The Avengers vs The Terminators




Thor: Monster lightning bolts
Stark: Hack them or blow them apart
Hulk: Smash (duh!)

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Hmmm...little harder to smash them if they're T-1000's. I don't recall the newer version, if it could take the smashing as well.

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Hmmm, Terminators sent back to stop Banner from ever even becoming a scientist, Stark from ever being born and Thor... Well, ok that one could be tricky.

But then again, Terminators are really crappy at fulfilling such missions so I have to go with the Avengers due to Terminator incompetance if nothing else...



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Hmmm, Terminators sent back to stop Banner from ever even becoming a scientist, Stark from ever being born and Thor... Well, ok that one could be tricky.

But then again, Terminators are really crappy at fulfilling such missions so I have to go with the Avengers due to Terminator incompetance if nothing else...
Thor's not hard to kill if you use the right weapon and don't care about the collateral damage. Actually the method I'm thinking of would eliminate all of the Avengers.

Skynet simply ends back a few hundred Terminator's that have been designed with internal ADM's (Atomic Demolitions) and programmed to go off as soon as they get within killzone range of their targets. There's no reason for Skynet to announce hostilities for a stand up fight. Just quietly and peacefully approach the targets and BOOM as soon as they are in range of ground zero.



Dress a Terminator up as Tony's dad and send him back to when Tony is a kid, get up close then blast him. Another Terminator dresses up like Jane Foster, lets Thor get close then explodes in nuclear fire and then the final one would replace the assassin at the Super Soldier Serum demostration with Steve Rogers. That terminator would destroy the whole place before it could inject Rogers with the serum. This would have the cascade effect of preventing Banner from turning into the Hulk, so long as we're going by the movies as the movie Hulk was born from an attempt to recreate the serum.

Of course the Red Skull and Hydra would have won WW2 then and the Terminators may not have even been created, but eh.

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Avengers. Not even close.

The Terminators are historically, hilariously bad at their jobs. It's almost like they operate on the reverse-ninja rule except they still fail at the end.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Avenger's; it would be found that Stark Industries was somehow one of the precursors to Skynet. A 'robocop code' would be part of the subroutines embedded in the T's programming when confronted with a Stark family member.

This information would be found when a T-100 is brought to Tony for reverse engineering; to the end that he develops a portable modulator that allows him to enter the Stark subroutines and reprogram the Ts to respond to his commands.

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The primary reason the Terminator's failed was due to their lack of information about their targets. Had Skynet contained detailed information about it's target, sending back a Terminator to resolve the issue would be simple.

So really, it depends on how much information Skynet has to go on if it wants to eliminate the Avengers.

Hulk: Being that Skynet was a military defense computer, it may be safe to assume that it had all the detailed files about Bruce Banner / Hulk that the army had. Sending back a Terminator to remove Banner before he became the Hulk isn't an issue.

Skynet 1, Avengers 0

Iron Man: Consider again that Skynet was a military defense computer, and Stark was a military contracted arms manufacturer, obtaining information about Howard, and thus Tony Stark isn't an issue. In the film version of Iron Man, the military has direct information about Tony and the use of his Iron Armor. Sending back a Terminator to remove Tony Stark isn't an issue.

Skynet 2, Avengers 0

Captain America: Again the military is directly involved. Skynet locating Capt before his serum injection isn't an issue.

Skynet 3, Avengers 0

Thor: I consider SHIELD to be a completely seperate entity from the military and while they probably have all access to military information, the military doesn't have much of anything on SHIELD. They're systems are seperate and therefore Skynet has virtually zero information on Thor.

The only guaranteed way for Skynet to encounter Thor would be from an accurate historial record, in which he was present. However, removing the other Targets would irrevocably alter the historical record. So, the only choice is to attack Thor while the other Avengers exist.

Skynet sends it's 100 Terminators back in time to attack Thor and the Avengers. The Terminators manage to obtain various automatic rifles, pistols, and shot guns. Attempting to remove their targets from range meets with virtually zero success since the Hulk, Iron Man and Capt's Sheild prove sufficient to repel the attack, alerting the others to the new danger.

Avengers remove the threat while compating the Chitari (sp?).

Skynet: 0, Avengers: 100



Er, in the latest Terminator, they had John Connor and Kyle Reese trapped and once again sent a single Terminator against them, and when it got within skull-crushing reach, it just kept throwing them across the room. Like it always does. Their ability to fail at assassination is second only to the guy who shot Gabrielle Giffords.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



One word:


'Nuff said.

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Er, in the latest Terminator, they had John Connor and Kyle Reese trapped and once again sent a single Terminator against them, and when it got within skull-crushing reach, it just kept throwing them across the room. Like it always does. Their ability to fail at assassination is second only to the guy who shot Gabrielle Giffords.
It's the classic "Villain Syndrome" if the villains were ever any good at their job they'd win in every movie ;P

How villains were foiled because they 'took their sweet *** time' before actually defeating the protagonist?

It's like "oh hey, I have the hero on the ropes, but before I defeat him/her I will tell them my master plan, contact their grandmother and call her nasty names, and update my facebook page"



Flip this around, could Skynet come about in the Avengers universe? Figuring how many times they have smacked down Ultron, I think it's a moot point, Skynet does not last long enough to built a terminator.

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Pretty much Ultron is the Skynet analog in the Marvel universe, or to simplify the Killer Robot Trope

If you're interested there's supposed to be an event coming soon in the Avengers series called 'The Ultron Wars'. It was briefly mentioned in the Marvel Point One comic. From what I can recall. It shows a panel were a bunch of Ultrons are flying over what remains of a ruined city.

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I think we're getting too technical here,

Let's just throw the Avengers and 100 Terminators (what model though?) in the battlefield and have them go at each other.



None of the current terminators stand a real chance unless we start fiddling with time travel.

The ground troops are just fodder to everyone in the Avengers
The T-1000 can be melted down completely by either Thor or Iron Man
The T-Meg is guarding the Skynet Core...but I'm sure it'll meet the same fate as the 1000s.
T-X was taken out by
T-XA has good recon skills with it's ability to split up it's body and transfer information between its split selves and probably stands the best chance (at least better than the other models, which isn't really saying much...) with being able to implement pieces of itself into humans and manipulate them, but will suffer the same fate as the other liquid metal units...



The only thing that really worked against the T-1000 model was when it was doused in liquid nitrogen and that corrupted its ability to change shapes. So getting blasted by Iron Man and Thor should not really be that much of an issue....

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Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
The only thing that really worked against the T-1000 model was when it was doused in liquid nitrogen and that corrupted its ability to change shapes. So getting blasted by Iron Man and Thor should not really be that much of an issue....
The T-1000 really gets staggered when it's blown up, though, as shown when it was hit with a grenade and all of those shotgun blasts. So an explosive-tip arrow from Hawkeye could stop the T-1000 long enough for Hulk or Thor just to pick him up and chuck him into the next state.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Pouring liquid admantium on any terminator would pretty much destroy them. All the Avengers would need is Ant-Man.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
The T-1000 really gets staggered when it's blown up, though, as shown when it was hit with a grenade and all of those shotgun blasts. So an explosive-tip arrow from Hawkeye could stop the T-1000 long enough for Hulk or Thor just to pick him up and chuck him into the next state.
So it would be a battle of attrition, which is kind of Hulk's forte', is it not?



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
So it would be a battle of attrition, which is kind of Hulk's forte', is it not?
Only if the T-1000s are involved. If not, Iron Man can basically slice and dice all of the Terminators himself the way he did to the Hammer drones.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
Who would win in this battle, The Avangers or about 100 Terminators?
Speaking as a real fan of our robot overlords, it's obvious to me: The Avengers far and away. Basically because superheroes, Hulk and Thor especially, violate physics as easy as breathing.

The terminator robots, on the other hand, have to more or less follow the rules--time travel aside.

Hulk and Thor alone could retake the planet from Skynet. Because even if Skynet is clever enough to capture and keep Bruce Banner sedated, Thor is a god and magically violates all kinds of rules that Skynet simply doesn't understand or at least can't predict.

Iron Man versus terminators would be a nearer thing but even there Iron Man has his magic repulsor rays and superduper magic power generator and would probably win. The terminators are just electromechanical and probably powered by betavoltaics or, perhaps, tiny nuclear fission reactors. In a fight between comic book physics versus science fiction physics, comic book physics always wins.

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Skynet would simply blow up form all the facebook users and avengers wouldn't have to do anything.



I know we tend to forget about T3, but it did for the first time in the series address the issue of paradox.

Any solution which presents the idea of terminators sent back to prevent the Avengers from be formed can be tossed out the window. If it worked, there would be no Avengers and thus no reason to send them back (I guess we can play the divergent timeline card, but honestly any AI dumb enough to change a past which can't affect it's own timeline is a pretty sorry AI).

The Avengers are simply on a different power level than terminators. No contest in a stand up fight. Black Widow and Hawkeye might end up toast, but Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man would simply romp. Cap might have issues, but would likely make it.

Too many alts to list.



Didn't the Avengers fight and defeat an army of Ultrons at some point?

I don't think there's much difference between an Ultron army and a Terminator army. If anything, I'd expect the Ultrons to be tougher. Winner: Avengers.

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