What should the blaster role be?




I'm going to step in here and answer your questions a bit differently... what we need to know is..


And, it would be fantastic if the development team could answer that for us in a definitive way.

We can all sit here and speculate about what "we think" blasters should be. But, we need to know what the devs are thinking.

As it stands now, Blasters are the primary ranged DPS of the hero ATs. And, it seems that the developers have in mind that those ATs that are "ranged" should be squishier than those who specialize in melee.

Also, I think it is foolish to really compare any one AT to the others. Yes, there is a lot of overlap in this game (which I love). But, each AT also has a uniqueness that the others can't really match.

What we need to do is focus entirely on what Blasters should be and the rest will take care of itself.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
Actually, the new Hybrid Incarnate slot seems to be a good idea for Blappers. One option for it is something that gives Mez protection in close range. However I suspect that once it goes Live and Blappers get it they'll realize that Mez is only one part of the 'Blaster Death' equation.
Though if you think about it, if a person has been blapping long enough and is confident enough to do so in trials, they probably understand how and why they die (if they do). Some type of mez protection will only help relieve one of those reasons.

If the Blaster Secondaries were more geared towards melee I'd be more inclined to support it but that would put them at odds with the Primaries which are mostly ranged. I think this is part of the problem...Blasters have a very narrow identity ('We do LOTS of damage!') which is being marginalized by other ATs. This leaves Blasters searching for a niche to fill.
To a degree, you can apply the marginalization logic to a few other ATs, mainly because they're not all necessary and definitely because they all can deal damage. The difference with my blaster, is that while a debuff or control AT is setting up debuffs or control, I'm outputting damage. Especially on trials, where I'm built, conditioned, and buffed pretty well, damage is pretty much the only focus.

That said, it is narrow, but only slightly more narrow than anyone else running in and firing off a cast or two of AoEs, before we're all cleaning up a boss. That said, I don't think blasters really need a niche, so much as the devs need to stop providing so much more damage to other ATs, while leaving blasters to rely on crutches to output theirs. Make blasters more self-sustainable, so they can focus on damage, the same way a tank/brute will want to focuses on aggro, or a controller will want to offer control/debuffs.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Ah, the heck with it! They took away my defiance! They can take away my melee attacks! But they'll never take my Freedom! (yeah, that's it).

Actually, while I do not want the melee attacks to be lost, I am very interested in open communication and I want people to toss ideas out even if they make me weep. People often say they want the melee attacks gone, but then never truly expand on what they want instead. I want to see if something can be done that doesn't make me think, well just play a dominator or just play a corruptor.

The one way I could think to do that would be to have an amalgam of armor, control, and buff (mostly self only buffs if not totally self only). So far, that seems to be where most of the anti-melee crowd are headed.

It could generate good ideas for a new AT, even if blasters don't get that kind of change.
This. This right here is refreshing. I think you and I have gone back and forth a number of times already about our views on Blasters, both currently and what they should be in the future, but it has consistently been a discussion, an exchange of ideas, which is great.

Personally, I do not want the melee abilities gone either (despite generally not using them), and quite frankly, I do not think they will be. Getting rid of the melee abilities means the Devs would have to revamp and re-balance seven power sets. Let's be realistic here: between the amount of work that would require, the number of power sets that we know they are currently working on (nevermind what has not been publicized yet), and the fact that the player base is *looks at numerous threads* obviously split on their feelings about Blaster secondaries... that is not going to happen. Maybe if the general consensus was as unanimous as we were when the original draft of the CoT revamp was published, but as it is...

Look back through the years: there have been no archetype modifications to the point that the archetype was redefined, or its power sets were all drastically changed. Most changes have modified an archetype's inherent abilities or stats, and the few changes that have been made to power sets have been universal additions that, I'm sure, required testing, but did not redefine the power set as a whole. (See: Tanker Bruising on their Tier 1 attacks, Blaster's gaining temp. damage buffs on their attacks, and the more recent changes to Stalker's Assassin moves and the building of Assassin's Focus.)

I honestly think further discussion will be more beneficial if we focus on what the Blaster does well (i.e. basically the archetype's definition), how we can make that even better, and what changes can be made to the archetype's inherent abilities/stats to make it better fit that definition.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
While I agree with much of your post, I am having trouble remembering many melee attacks that have better DPA than Blaze. Maybe some widow attacks?
ok I was wrong there. Only scrapper clobber and follow through are very close without damage buffs. Also some assassin strike powers. That is the exception across blaster tier 3 powers however.

this really got me thinking about it.

How is ST supposed to be balanced other than fire is supposed to do more damage? See the corrupter thread, "is there a point to anything but fire".

We have
60% chance for KB in Power burst at 59.1 DPA
100% mag 3 stun in cosmic burst at 59.1 DPA

60% chance of knock back in Psycic blast is 103.2 DPA
-20% slow -7% to hit in BIB at 108.
and Blaze at 159 DPA if all ticks go. (so at average slightly less)

Also whatever is going on in Beam Rifle. lancer shot is 75.36 DPA with Disintegration going while also providing a mag 3 stun.

What should blaster DPS at range be in the first place? Is it supposed be as broad a range as it is across the power sets?

Side note I just noticed.
Why does Dominator Gloom have a DPA of 70.4 while blaster gloom has a DPA of 59.58?

This is from Mids btw.



Originally Posted by Late2Party View Post
Why does Dominator Gloom have a DPA of 70.4 while blaster gloom has a DPA of 59.58?
Gloom, Fire Blast, and Ice Blast all had legacy animations that were faster than the decided on standard blaster tier 2 time of 1.67s. When they were normalized for blasters, the other ATs that had those powers were left with the faster cast times. Check out Gloom on a brute and think about it with Fury, then compare it to the blaster version.

For a long time I had a note in my sig referencing the Fire Blast change (something like ".47 seconds, the difference between life and death"). I almost always take Flares now anyway and when I get on one of my characters with the better Fire Blast, I sigh wistfully a little.

But these little things really are not the problem, they just sometimes irk.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



What should the blaster role be?
I mentioned this in a bunch of the other threads, but to me the blaster "role" should be: Offensive Specialist.

Its obvious that Blasters are designed to be essentially all offense, but the problem is that the offensive tools they have aren't sufficient to do the *two* things all archetypes have to do: kill, and stay alive.

Controllers are Control specialists with a secondary focus on buff/debuff. Look at what's missing from that description. Damage. Controllers "role" doesn't include damage. And yet they do it. Why? Because all archetypes must be able to kill, and must be able to stay alive. That's why all control sets also do damage. That's not a violation of their description, that's just a recognition of the practical reality that all archetypes must deal damage.

So it seems entirely obvious that even though Blasters got a "ranged damage" set and a "melee damage/utility" set that survivability still has to be in there somewhere.

So when I say that the Blaster role should be "offense" that does not in any way mean, nor should anyone presume, that means "all damage." Controllers are not all control and buff/debuff: that's why many control powers deal damage and the actual controller inherent includes a double damage effect. Controllers deal damage and controllers essentially have critical hits. If that is perfectly normal, then saying Blasters role is "Offense" shouldn't in any way limit their specialty to just generating points of damage.

Once the concept of "Offense" is broadened to the same degree that "Control" is, I think how to best improve blasters very smoothly follows the Blaster role as "Offensive Specialist." They should be good at killing, so their offense should be damage heavy. But they also need to stay alive, and that means dealing with incoming damage and mez. They just need to be given "offensive" tools to do that, no different in a broad sense than controllers are.

To me personally, "offense" translates into "attacks" and that to me implies that Blasters should kill and stay alive by constant application of attacks, which is different in nature from controllers that can incapacitate a target and leave them incapacitated while they deal with other things (in theory). Controllers control, and while controlling they also deal damage. Blasters should attack, and while attacking somehow mitigate incoming counterattack.

And to me personally, that should happen, to the greatest degree possible, by the blaster affecting the attackers, not buffing themselves to be more survivable. They should in some way neutralize attackers by shooting them, and balance dictates they can't do that by one-shotting everything in sight: they need a way to neutralize a target without necessarily killing it instantly.

From there, my "counter-mez" idea follows. But it starts, as I mentioned a few months ago, not by being enamored of counter-mez, but by asking myself what should blasters be good at? And fundamentally, I think what blasters should be good at is attacking things, and in the act of attacking things they should kill fast, and they should gain survivability through the act of attacking - the two things all archetypes must be able to do: kill and survive.

I shoot it, and it either dies or has some difficulty shooting back temporarily, while I'm shooting it. To me, that's a concept that works for blasters. Which I generalize to describe as "Offensive Specialist." Because "shoot in the face and hobble things specialist" is more evocative, but less flexible.

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Originally Posted by Garent View Post
My experience was different. Blasters were the first people to get to level 40, and scrappers had a lot of problems staying alive.
I thought a fire tank was the first to 40.

In either case, Fulmens referred to 2005. Scrappers had issues right at release, in the sense that SR was non-functional and Dark Armor didn't stack at release. But in 2005 you're talking about a time between Issue 3 and Issue 6, and scrappers were not having issues during that period, ED and GDN notwithstanding.

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Too much encroachment on blaster role as DPS machine. Too much damage coming from other sources.

I'll take a shelve and wait approach and see what happens. The good news is, that some of the other devs at PS who don't get much fanfare are very avid CoH players and are well aware of the issues going on.

So yes, they fixed lolstalkers after a few buff attempts long ago that failed to bring stalkers up to par with their brute and scrapper siblings.

First, the devs have to address crash nukes and snipe attacks. All I can do is spec out of them. Then the devs have to decide how much of a DPS "edge" blasters need to keep them "viable" as a "wanted" DPS machine rather than filler or a pity spot.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



role: ranged damage and suppression

suppression is defined as active damage mitigation. That can be slows and immobilizes to keep foes at range, -to hit, etc. The critical thing about suppression is that it would be attacks that need to be continuously reapplied. And much of it would be non-permable.

Every blaster should have a 3 second disorient/stun/fear with a 16 second recharge. They use that to set up their big attack to take out a foe, but cannot perma it.

Every blaster should have an aoe immobilize or slow

Blaster secondary secondary effects should have the effect doubled but the duration halved. Dark would give a -10% to hit for 5 seconds. So it is effective but you have to keep hitting your foes to keep them suppressed.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Gloom, Fire Blast, and Ice Blast all had legacy animations that were faster than the decided on standard blaster tier 2 time of 1.67s. When they were normalized for blasters, the other ATs that had those powers were left with the faster cast times. Check out Gloom on a brute and think about it with Fury, then compare it to the blaster version.
This is exactly why I never liked the blaster standardization.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
This is exactly why I never liked the blaster standardization.
One area of ... disagreement I guess you can call it between myself and the dev team - I should say, every iteration of the powers team - has been the fact that the devs have rarely spent significant time exploring the notion of normalization without homogenization.

One area in particular is the fact the devs are perfectly fine using a damage/recharge/endurance formula that we all now know is almost completely worthless and doesn't really do what the original designers intended, but have been extremely reluctant to examine DPA-based balancing that doesn't involve just setting everything to be identical - blaster tier1/2 attacks and PvP specifically. In both cases there were better ways to do that, but I don't think the devs are comfortable with non-linear balancing.

Here's what I would have done - and I proposed this to the devs several times (a hint of such a system Castle tried to experiment with shows up in Claws and Widows, albeit not exactly the same).

You start with the cast time and the recharge time of the attack. Then the standard formula asserts what the damage of the attack should be: (Recharge * 0.16 + 0.36) in scale units. So a 4s attack has damage 1.0, and an 8s attack has damage 1.64.

Then you calculate the DPA of the attack as Damage/Cast (or Arcanatime, if you like). Now, the balancing part. We pick a "standard DPA" for each archetype, based on that archetype's focus on damage. On the low end, it might be 0.8 for defenders and controllers. It might be 1.2 on the high end for blasters. These numbers are subject to debate. We then perform a DPA-compression step whereby attacks are "compressed" towards that standard DPA in the following way:

AdjustedDamage = SQRT[(Damage/Cast)/Standard] * Cast

In other words, we find the DPA of the attack (dmg/cast), and then we divide that by the standard dpa for that archetype. Suppose that's 1.0 for simplicity purposes: then the term drops out. We then take the square root of that normalized DPA, and then multiply by the cast time.

What we're doing is calculating a DPA, and then "squeezing it" by taking its square root. High DPAs get lower, low DPA's get higher. But if A's DPA is higher than B's, its still higher after this step. This compresses the range of DPA, but it retains the order. Things get closer together, but advantages and disadvantages remain.

That adjusted DPA is then multiplied by the cast time, to come up with a new adjusted damage. That becomes the damage of the power.

Assuming a standard DPA of 1.0 for the moment, this means attacks whose recharge and thus damage imply higher than 1.0 DPA get that DPA lowered a bit. If its greater than 1.0, it will still be greater than 1.0. But its DPE will drop a bit relative to normal, because its endurance is being calculated based on a slightly higher damage level. Higher DPA pays for itself with lower DPE (or higher endurance burn). Lower DPA (then 1.0) gets the benefit of higher than normal DPE. Also, the very very high and the very very low get closer to the standard. There are less excessively good or bad attacks in a DPA sense. But there are still good and bad ones, and you can still make blockbuster attacks while obeying this formula. You just have to pay for it with DPE.

What should "standard DPA" be? My suggestion: mostly, take the square root of the archetype's relative damage modifier times 1.1 as standard DPA, with some adjustments for special cases (brutes in particular).

For reference, this is what that would mean for a few representative archetypes:

Defenders: 0.65 ranged modifier, 0.89 standard DPA
Blasters: 1.125 ranged modifier, 1.17 standard DPA
Tankers: 0.8 melee modifier, 0.98 standard DPA
Dominator: 1.05 melee modifier, 1.13 standard DPA

This is a global, massive rebalancing of attacks the devs would never do on this scale, but it would have partially addressed how Blasters could have an additional edge in offense: they would have higher standard DPA modifiers, and that would tend to automatically, without the devs having to decide anything, make their attacks deal better effective DPS overall.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
This is exactly why I never liked the blaster standardization.
While I agree with this to an extent, I firmly believe that ALL sets in an AT should have some fundamental building blocks that make the AT viable. After this 'benchmark' is achieved then the set's specific nuances (Slows, -Resists, etc) can be addressed.

Blasters are supposed to do damage. Every Blaster Primary needs either Aim or Build Up.

In order to help balance the sets, all Blasters should have their first two ST attacks, one ranged AoE and one Cone. All of these attacks should start with the same range, Recharge, Damage and End cost. These numbers can change through the balancing stage but they should at least be close.

All Blasters need a crashless Nuke.

The enemy WILL eventually get into melee range so all Blasters need a way to deal with that. Either a melee attack that does relatively high damage or an attack that somehow mitigates damage like Power Thrust.

All Blasters need to have a niche that separates them from other Blasters and makes the sets feel different. However this nich should also help the Blaster in some way and not just be reskinned power effects. Slows are not very effective but -Recharge is. Mag 2 attacks are useless on Bosses unless they can be reliably stacked and so on.

I don't want all of the Blaster sets to be the same thing. But I DO want them to all have a minimum level of effectiveness. If the Devs figure out how to make a set fun and effective without Aim or BU (for instance) then that's fine. But before they pull Aim or BU they'd better make SURE that the set is just as viable to play as the others.

Otherwise we're right back to 'Archery is great for its crashless nuke but DP sucks because it has no Am' or whatever.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
Otherwise we're right back to 'Archery is great for its crashless nuke but DP sucks because it has no Am' or whatever.
DP sucks for waaaay more than that lol.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
Blasters are supposed to do damage.
Every archetype is supposed to do damage. By explicit dev decree, and by obvious dev actions.

In order to help balance the sets, all Blasters should have their first two ST attacks, one ranged AoE and one Cone. All of these attacks should start with the same range, Recharge, Damage and End cost. These numbers can change through the balancing stage but they should at least be close.
I actually hate rules like this.

Otherwise we're right back to 'Archery is great for its crashless nuke but DP sucks because it has no Am' or whatever.
On the other hand, I actually like arguments like this IF roughly the same number of players are on either side of it (and I'm not necessarily saying the one expressed above qualifies). If some large percentage of the players thinks a set sucks because it has Y instead of X and another large percentage of the players thinks a set is great because it has Y instead of X, I think that's actually exactly what you want in a diverse set of powersets.

There seems to be this notion that the goal should be to make things everyone likes. But I don't agree, because the things everyone likes are by definition the least objectionable things, the least controversial things, the least interesting things. They exist in the bland homogenized center of all possibilities. The moment you try to make something interesting, someone will think its interesting in a good way, and someone else will think its interesting in a bad way. Good. Rather than have everything sitting in the boring middle, make different options that exist out at the more interesting periphery, but in different directions. So some people will like this but not that, and other people vice versa. And have some things in the middle to cover that specific option, but specifically for people who like the middle ground, not as a compromise to everyone to avoid everything even a tiny subset of the players dislikes.

Subjective and qualitative arguments are good: they are a sign of a healthy powerset ecosystem. The problem is that its very difficult here on the forums to gauge whether a powerset is disliked by a vocal minority or by enough people to make it flawed. And the "conventional wisdom" of a powerset can change dramatically over time. Kinetic Melee would be a good example.

Not to mention the fact that there's just way too much inadequate quantitative analysis being used to jump to all sorts of flawed conclusions about the state of individual powersets. It almost makes me wish I didn't make quantitative analysis respectable.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I thought a fire tank was the first to 40.
Badly off-topic, but I recall it being an AR/Dev Blaster who largely mowed green critters on the streets and used Smoke Godnade to deal with everything serious.

But that's like saying I recall being told what someone said after a 100-pass telephone game. I'm passing on what my friend's second cousin's sister's dog's second account told me.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Badly off-topic, but I recall it being an AR/Dev Blaster who largely mowed green critters on the streets and used Smoke Godnade to deal with everything serious.

But that's like saying I recall being told what someone said after a 100-pass telephone game. I'm passing on what my friend's second cousin's sister's dog's second account told me.
True: even if my recollection was correct, I would only be recalling what I was told by someone else who was told. I wasn't there for the big ding myself of course, and for all anyone knows it could have been an anonymous player that didn't announce the fact and none of us really knows. Its not like it was when CoV launched and most fast levelers were at least aware of each other (enough for me to be reasonably certain I was between #6 and #9 to the level cap in head start on Triumph).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Warning: Semi-snarky response follows.

Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
firmly believe that ALL sets in an AT should have some fundamental building blocks that make the AT viable.
Like blasting stuff?

Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
Blasters are supposed to do damage. Every Blaster Primary needs either Aim or Build Up.
nah, can't make them all the same yet have them be different in ways other than skins.

Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
In order to help balance the sets, all Blasters should have their first two ST attacks, one ranged AoE and one Cone. All of these attacks should start with the same range, Recharge, Damage and End cost.
see above

Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
All Blasters need a crashless Nuke.
WHAT!?! Seriously? Oh Ice/Energy such dreams...

Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
The enemy WILL eventually get into melee range so all Blasters need a way to deal with that. Either a melee attack that does relatively high damage or an attack that somehow mitigates damage like Power Thrust.
OK, this I'd agree with. Don't they already have that.

Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
All Blasters need to have a niche that separates them from other Blasters and makes the sets feel different. However this nich should also help the Blaster in some way and not just be reskinned power effects.
Isn't this how it is?

Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I don't want all of the Blaster sets to be the same thing. But I DO want them to all have a minimum level of effectiveness.
What would your minimum level of effectiveness be?
All ATs should be able to engage 4 targets pretty early in the game and grow from there or a blaster should be able to go +4x8 kill everything and not get a scratch.

IMHO if a blaster can't engage 4-5 mixed targets, they are doing it wrong. If a blaster is trying to build for defense and then doesn't think they are blasty enough, isn't that a choice? It's not difficult to get a perma 35-40% damage boost from IOs, +aim, +build up, +choke down a couple reds and possibly a random build up from a proc. That's pretty blasty.

Great game while it lasts.



The more I mull over the idea of a fix similar to the stalker improvement.

It would be a big increase if sniper powers could be used like the new assassin's strike. More fun too.

Great game while it lasts.



Originally Posted by __Tru__ View Post
The more I mull over the idea of a fix similar to the stalker improvement.

It would be a big increase if sniper powers could be used like the new assassin's strike. More fun too.
The important thing to note is that Stalkers were never broken: they worked just fine. The problem was that a significant portion of the stalker community didn't like *the way* they worked, similar to the issues with the mechanics of domination for dominators. Dominators worked fine, but many dominators didn't like the specific way they worked vis-a-vis domination, and the devs upon consideration agreed. The devs upon consideration also agreed that there were things about the way stalkers worked that were not the best option or were problematic, and so they were adjusted. Those adjustments didn't really take much if anything away from stalker capability that already existed, it just improved other capabilities so that stalkers had other valid combat options, including especially valid options for leveraging assassin's strikes.

But with blasters, its not just a case that we have problematic powers - we do: sniper blasts and some of the nukes, among others. But that's not the core problem.

The core problem is that blasters have been left behind. Blasters were originally supposed to be the damage specialists - its what they were supposed to be by virtue of getting no other powerset types - and yet they don't even have the highest unequivocal damage modifiers. Scrapper melee modifiers are higher than Blaster melee modifiers and tie Blaster ranged modifiers - assuming you don't count criticals, which are base damage increases. Dominators also have higher melee damage modifiers than Blasters and they get an entire control powerset which means Dominators prove you can have high damage modifiers without giving up anything.

Blasters don't have the best damage buffs. Fiery Embrace? Nope. Rage? Nope. Power Siphon? Nope. It was only recently that Blasters got Soul Drain, and that requires being in melee range (which is not a problem for melee classes, but an extra burden for most blasters).

Blasters do get the Defiance damage buff, but *every* hero archetype has an inherent damage buff now. Tankers have bruising, Defenders have a (de)scaling one in Vigilance, Scrappers have pervasive crits, and Controllers have containment. And of the five, Blasters don't have the strongest one: that's containment. At best, Defiance is probably roughly tied for second with bruising, depending on how you count bruising.

So the presumptive damage specialist does not have the highest damage modifiers, does not have the best damage self buffs, and doesn't even uniquely have the best damage-buffing inherent. Not because Blasters were nerfed, but because everything else was allowed to pass them by.

Meanwhile, Tankers, Controllers, and Defenders were supposed to lack damage, but all of them have had their damage buffed over time. And that was easy because every one of them has a damage-dealing set to buff in the first place: even Controllers do by virtue of Control sets being defacto damage sets. But since Blasters don't actually *possess* defense, control, or buff/debuff sets, they couldn't actually *get* defense, control, or buff/debuff buffs to their capabilities as easily as the other archetypes could get damage buffs. So they just didn't get buffs directed in those areas (increased health scalers being the primary exception).

You can't fix this with a buff to snipes, or any other single power. And even if you could, blasters would just fall behind again in a year, or two, or three. To really "fix" blasters you have to put them on a path where they get what everyone else gets over time. The giant stone tablet that says "thou shalt only give blasters damage, and not too much" has to have C4 strapped to it and turned into a Mythbusters segment. *That* is the Blaster problem, and fixing it means destroying that which has held it back.

A new Blaster bible has to be written, one that says "Blasters are people too: they deserve to kill, and they deserve to not die, and they deserve the tools to do both just like everyone else."

*How* they get those tools is Chapter 2. That's how you fix blasters.

Also, a tangent on power creep. Someone asked me yesterday if buffing Blasters just makes power creep worse. Upon further consideration, I believe just the opposite. Its blasters being in the state they are in that make power creep worse. Here's why.

We all know players have been buffed over the years, probably higher than they really should be. But there's only two ways to deal with that: nerf the players or buff the critters. And we all know that nerfing (nearly) all the players ain't happening. But we can slowly elevate the critters over time to match the players.

Except that's not going to happen either, and the reason why is that when you elevate the critters, you have to be cognizant of the lower performing players. You can't just orphan them or make the game unplayable for them. Remember when the boss buff happened? That had to be unwound quickly, because while it was fine for many players who saw it as a challenge, many others saw it as making the game unplayable. And the devs can't do that that strongly to existing players that dramatically.

So the limits of how we can address power creep with environmental buffs comes down basically to the lowest performing, lowest survivable characters. And that's blasters. If blasters were not a survivability-outlier, the devs would have more flexibility to address power creep with environmental buffs. I can't say they would use that flexibility: they could just ignore the problem. But right now, they have *zero* flexibility to do much about it, and its almost certainly a large, possibly singular reason, is blaster performance.

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Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
That's because Blappers are too busy killing ish to be bothered posting here.
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Badly off-topic, but I recall it being an AR/Dev Blaster who largely mowed green critters on the streets and used Smoke Godnade to deal with everything serious.

But that's like saying I recall being told what someone said after a 100-pass telephone game. I'm passing on what my friend's second cousin's sister's dog's second account told me.
This is correct. There was an error in Smoke Grenade when the game was released. The ToHit Debuff was 100%. Yes you read that right. 100%. This was described as a decimal error (duh) and was corrected to 10%, and even back then there were cries of "Nerf"! But before the correction was made, SG was incredibly powerful and Blaster damage was high. Add in that you could six-slot AR attacks with damage SOs using TD six-slotted for ToHit buff and pre-purple patch, pre-ED AR/Dev was a monster. Massive AoE, you never missed anything, and with the original SG enemies couldn't touch you.

I have no idea how or when SG got nerfed to 5% debuff that it has now. Jack was still in charge, I do remember that.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It almost makes me wish I didn't make quantitative analysis respectable.
I think the alternative would be a very horrible world.

BTW you bring a good point about dominators. I think the two ATs are extremely similar despite their huge differences, and perhaps Doms may be a good place to look at while coming up with potential suggestions.

Blasters already are heavily dependent on their secondary effects for survival... it may be a huge amount of work but perhaps we can convince the devs to amp up the level of control blasters get. May be an easier task if the new amplified control tools are restricted to the secondary set (since there are way fewer of those.)

I always think the Tier one Immob power all blaster get should be an AoE that affects up to 5 foes, for one.



Arcanaville, I hear what you are saying.

just to clarify

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Stalkers were never broken: they worked just fine.
IMO stalkers were not broken, but they were improved. The same opportunity exists for blasters with the same mechanic that now exists. Make a extremely high damage, very long activation, interruptable power, instant.
I do see how you (and others) feel blasters have been left behind and deserve to be looked at and possibly reworked. I totally agree they should have SOME top tier SINGLE TARGET damage powers.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
So the presumptive damage specialist does not have the highest damage modifiers, does not have the best damage self buffs, and doesn't even uniquely have the best damage-buffing inherent.
Still they have them and they aren't the worst or terrible.

I would ask - Is it possible the lack of blaster performance is perceived more in just the higher levels and end game? Or do they under perform even in the 1-45ish levels?

Great game while it lasts.



Blaster role should be damage, and tons of it. Also they should get a significant amount of inherent ranged defense so that playing at range actually has an advantage.