Mutant issue....

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Even if it woke up only recently... the atom splitting wasn't before it's power was released.

That happened in 1930, when Marcus and Stefan drink from the Fountain of Zues, and then notice (and open) pandora's box behind the Fountain.
I wasn't saying that was the event unleashing the Well, but an event. Most of the heroes (and villains) becoming active/prominent shortly after 1930 were natural or magic, which is probably more like the inspiration of the Well influencing people to become greater. Splitting the atom in 1938 could have had an effect on the Well's influence in the areas of science and mutation, humanity unleashing that power being equivalent to a sub-atomic Pandora's Box. The Well seems to work by "snowballing". It can empower an individual, and later their legacy becomes a part of the Well's power which can be further given to other individuals (in addition to the original power). It makes sense for there to be more and more events sparking further human developments and ambitions, to create more candidates for using and later contributing to the Well's power.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
For the same reason that criminals are still very active in Metropolis and Gotham
They live in Metropolis and Gotham, the villains of the Rogue Islands do not

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The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I get the feeling people just want an X-Men esque 'Hate the mutants! plot in-game, hence the using of any excuse.
Some of us rather not go down this tired old plot line. The reason I wanted to see a mutant issue is that alot of the origins have had a storyline behind them that represented them, mutants have however been the origin that has been neglected for reason brought up in this thread. Mutant hating groups or stories have been done to death thanks to Marvel. What I ask is new mutant group( no reference to that company) that has taken upon itself to either throw it's hat into the ring of society of villains or a rogue band of vigilante mutants who are targeting the villain groups an answer to Malta, or even better a group of mutants who want to fight the "coming storm" using the Nuke 90. These ideas are not mutant hating or X-Men esque in anyway



-Devouring Earth: Are not mutants. They are plants grown by Hami
-Paragon Protectors: Are mutates, former mutants
-Slag golems: Again created by an entity
-Syndicate: Mix of possible mutants, but naturals and tech(gadgets)
-Coralax: Again created by an entity

These groups especially the D.Es I really don't see how mutation comes into play. Nothing random and each planned and grown by for specific reasons according to those who control them.



I guess I'll trot out my usual proposal of just set up the Outcasts as another group akin to any other group that goes from 5-50.

Just straight up crime. No need to strike out against a world that hates them, other than for a smash and grab.

Okay, now that's not a big deal. We've seen that plenty of times before. Only now, why not make them spandex clad and cape wearing villains?

Yeah, it's just crime, but it's Spandex-clad supercrime.

Y'know why? Because spandex is cool!

There's a pile of powersets that the Outcasts don't cover yet. So, roll in the psychics, earth assault, spines, debuff and control sets and whatever else I'm missing here. Maybe hold off the psychic enemies for post 30 content. But, the scheme is simple.

Toss them into a few tips, to give them a sorta bigger arc. Put them on street corners. Make them go to war with the Malta on Peregrine. Put them into the radios and newspaper madlibs. It's an all out Mutant resurgence.

From 20-30, drop the t-shirts for spandex tops, with bosses going full-on themed(electric, flame and arctic patterns are already available) spandex from the neck down. Make all the bosses dual themed a la Frostfire.

Post 30 all the way up, everybody wears spandex and masks,Lts get shoulderpads. bosses get capes, as well as crowns or whatever else. Just go all out spandex. Maybe post 35 toss auras on bosses to tip us off as to who's the big cheese in a mob. But mostly? Auras are cool.

Toss in a handful of Supatrolls to round out the ranks of Lts. Call it a mutant-troll truce post 20, whatever. I just want more giant green dudes with horns smashing about the city in singlets with no shoes or sleeveless tops and tights. Call it a Supatroll menace, just toss them in. Then, for good measure, make a few of the huge guys Stone armor guys like the odd Ogre or Caliban(I can never remember which) as well as a couple of big green granite guys.

C'mon, let's put some comic book back in the game.



If you want to tell a story about mutants in CoH, I think you need to look at what's different about them compared to mutants in other comic/game universes.

What's different? They're connected. They were rare before mankind split its first atom, but became more common after that. Later, you have a group of 90 kids all around the world born with linked mutations in one year.

It's obvious that CoH mutants are/can be born in response to something, but what? Why?

One of my characters suggested (way back, before the Origin of Power arc) that the various animal type mutants showing up all over the place were a response to the stress mankind was undergoing. They were made to deal with the stress upon the human race (cull population or eliminate a threat), but the changing world had outstripped them so there were more and more being born as the human race tried to adjust. The unleashing of stronger and more dangerous powers upon the Earth leads to the birth of stronger and more dangerous mutants to deal with the situation.

Having characters look into that, and deal with someone/something trying to manipulate that defensive response, would make for a fairly good story arc, I think. Maybe you could even find out what the Nuke 90 were born to deal with.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
If you want to tell a story about mutants in CoH, I think you need to look at what's different about them compared to mutants in other comic/game universes.

What's different? They're connected. They were rare before mankind split its first atom, but became more common after that. Later, you have a group of 90 kids all around the world born with linked mutations in one year.

It's obvious that CoH mutants are/can be born in response to something, but what? Why?

One of my characters suggested (way back, before the Origin of Power arc) that the various animal type mutants showing up all over the place were a response to the stress mankind was undergoing. They were made to deal with the stress upon the human race (cull population or eliminate a threat), but the changing world had outstripped them so there were more and more being born as the human race tried to adjust. The unleashing of stronger and more dangerous powers upon the Earth leads to the birth of stronger and more dangerous mutants to deal with the situation.

Having characters look into that, and deal with someone/something trying to manipulate that defensive response, would make for a fairly good story arc, I think. Maybe you could even find out what the Nuke 90 were born to deal with.

I actually really like this idea. It is like taking a selective pressure and applying it to the population forces a response in the epi-genome.

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What about a group of mutants who, ever since the first Rikti war, have started to think that humanity can only survive in the future by mutating into superhumans? Like they'd think that human evolution needed to be sped up, and were using science and technology to try and trigger useful mutations in willing subjects, with the end goal of making everyone in the world a mutant through a mix of triggered mutaions and interbreeding between the increased mutant population and normal people.
The destruction of Galaxy City and the approach of the Battalion would have meant that they'd abandoned their ultra secret work and were now much more open about their agenda, including trying to publicly recruit volunteers for attempted mutation, and kidnapping people to carry out more dangerous mutation experiments on, as well as plans to contaminate food and water supplies with mutating serum and so on.
They'd have started out as crazed fanatics who'd become more and more evil, but they'd still think that they were doing the world a favor.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
Outcasts are NOT mutants! Okay, their leadership - the ones with actual names, like Frostfire and Keystone - are probably mutants. But the rest? They get their powers from mystical charms!
Huh. There's a low-level contact in, I think, Steel Canyon who sends you on several missions against Outcasts, and on one of them she comments, "There sure seem to be a lot of mutants around lately", or something like that. I always took that to mean that they were all/mostly mutants.



The problem with a mutant-themed story is that you can't make it about discrimination, since that no longer exists.

Aside from that I'm not sure what you could do.



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
The problem with a mutant-themed story is that you can't make it about discrimination, since that no longer exists.

Aside from that I'm not sure what you could do.
reverse discrimination

I would love to see a GATTACA mutant group. They run a corporation, have their own zone. Avoid dealing with lesser humans, etc.

kidnapping and forced recruitment. A comet passes between the earth and the moon. All children in utero during that time become mutants. The group actively seeks out and recruits these mutants. They may believe they have an epic destiny.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
reverse discrimination

I would love to see a GATTACA mutant group. They run a corporation, have their own zone. Avoid dealing with lesser humans, etc.

kidnapping and forced recruitment. A comet passes between the earth and the moon. All children in utero during that time become mutants. The group actively seeks out and recruits these mutants. They may believe they have an epic destiny.
That last part would not go well for lots of RPers and non-RPers that are concept/story-driven players.

"Wait, what? My character who is currently pregnant has to give birth to a mutant?!"

"Wait, what? My character from the future who was in utero during that time has to be a mutant?!"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That last part would not go well for lots of RPers and non-RPers that are concept/story-driven players.

"Wait, what? My character who is currently pregnant has to give birth to a mutant?!"

"Wait, what? My character from the future who was in utero during that time has to be a mutant?!"
1. the comet would have passed by 20 years ago so that the mutants are adults now

2. rpers who have their own storylines hate everything the game does, so there is no real point in worrying about it



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post

Being a mutant does not automatically preclude putting on tights.


I imagine it was quite the shock in the 1940s, however, with people wondering if these different children born all over the world were infected with some kind of disease. Could it spread? Could my normal looking child turn green tomorrow, or suddenly start shooting fireballs? How do I protect my child? It's a very human reaction.

This was a great post, but these two things really hit home on the humanity of the subject (IMO).

As someone with nowhere near the creativity of Samuel Tow, all my characters are humans, and probably 90% of them are mutants. I even remember a redname post from years ago with statistics from the playerbase, and the largest percentage of characters were of mutant origin. (Although I'll be the first to admit that, although I adhere pretty strictly to the in-game descriptions as written, someone's actual origin is ripe for personal interpretation. Just look at the "aliens altered my character's DNA" post above where someone else said "that's science".)

All that being said, it'd be fun to see a mutant-based issue. I'm liking the Nuclear 90 reference myself.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I think mutant is so popular cause you can cheat with at the SO stores.

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
All that being said, it'd be fun to see a mutant-based issue. I'm liking the Nuclear 90 reference myself.
Does that involve nuclear toasters or should I tell Dr. Fluke Hawkins to come back another time?

I'm really not against "mutant issues" per se. After all, we still have those "Earth for humans!" and "They're among us!" posters all over the place. Sure, why not? I just don't want this to be presented as a somehow special global phenomenon that's so much more important than hatred against aliens or robots or supers in general.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As an aside, to be fair to Vanguard and those "They're among us!" posters... they're not wrong. There are Rikti infiltrators that can pass for human. Kelly Uqua, for instance. Not to mention all the other infiltrators about, such as Nemesis automatons, Arachnos spies, etc.

... great, now I'm imagining a company or agency who's entire staff is made up of various evil infiltrators working at cross purposes. Like the Rikti infiltrators in human resources clashing with the automatons in accounting.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
... great, now I'm imagining a company or agency who's entire staff is made up of various evil infiltrators working at cross purposes. Like the Rikti infiltrators in human resources clashing with the automatons in accounting.

Who is to say HR is not an evil organization willed with infiltrators? Would explain alot of things.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post

... great, now I'm imagining a company or agency who's entire staff is made up of various evil infiltrators working at cross purposes. Like the Rikti infiltrators in human resources clashing with the automatons in accounting.
...So am I. It's actually quite epic

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...So am I. It's actually quite epic
Imagine the reality TV show.



Two quotes have usually come to mind when thinking about X-people in the MU. First, from Twisted Toyfare Theatre

Cyclops: "Sorry we're late, everyone, but we were busy saving a world that fears and hates us. Then I had to send my son into the future --"
Beyonder: "Oh, shut up! Teenagers with cool superpowers, surrounded by hot chicks? I wish I had your problems!"

And more recently, from Mass Effect 3:

Joker: "Hey, I'm just tired of them"(meaning biotics) "stealing the spotlight from people with actual disabilities. I break ribs if I sneeze too hard. Being able to move crap with your mind is not a handicap."



Unlike the other low-level gangs like the Hellions, Skulls and Trolls, the Outcasts are a group of people who didn't outright seek power but were born with it instead, and some of the more powerful members have deviated so much from the normal human norm that even their appearance is altered. They never had any chance to live a normal life - who would hire a blue-skinned guy that could cook a person alive with a twitch of his fingers? The whole Outcasts - Frostfire saga is about a gang of displaced mutants who were segregated from society and forced to a life of petty crime, eventually exiled to the Hollows due to the persecution that ensued.

That said, the OP is right, every other origin is given alot more storylines and settings than Mutant. Somehow, even the whole psychic/widow/sibyl/seer thing got swallowed by Natural, and that is just sad. Marvel doesn't owe the mutant concept, and this game could use more mutant flavor in the late teens, early twenties, I say. End-game mutant threat I'd oppose, though, unless it's only one really strong omega-level mutant and not a whole army of nameless supergrunts pulled out of a hat - while there could be many low-level mutants in the world, really powerful mutants should (by logic) be as rare as the other origins (with individually detailed pasts), and most of those roles should be filled by the players.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That last part would not go well for lots of RPers and non-RPers that are concept/story-driven players.

"Wait, what? My character who is currently pregnant has to give birth to a mutant?!"

"Wait, what? My character from the future who was in utero during that time has to be a mutant?!"
So, replace the word "all" with the word "many", simple.

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Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

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Well Psyche did have a Theories to how Mutants came to be in the Origin of Power Story Arc, goes like this for Mutants.

You and I are both mutants. Well, we've been classified that way, anyway. I actually disagree with the classification of mutants in general because I feel the class is too broad of one. Posi told me once that a mutant was a new organism that is produced by some sort of change in the gene. It doesn't talk at all about how the change was produced though. Guys like Synapse would be considered mutant by that description, but we both know they were made through science. Whereas, you and I were born different. Something else decided to make us different.
Here's an interesting fact. Did you know that there were no mutants as we call them before 1938?

Now can you tell me why?

Because we began mass production of the diesel engine.

Nosferatu released his Vampyr agent into the global water table.

Sorry, that was the wrong answer.

The correct answer was that it was the same year that the atom was split. Many believe that this had a profound effect on every living thing. That somehow this basic division rippled throughout every atom, causing the split from what we once considered normal to something else.

Now, I said the first mutant didn't show up until sometime after 1938, but that doesn't mean there weren't people like me around. Confused? Well you shouldn't be. I believe that I am not, in fact, a mutant, but something else. I'm a psionic, not a mutant. The distinction is a semantic one, but I feel is fairly important to make. There are histories all the way back to ancient Rome that talk about the Sibyls and their ability to see the future. I believe these women were the first psionics our earth has seen. I'm not an expert, but it seems to make sense to me.

For Non- Mutant she tells you this

Many people think mutants are anything that is not normal or does not fit into our society. However, I think that description is too broad. Because both you and I would fall into that category, and you're not a mutant are you?
Mutants first began appearing after 1938. This date is important because it's the same year that the first atom was split. Many believe that this division in a single atom somehow rippled through all the atoms and created a divide on what was once normal to create something else - something mutant.

If this is the case, then it shows something interesting: all atoms are connected. If the atoms are connected, then the things that bind them are as well. Who knows, maybe we all get our powers from the same place. I know Positron has some theories on that one.

I hope some degree this helps you guys figure more about it.

If you guys like my Import for them is Since there is a well Of Power, Maybe the god like Power of the well is leaking out among our world and started causing People to be Born as Mutants.

Since Markus Cole- Statesman Discovered the well power, Maybe he cause a big Change in how Human Lives are developed over time.

Maybe the Greek Gods and Norse gods of old Where Mutants.

Maybe it just best this is kept as a Mystery for now any way, let people guess and Imagine how Mutants came to be.

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Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Can you name a mutant group other than the Outcasts?

- The Awakened
- Coralax (it's not really clear if the coral's power is mutant or magical, maybe even pseudo-incarnate)
- Devouring Earth (both prime and praetorian)
- The Infested
- Paragon Protectors (well, actually is a mix of mutant and science)
- Seers
- Slag golems (see coralax)
- Snakes (mix of mutant, magic and/or incarnate)
- Syndicate
- Nuclear 90 (not in game)

Paragon Protectors (but yeah, like you say later, mixed origin)
(1) Wait DA is Magic/Science - Hamidon was once human also, He use Dark Magic and Science to give birth to the DA of today.

(2) Snakes are in fact would be Natural/Magic I go with that since the AV Leader Stheno was once human who drank form the well of Furries.

(3) Slag Golems are In fact more on the line of Magic and are The Servants of Leviathan I believe.

- Syndicate is a mix group of everything to Magic, Natural and mutants out there.

- Seers I would say they mutants as well, but they never said they where, I say they a Mix breed of who ever have Psychic Powers form Naturally born with Psychic powers or being Mutants or those who are expose to magic energy.

-Nuclear 90 I would say mutants as well

Wow this Make me Mad, come to think about this and I notice this game really does lack Mutants base Villein Groups. They mostly throw other Origins mix with mutants at us, Just nothing with 100 Percent pure Mutants. only one anyone can think of is the Outcast.

What the hell Devs are you that Scared of being Sued by Marvel and I Mean you don't have to call them Mutants, you can call them Meta Humans or something else.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus