Why the hate for melee Incarnates?




Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Funny, I was just thinking "this fight is like Reichsman + Battle Maiden."

I actually like fighting the latter, but putting the two together makes for an incredibly unpleasant playing experience. (Especially since every league I've been on has failed once we get Tyrant to the 40% mark.)
I think it's a false dichotomy anyway. Certainly there are other options between "patches of instant death" and "10x as many hitpoints as a normal AV". If the devs truly can't come up with anything other than those two options, maybe we need some more creative devs.



Tyrant's 'crackle' isn't really a patch of death in the same style as the Battle Maiden blue and MoM pink. Those two last a good bit, the latter actually growing. Tyrant pulses for a few seconds and then it's done until the next crackle. Yes, you have to run out. But you don't have to STAY out of the area. It's so brief that I really question the usefulness of taunting him out of it.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Tyrant's 'crackle' isn't really a patch of death in the same style as the Battle Maiden blue and MoM pink. Those two last a good bit, the latter actually growing. Tyrant pulses for a few seconds and then it's done until the next crackle. Yes, you have to run out. But you don't have to STAY out of the area. It's so brief that I really question the usefulness of taunting him out of it.
Have you run it on live? Because when I ran it, the damage ticks continually as long as the lightning graphics exist, and for a couple ticks after it goes away. And the lightning seems to be in existence about half the time. It seems functionally the same as the patches in the Apex trial, and other than not growing, the same as MoM. Maybe it was different on test?



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
So can everyone else.
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-Syn- Venture

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Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Apex TF: This is the one that started it off, with the blue auto-damage patches that for a large portion of the Battle Maiden fight make it extremely difficult for melee characters to actually get into melee so they can do damage.
Bad example. The patches appear where the PLAYERS are located and have nothing to do with the AV. If you have an all-range team, the patches will still appear around the players and force them to run. If your team happens to all be clustered around Battle Maiden, then yeah, that's where the affect appears.

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Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Have you run it on live? Because when I ran it, the damage ticks continually as long as the lightning graphics exist, and for a couple ticks after it goes away. And the lightning seems to be in existence about half the time. It seems functionally the same as the patches in the Apex trial, and other than not growing, the same as MoM. Maybe it was different on test?
Yes I have run it. Enough to have the "Master of" badge. It probably just seems like a really long time to you because of your frustration at having to interrupt your regular attack chain.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Yes I have run it. Enough to have the "Master of" badge. It probably just seems like a really long time to you because of your frustration at having to interrupt your regular attack chain.
I don't believe it's just a matter of perception. I'm fairly certain that the aura is going off close to half the time on average.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I don't believe it's just a matter of perception. I'm fairly certain that the aura is going off close to half the time on average.
It could be variable I suppose. But I'm positive that once we had the fight down well enough for me to really pay attention to the length it was only a few seconds. Perhaps it continues ticking as long as there are player targets in the area (making it a real PUG punisher.)

Edit: Because I misspelled the word 'It.'




Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I think it's a false dichotomy anyway. Certainly there are other options between "patches of instant death" and "10x as many hitpoints as a normal AV". If the devs truly can't come up with anything other than those two options, maybe we need some more creative devs.
Of course there are other ways of doing things and many were presented document style to the devs. However, it is pretty clear the power people in that equation are in love with the heavy handed gimmick fest type deal we have going and it has done nothing but go further down that path each trial.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
It could be variable I suppose. But I'm positive that once we had the fight down well enough for me to really pay attention to the length it was only a few seconds. Perhaps it continues ticking as long as there are player targets in the area (making it a real PUG punisher.)

Edit: Because I misspelled the word 'It.'
I just ran another one and paid closer attention. The length of time that the lightning strikes last for seems to be constant, and lasts maybe 5-8 seconds I think (I wasn't actually timing it, just trying to count seconds in my head). It does seem like the amount of time between uses of it varies some though. There were times when he'd use it after only a 10 or so second gap, and others where he would wait maybe 20.



"When everyone can solo, no one will."
-Syn- Venture
Quite the reverse: as a Usenet commentator whose name I long ago forgot observed in the dawn of MMOs, "the downside of 'everyone can solo' is everyone will solo".

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Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I think it's a false dichotomy anyway. Certainly there are other options between "patches of instant death" and "10x as many hitpoints as a normal AV". If the devs truly can't come up with anything other than those two options, maybe we need some more creative devs.
How about AVs that can't be hurt unless you kill something else near them? Or AVs that heal by eating other enemies (which you can destroy before they heal)? Or AVs that get more regen when their health gets low? Or AVs that heal when a player with a special effect on him dies? Or AVs that can heal at special machines (which players can destroy to prevent healing)? Or AVs that have constant spawning ambushes? Or AVs that can only be killed if other AVs are killed about the same time? Or AVs that move around occasionally and have large ambush waves chasing after the players? Or AVs that can hold if you hold people if someone maintains aggro too long? Or AVs that drain away level shifts? Or AVs that Teleport? Or AVs that target people on a team and will hit them with a dangerous effect if they don't move (or react in some other way)?

Why do the devs only ever use this one "danger patch" mechanic and never think of any of those other things? They need to be more creative, those bums!

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I guess I don't really see what disadvantages range has that this supposedly balances out.
Lower hitpoints, lack of personal armors, the need to move around and run away from normal enemies and ambushes due to those two things. Lack of mez protection. They don't call them squishys because they are ranged tanks.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I play both ranged and melee characters, so I don't have any axe to grind either way. The main reason the patches of death exist is that most melee incarnates are pretty much invincible. The AVs stand there clobbering us with massive attacks, yet we suffer almost no damage.

Most melee characters can punch out Tyrant's face for 20 minutes and are never damaged by his direct attacks. Only the crackling air does any serious damage, and only if you neglect to skip out of it.

This is the tradeoff: the devs would have to either make the AVs' direct attacks powerful enough to threaten us, or add attacks that will cut through our ridiculously high defenses but which we can avoid in some way.

They've chosen the latter, giving us fair warning with Marauder's attack, the rings with BAF and the patches most every other trial. Since the patches do DoT and we can generally flee them, it's a much more benign mechanic than constantly getting one-shot by the AV.

However, I agree that they've greatly overdone the patches of death thing. It's annoying that the action we're required to take in nearly all these cases is to just run away. That's very unimaginative.

But they've already used consumable inspirations that protect us from massive attacks (with Hamidon), and they have half a zillion temp powers that we need for a variety of gimmicks (like Reichsman, and Marauder, and the pillars of light, etc.).

Running away is the least onerous of these options, because it doesn't require any extra knowledge or monkeying with inspirations or temp powers.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
As you point out, this patches-of-death problem has existed for almost two years now. If teams would learn to taunt the targets out of the death patches, instead of just standing there, it wouldn't be a problem, now, would it?

In fact, that's been part of the learning curve for Magisterium. Leagues I've watched have discovered, miraculously, that you can do a lot more damage per second to Tyrant if you taunt him out of the lightning patches and keep fighting instead of scattering, letting him heal back up, and starting in again.

It's not my job to tell other people how to play their characters, but I hold in silent contempt any tanker, and just about any brute, that can't fit a level 10 power, that requires no slots, into their build somewhere by level 49. For it to be so common not to do so that none of the tanks on a 24 person league have it? Inexcusable. It'd be no different, in my opinion, if you skipped all of your defensive toggles and then complained that the game was hard. Taunt isn't just an aggro management power, it moves mobs around the map. Learn to use it.
Well, as a tank who has it and has used it in that trial, I will tell you something you might not know. Even if you taunt him, if you haven't got high DPS and so on, you still won't get aggro. I've had this issue with both antimatter and tyrant sometimes ignoring my taunt to continue hitting a brute. It's less important in the tyrant situation because the brute typically dies about 3 seconds later, but there you go. It could be people are trying to taunt him but can't.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Re: Why the hate for melee incarnates?

The reason is easy enough to see in this very thread: public perception.

Look at how many answers are saying melee characters can steamroll the game without a thought - as if, at least that's what I assume is implied, buff/debuff characters couldn't do the same thing with even more ease, and save for some melee outliers, more efficiently.

At the same time, that superior performance isn't as passive so there's much disparity between a good player and a bad player playing a buff/debuff AT, whereas melee tends to be more even; which means at the lower end of the scale, which is, let's face it, most people, you're going to have melee outperforming ranged, and hence that perception.

Bottomline... It's not going to change. Just alt some ranged stuff and enjoy the uberness, in both itrials and normal content.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
How about AVs that can't be hurt unless you kill something else near them? Or AVs that heal by eating other enemies (which you can destroy before they heal)? Or AVs that get more regen when their health gets low? Or AVs that heal when a player with a special effect on him dies? Or AVs that can heal at special machines (which players can destroy to prevent healing)? Or AVs that have constant spawning ambushes? Or AVs that can only be killed if other AVs are killed about the same time? Or AVs that move around occasionally and have large ambush waves chasing after the players? Or AVs that can hold if you hold people if someone maintains aggro too long? Or AVs that drain away level shifts? Or AVs that Teleport? Or AVs that target people on a team and will hit them with a dangerous effect if they don't move (or react in some other way)?

Why do the devs only ever use this one "danger patch" mechanic and never think of any of those other things? They need to be more creative, those bums!
Exactly. We have proof that the devs are able to come up with other ideas to make fights interesting. Which makes it all the more annoying that they keep using the stale insta-death patch mechanic.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Lower hitpoints, lack of personal armors, the need to move around and run away from normal enemies and ambushes due to those two things. Lack of mez protection. They don't call them squishys because they are ranged tanks.
This may be true of blasters, but isn't really true of many defenders or corruptors, especially the kind that commonly run incarnate trials.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
I play both ranged and melee characters, so I don't have any axe to grind either way. The main reason the patches of death exist is that most melee incarnates are pretty much invincible. The AVs stand there clobbering us with massive attacks, yet we suffer almost no damage.

Most melee characters can punch out Tyrant's face for 20 minutes and are never damaged by his direct attacks. Only the crackling air does any serious damage, and only if you neglect to skip out of it.

This is the tradeoff: the devs would have to either make the AVs' direct attacks powerful enough to threaten us, or add attacks that will cut through our ridiculously high defenses but which we can avoid in some way.
This isn't really true though. I get killed by tyrant's personal attacks at least a couple times on every run. He hits for over 3000 damage, and between the massive level difference, and the praetorian's higher base to-hit numbers, the softcap is less useful than it normally is.



Using a melee quite often, I haven't found my melee not fighting in melee. Fight in melee, get a few chains off, back off, then back into melee, repeat.

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Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
In my opinion, Devs hate masterminds more.
Very much agreed, taking my MM out on most of the trials is an exercise in extreme frustration (fix the damned "Charge the AV" Pet AI bug already!). Won't even bother with LAM's anymore on him.

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Personally, I'm not a fan of the patch(es) (accumulated into one so large that even ranged toons have to move back for at least five seconds) but as long as you start moving before it actually animates, it's not always instant death (even though its pretty dang close). Plus there's gaps in the patch that you can weave through to get back to attacking faster than just waiting the patches out.

I've had toons (2 Controllers and a Crab) only take approx 2100 points of damage (plus AoE based DoTs) before scrambling out into fresh air.

This is where having an organized team and/or the proper Destinies comes in handy.

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Personally, I won't take a squishy within 60 feet of Tyrant, but it's not because of his lightning flow. His Hammer of Justice is absolutely brutal. Why there is a warning for his wimpy eye beams and not this is a mystery to me.

Returning to the Lightning Flows, on two trials now I've avoided all but a single tick from it by hovering high above the ground. It seems that it's only spawning on the ground.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Quite the reverse: as a Usenet commentator whose name I long ago forgot observed in the dawn of MMOs, "the downside of 'everyone can solo' is everyone will solo".
And he's been proven to be, if not absolutely false, false enough to be irrelevant.

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