have one path through, or one reason. Admittedly I'm more likely to skip Atlas Park content if I can - already fairly burned out on it, so I'll DFB a bit, or street sweep to the Hollows or KR.
Other than that, I'll pick and choose groups with some characters that they'd fight instead of others. Or aim for specific arcs. I don't generally care about badges or accolades at this point.

Unless I've got a headache, I'm usually doing team content. Running trials, task forces and teams is more fun than running alone.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
Mostly I look for story arcs that I haven't played lately. On the character I'm leveling up now, I made a point of doing the arcs in the Hollows, since I haven't run through those in a while. On the other hand, I've done the Faultline missions on a couple of characters recently, so I'll probably skip that this time out. Just mixing things up to keep it fresh.
99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
My Webcomics
I mostly stick to story arcs. I'll also do the occasional Mayhem/Safeguard missions (with the Newspaper/Radio prerequisites) and alignment missions, along with some other solo friendly stuff.
I don't do the TFs or trials. In fact, I've never done a trial. Trials. Brrr. No thanks.
I play totally randomly, although solo for the most part due to my unreliable schedule.
I just spent a bit going through all the new low level stuff they added during my hiatus, now I'm going to flip the coin and check out the Incarnate system with my fire/ice blaster- unlocked the alpha at some point, never did anything with it so I figure I'll nose around.
About the only thing I don't do is TF/trial content.
My playtime usually comes in 10-20 minute bites, it's rare I can string enough together to run even a short TF.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I mostly make toons for PvP so PvE content is irrelevant outside of getting HP Accos and Incarnate boosts.
The "PvE" toons I make mostly focus on same.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I do everything with any character. I just like to feel that I'm making some kind of progress. It could be getting incarnate salvage. It could be earning prestige on my main toon. It could be earning Vanguard Merits (love that Vanguard HVAS). Or it could be good old XP.
I'm not picky.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I tend to be Thematic and I'm a RPer, my Dark/Dark and Ill/Rad controllers both magic origin ran the Croatoa arcs while my technology and science origins tend to ignore the place.
I always run TF's because of accolades and i really enjoy the Incarnate trials.
But mostly i enjoy the little stories for me it is like reading books with myself as the main character. I even rolled a widow on red side to enjoy that content.
I share playtime with my wife (who stole my original account after getting hooked on CoH) and my work/parenting schedule is all over the place, so I mostly solo.
When I solo, I try to follow arcs, maintain theme, but not really RP, since I'm alone. Magic characters pursue Hellions, CoT, etc. Science go after Crey and the like, and so on. I have a few that are supposed to be "too young" to go after real crime, so they are used to run AE arcs for training, but not farms.
If I'm on primetime, I'll play support toons or whatever a team needs, I try to catch TF's, and had run more than few trials back when they were shiny and new.
@Sylver Bayne
Pinnacle Server
The content that I make a concerted effort to do is Faultline, Striga and Croatoa hero-side, because those arcs are closest to the red-side game. They're rich, compelling and don't require a lot of the same pointless crap as early blue-side arcs.
Red side, I just try to exhaust my contacts of missions. That almost never happens. I also do as many mayhems/safeguards as I can
In either case, the 35-50 run is mostly a preoccupation with getting XP quickly. I try to run on large teams and I discriminate less about content. I run a lot of TFs and tips, since those have reasonable rewards and more of a plot than radio missions.
Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.
Yeah, I tend to play not just based on origin, but by theme of my characters:
Thief-type characters tend to do Newspaper Bank/Speakeasy/Casino heists (And will prefer to do the Thief role for the Casino Heist Summer Event when that hits)
Kheldians (of course) tend to do the Kheldian arcs
Mad Scientists do the Science origin arcs
Urban vigilantes just street sweep.
Powerhungry villains do acts that will help them attain said power

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Green Flame Avenger- Stopping Aliens, Tech that gone wrong and The Coming Storm.
Alex Magnus- Stopping Demons, Mythical Creature, Monsters and is the protecting Nature.
Dr.Arcanum- Combating The Rikti and Magic that goes wrong.
Super Ratz- Stopping The Rikti, Meta Humans Super Villains, Malta Group, Anti- Mutants Task Group.
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus
Usually i run new content with my main, rian frostdrake solo, then i spend the rest of my solo time running my lowbies. trials, tfs and the like i generally dont actively seek out (generally) but will keep the main liberty channels on and if something looks fun i'll go for it, this also applies to events (like invasions and gm fights). I also have some chars that are thematically linked to my friend and his wife's characters, so we run them together when schedules allow. this actually means i tend not to rerun a lot of content due to restricted play time and time investment on the group activities, but it also forestalls burnout. It also means that I still havent hit 50 with many of my characters with the power-sets we got in going rogue, despite liking them, and titan weaps, beam rifle,stj, staff and beasts? fugeddabout it, still haven't conceptualized a beast character even. and my highest level in the freedom bracket powers is my stj resistance crusader..at level 18
I don't choose content based on character (beyond blue side/red side/gold side) but by how I'm feeling today.
If I'm having a good day, I'm more likely to play one of my defenders.
If I was annoyed at a store with either staff or checkout, I'm likely to scrapper/brute lock that evening.
If traffic is what annoyed me that day, I'm likely to play a range character hurling fire/ice/electricity.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
All four of my legacy villains (Before XP smoothing and me not rolling villains because I prefer levelling quickly - ie large team steamroller) ran Slot Machine. At level 30. And got Gangbuster the Port Oakes method.
Why? I don't know, I felt special since I stumbled upon the Slot Machine contact without knowing the requirements back when no one knew where and how to get these contacts, and I liked doing it.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
I do the Hollows on just about every character.
The new low level stuff got old fast, so I usually just street sweep up to level 5 or 6 and hit the Hollows. Occasionally I'll do a DFB in there somewhere, usually if I didn't get enough levels in Wincott/Flux to go run Julius.
Then at least Jim and Penny in Faultline, or Laura's arc. Follow that with either Striga/Croatoa, or the newer arcs.
After that I don't have a set plan. And all of those things are subject to change on a whim.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Right now I do the missions that were added in i22 and i23, I missed some great arcs
you make a character and play them. There is a lot of content to choose from.
The question here is more why you choose the content rather than the specific content, but you can include that too.
Do you choose content because it is: fast xp, team vs solo, thematic, fun, needed to unlock something, needed to get a badge/accolade, merits, ???
My basic path is teaming. When I log in I want to join a team doing whatever it is doing. Which usually means radio missions or tips. I team because it is the most fun.
I do the TF's for the unlock but also because it is teaming.
I do hero tips when I cannot find a team, and sometimes do AE arcs (and post the best arcs so others can find them - see my sig). But these are fairly rare.