All Things Character Art




Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
I just want one thing, Dink.

I want a giant hammer for Titan Weapons.

I don't want it to be rocket-powered. I don't want it to be laser-guided. I don't want it to be made of flesh and bone. I don't want a giant eyeball in it (although I don't object to more Rularuu weapons in general). I just want a giant hammer. It can be a big, plain sledgehammer or maul. It can be a fancy warhammer. But I just want a giant hammer for Titan Weapons. It can look like a Carnie Strongman mallet or a Celestial Armor mace or anything between. But it needs to be a giant hammer.

I'm going to second this as it's the one weapon I always wanted for TW but was very disappointed we didn't get. In general, I'm a fan of really big hammers, and war mace just doesn't cut it. I want a HUGE HONKIN' WARHAMMER. Even if it's just a scaled up version of the war mace hammer with an extended hammer, I'd be happy with it. Just one simple hammer with no crazy glowy bits, no moving parts and no creepy horror-themed textures. We could also do with a simple sword (different model from Excalibur obviously), and perhaps a giant axe that doesn't have a skull with glowing eyes on it? We would love you for always Dinky. <3

I'm also gonna second the request for some new "specialty arms". Especially considering the couple new options we've gotten for these are exclusively Robotic Arm 3 so they can't be used in symmetrical costumes (Which, despite much crying for asymmetry, is still a wanted thing as well), they should ideally be usable on both arms. I'm all for the mentioned huge arms (maybe gorilla arms with big forearms or a single model with both skin/tights and a furry version so it's two birds with one stone?), feathered arms, skeletal arms that aren't robotic, perhaps even some big stone arms so we could make a huge, hulking golem type of character? There's plenty of fun ideas there.

And I'll also throw by support behind some new tails because more options is always good. Real tail feathers would be lovely to go with our bird head, perhaps even one or two different types, like a small tuft or a bigger, splayed kind of tail like the phoenix look with a few patterns (could be nifty to make a peacock-themed hero. Sounds silly but somebody out there wants to do it.), a set of mechanical tails as mentioned (Cyborg catgirl invasion!), or if you wanna go REALLY cool, perhaps a mermaid-esque tail? I'd love to use the pirahnna head with a scaly/shiny tail that has a split fin at the end of it, and it would be versatile enough to make a variety of mutant creatures.

And lastly I'm gonna re-iterate my long-standing request: Could somebody please go through the newer pieces we have and give us a non-glowing version of all the pieces that lack it? Some of the new pieces look very nice but if you want to mix and match them it can be disasterous when just your boots glow and the rest of you doesn't, or you're restricted to using black as a secondary color for certain pieces so it doesn't glow and it's quite troublesome. Imperial Defense springs immediately to mind, Cosmic Corsair also suffers from this on some pieces which would otherwise be very interesting and versatile, and I'm sure there's a few more in there somewhere that I can't think of off hand. I'd love to be able to use the Imperial defense gloves with a different set of boots but because of the glow nothing else quite matches it, so I'm kind of roped into using the boots as well if I want my costume to look not-stupid.

As always, we love you Dink, and we appreciate all the hard work you do.



You know what I would like to see? The old mandible. It was a great half helmet option for the character that didn't want part of a skull on his face...

I still have it preserved on a few characters, but I would really, really love to see this added back into the game. It was one of my favorite half helmet options when it was available. In fact I missed it recently on a costume I made that it would have been perfect for.

Here are a few screenshots of the old mandible before it was changed into a jaw bone:


That is all.



Oh god please do this. Please do this. Or something almost nearly like this. The only face detail that comes close right now are the warrior masks and they don't quite work.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
I'll look into that also but I cannot promise anything until I do
That's good enough for me. Thank you kindly I mean, I can see why it might look strange to have the fur wrapped around bare arms, but I've always seen that as sort of like a mink scarf as much as like a coat's fur trim. But do what you can. I'm just happy to have been heard

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
All "with skin" body parts are actually naked body parts with the tights being just a pattern over the skin, and all "with skin" pieces are brown-tinted. Because they're brown-tinted, when you make them white, what you see is the base texture that's in the files, because white doesn't alter that at all.
Actually, some "with skin" pieces are both white and shiny:

I don't know if that can be done with masks - it might require a separate texture for every face and mask combination. But I'd like to see more "with skin" textures in all categories representing "basic" clothing, with edges that look sewn/hemmed/trimmed as seen in the above image.

There could be "Tights Plus" and "Tights Sleek Plus" versions of Bikini 1-3, Shorts 1-3, and matching versions of a bunch of the plain Tops with Skin like Tanker, Bikini, and Belly Shirt Long and Short. And a more realistic looking T-shirt. The graphics engine demonstrably supports textures like that.

Men already have a T-shirt and tank top that look nice, although they aren't properly white. The attempt at a cloth texture is a bit too dark and coarse. Their briefs ("bare" pants) look less painted-on than women's shorts, but I think they could use a bit more of a border, somehow. Still, even if the men's shorts became the new standard for texture resolution and edge detail, it would be a great improvement over the women's existing bikinis and shorts.

Men's briefs could also have a Sleek version, to match a Tights Sleek top. I probably wouldn't make a male character who wears a leotard in the style mentioned above, but you never know.

Although I came here to ask for more detailed versions of the existing brief clothing styles and not entirely new designs, and I think the few revealing outfits men have are all much better than the worst ones for women, I see that I've asked for a women's T-shirt already. So, can we get some shorts for men that are in between the baggy Boxer trunks and the exhibitionistic Bare briefs? Say, put a hemmed border on the women's Athletic Shorts, and then port them to the male models.


* Opaque-looking, higher res versions of Bikini 1-3, Shorts 1-3, and Athletic Shorts, preferably with trimmed edges resembling women's Tank Top, at least on the leg openings.

* Versions of the above that match the Tights Sleek luster.

* Ditto all of the above for women's Bikini top, Belly Tees, Athletic, and Sport.

* Port something like the men's T-shirt to women.

* Port the improved Athletic Shorts above to men.

* Sleek versions of Athletic Shorts and Bare briefs for men.

Higher res, non-painted-on versions of any other women's Tops with Skin would also be welcome, in the same style as the Tank Top.



Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
Actually, some "with skin" pieces are both white and shiny:
That's not a "with skin" piece. It's in the same category, yes, but this it's actually a whole entire texture not functionally different from Tights or Alpha or Tech Sleek. It's a single texture with fabric and skin all in one. The upside to this is the fabric can be a lot more detailed. The downside is you can't alter the skin and the fabric separately. This combo is set in stone.

Traditional "with skin" pieces for women use a basic skin texture that's a carbon copy of Tights, but brown-tinted as opposed to greyscale. It lacks a navel and nipples, for obvious reasons, but the skin texture very much does exist without any patterns, and it looks like a Barbie doll. "Clothes" are then painted over it in exactly the same way as patterns are over Tights pieces, where each article of "clothing" is just a colour mask that tints the base skin a different colour. As with most of the game's textures, tinting the the skin white gives you the base texture that's in the PIGG files, so what you see showing through white Tights With Skin is the look of the base skin texture for women.

Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
I don't know if that can be done with masks - it might require a separate texture for every face and mask combination.
It not just might, it will. Masks, like Tights With Skin, are nothing more than patterns over the base head and face texture. It's why eyebrows show through them. They are not functionally different from lipstick or eyeshadows or the back-of-head tattoo. City of Heroes doesn't seem to have the tech to create overlapping textures over the same model dynamically, so if you want two textures on top of each other, you have to compile them together into one static texture and display that over the mesh, meaning that you will need a separate face for every face+mask combination.

Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
But I'd like to see more "with skin" textures in all categories representing "basic" clothing, with edges that look sewn/hemmed/trimmed as seen in the above image.
While I don't disagree with you on this, I do want to point something out - "painted-on clothes" can be applied over a variety of upper body textures. Any skin texture that's relatively smooth can look the part with tights painted over it, such that the paint looks like clothes. What this means is we can, eventually, get some degree of skin customization that's not just skin colour. Particularly, this is the only way I can think of to implement the muscular skin for women I've been asking for for years now. You CANNOT integrate that into baked-in fabric/skin combos, but you very much can do it with patterns over skin. Unless we get a MUCH broader variety of Shirts for women, and get them such that they don't have this obvious gap between the fabric and the skin, that is.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Actually, speaking of shirts and jackets, I have a suggestion. Do you know how our jackets and shirts sort of hover above our skin as though suspended by magnetism? Can we please close that gap? I don't mean to bring the shirts closer to the body, I know that's a problem, but can we actually close the actual gap? Other games have done it. In fact, I have an example:

On the left is Crash, wearing a sleeveless jacket. You can clearly see how her jacket is offset from her body and I can look down the gap and see the skin of her shoulder past the strap on her bra, all of which happens through the gap underneath the jacket. Contrast this with T-Kay on the right, who's wearing a strappy small top. Now, as you can see, the top is still offset from her chest by a fair bit, but it shows no gap. The reason for this is that there's actual geometry there to close the gap. So can we do the same to City of Heroes, please?

All this would really take is adding a mesh over the gap, perpendicular to the skin, and such that goes well deep into the skin to ensure it doesn't leave any gaps of its own. This way, it looks less like we're wearing ultrathin fabrics that over over our skin and more like we're wearing just thick fabrics. This would, at least in my eyes, go a LONG way towards hiding the "cheat" taken to create jackets in the first place.

Please, just treat this as a hole in your model and cover it. I'd really, REALLY appreciate that. I'd appreciate it so much I'd be willing to give up on Tights With Skin entirely and use Shirts to represent the same top types, instead. That way, we can alter the top AND the chest separately, right?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



So something else that I thought would be cool is an option for a wrist-mounted computer. Leela in Futurama is one example but I like the idea of a blocky rectangular one (mounted on the left wrist since there are a few animations that involve typing on that wrist).



Hi Devs and Everyone: I like to asked/request if this items be added or updated please?

1)Please, can we have neck armor added in the character creation tool? Why I asking is my character neck is unprotected and it be cool if say chainmail or robotic texture (from robotic face) be used for neck armor.

2)I like to asked can we have a option to see our character eyes when they wearing cyborg mask please?

3)Any chance of having a spy theme costume pack say james bond look for male and catsuit for female? Also for the pack is wetsuit from 60's with speargun.

I hope the devs consider my ideas and thanks I really enjoy CoH.



Ears! lets address ears!!! Can you/your team find some way some how to (when selecting other large ears sets like rabbit etc) can you find some way to blend them in with the human ears or give an option to be rid of the human ears so they don't overlap?

Also more buttcapes please, the gunslinger one works but if we can get an option without the bow, that would be nice.



I would love to be able to use incarnate gloves with a trench coat with the no sleeves / short ripped sleeves. No clipping with that combo yet it's blocked.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
You know what I would like to see? The old mandible. It was a great half helmet option for the character that didn't want part of a skull on his face...
Really would like to add another voice to the call for this 1 item.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



If we're also on the subject of old costume pieces that went mysteriously and inexplicably missing, I'd also like to bring up a piece that I unfortunately never got to see in action, but have seen a few screenshots of in the past and seen requests for. With the release of COV apparently there used to be a shoulder option for Male and Huge that gave you a big fur ruff around the shoulders and the back of the neck, very much like Kraven the Hunter. I sadly don't have pictures of it, but by all accounts it was removed silently, never spoken of again and no explanation was ever given seeing as it didn't clip with anything we had at the time. I'd very much like to see this option return as there are several bestial options now and I have a few costumes that could very much benefit from it. It would work well with barbarian outfits, monsters/mutants/animal pack pieces/yetis/really hairy guys/etc. The female model has the bolero fur, even if it is restricted to use on jackets, but this was usable on tights/skin and other types making it very versatile, and it also added some bulk to the character making it a very striking piece. It would be very nice if men could have this piece back so we can make furry/hairy/whatever characters.

I sadly don't have any screen shots of it, but I'd be very surprised if it isn't still floating around in costume creator limbo somewhere. Even if it isn't, is it possible we could have a new/scruffier version of it? I'd even settle for it as a back detail that just sits on the shoulders, or possibly even an alternate version with an animal skin cape similar to Shadowhunter. It'd be a one-off piece really, but we've received several of those recently and they're not a bad thing, they sometimes provide just the perfect piece that was missing for some people. I'd very much appreciate it, and my wild-boy beast tamer would very much appreciate the extra warmth with the coming winter months.



I would love to be able to use Bolero coat on men, in a somewhat related note to JKPhage's post.



Agreed, the Magic Bolero's profile would look great on Male and Huge, too. Might want to skip the 'off the shoulders' part, though. Give it a stiff, stand-up collar, like a trim, scaled down version of the Halloween mantle.

Of course, if it looks anything like what I have envisioned, then the ladies are going to scream for it, too...

Be Well!



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Agreed, the Magic Bolero's profile would look great on Male and Huge, too. Might want to skip the 'off the shoulders' part, though. Give it a stiff, stand-up collar, like a trim, scaled down version of the Halloween mantle.

Of course, if it looks anything like what I have envisioned, then the ladies are going to scream for it, too...

Be Well!
This squared/cubed/whatever.
I'd also like to see a version of this trimmed with fur, like a coronation/emperor's robe.
(Been asking for this since first saw the Magic Bolero.)



We need a leather bolero for both male and female.
One option with a ripped tail.



I posted this idea in the suggestion forum, but I might as well put it here also!

Last year we were offered a rather nice halloween costume pack, and I'd like to see this idea elabroated on every year with perhaps new items or themes in different halloween packs to really flesh out our purchase options for the Halloween event.

I'd love to see more classic Wolfman, frankenstein's monster, Mummies, Ghosts, Skeleton, and generic "monster" costume options added in different packs.

Wolfman: costume options could include fur shoulders,fur backpieces,bulky fur hands and feet *None monsterous legs* along with more humanoid Wolfman head options outside of the Beast and monsterious heads.

Frankenstein's Monster: Mis matched coloring on patchworked flesh,ragged clothing,rusty eletricity spewing Freakshow/steampunk like costume pieces for the head,shoulders,back,chest,waist,hands, and boots.

Mummies? Body Wrappings and stylized large jewelry pieces for the shoulder,hands,chest,belt, and feet! Maybe a updated headdress as well? A shambling zombie/mummy version of the walk toggle power.

Ghosts. Transparent bodyparts and costume options! Maybe a aura that gives us a transparent ghostly apperance on one of our outfits. Like the Aura usedin game already for Ghosts in Croatoa and from the Ghost ship.

Skeleton: A full skeleton bodysuit would be great! We have so many stylized Bone costume options but no real actual skeletal system pieces. he classic Skeleton bodysuit would be a great addition to the game. As would actual three dimensional skeleton costume pieces.

Monster: This could just be any real off the wall costume pieces. maybe things that look like they're from a 50's b movie like giant one eyed heads and three fingered hands. Moving eyeballs on shoulder,hands,feet,chest,and belt options!



Originally Posted by Razai View Post
Ears! lets address ears!!! Can you/your team find some way some how to (when selecting other large ears sets like rabbit etc) can you find some way to blend them in with the human ears or give an option to be rid of the human ears so they don't overlap?
Actually, this would require some work but it's not technically impossible in the slightest. Right now, "ears" are built into every face they come with. Some faces, like the Skull, don't have ears. Some faces, like Sightless, have ears bound to the head in fabric, as though compressed under a mask. Most faces, however, have the same set of human ears.

Why I say this isn't impossible is an artist could go through all the faces and entirely remove their ears wholesale, then re-add those ears back into the Ears category as "human ears," as well as an additional set of "ears under mask." After this, move the "none" option all the way back to the end of the list, have the list default to human ears with a skin texture and you're golden. Nothing has changed for most faces and what has changed for a very few faces can be easily fixed with the proper Ears option.

I would really like to see that, please.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by JKPhage View Post
The female model has the bolero fur, even if it is restricted to use on jackets
Speaking of the Bolero shoulder fur, Dink already said she'd look into porting it to Sleeveless Jackets. I really, REALLY appreciate that, but I'd also like to offer an extension of this as a goal for the future: Would it be possible to get that fur on all upper body types and not just Bolero and Jackets? I'd appreciate seeing it on Tights, Tights with Skin, Shirts and so forth. I suspect it may look a bit strange, but no stranger, really, than having Clockwork Gears coming out of my armpits, yet that's pretty normal for this game.

And while we're at it, could we please get the Spike Epaulettes ported over to things that aren't jackets? I'd like to see them usable with all categories of upper body. I get that the idea is that they're a military uniform decoration, but I'm sure we can come up with reasons why we're using them on things that aren't military uniforms.

And speaking of Jackets so much, it would be nice to see a few more trenchcoat options. The new Imperial Dynasty Bolero options were fantastic and finally gave a point to the "shoulders" category, so can we see the same happen to trenchcoats?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Please unlock the shoulder pets from around issue 4 to male and huge body types. they are currently avail for females only.

A parrot would also be a logical addition to this catagory

I needs my shoulder cat!

Thanks, much love for all the recent artwork/costume goodies weve been getting.



Originally Posted by Bio_Haz View Post
Please unlock the shoulder pets from around issue 4 to male and huge body types. they are currently avail for females only.

A parrot would also be a logical addition to this catagory
A shoulder dragon would also be a nice addition. But yeah, open them up to males please. My wizard needs a familiar.



Magic Bolero Shoulder Fur is now in all Female upper body categories with the exception of Armored and will be released in a future update ^_^

I also got a bug for the Monstrous gloves, so that will also be in a future update as well.

Thanks guys!



shoulder upgrades like nightcrawlers for example: