Admin channel event spam
I suppose the reason Admin is unfilterable is because they don't want people filtering it out and then getting mad at them when one day they'll say "We're trying to fix a problem with accounts being erased when the server goes down, please log out normally or your account will be erased! 20 minutes until shutdown"
It's very unlikely, but if it ever happens... ...!
Would be nice if they limited Admin broadcasts out of courtesy, I agree.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11
they want to make sure everyone sees it.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Important system, security or update messages should be completely different to Event Chatter.
There's no reason why Event and Social contact from GMs can't be restricted to a GM/Event Tab if we want it. As important as getting the news out, there's a difference between important information and (what is effectively) a marketting ploy.
Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive
Important system, security or update messages should be completely different to Event Chatter.
There's no reason why Event and Social contact from GMs can't be restricted to a GM/Event Tab if we want it. As important as getting the news out, there's a difference between important information and (what is effectively) a marketting ploy. |
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Honestly, I agree with this: it does get annoying at times when the Admin channel is used for dev-run events.
I understand the usefulness of the Admin channel in terms of getting the point across (especially for things like maintenance announcements), but when you have events like the dev-controlled portion of the Operation Fallen Thunder event, it's a constant barrage of multi-line Nemesis or other sig-character banter displayed across all tabs in all zones and instances. It becomes redundant to read the same quips 2+ times over whether or not you're participating in the event in the first place, and all of it disrupts the information players not interested in the event want to see, such as their own RP or even their combat logs.
I understand wholeheartedly that you, the devs and CRs, want to get yourselves and the players involved in the game. But when Admin text comes up, I'm personally expecting a substantial announcement involving the game's nuts and bolts rather than having it used simply for entertainment value.
(The issue that my computer lags out whenever I try to run into the gathering crowds of any zone invasion event, thus discouraging me from participating in them... is another story altogether.)
I like them If you dont like them, they're pretty easy to avoid/ignore.
As long as the majority like it, i dont see any problem with it.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Using it to let everyone know an event's going on or servers are going down? Good.
Spamming us with ridiculous and unimportant shout outs and banter that gets inflicted on all channels, regardless of if you're involved or not? Annoyingly bad.
If you're going to horribly RP Nemesis, or do a shout out and chat it up with folks, please use Broadcast or any other form of chat. I understand you want to get word out that something's happening. But having Nemesis talk about his steam powered computer crashing, or having a rep give a shout out to [player name] on every player's channel, on all their channels, it just gets annoying and distracting from what players might be involved in.
This isn't the first time players have brought up this issue, either.
Lighten up, people. It couldn't possibly interfere with your playstyle THAT much.
Apparently, Lord Nemesis reads VirtueUnited, and he exercises proper netiquette when invading a city. This is important to know.
Using it to let everyone know an event's going on or servers are going down? Good.
Spamming us with ridiculous and unimportant shout outs and banter that gets inflicted on all channels, regardless of if you're involved or not? Annoyingly bad. |

Announce the event, and occasionally remind people it's going on (for the people that log in after it starts), but don't use it as a general chat channel. It's just bad form.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
So, on the Freedom Friday on Facebook, I asked about this and was rather put off by the dismissive attitude I got from Frietag's response. So, I want to toss it out here to see if I'm crazy about this:
It would be nice if they'd make another channel for the GMs/Devs to use during live events rather than spamming the admin channel which is unfilterable and scrolls EVERY DAMN WINDOW. I'm not against them running live events. Quite the opposite, actually. But, if I'm not interested at the time, I'd like to be able to carry on chatting/RPing/etc without BIG BOLD RED TEXT scrolling all of my windows constantly. Frietag's response was they want everyone to know what's going on so they can get involved, but, really, the comparison I used is it's like being at Denny's with your friends talking about a movie and suddenly the manager pops up and starts shouting about football. Sure, announce the event in the admin channel when it starts and maybe a line now and then during to let people know, but using they go WAAAAAY overboard with the spam. It's obnoxiously disruptive. And being told basically "We know it's annoying but tough @#$%, it's for your own good" is extremely off-putting. |
Concur with people who say - lighten up

Given how infrequently devs drop in to do an event live, I think you can put up with them for the hour or two they're there doing fun stuff for the game like invasions, costume contests, and playing frisbee in atlas park.
Except your analogy would be better if you stated the Manager of Denny's came into the main room and yelled "Apple Pie will be going on sale in 10 minutes!" The admin channel is used to announce ya know.. game stuff not totally random stuff like "woohoo my team just won the superbowl!"

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
That analogy doesn't work, because they don't just announce the start of the event. Or even the start and occasional reminders. They CONSTANTLY SPAM THE DAMN CHANNEL through the entire event. It's more like: "APPLE PIE WILL BE GOING ON SALE IN 10 MINUTES! THIS IS GREAT APPLE PIE! JOHN SMITH JUST BOUGHT A SLICE! THE WILSON FAMILY JUST BOUGHT A WHOLE PIE! COME ON GUYS AND GET IN ON THIS! AND HERE'S ANOTHER FAMILY FOR A PIE!" etc, etc, etc for the course of the entire sale. Oh, AND SHOUTED AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS SO IT DROWNS OUT EVERYONE ELSE AND YOU CAN'T JUST TUNE IT OUT.
See big red it ..make sure it's not like "servers are going down..." and continue to play.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
That analogy doesn't work, because they don't just announce the start of the event. Or even the start and occasional reminders. They CONSTANTLY SPAM THE DAMN CHANNEL through the entire event. It's more like: "APPLE PIE WILL BE GOING ON SALE IN 10 MINUTES! THIS IS GREAT APPLE PIE! JOHN SMITH JUST BOUGHT A SLICE! THE WILSON FAMILY JUST BOUGHT A WHOLE PIE! COME ON GUYS AND GET IN ON THIS! AND HERE'S ANOTHER FAMILY FOR A PIE!" etc, etc, etc for the course of the entire sale. Oh, AND SHOUTED AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS SO IT DROWNS OUT EVERYONE ELSE AND YOU CAN'T JUST TUNE IT OUT.
I just tap the letter "C" and my chat boxes go away. You can't be irritated by a message you can't even see.
I guess you'd prefer if our devs decided to make those non important announcements like Cryptic has decided to do in their games. Where you get an annoying message IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SCREEN that says something like:
on and on
Now that's $##@%$@# annoying as hell. Some red text in a chat box doesn't even register on the annoyance chart. I'm sorry to hear it bothers you so much.
How much time do you spend, say, RPing and trying to keep up with the chat channel? Or in a trial with someone giving instructions/trying to give them yourself? Or any other situation where you have to keep up with already moderate to fast moving chat?
Trials...I do roughly 7-10 a day and have not had this interfere one bit.
Other situation...hasn't bothered me in the slightest.
I just tap the letter "C" and my chat boxes go away. You can't be irritated by a message you can't even see. . |
There's event-specific chat that *doesn't* spam all the channels. I'm fairly sure what he's asking for is for live events and non-vital chat (such as:

) to be moved to *that* and for Admin to be left to "Emergency maintenance, server going down in one minute, eject, eject, eject!"
How much time do you spend, say, RPing and trying to keep up with the chat channel? Or in a trial with someone giving instructions/trying to give them yourself? Or any other situation where you have to keep up with already moderate to fast moving chat?
Also I don't like it flaring up ALL my windows. If the only thing in a tab is rewards, or black market, make an exception.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
So, on the Freedom Friday on Facebook, I asked about this and was rather put off by the dismissive attitude I got from Frietag's response. So, I want to toss it out here to see if I'm crazy about this:
It would be nice if they'd make another channel for the GMs/Devs to use during live events rather than spamming the admin channel which is unfilterable and scrolls EVERY DAMN WINDOW. I'm not against them running live events. Quite the opposite, actually. But, if I'm not interested at the time, I'd like to be able to carry on chatting/RPing/etc without BIG BOLD RED TEXT scrolling all of my windows constantly.
Frietag's response was they want everyone to know what's going on so they can get involved, but, really, the comparison I used is it's like being at Denny's with your friends talking about a movie and suddenly the manager pops up and starts shouting about football.
Sure, announce the event in the admin channel when it starts and maybe a line now and then during to let people know, but using they go WAAAAAY overboard with the spam. It's obnoxiously disruptive. And being told basically "We know it's annoying but tough @#$%, it's for your own good" is extremely off-putting.
Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint