600,000 Super Packs




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

Thats a lot of astrals

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Thats a lot of astrals
Compared to the number of empyreans, even moreso. I'm assuming Uberguy burned a lot of empyreans crafting very rares or something, but kept his astrals mostly untouched altogether.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Thats a lot of astrals
Well, that's from enough trials to earn:

T4 Reactive Interface
T4 Pyronic Judgement
T4 Lore Phantasms
T3 Lore WarWorks
T4 Clarion Destiny
T4 Rebirth Destiny
T4 Barrier Destiny
T3 Ageless Destiny

Plus I ran enough iTrials beyond that to get six Catalyst drops for this character's set of ATEs. (I did solo in DA some also, but didn't get a Catalyst there until after I was "done" with this character.)

You probably don't want to see her Incarnate Salvage tab.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Compared to the number of empyreans, even moreso. I'm assuming Uberguy burned a lot of empyreans crafting very rares or something, but kept his astrals mostly untouched altogether.
I spent 60 of them on a PvP +3% Defense IO, quite a while before Converters were on VIP beta. (I don't regret it.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
In a completely unrelated note, Positron bought a new Prius. And hired a chauffeur.
Unfortunately for Positron, his attempt to embezzle those points ran into a problem when he discovered there was no way to convert them back into cash, and in an ironic twist the only thing he could spend them on was super packs.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Well, that's from enough trials to earn:

T4 Reactive Interface
T4 Pyronic Judgement
T4 Lore Phantasms
T3 Lore WarWorks
T4 Clarion Destiny
T4 Rebirth Destiny
T4 Barrier Destiny
T3 Ageless Destiny

Plus I ran enough iTrials beyond that to get six Catalyst drops for this character's set of ATEs. (I did solo in DA some also, but didn't get a Catalyst there until after I was "done" with this character.)

You probably don't want to see her Incarnate Salvage tab.


What?! No Incandescence Destiny?!

Yeah, if I only played 1 toon I'd have that many astrals/emps on my main EI.

Although EI does have 2 t4 destinies (rebirth and clarion).

Too many toons to just stockpile emps/astrals on one toon!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
What?! No Incandescence Destiny?!
What, only two Lore pets?

I'm going to craft them all and then lobby for Omega to let me cast them all simultaneously. Because that's going to be a big honking can of Omega on whatever I unleash that on.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
This statement is totally nonsensical.
Their "own merit" is THE STUFF IN THE PACKS.

It's as simple as

Stuff People Want In Packs = Winning
Stuff People Hate In Packs = Losing

Constructing the most super-terrific delivery mechanism ever invented would be a complete waste of time and resources unless they seeded the system with a bunch of super cool stuff players really wanted.
Clearly, there was a new mechanic being tested - the delivery of random rewards for bought packs. I don't think it's difficult to know that players want new costume pieces, etc. There was (and still is) substantial controversy over players wanting a random rewards system in the Store. By offering the costume elements both ways, the Dev team could have gauged one against the other, which might have given them a better idea of how well random rewards would go over in general.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Given the history of the game with regard to costume pieces, I'd say you'll be able to buy the Super Pack sets ala carte......eventually.
Well, at least one redname was directly asked this during beta, and replied that there were no plans to release to EO set through any other mechanisms.
Until or unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to go with what the redname said.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Probably the same place you got the notion that it wasn't fair of them to put good stuff in Super Packs so that people would buy them.
For the life of me, I cannot find where I said it was unfair, or anything similar. I said it was a missed marketing oppoutinity, and one that would likely tend to continue exclusive content to ensure further Super Pack success. (And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't a teaser for the next Super Pack-exclusive costume set shown at the Pummit?)

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Again, there is no Utopian "mechanic" here.

The entire point of the exercise is to encourage players to buy packs by including "exclusive content" as you put it.

I'm not sure why you insist on putting the cart before the horse.
There was a totally new, completely unique (I have no idea where 'utopian' came from) mechanic in offering random rewards in the Store. When purchasing the Barbarian Costume Set, you didn't get a certain chance of random pieces. When purchasing the Valkyrie Set, you didn't get a certain chance of random pieces. When attempting to purchase the EO Set, all you could get was a certain chance of random pieces. In what way is that not a new mechanic?
Many things are available in the Store that can be earned in other ways, and yet they still presumably sell. Many individual parts of other Sets can be purchased individually, and presumably they sell in both ways.

Either the Super Packs would have sold well without the exclusive items - in which case, why make them exclusive? - or they wouldn't have - which would suggest that people didn't like the way they were structured, and further Super Pack-exclusive content will continue to be unpopular.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

Thats a lot of astrals
Remember, this is just ONE of his ELEVEN level 50 characters. I'm not sure how many non-50's Uber has, but I suspect it is more than one.

I'm also fairly sure that he's not just sitting around playing the same small handful of characters all the time. He can swap to whichever character is needed most for particular activities are being run or whichever one he needs the rewards most from what particular activities are being run.

Plus all of the time he spends testing on Beta and posting on the forums.

I'm not sure when he finds time to hold down a full-time job.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
By offering the costume elements both ways, the Dev team could have gauged one against the other, which might have given them a better idea of how well random rewards would go over in general.
Or they could compare the sales of Super Packs to other Freedom costume sets like Barbarian or Imperial Dynasty.

Either the Super Packs would have sold well without the exclusive items - in which case, why make them exclusive? - or they wouldn't have - which would suggest that people didn't like the way they were structured, and further Super Pack-exclusive content will continue to be unpopular.
Or they could have sold six hundred thousand Super Packs with the exclusive costume sets.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Or they could compare the sales of Super Packs to other Freedom costume sets like Barbarian or Imperial Dynasty.

Or they could have sold six hundred thousand Super Packs with the exclusive costume sets.
And this would be apples to apples because there wasn't else anything offered in the Super Packs.


And it would be apples to apples because no-one was unhappy with the random nature of the Packs as opposed to the one-and-done nature of everything else.


"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
And this would be apples to apples because there wasn't else anything offered in the Super Packs.


And it would be apples to apples because no-one was unhappy with the random nature of the Packs as opposed to the one-and-done nature of everything else.

Mostly, academic.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
Clearly, there was a new mechanic being tested - the delivery of random rewards for bought packs. I don't think it's difficult to know that players want new costume pieces, etc. There was (and still is) substantial controversy over players wanting a random rewards system in the Store. By offering the costume elements both ways, the Dev team could have gauged one against the other, which might have given them a better idea of how well random rewards would go over in general.
I don't see this having any relevance to my comment.

There's nothing new about anything they've done with the market- it's all based on standardized, tried and true methods they know work great.

It's like when they added inventions and the in-game market. It may have been new to CoH, but the model was as old as the genre and a proven winner.

Well, at least one redname was directly asked this during beta, and replied that there were no plans to release to EO set through any other mechanisms. Until or unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to go with what the redname said.
They can say whatever, but when I look at the history of the game I see gated costume bits eventually becoming more generally available.
Maybe this time it'll be different, I guess.

There was a totally new, completely unique (I have no idea where 'utopian' came from) mechanic in offering random rewards in the Store.
It's neither new nor unique.
It is a novelty in this game, but that's all.

Either the Super Packs would have sold well without the exclusive items - in which case, why make them exclusive? - or they wouldn't have - which would suggest that people didn't like the way they were structured, and further Super Pack-exclusive content will continue to be unpopular.
You write in a very confused, confusing way.
Last comment, it isn't an either/or situation.

My guess is they'd have sold well minus the costume bits, or with something else substituted for the costume bits, but the devs anticipated that they'd sell much better WITH them.

You don't like costumes being part of the packs- fine.
They are part of the packs, and a tremendously successful one.
The end.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
Either the Super Packs would have sold well without the exclusive items - in which case, why make them exclusive? - or they wouldn't have - which would suggest that people didn't like the way they were structured, and further Super Pack-exclusive content will continue to be unpopular.
Except people aren't robots who follow simple logical rules.

There are many many people who enjoy obtaining things randomly but, if presented with both the random way and a deterministic way, feel obliged to take the deterministic way out of principle, even though it ultimately results in less enjoyment for them.

To apply this to the super packs, there are people who enjoyed getting the costume set randomly, but would have bought it as a pack on its own if it was available that way and, then, because the super packs no longer contained the costume they wanted, wouldn't have bought as many, or possibly none at all, even though they might well have still enjoyed them.
Those people would have then both spent less points and had less fun. A lose-lose situation for NCSoft and the customer.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
And this would be apples to apples because there wasn't else anything offered in the Super Packs.


And it would be apples to apples because no-one was unhappy with the random nature of the Packs as opposed to the one-and-done nature of everything else.

Its apples to apples because you're comparing straight-up costume sets to costume sets plus. The straight-up costume sets get you the baseline.

And if Paragon based any of their sales decisions on the basis of 100% customer satisfaction or bust, then there wouldn't be a Paragon Studios.

Some players didn't like the Super Packs. Some players loathed them. They still sold 600,000 of them.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Remember, this is just ONE of his ELEVEN level 50 characters. I'm not sure how many non-50's Uber has, but I suspect it is more than one.
The truth is summed up in a couple of points:
  • I play my existing 50s way, way more than I think most people do. My lowbie alts, who are somewhat numerous (but not as many as I suspect a lot of forum regulars have), have in some cases literally languished for years without gaining a level. My 11th 50 hit that level in April, was level 25 in March of this year, and had been level 25 for five years.
  • I'm single with a very comfortable income, which almost certainly lets me goof off more than most. I still put in my 8-hour days, and a lot of times I don't play that much on weekends or Friday nights, since that's usually when I socialize or do stuff around the house. But other than that, I'm free to play games. And this is the only game I play.
I'm also fairly sure that he's not just sitting around playing the same small handful of characters all the time. He can swap to whichever character is needed most for particular activities are being run or whichever one he needs the rewards most from what particular activities are being run.
And trust me, as I get more 50s, I'll either have to get faster at earning rewards or earn less per character.

Plus all of the time he spends testing on Beta and posting on the forums.
I actually don't spend tons of time on beta. I used to, but I eventually started to be more focused about it, because it's my live characters I enjoy achieving things on. I don't have enough time for both.

I'm not sure when he finds time to hold down a full-time job.
Well, being able to post while on the clock helps. Sometimes, I just don't have that much to add to teleconferences I need to attend, and it's usually easier to post than to write (working) code or (correctly) reconfigure systems while listening to a call with one ear.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
IMy guess is they'd have sold well minus the costume bits, or with something else substituted for the costume bits, but the devs anticipated that they'd sell much better WITH them.
In fact, synergy is a very real possibility. Had Super Packs had nothing exclusive, they might have only sold 200,000 packs and 200,000 EO sets.

I can't say how probable this would have been, only that it's a possibility.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Its apples to apples because you're comparing straight-up costume sets to costume sets plus. The straight-up costume sets get you the baseline.

And if Paragon based any of their sales decisions on the basis of 100% customer satisfaction or bust, then there wouldn't be a Paragon Studios.

Some players didn't like the Super Packs. Some players loathed them. They still sold 600,000 of them.
Except that they weren't the same Costume Set, with the same appeal.

Comparing the same costume set to the same costume set plus would have given a very good baseline for the popularity of plus, right?

Better than costume set 1 vs. costume set 2 vs. costume set 3, plus, yes?

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
In fact, synergy is a very real possibility. Had Super Packs had nothing exclusive, they might have only sold 200,000 packs and 200,000 EO sets.

I can't say how probable this would have been, only that it's a possibility.
And a good way of determining this would have been to have done just that.
Had that happened, none of us - including the Devs - would be wondering. We'd know.

Now, if you want to make the argument that that knowledge is less valuable to the Dev team than the extra sales (if any) they made by offering Super Pack exclusive stuff instead of pack with separate purchase, then I'm all ears.
But I don't think that's a slam dunk case.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
Except people aren't robots who follow simple logical rules.

There are many many people who enjoy obtaining things randomly but, if presented with both the random way and a deterministic way, feel obliged to take the deterministic way out of principle, even though it ultimately results in less enjoyment for them.

To apply this to the super packs, there are people who enjoyed getting the costume set randomly, but would have bought it as a pack on its own if it was available that way and, then, because the super packs no longer contained the costume they wanted, wouldn't have bought as many, or possibly none at all, even though they might well have still enjoyed them.
Those people would have then both spent less points and had less fun. A lose-lose situation for NCSoft and the customer.
This is interesting.
I'm not certain I'd presume a large number of people would do this - although I certainly would think some would.

The question is if they would have made enough of a difference to make the Packs by themselves less successful than the Packs plus separate sales. With the baseline established for exclusive content, I wonder if we'll ever know.

Anyway, I'm clearly being boring on this topic, so I apologize and I'll shut up now.
Sorry for the derail.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
Great, cool, they are a resounding success, so it shouldn't hurt now to have a alternate way to get the costumes outside of them, since they clearly dont need the costumes pieces held hostage for their success. anything to report there zwill?
Why? The way I see it, if all you want is the costume set, super packs are like a Booster Pack+...it cost a bit more but comes with a *slew* of rewards that can make leveling new characters far more enjoyable. From the XP boosts, to the merits and the enhancement boosters, merits and inspirations...where a Booster is basically just a costume + a power and/or emote you may not use and has practically nil effect on gameplay, Super Packs are a bit the same + stuff that *does* have an affect on your gameplay.

No need to sell the costume seperate, just buy 24 packs and you'll have it + more.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I leave them in my email and just claim them when I need them.

I do the same with the Experienced powers I get. If you claim a bunch of them you have to wait until it recharges. If you claim them one at a time you can use them instantly.

I don't know if the Revival and Restore powers work the same, but I'm assuming they do.
I still have some rewards from the 36(?) packs I bought...mainly ally rezzes, some ATOs and prestige boosters (lol most of my alts aren't in SGs!). Doing this (claiming the rewards on the characters that need them) spread over around 6 alts (Dark/Thorns dom, Stj/Inv brute, DM/WP stalker, Staff/Inv brute, DP/Fire blaster, Grav/Time controller) has boosted them anywhere from lvl 1 up to the mid 30s (and higher for those that I had already started up) with far more ease than normal...and I'm one of those players that *hates* easy mode.

Super Packs are fine...but if people still think they're 'Gamble Packs' maybe the devs need to implement some *real* gambling into them. I'd have loved the chance, after opening a set of 5 cards, to swap back cards I didn't want for a chance at 1 card returned that wasn't the same as any of the cards returned.

Example: if I got a 25x merit card, a prestige booster card, 2 ally rez cards and Kheld ATO, I'd have liked the opportunity to flip back the prestige booster, an ally rez and the merit card(3 cards) and given 1 new one that automatically wasn't either a prestige booster, merit card or ally rez. Let me *really* gamble!



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
And a good way of determining this would have been to have done just that.
Had that happened, none of us - including the Devs - would be wondering. We'd know.
...Sorry, what?

You do realize that I'm comparing selling the Super Packs with exclusives to the hypothetical situation of selling Super Packs without exclusives, right? And that, as such, these two situations are mutually exclusive? And that, as such, if one happens the other must necessarily be a hypothetical? And that, as such, if Super Packs were sold without exclusives, we would not in fact KNOW because then we wouldn't have the data for Super Packs with exclusives.

In short, while we would know Packs sold 200,000 and EO sold 200,000, we would not then know that Packs with EO would sell for 600,000.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.