What should the blaster role be?




OK, most of the posts here are approaching the matter from a purely game mechanical standpoint, which is fine, up to a point. However, let's look at things for a moment from within the genre we're playing: superheroes and supervillains. At which point one has to ask, what does the character do beyond blow large holes in things?

From this point of view, one might consider that Blasters and Corruptors started out on the wrong sides of the Red/Blue line. A villain can make a pretty good career as a one trick pony ("I blow stuff up!"), be it as a trusted hench-being, bank robber, or powered muscle of a third world dictator. However, he isn't going to be considered one of the major players until he can do something really interesting. (The Red Threat's gambit to blow up the entire world might count, but we saw how hard the Midnighters shut HIM down. No recurring roles for Boris.)

A hero, on the other hand, really needs to ask himself "What can I do with my powers for others? Sure, the Human Torch can blast Hydro Man into vapor, but what makes him useful is his power stunts of fusing a collapsing construction site into an immobile mass, melting your tennis shoes or tires to the street, or vaporizing the massed gunfire of a bunch of gangbangers before it can injure the hapless civilians.

So, from this point of view, I don't mind too much the construction of the Blaster powersets, except the heavy prevalence of melee powers in the secondaries, and some of the numbers we see coming from the primary attacks. The X-Men's Cyclops pretty much exemplifies our current approach to Blasters. He shoots things. A lot. His mitigation is to shoot things before they can hurt him, and keep the range open, mostly through blasting them back. And when that doesn't work, Jean Grey's gets to use Vengeance.

But to be honest, I really wouldn't want to play Cyclops.



My opinionated answer to the original question:

DC's Starfire or Marvel's Cyclops both define what it means to be a Blaster.

Their primary power is damage at range, and they are excellent at it. Against "minion" class enemies, one or two shots is all it takes, and "lieutenants" don't hold much weight either. Each is also capable of a very explosive attack (T9 style), which tends to leave them a little dazed after using it.

Despite being primarily ranged damage dealers, they are both proficient in hand-to-hand combat, to the point where they can quickly dispatch an enemy that gets too close. However, neither are particularly durable, making close combat riskier and their ranged attacks more beneficial for a longer battle.

I see this manifesting in our game as such:

  • Some boosted damage for sets that should be doing more (c'mon, if I shoot someone in the chest with a pistol, they should be a little closer to "dead" than those attacks currently yield).
  • Crashing nukes getting a boost to their damage to the point where walking into an even-con mob and firing it off vaporizes minions and lieutenants, and leaves Bosses with 25% or less health.
  • Sniper attacks, if their mechanics are left as are, should get a damage boost to the point where (at even-con) they can one-shot a minion, leave a LT. at 50%, and a boss at 75% before enhancements.
  • Sniper attacks, if their mechanics are modified, should be made similar to the new Assassin's Strike mechanics.
  • Future secondaries bringing a balance of melee abilities, enemy deterrents, and independent self-buffs (i.e. Build Up and Conserve Power, not Drain Psyche and Soul Drain).
That's basically how I would do it.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
There was a global end reduction applied to powers when ED hit, I believe to help counteract the loss of 6-slotted stamina.

Was somewhere in the region or 12.5% iirc.

Also, Blasters pay less endurance per point of damage then Defenders or Curruptors, since their attacks do more damage for the same END cost.
That was a global change however. The Issue 2 thing reduced defender and tanker end costs down to that of blasters (I believe). The original idea was I believe something like blasters getting an end discount on attacks because that what their focus ... doing damage I mean. Still, I could be misremembering, it was a long time ago.

Also I would certainly hope blaster attacks would do more damage than defender or corrupter ones (buffs and debuffs aside). If they didn't something would be horribly wrong. Still, I can see the idea behind an end discount on attacks for blasters even though I don't think it's strictly needed either.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Glass Cannon is perfectly fine. That description is very appealing and what attracted most of the people I know to playing blasters.

The problem with it, is whoever came up with it wouldn't know what a cannon is capable of if it shot them.

That is the effect cannon shot had on armored battleship. Seeing as we use the term "TANK" in this game, the Armor on a battleship laughs at the armor on a tank.

This is Fort Pulaski in Georgia after the Union cannons got done redecorating.

Finally mobile cannons are really easy to take out if you can get close to them, BUT

When you charge a cannon company the order goes out to load canister shot.

Imagine a shotgun with an 6 inch diameter barrel firing 1/3rd inch tungsten shotgun pellets. You have to be a certain kind of crazy to charge a cannon position.

Right now we are definitely glass, and kind of ok at range but nothing really special and in no way shape or form cannons or artillery of any kind. Artillery isn't the king of battle because it looks pretty.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Looks at corruptors. Primary that deals ranged damage. Secondary that can mitigate damage and support ranged attacking.

Why do so many people want to turn blasters into corruptors? Play corruptors. I think it would be boring to make another corruptor AT (considering defenders also are ranged damage with a support/utility role).

If you don't like the blaster AT, but like the corruptor AT, that does not mean blasters should be turned into corruptors.

I left out Corruptors because

1) I'm old-school and forgot about GR and the fact that Corruptors can start as heroes now.

2) All of the Corr Secondaries are either target debuff or team buff sets. I don't expect the Blaster Secondary to debuff anything except enemy Health...through damage.

3) I don't expect the Blaster to be buffing the team unless they take the Leadership Pool.

I don't see Blasters as Corrs at all...

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"




Chaos War God, xX-Chaos-Team-Xx
Satan's friend, Death Dealer



My vision of the blaster role: reliable offense and burst damage specialist

By 'reliable' I mean that the blaster would continue dealing high damage in most situations by having countermeasures against a variety of defensive strategies. As for burst damage, someone else in the thread already mentioned how iconic it is for blaster-type characters to go all out and be dazed afterwards.



I wonder how having boosts to survivability so long as you keep attacking would work?

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.




The Blaster's role for the solo player should be the fast paced enemy destroyer, like taking control of a bowling ball in a world of pins. Combat is fast, enemies go down fast and you come out victorious through superior firepower and aggressive controls (Knockback/down/up, Chance for Mez tied to attacks, high damage making mobs flee), even if you have a bloodied nose.


In a team, the Blaster should be a reliable damage source with damage available for any given situation, even if their powersets in question don't specialize in it. Single Target, Area of Effect, Cone, Point Blank Area of Effect, Ranged and Melee, if the enemy is at range then destroy them for not letting the Scrappers/Brutes have their fun, if they get in close then show them the error of their ways with superior melee attacks, if you are ambushed then show them they should have dressed in red shirts for all the good it will do for them.


Like in a Team, the Blaster should still be noticeable in a League for always having the attack type/s needed for any given situation. If you're getting swarmed there should be a highly destructive nuke being thrown out which isn't a Judgement, and people should notice. AVs should be going down noticably faster, health bars dropping through sheer force.

Note the key words. Damage, Reliability and Noticeability. Blasters are for those of us who like to deal damage all the time and for it to be noticeably higher than other characters. Currently, I don't feel any more damageing than a good Scrapper, Stalker, Brute, Mastermind, Dominator, VEAT or HEAT.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Ignoring the rest of the post...

Blasters are fine as highest damage dealer with low HP as balancing.

Epics are not influencing the role of the AT
Pool powers are not influencing the role of the AT
Incarnate has abxolutly no effect on the role of the AT

If you take away these three things (as they are not brought in for the balancing of an AT) then the blaster does what the blaster should do. At least at first it seems so. Some AT have gotten higher damage output. The blaster should retain the highest damage output though (for single attack).

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I2) All of the Corr Secondaries are either target debuff or team buff sets. I don't expect the Blaster Secondary to debuff anything except enemy Health...through damage.

3) I don't expect the Blaster to be buffing the team unless they take the Leadership Pool.

I don't see Blasters as Corrs at all...
OK. So you have now said the secondaries shouldn't be melee and they shouldn't be debuff or team buff. I am trying to get you to say what they should be.
Armor? More range damage? Control? Self buffs? A mix of those (or some of those)? Throwing all precedence out the window, design a blaster secondary you would like.

Keeping in mind I like blaster secondaries as melee a lot, I'll throw one out there as an off the wall idea. What are you picturing?

/Fire Manip
1) Ring of Fire - more range damage, modest control
2) Fire Shield - prevent some of the most ubiquitous damage
3) Char
4) Fire Sword Circle
5) Build Up
6) Flashfires
7) Warmth (Self only)
8) Burn (but you can place the patch up to 60 feet away)
9) Hot Feet

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



These are my thoughts...

Blasters should be ALMOST all Ranged Damage...

I saw an example for Marvel Cyclops earlier...

Let's use that.

VERY RARELY, do you see Cyclops have to wade into battle to fight...in fact I cannot recall off the top of my head a time where he just dove into a fight like that (Not that there probably isn't one, but they are few and far between)

Cyclops also doesn't become drained exceptionally when he really unloads, he just dials up his visor to a higher setting and nails the bad guys. (Crashless T9's)

They should have a few melee attacks, but I feel the secondary should be predominantly ranged as well, with some debuff in it.

Using Cyclops again, he can dial his visor down to a stun setting, if so desired, to not kill but disable...this should be a key component.

If a blasters main defense is to be at range, then they SHOULD be at RANGE.

I also feel that no normal NPC should out range a blaster. I could see some AV with that capability for challenge/concept reasons...but no Minion or LT or even Boss should have that ability. Similar range? Sure. MORE range? Never.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Having played a few blasters, I am confused as to what the concern is here.

In most MMOs that I have played, there are 4 main divisions of team roles : Tanking, Support, Crowd Control and DPS. Blasters very clearly and easily fall into the DPS role, which they share with at least a couple other ATs. Their role is fairly start-forward and the only things that really bother me about Blasters have to do with, one, the decision to make pool powers give different amounts of protection based on AT. My defenders get much more mileage from powers like tough and weave than my Blasters, which is B*@@$#!T, in my opinion. And secondly, there are times when getting perma-mezzed is a real downside. I would like the Buildup powers to act like a break-free; 10-15 seconds of +Dmg/+ToHit and 30 seconds of Status protection.

But besides those two ideas, Blasters are fine and don't really need anything to define their role better.




The Blaster primary role should be damage above all else, with an emphasis on range. I personally think the secondary role should be debuff/control, but not to such a degree as to step on toes of other ATs.

I personally would like to see a greater emphasis on the secondary effects of Blaster attacks. I have played many Blasters, but the most effective has always been my Ice/EM. It had everything needed for devastating damage and survival. Holds, recharge slows, stuns and knockback provided all the mitigation needed to wade into a group and come out the other side in one piece. Dark/EM is along those same lines. The secondary effects, in addition to damage, are what make it work so effectively. Lets buff up debuffing/control secondary effects and add some to those that may not have them. This gives Blasters a very effective secondary role on teams in addition to greater survivability.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Buildup powers to act like a break-free; 10-15 seconds of +Dmg/+ToHit and 30 seconds of Status protection.
I was just thinking this earlier today.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
The question was "What should blaster's role be?"
Um blasters should blast. Is that too obvious?

Blast stuff and try not to get killed.

Hospital frequent flyer miles can be expected. The being mezzed or knocked around all the time, that could be rough. There are easy fixes available though. Break free, blast some more. Anything more should be available at the cost of the blastiness.

As far as seamless chains and such. Really?

I'd be in favor of a stalker AS like sniper ability mid fight. That'd be cool.

Great game while it lasts.




Good gravy...this sounds like the typical idiocy from other games...

but why not....

Blaster Role is DPS normaly.

But that does not mean a Blaster cannot fill other roles depending on the player and powers thay have.

Though some Blasters cannot fit into any roles, becasue they pick specifc powers and make themselves real lousy at doing much of anything....
Thus they get to be the role of SPONGE or LEECH.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
So what is the secondary going to do? More range attacks? Armors? I am betting debuff and control are what most people who want to eliminate melee attacks are thinking, although maybe he was thinking armor or more range attacks.
Area denial, knockback, self teleports that put you back 30', foe teleport, damage buffs, recharge buffs, targetted taunt patches, targetted fear patches (Whichever makes the runaway effect), recovery/regen buffs.

There are a lot of things that would help keep a blaster alive and allow them to do more damage that we don't necessarily see a lot of currently.

Edit: Blasters could even have pets, and to keep them different they could be high damage, easy to kill but fast to recharge and light on the blue bar to cast. Maybe something like Seeker Drones but damage not stun and it lets them take an alpha too.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post

Though some PLAYERS cannot fit into any roles, becasue they pick specifc powers and make themselves real lousy at doing much of anything....
Thus they get to be the role of SPONGE or LEECH.
Fixed that for you.

Unfortunately, some people think the game should cater to that 1% absolute lowest common denominator that won't be able to help themselves no matter what.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
OK. So you have now said the secondaries shouldn't be melee and they shouldn't be debuff or team buff. I am trying to get you to say what they should be.
Armor? More range damage? Control? Self buffs? A mix of those (or some of those)? Throwing all precedence out the window, design a blaster secondary you would like.

Keeping in mind I like blaster secondaries as melee a lot, I'll throw one out there as an off the wall idea. What are you picturing?

/Fire Manip
1) Ring of Fire - more range damage, modest control
2) Fire Shield - prevent some of the most ubiquitous damage
3) Char
4) Fire Sword Circle
5) Build Up
6) Flashfires
7) Warmth (Self only)
8) Burn (but you can place the patch up to 60 feet away)
9) Hot Feet

Ok...I'll bite. This is thrown together but I'd like to try this form of /Fire Manip:

1) Circle of Fire-Basically Burn with no -Immob and a small +Fear since Minions SHOULD be afraid of fire. Lasts 30 seconds...less damage than Burn. Basic 'Keep away' power.

2) Fire Form-Same as Fire Shield but with a small DoT damage shield because...well...you're HOT!

3) Wall of Flames-Similar to Circle of Fire but over a line castable at maybe 50' distance. Great for plugging up choke points.

4) Boom-Rapid overpressure PBAoE. Slight damage, Stun, hefty KB.

5) Build Up

6) Immolate-Similar to Circle of Flames but with a little more area and more damage. Targets get Fear if they get set on fire for DoT.

7) Scorch-Wall of Flames as a 60 degree cone 60' long. High instant damage followed by DoT

8) Torch-High DoT and Fear on a single target (I've never subscribed to Char as a Hold. Burning people don't stop...they panic).

9) Warmth (self only).

The order is likely all wrong but here's my thinking: NOBODY should be eager to charge a burning person. Rather than try to give a Blaster Immobs and Holds (which have to be stacked against Bosses anyhow) give them -Rech for Ice and Mind, Fear for Fire and Dark and so on. Make it stackable so that against Minions (who don't need to be mezzed) the Blaster just lays waste to everything. Against Lts and Bosses the Blaster has to concentrate his attacks and stack the effects. This prevents the AT from becoming an 'I WIN' button...the player has to work at it a bit. But with the effects stacked the Blaster's survivability goes way up.

And add a toggle to EB like the one from DP that switches KB to KD as the player wishes.

Nobody should be able to target clearly while on fire...or frozen...or surrounded by darkness...

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post

6) Immolate-Similar to Circle of Flames but with a little more area and more damage. Targets get Fear if they get set on fire for DoT.
I've always thought it would be hilarious if Fire DoT ticks caused KD in the form of NPCs doing a stop,drop and roll animation to put out the fire.



Blasters very clearly and easily fall into the DPS role, which they share with at least a couple other ATs.
... all of which are three to ten times harder to kill in 'normal' play.

I do tend to repeat myself, but I do see the same questions a lot.

What should a Blaster be?

I'm a walking disaster
A harbinger of doom
I kill the conversation when I walk into the room
I'm a three line whip
I'm the kind of thing you ban
Don't mess around with the Demolition Man.

Gameplay wise: I'd be happy with two powers (in a secondary, maybe as part of defiance, whatever) : a passive +30% damage, and some form of damage reduction (30% unslottable maybe?) .

For those holding the "Blasters shouldn't get more protection" viewpoint, let us consider that Super Reflexes, capable of hitting the defense cap on storeboughts, got given scaling damage resistance because it WAS NOT TOUGH ENOUGH.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I think one fatal flaw in you guys' decision that 'Blasters should Blast'...that's exactly why they're in the mess they're in. Blasters have their problems because they, frankly, can't do much else. They don't get comprehensible self-mitigation and what they do get, they get at reduced value. They can't debuff, they can't control they can't shed aggro and what of those capabilities they may get, again, they do at reduced value.

To put it in another frame: What should Blasters do? Blast? Well, they do that and they still suffer.

I love my Blasters to death, but it's usually through means to broaden them that make them attractive to me...focusing on whatever control abilities they can get, focusing on building self-protection through IOs, exploiting power boost for additional debuff like -ToHit, or using SBE procs to make their hold 1-shot hold bosses.

Along with that stuff, they also blast and do so well solo or teamed. But this shouldn't be some chess game where you're moving all the right pieces to come out with a Blaster than can do more than blast. Blasters should blast *AND* be able to do *something else* with proficiency just like everyone else.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I think one fatal flaw in you guys' decision that 'Blasters should Blast'...that's exactly why they're in the mess they're in. Blasters have their problems because they, frankly, can't do much else. They don't get comprehensible self-mitigation and what they do get, they get at reduced value. They can't debuff, they can't control they can't shed aggro and what of those capabilities they may get, again, they do at reduced value.

To put it in another frame: What should Blasters do? Blast? Well, they do that and they still suffer.
I think those saying "Blasters should blast" are actually saying "Blasters should be better at blasting." Personally, I cannot think of a feasible way to do that. The two ways I see as possible are either increasing their range or increasing their damage, and both of those are problematic. Increasing damage yields to a faster rewards-per-time-invested ratio, meaning faster progress which the Devs probably want to avoid. Increasing the range works in theory, but with most of the instanced maps on this game being indoors, that does little to help most situations.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Along with that stuff, they also blast and do so well solo or teamed. But this shouldn't be some chess game where you're moving all the right pieces to come out with a Blaster than can do more than blast. Blasters should blast *AND* be able to do *something else* with proficiency just like everyone else.
The problem with that is that Blaster secondaries are rather undefined. They are a hodge-podge of melee, enemy deterrents, and self-buffs, with a ranged attack thrown in here and there. Blasters' "something else" is more damage (albeit a different kind) or tools to help them do more damage. In order for Blasters to "do *something else* with proficiency," the secondaries would have to be totally revamped, which the Devs probably won't touch because there are plenty of players out there happy with their Blasters just the way they are. So let's not even go into possible "Ranged/*blank*" combinations.

I am of the mind that Blasters, in general (there are always exceptions), should be able to noticeably out-damage other archetypes. If I had my way, I would boost the Blaster damage modifiers and be done with it. But I doubt I will get my way because of one simple truth: Damage directly affects your leveling progress.

The faster a character can put down an enemy, the faster they level up. I can go endlessly back and forth with arguments for and against increased blaster damage modifiers (seriously, I just spent 20 minutes doing it before I decided to be short and concise). But I have to think that that fact is at least a part of what has kept Blasters from receiving a buff to their orange numbers.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.