What should the blaster role be?




Blasters should be the undisputed kings of all damage. After all, they contribute nothing else and have little survivability.

Currently, some other AT's have a higher damage cap than blasters. Also, some AT's have higher base damage modifiers. Both of these things should be changed. If blasters do the most base damage, and then also get the most benefit from team +damage buffs, there will be zero reason to complain about their performance. And both are very simple changes that require no new coding.



I prefer the blaster role of damage. Just damage. Damn the torpedoes, balls to the wall, offense is the best defense, if I wanted protection I would have made a scrapper, damage.

Ranged or melee, no difference to me. With hurdle and combat jumping the two are practically the same thing anyway.

Risk vs. reward. Oh, I get mezzed or defeated sometimes? So what, that's the risk part.

The Bacon Compels You.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Blasters should be the undisputed kings of all damage. After all, they contribute nothing else and have little survivability.

Currently, some other AT's have a higher damage cap than blasters. Also, some AT's have higher base damage modifiers. Both of these things should be changed. If blasters do the most base damage, and then also get the most benefit from team +damage buffs, there will be zero reason to complain about their performance. And both are very simple changes that require no new coding.
Um nope....you can still use build up and aim and if you have the other power a few sets offer then you build up more damage still.

Which makes the single target sniper shot still do over 1000 damage on even level targets and if it criticals it can do over 2000 depending on what you are attacking.

And dont forget as a blaster you get area of effect attacks so you do damage to not just one target but to many...and thats alot more damage then any other archtypes can do.

But some of the Blaster power sets have some serious issues....

And you can see those issues by going and doing the Oroboros mission sending you back to the outbreak area.
You get exemplared to 1...but even so you should still be able to kill the minions with one shot with one of your blasts....only one attack available should do that....this is on and beyond the veteran powers.

You will noticed for example with dual pistols and radiation....they both cannot do this...i have not gone through all the sets....but fire can kill in one shot...so can sonic....and psionic....but even so....that discrepency if nothing else shows there is an issue.

And before anyone points it out....no these outbreak minion do not have specialized defense...if you use the temporary power that lets you look at their statistics you will see they have base of 0 across the board.....as they are just like they where when they where original tutorial encounters.

So if anything that is more proof then much of anything else that there are some Blaster Power Set issues....that Testing for whatever reason has not noticed and the Bug fixing team has chosen to ignore.

And you know whats really interesting....the in game numbers listed on powers....they show an average on many things....but weirdly that average is not based on what you do...and most fo the time are horrendously wrong...

Like when your brawl punch does more damage then your first attack power....that is seriously messed up....but if you read the information fromthe power...it will tell you you are doing more damage....even though actual play proves that is wrong and runing something like hero stats again proves the inconsistency.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I think one fatal flaw in you guys' decision that 'Blasters should Blast'...that's exactly why they're in the mess they're in. Blasters have their problems because they, frankly, can't do much else.
This has been mentioned a lot of times before, and I still think it's completely true. Blasters are in the situation they are now because they're conceptually broken, probably to an even greater extent than stalkers are. A character that conceptually only deals damage will not work no matter how you mess with them mechanically because this is a game where everyone needs to have a method of both offense and defense. The variety in this game comes from not who has what piece of the triad, but how the archetypes achieve their offense and defense.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
This has been mentioned a lot of times before, and I still think it's completely true. Blasters are in the situation they are now because they're conceptually broken, probably to an even greater extent than stalkers are. A character that conceptually only deals damage will not work no matter how you mess with them mechanically because this is a game where everyone needs to have a method of both offense and defense. The variety in this game comes from not who has what piece of the triad, but how the archetypes achieve their offense and defense.
There is an old saying that has also been mentioned a lot of times before, and a number of times already in this thread: The best defense is a good offense.

Technically, a character who only deals damage has all the defense that character could need, provided it deals ENOUGH damage. And that's what we are discussing here. The Blaster's defense, according to the Devs, is their ability to hit the enemies hard from range. It makes sense: NPC enemies typically have fewer ranged attacks than melee attacks, and those ranged attacks are often less potent than the melee attacks. So if you can kill or at least incapacitate enemies from a distance, they get fewer chances to hurt you. "Fewer chances to hurt you" is a type of defense.

The problem is power creep. Slight buffs to other archetypes in the past have yielded tougher enemies across the game in the present, with stronger attacks and/or more debilitating (mez) attacks. Where Blasters could once wreak havoc from afar, nowadays the enemies are lasting longer, and hitting or incapacitating us harder. Thus, this discussion about how Blasters can be brought back to their former stature, and the problem that we've all run into: What do you give an archetype dedicated to dealing damage other than more damage?

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I'd be happy with Blasters that were twice as tough as what we have now. See, one of the problems with "more damage" is that the Blasters on a team give the entire team the XP, while keeping the debt for themselves. I mean, everyone here could volunteer to play Force Field defenders an hour or so a week, thus fixing the problems with both Force Field defenders and Blasters in the immediate case, but I don't think that solution scales.

Winterminal: The problem is not power creep with time. I was here in 2005, when the scrappers were twenty times tougher than the blasters and the tanks were two hundred times tougher. I don't remember whether I was actually on the team where someone asked "What's that AT with a black skull symbol?" Maybe I just heard the story told here. The problem is power creep with level: when you're trying to threaten a guy with mez resistance 15, you throw in enough mez to flatten a blaster 15 times over. What kills a level 35 Scrapper in 60 seconds kills a level 35 Blaster in ten.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
The problem is power creep. Slight buffs to other archetypes in the past have yielded tougher enemies across the game in the present, with stronger attacks and/or more debilitating (mez) attacks. Where Blasters could once wreak havoc from afar, nowadays the enemies are lasting longer, and hitting or incapacitating us harder. Thus, this discussion about how Blasters can be brought back to their former stature, and the problem that we've all run into: What do you give an archetype dedicated to dealing damage other than more damage?

Power creep has certainly magnified the problem. Castle was unrelenting in buffing everything but blasters



This is a great thread. I think I would approach the answer as though I were building a team for a tough TF. I might think "This TF will go a lot easier if I can find a [insert AT here]." For some, it might be a Tank, for others it might be a Kin, for others it might be a Dom, but almost never is that AT a Blaster. Why? Because right now a Blaster does not contribute enough to a team. Want AoE damage? A Corr or a Dom will be better because they bring buffs or control with almost the same damage. Single target? Scrapper or Brute, please. And the support staff won't have to babysit them to keep them alive.

That last sentence bears more exploration. Your typical Scrapper doesn't care about the makeup of the group. Everyone there is great and will help defeat stuff faster, but he/she doesn't need any particular AT. The Blaster, though, needs a Tank and/or a Healer-type to keep going. And will have to keep careful watch on his inspiration supply. I want my Blaster to be like Iron Man in the recent movies: tough but not invincible, with strong ranged damage.

I think the thing that should differentiate Blasters is strong ranged damage, with a focus on AoE. Right now, just using AoE powers without buffs/debuffs, it's hard to tell that there is much difference between my Corruptors and Blasters damage. Most Blaster powersets have only two AoE blasts, typically a cone and a radial targeted power. When a blaster fires those off, only Bosses and tough Lts should still be standing.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I think one fatal flaw in you guys' decision that 'Blasters should Blast'...that's exactly why they're in the mess they're in. Blasters have their problems because they, frankly, can't do much else. They don't get comprehensible self-mitigation and what they do get, they get at reduced value. They can't debuff, they can't control they can't shed aggro and what of those capabilities they may get, again, they do at reduced value.

To put it in another frame: What should Blasters do? Blast? Well, they do that and they still suffer.
The problem is they don't really do it very well. Every single time I look at making a damage dealer I end up with a scrapper or a brute, and not just because of survivability, but because it is so much easier to apply the damage and they do more anyway in a lot of cases.

Blasters need long recharging big hitters to take out single threats very fast (IE: remodelled snipes that can 1 shot a LT with no slotting), more damage in general on the other attacks, at least 3 AoE's in all sets (Including the nuke which should have no crash) and a secondary capable of maintaining their advantage (Range and damage) by keeping mobs away (Without controlling them directly).

I just opened mids and took a fire/fire blaster and here is my idea:

Fire Blast:
Flares - same but more damage
Fire Blast - same but more damage
Fire Ball - same but more damage
RoF - same but more damage and a taunt similar to omega maneuver at the point where the fire originates (in the air) to similate a 'looking for what is attacking you' effect and allow you breathing room
Fire Breath - faster, longer, wider and more damage
Aim - change to something like fiery embrace so it helps more with damage
Blaze - better range
Blazing Bolt - long recharge (30-40s) fast cast time (1s) and massive damage that pretty much will kill what you hit with it
Inferno - change to ranged more like pyronic judgement

(You could maybe add something like a .5 second stun onto every attack to simulate the 'ouch', AoE powers would have a 50% chance)

Fire Manipulation: - Please ignore the power order, I just replaced powers I don't agree with for ones I do.
Ring of Fire - Wide PBAoE with damage repel/fear to keep enemies out of melee range. Causes 'on fire'
Burnout clone replacing Fire Sword - All powers are recharged instantly, long recharge - probably T9.
Combustion - increase the temperature in an area (ranged) causing targets in the area to take extra damage from the fire attacks dot, chance for the whole area to catch fire (A bit like OSA). Causes 'on fire'
Smoke replacing FSC - TAoE causing -perception and -range. No aggro.*
Build up - same
Blazing Aura - ground based patch that does good damage and acts similar to caltrops. Causes 'on fire'
Consume - TAoE instead of PBAoE
Burn - places the burn patch as currently but teleports you to the edge of it, puts a small (1s) stun on the enemies to simulate confusion and then gives them a fear (runaway). Causes 'on fire'
Fire Orbs - 2 small, low hp pets which run around for 10s running Hot Feet (With taunt component) and explode upon death. Causes 'on fire'

Enemies suffering from 'On fire' take extra damage from fire attacks (Not related to the fire dot). You could even give all NPC's a long recharge 'douse flames' power that causes them to stop and put out the fires which would kind of act as an extra control as they would probably use it on your first attack thus mitigating the alpha.

All attacks could also create smoke to give short term -range as well.

So lots of damage, survivability through -range, tiny stuns (So short they can't stack) but give a break in the return fire and area denial to keep people out of melee range in several ways, unique mechanic, nice pets.

This imho keeps blasters into their role of sitting back and dishing it out.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Of all the thread im reading on Blasters and their roles and issues with mez Ive yet to see someone mention Blappers.

Ive never made a Blapper (melee damage = Brute/Scrapper) but I know of some that LOVE to play their Blappers.

The Dev's may not want to alienate those players by forcing a "Ranged Damage only" role.



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
Of all the thread im reading on Blasters and their roles and issues with mez Ive yet to see someone mention Blappers.

Ive never made a Blapper (melee damage = Brute/Scrapper) but I know of some that LOVE to play their Blappers.

The Dev's may not want to alienate those players by forcing a "Ranged Damage only" role.
That's because Blappers are too busy killing ish to be bothered posting here.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
Of all the thread im reading on Blasters and their roles and issues with mez Ive yet to see someone mention Blappers.

Ive never made a Blapper (melee damage = Brute/Scrapper) but I know of some that LOVE to play their Blappers.

The Dev's may not want to alienate those players by forcing a "Ranged Damage only" role.
I don't mean to seem harsh, but I'd give the same response others give about changing Blasters (i.e. "You want Blasters to be Corruptors? Go play a Corruptor"):

You want to play melee, play a melee toon. You want a combo, play a Kheldian or Dom. Melee capabilities add very little to a Blaster. How many melee Blasters do you see in Incarnate missions? (I'm sure there will be some that chime in and say "My melee Blaster is better than sliced bread on Incarnate Trials", but the truth is they aren't.)

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
The Dev's may not want to alienate those players by forcing a "Ranged Damage only" role.
Ah, the heck with it! They took away my defiance! They can take away my melee attacks! But they'll never take my Freedom! (yeah, that's it).

Actually, while I do not want the melee attacks to be lost, I am very interested in open communication and I want people to toss ideas out even if they make me weep. People often say they want the melee attacks gone, but then never truly expand on what they want instead. I want to see if something can be done that doesn't make me think, well just play a dominator or just play a corruptor.

The one way I could think to do that would be to have an amalgam of armor, control, and buff (mostly self only buffs if not totally self only). So far, that seems to be where most of the anti-melee crowd are headed.

It could generate good ideas for a new AT, even if blasters don't get that kind of change.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Actually, the new Hybrid Incarnate slot seems to be a good idea for Blappers. One option for it is something that gives Mez protection in close range. However I suspect that once it goes Live and Blappers get it they'll realize that Mez is only one part of the 'Blaster Death' equation.

If the Blaster Secondaries were more geared towards melee I'd be more inclined to support it but that would put them at odds with the Primaries which are mostly ranged. I think this is part of the problem...Blasters have a very narrow identity ('We do LOTS of damage!') which is being marginalized by other ATs. This leaves Blasters searching for a niche to fill.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Only one way to make blasters, as a damage-only archetype, make sense in a game where every archetype is good at two things. Split the damage role into two distinct and equally important roles, and have both those roles applicable to blasters.

Melee damage versus ranged damage, as I believe most of us agree, isn't the way to do it. The distance at which you can deal damage still isn't that important, despite all the autohit location-based shenanigans the devs put into the game. Doing damage to something all up in its face, versus damage to something from a 2 seconds' jog distance, are easily interchangeable, and aren't distinct roles.

AoE damage versus single target damage is a bit more like it. The roles are distinct; having someone good at ST damage on the team doesn't eliminate the benefit to bringing an AoE damage dealer along. Still, it's hard to place a whole archetype on one side of that divide when damage sets vary so much. If we decide to buff blasters to make them really good at AoE damage, what happens to poor, poor psi blasters? Both roles won't necessarily be applicable to all blasters, so while the line can be drawn that way, doing so doesn't fully address the blaster issue.

So how should the team role be split? Based on the way game content is going, especially in the endgame, I believe the two team roles should be burst damage and sustained DPS. A strong burst damage AT should be able to take down a LT rank enemy in no time at all. And DPS should buzzsaw through bosses and big bads at a decent rate.

So what would it take for blasters to be at the top of the list for both burst damage and sustained DPS? What other ATs would we have to rival? Stalker seems the closest comparison. If we don't measure up to the stalker archetype's survivability, how much should we beat stalkers in burst and sustained damage to even things out?



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
The only way a damage-only archetype makes sense in a game where every archetype is good at two things, is to split the damage role into two distinct and equally important roles, and have both those roles applicable to blasters.
I do not think high burst damage + high sustained DPS is going to do it. There are blaster combinations out there that can already do that and they (likely) still underperform the other ATs.

If you want to eliminate the under-performance (and by default the near total reliance on allies) then blasters need some combination of armors, other self buffs, controls and/or debuffs. Damage alone will not solve the under-performance issue unless the damage is so high, spawns insta-melt.

Damage is not a niche, it is a communal responsibility. Therefore no AT can be carved from that alone unless you are willing to deny them self-reliance. I am. I do not think many others have that viewpoint.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Group: You are DPS for the team. If you want more than that see Corrupters, Controllers, Defenders and Dominators.

Solo: You should solo at a reasonable pace at x3. It shouldn't take forever. You shouldn't jump to x5 without IO's or Epics. With Inspirations you should be able to take on an elite boss easily.

I think if anything Willpower showed that the health of your character is a metaphor. It doesn't mean that the tough guy regenerates wounds unbelievably fast. It represents that the hero fights no matter what. it is called rise to the challenge. The healing represents him overcoming the odds. It is heroic.

Why don't the secondaries have self heals? /psi is the only one that has something close.

/fire could have a flash heal. Healing flames shouldn't be out of the question. It could represent the melting of bullets, immunity to heat, etc. Blaster HP's are worse than Scrappers and you won't be able to stack it with anything but the fighting pool until 35. Your still squishy. 0x5 could still flatten you. The Epics would let you add a resist or def toggle. But you would be able to use endurance for survivability in a useful quick non intrusive way (I ignore redraw here).

Every secondary and can use that metaphor. It is the reason why the power Drain psyche exist in the 1st place.

It doesn't stop you from blasting. It means you can do the exact same thing an empath can do while solo and grouped. It means your still less survivable than stalkers. They get resist, defense and heal/s. You get damage from range while solo. Blapper's could recover between groups and in combat with them.

It stacks with active controls some sets have.

All of the secondaries could work in a similar way. Healing is a metaphor for your power averting the damage or defying the damage.

The argument that on IO's it is over powered is a ridiculous argument. Soldiers are meh on SO's. They burn so much endurance you want to use rest every group. IO's make them overpowered in a God Slayer way. Same for scrappers, stalkers, and brutes, Doms, controllers, Kheldians, and tanks. A soft capped blaster with an in combat heal is not as overpowered as a softcapped Dark Armour anything, or perma eclipse/phantom army/heatloss with soft cap.

Additionally why does rest still have a cool down? What game purpose does that serve? It still has a long animation before it even starts, and has a cool down? It is suicidal to use during combat. It would help all archetypes at every level. It is a banal speed bump to game play for soloing only. In a group every gets access to things that make resting less needed. It is a bad game incentive to not solo.

Also why are the tier 3 ST blasts so bad DPA? Even blaze is worse than a lot of melee attacks. Is activation time balanced in anyway with the end/dam/rech formula. Why are the blasts so varied across all the blasts sets? Is there even a standard for ST DPS that blasters were supposed to do compared to other archetypes?

And on nukes



Originally Posted by Late2Party View Post
Also why are the tier 3 ST blasts so bad DPA? Even blaze is worse than a lot of melee attacks.
While I agree with much of your post, I am having trouble remembering many melee attacks that have better DPA than Blaze. Maybe some widow attacks?

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Winterminal: The problem is not power creep with time. I was here in 2005, when the scrappers were twenty times tougher than the blasters and the tanks were two hundred times tougher.
My experience was different. Blasters were the first people to get to level 40, and scrappers had a lot of problems staying alive. My opinion at the time was that it was due more to player experience than anything though. Most people had no clue how to properly balance a scrapper's offense and defense in the middle levels where you're low on slots. There were also plenty of armor sets that are very broken by today's standards, such as dark armor's mutually exclusive toggle with no benefit to counterbalance it. The big joke at the time was "City of Blasters".

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Power creep has certainly magnified the problem. Castle was unrelenting in buffing everything but blasters
Completely true, but to be fair, he really wanted to redesign blaster secondaries.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I do not think high burst damage + high sustained DPS is going to do it. There are blaster combinations out there that can already do that and they (likely) still underperform the other ATs.

If you want to eliminate the under-performance (and by default the near total reliance on allies) then blasters need some combination of armors, other self buffs, controls and/or debuffs.
Somehow, I forgot to mention the other complication, that sustained DPS is partially a function of survivability. Thanks for the reminder.



To answer the OP question in simple terms.


I have read and tried to understand why exactly so many people think they need fixing and I just don't see it. The AT requires some thought to play. That appeals to me. Buttom mashers should play something else. Period.



Originally Posted by Lachlin View Post
To answer the OP question in simple terms.


I have read and tried to understand why exactly so many people think they need fixing and I just don't see it. The AT requires some thought to play. That appeals to me. Buttom mashers should play something else. Period.
But there is no reward for that thought because you do not do more damage than scrappers or brutes a lot of the time, and they don't need to think.

Also it is bad design if the AT most new players are drawn too requires the most difficult playstyle unless there are great rewards from doing so. The only reward to being a well played blaster is that you can match the average scrappers and brutes (THB - don't mention Drain Psyche).

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
But there is no reward for that thought because you do not do more damage than scrappers or brutes a lot of the time, and they don't need to think.

Also it is bad design if the AT most new players are drawn too requires the most difficult playstyle unless there are great rewards from doing so. The only reward to being a well played blaster is that you can match the average scrappers and brutes (THB - don't mention Drain Psyche).
I would argue the reward is in the need to think. The thought itself is the reward. There is also reward in working with others and seeing various team skills used to make up for the inherent weaknesses of blasters (and I would argue that reward exists for the non-blasters as well, keeping a crazy blaster alive is fun for me).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



So my idea here hinges on the idea that a buff to me=a debuff to you basically

  1. Increase the range of all blaster powers. Something I've heard mentioned, and also read in the game manuals is that range=Damage mitigation in that it forces enemies to close to melee, this isn't really true, as every enemy has at least one ranged power and most, I've found, have several, with decent enough recharge that they don't need to move from one spot. A blaster's range should be just outside the reach of any non-sniper enemyas a corollary(or an alternative if not feasible/possible to do the first) to this,
  2. Add a -range effect to all the "crowd Control" powers blasters get in their secondary powersets. Arcanaville suggested an interesting idea in the MA for blasters thread that a Knockback attack with -range would be a replacement for a tier1 immobilize in the hypothesized set, a very good idea, but why not take it further. If the Secondary of a blaster is to be viewed as supporting the blaster's primary role, that of ranged damage, then giving themselves the advantage in range seems like a good way to go to both protect themselves, and present a value to the team, Namely, that of cover fire. "I'll shoot them before they shoot you"("although, in terms of game mechanics, I'm preventing them from shooting you via non-shooty methods, just don't tell anyone") It would mean that other ranged archetypes would benefit from having a blaster along, as they would give their fellow defenders/ Corruptors, Dominators, Controllers(and Petless masterminds I guess :P) an added measure of security as they played. Further, it would(hopefully) Make tank and melee characters easier to play with, as, when the enemies, with their reduced range, decide to attack the blaster blasting them, they'd have to start closing the distance, giving the Scrapper/Brute/Tank/Stalker ample time to re-engage them and prevent them from attacking the back-row squishies. In keeping with the "squishy" aspect of blasters, This wouldn't take away from the idea of blasters using "active defense" to protect themselves. Speaking of "Squishy"
  3. Give a temporary Defense or Resist(pick whichever one makes thematic sense and/or better balances the set) buff and/or some form of mez protection to Aim, Build-up and other self-buff click powers. A big problem for blasters is, again, they die easy. I don't hate the mez problem so much, because Defiance actually helps me a lot, but I'd love some good defenses. But blasters are conceptually weak. They are supposed to hit hard and from far away, and that's it. So how to make these two opposites work? Well, they don't have to be squishy all the time, just most of it, And temporary bonuses to defense sound like just the ticket. Most people hit build-up just before or as they engage a mob. Having a nice, quick boost to defense or resist and maybe some mez resistance would probably help to mitigate alpha, and let you as a blaster gain those precious few moments to finish off the enemy before they finish off you. It would also help as a "panic button" in situations where you find yourself in too deep. Hit Build-up to both increase your defenses to get some extra time and increase your offense to shred through the enemy, and thus eliminate the problem of people trying to kill you in the first place. This also would work well with th e very high damage of the melee attacks. if something get's close, you can hit one of these click powers and then clobber it before it does any decent damage.
  4. Increase the radius of damage auras and add some form of soft control where necessary The damage auras are when I'm blapping, but honestly they're just kind of.. there for me the entire rest of the game. They don't really keep anything from hitting me, and they don't really help my primary function of shooting dudes at all. I like World of Confusion, whenever an enemy charges me and then immediately turns around to attack his fellows, it warms my evil little heart. I'd like to see more of that,and I'd also like the range to extend a bit more, just so I can sometimes get use out of it while firing on an enemy. Something in the "Close" range, maybe the distance of Executioner's Shot
  5. Damage buff: I feel like Blasters should, at base levels out-perform Defenders and Corruptors in the damage department until things like heavy debuffs and scourge come into play. Sort of the ranged equivalent of the scrapper, without the crits.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.