Why the hate for melee Incarnates?




I really enjoy melee characters. My Scrappers and Brutes have invariably been my favorite characters throughout the game, and that continues through the incarnate content. I have two characters that have maxed out their incarnate abilities (not including hybrid, since it just came out) and both are scrappers.

That being said, running incarnate content on melee characters is a huge pain in the ***. I'm not sure if the devs are doing it intentionally, or if they simply don't realize that it's happening, but a lot of the gimmicky fight mechanics in the incarnate content screw melee characters over heavily. And there are no similar mechanics targeted at ranged characters that I can think of. Some examples:

Apex TF: This is the one that started it off, with the blue auto-damage patches that for a large portion of the Battle Maiden fight make it extremely difficult for melee characters to actually get into melee so they can do damage.

Lambda Sector: This one isn't as bad, but Marauder's Nova Fist is still more detrimental to melee characters than ranged.

Keyes Island: Another trial that has the large colored patches of insta-death, forcing melee characters out of melee so they can't do damage.

TPN Campus: Maelstrom and his marked for death ability, which is avoided by, you guessed it, moving out of melee range, so melee characters can't do any damage.

Minds of Mayhem: Another trial with big auto-hit damage patches that make melee characters unable to do damage.

Magisterium Trial: Yet another trial that includes auto-hit damage patches forcing melee characters to leave melee range.

Are you seeing a pattern yet? I understand that the mechanic was originally introduced to make fights more 'dynamic' and less about just standing in one spot and hitting each other, but it doesn't really serve to do that very well. The enemies still mostly just stand in place. All it serves to do is make melee characters unable to do what their characters are built around doing. And its being horribly overused. The mechanic exists in too many trials, and the ones that it is in, it is used too frequently.

For future incarnate content, PLEASE abandon this mechanic. I'm sure the devs can find something else that makes the fights fun and interesting that isn't unfairly detrimental to melee characters.



I would hardly say that being forced to leave melee range for 5 seconds constitutes being "screwed over". It forces you to actually move and be intelligent instead of just sitting in front of the bad guy and mashing your face into the keyboard until he dies.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Alternately, keep the mechanic but add an extra thing to it where the death patches appear randomly but only on targets not in melee range of the AV. Just to make it more evenly annoy people.

Really, a lot of the problem with it as it is is they flat out spawn randomly. Which is fine, but when half the league is melee and all clustered together in one spot, the chance of a damage patch not appearing there is so tiny as to be functionally impossible. Assuming it uses player positions as possible spots to drop one, which I'm pretty sure it does.

Also worth noting:
- Several melee sets and all epic pools for melee ATs have ranged powers, so you're not completely useless when forced away from the AV.
- In the Apex TF, Battle Maiden can be pulled out of the damage patches easily if not immobilised. Taunt powers have a -range effect specifically for this reason, to stop targets just standing there and using ranged attacks and instead force them to actually come to you. I'd imagine the same would apply to most of the others, too.
- In the Marauder fight in Lambda, there's an orbital bombardment that specifically hits targets more than a certain distance away from him, IE: all the ranged players. That does next to no damage, though, especially compared to Nova Fist. It does happen constantly, though.

Personally I think that last one needs to be used both more often and more effectively. We need more things that we have to hug the boss to avoid, so every fight isn't just 'everyone out of the death patches, sucks to be you if you're melee'.

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[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
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Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I would hardly say that being forced to leave melee range for 5 seconds constitutes being "screwed over".
It's not just for 5 seconds though. Most of the fights that have the damage patch mechanic, they prevent melee characters from being able to remain in melee and fight at least 50% of the time. Some (MoM particularly) are more than that. Being unable to use your primary powerset 50% of the time or more counts as being screwed over in my book. Especially when there is no similar mechanic that prevents ranged damage users from being able to use their powers.

Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
It forces you to actually move and be intelligent instead of just sitting in front of the bad guy and mashing your face into the keyboard until he dies.
It forces you to move, but in a game where moving and attacking are mutually exclusive activities, that's not a good thing. And it hardly forces you to be intelligent. Unless you consider the switch from 'stand in front of the bad guy and hit him until he dies' to 'hit the bad guy for 10 seconds, run away and stand around with your thumb up your butt for 10 seconds, run back and hit the bad guy for 10 seconds, repeat until bad guy is dead' to be evidence of 'intelligent' tactics.



Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
Alternately, keep the mechanic but add an extra thing to it where the death patches appear randomly but only on targets not in melee range of the AV. Just to make it more evenly annoy people.

Really, a lot of the problem with it as it is is they flat out spawn randomly. Which is fine, but when half the league is melee and all clustered together in one spot, the chance of a damage patch not appearing there is so tiny as to be functionally impossible. Assuming it uses player positions as possible spots to drop one, which I'm pretty sure it does.
This would help a lot. Instead of having them spawn on people, or just on the AV itself, just have them be completely random. At least then you wouldn't always have them clustered around the AV preventing access to melee range.

Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
- Several melee sets and all epic pools for melee ATs have ranged powers, so you're not completely useless when forced away from the AV.
That helps some if you happen to have one of those powersets. If you don't, you're still pretty useless.

Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
- In the Apex TF, Battle Maiden can be pulled out of the damage patches easily if not immobilised. Taunt powers have a -range effect specifically for this reason, to stop targets just standing there and using ranged attacks and instead force them to actually come to you. I'd imagine the same would apply to most of the others, too.
In theory that should be a valid option. In practice it never seems to work that way.

Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
Personally I think that last one needs to be used both more often and more effectively. We need more things that we have to hug the boss to avoid, so every fight isn't just 'everyone out of the death patches, sucks to be you if you're melee'.
Another good suggestion. I'd just like to see some new innovative fight mechanics used that don't favor one particular set of ATs over another, rather than just recycling the same boring damage patch mechanic.



Why not just consider it an advantage of range? Most ranged ATs have other disadvantages that occur throughout the whole rest of the game that melees get to shrug off and I'm sure other situations are far worse off than melee...I'm imagining it's annoying for Masterminds to recall their pets from specific ranges and/or resummoning them when they inevitably bite the dust, control powers don't often have a use in such fights, so on and so forth.



Or Hurricane - that can annoy anyone at range.

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Put it this way: The alternative is Reichman.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Why the hate for control incarnates? We can't hold Tyrant no matter how much of it we stack on him!




I look at it this way: when a Melee-based Incarnate goes back to the real game, they're going to be that much better than everything else anyway, so the raids are set up to temporarily force them to rely on teammates as a way of turning the tables for a bit.



Melee characters can carve through 98% of the rest of the game solo like a hot knife through warm butter. For the 2% of the normal game they can't, it's just a bump in the road.

Frankly, I'm not surprised the Incarnate content is designed to give them a challenge.

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Melee characters can carve through 98% of the rest of the game solo like a hot knife through warm butter.
So can everyone else.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
So can everyone else.
For certain given values of "everyone".
My toons take ages to go through anything as I don't really do proper builds I more or less go with 2 ACC, 2 DAM and 2 whatnots. I faceplant a lot of times, even against minions. So I wouldn't call it going through butter like a hot knife. I'm sure I'm not the only like this out there.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



As you point out, this patches-of-death problem has existed for almost two years now. If teams would learn to taunt the targets out of the death patches, instead of just standing there, it wouldn't be a problem, now, would it?

In fact, that's been part of the learning curve for Magisterium. Leagues I've watched have discovered, miraculously, that you can do a lot more damage per second to Tyrant if you taunt him out of the lightning patches and keep fighting instead of scattering, letting him heal back up, and starting in again.

It's not my job to tell other people how to play their characters, but I hold in silent contempt any tanker, and just about any brute, that can't fit a level 10 power, that requires no slots, into their build somewhere by level 49. For it to be so common not to do so that none of the tanks on a 24 person league have it? Inexcusable. It'd be no different, in my opinion, if you skipped all of your defensive toggles and then complained that the game was hard. Taunt isn't just an aggro management power, it moves mobs around the map. Learn to use it.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Why not just consider it an advantage of range? Most ranged ATs have other disadvantages that occur throughout the whole rest of the game that melees get to shrug off and I'm sure other situations are far worse off than melee...I'm imagining it's annoying for Masterminds to recall their pets from specific ranges and/or resummoning them when they inevitably bite the dust, control powers don't often have a use in such fights, so on and so forth.
I have to agree, I play melee on itrials and yes, I get a bit annoyed when I don't pay attention and have a long animation attack que'd when I should be running, but like it was stated, this is also a good time for other AT's to shine, I get a feeling of 'Yeah boy!!!' when doing it with my blaster. All it takes is a little change in tactics, then it's really not that bad, even in the comics melee characters don't always rely on the 'just punch em in the face and all will go fine' tactic.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
In fact, that's been part of the learning curve for Magisterium. Leagues I've watched have discovered, miraculously, that you can do a lot more damage per second to Tyrant if you taunt him out of the lightning patches and keep fighting instead of scattering, letting him heal back up, and starting in again.
Not having participated in a Magesterium yet (I've been poking at the new storyline elements instead), this gives me hope. If Tyrant actually leaves the death-patches at a speed faster than a relaxed saunter (unlike Battle Maiden), then I'm happy.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Why not just consider it an advantage of range? Most ranged ATs have other disadvantages that occur throughout the whole rest of the game that melees get to shrug off and I'm sure other situations are far worse off than melee...I'm imagining it's annoying for Masterminds to recall their pets from specific ranges and/or resummoning them when they inevitably bite the dust, control powers don't often have a use in such fights, so on and so forth.
I guess I don't really see what disadvantages range has that this supposedly balances out.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Why the hate for control incarnates? We can't hold Tyrant no matter how much of it we stack on him!
Very true, and something that should be looked into. Probably best having its own thread though.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Very true, and something that should be looked into. Probably best having its own thread though.
They did. We're given token containment damage on trials AVs.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
Melee characters can carve through 98% of the rest of the game solo like a hot knife through warm butter. For the 2% of the normal game they can't, it's just a bump in the road.

Frankly, I'm not surprised the Incarnate content is designed to give them a challenge.
Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
I look at it this way: when a Melee-based Incarnate goes back to the real game, they're going to be that much better than everything else anyway, so the raids are set up to temporarily force them to rely on teammates as a way of turning the tables for a bit.
It doesn't really do either of those things though. Not letting melee users melee doesn't force them to rely on their teammates. Unless by 'rely' on them you mean simply stop doing anything and let their teammates do everything for a bit, which isn't what someone normally means by 'rely on their teammates'.

And it doesn't give melee toons a challenge either. Walking away from the AV for a few seconds is hardly challenging. Just boring and frustrating.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
As you point out, this patches-of-death problem has existed for almost two years now. If teams would learn to taunt the targets out of the death patches, instead of just standing there, it wouldn't be a problem, now, would it?
It wouldn't be a problem if every single person on the league left melee range every time the message came up (which I'm sure you know is never going to happen for those of us who mainly rely on PuGs for trials). It also wouldn't be a problem if the AV AI was written so that they consistently and quickly left the instant death patches when taunted, but that doesn't happen either. Which is why the best solution is to either stop using the mechanic altogether, or at best use it sparingly.

But even if we leave aside considerations of whether it screws over melee archetypes, isn't it getting boring? Wouldn't a new mechanic be more interesting?



In my opinion, Devs hate masterminds more.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
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HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Fire I agree with you that because of those patches playing melee toons on trials is not anywhere near as fun for me as playing ranged damage/support toons. I get my tiers up and don't bring them back.

As you can see there is a crowd here that will immediately jump you telling you moving for five seconds is not a big deal among other straight up lies as it is not just five seconds etc....

You are not going to get anywhere with individuals like that since they refuse to understand what you were saying in the first place and try to dismiss and minimize it...SOP around here.

Of all the things I hate the most in these trials is those patches. Even more than Malestroms zone wide cheesy gimmick one kick of death.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Put it this way: The alternative is Reichman.
Funny, I was just thinking "this fight is like Reichsman + Battle Maiden."

I actually like fighting the latter, but putting the two together makes for an incredibly unpleasant playing experience. (Especially since every league I've been on has failed once we get Tyrant to the 40% mark.)

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