Tanker Staff - Awful




Sky Splitter is amazing for Tankers.

Weapon Sets are bad for Brutes because they lose Gloom Effectiveness.




My suggestion before u delete it try to post its build here and let ppl take a look at it. It might be how u built it.



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
My suggestion before u delete it try to post its build here and let ppl take a look at it. It might be how u built it.
It's possible, but I doubt it.

Here's a clue people: Staff is a DEFENSIVE melee set. It's possibly the BEST defensive melee set. It has a power to give you +Defense that's an early AOE, and it has a power than can give you +Resist. (How many of those do we have access to, eh?)

It also has rather a lot of decent AOE damage.

Do you also want it to have single target damage, to boot? Would you like a cherry on top and sprinkles, while you're at it?

If you want a super-tough tank, couple it with willpower, or electric, or invuln. If you want a high-powered all-rounder, couple it with fire, or electric, or dark.

Super-reflexes? A defense-based set with a defensive secondary? What, you were shooting for the Incarnate softcap on SO's?

Delete the freakin' toon and be done with the whinin' already. You made a build mistake, so it goes.




I've been happy with my DA/Staff tank so far.

Only level 18 currently, but it's performing about how I expected. Enough damage to kill things in a reasonable time frame (meaning I'm not expecting to clear maps in 2 minutes), and it gives me enough extra survivability I'm not feeling much pain from playing a low level DA.

Once I hit 20 my end problems will largely disappear as well.

I'm chalking this up to people not knowing how a set works best yet and knee-jerking all over the place. I recall a lot of threads saying how bad Titan Weapons was in the first week or so too, and now it's being hailed as the best thing since sliced Super Strength.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I have to say, I'm a bit confused as to how this situation arose.

Do you have other examples of Brutes and Tankers who both have the same attack powerset? If so, do you like the Tanker version in those examples? What are they, and what's the Tanker's primary?

With the notable exception of Super Strength, because of how Rage interacts with Brute Fury, a lot of Tanker primaries are going to scale down in damage when going from a Brute to a Tanker the same way as Staff does. If it was a matter of other attack sets just being that much more damaging (at least in ST DPS), then I wouldn't think you'd have liked Staff on the Brute.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Sigh. Now I'm a whining farmer. Hey, made it two pages before that happened.

It's great at level 18 it runs maps well. I know it does. I said as much. And, then, I followed it up by saying at level 50 it simply isn't performing how a melee set should. Never once did I expect Staff to perform like TW or Super Strength; I expected it to be able to kill things at +2 within a bearable time. I expected to be useful on a team and not have people on said team comments how visibly bad my damage was. Really, what I expected more than anything was seeing an improvement after sinking about 2B into the build; something is wrong when it does oohing except... oh, hey! Practiced Brawler is up a lot.

If it matters, I built the toon as a concept. You know... concept?

*shrug* Even other defensive melee sets can actually kill things.

Before we go farther with the insults (I mean, really) , do any of you calling me a whiny farmer have a a 50 Staff tank?

UberGuy: actually, my Elec/TW/Soul is so disgustingly powerful I refuse to make a Brute version of it, for fear of becoming bored. If my Tank has the DPS to kill an AV without help I really don't want to give it more damage. :3

Hm, to the point though.... I actually roll a Tank if I like the Brute build... Or vice-versa. This is the first time I've regretted that.

Edit- sorry for typos. On an iPad.

Edit 2- I'm honestly suggesting they need to take a look at this set.



Question, have you dipped into incarnates yet? Maybe musculature + reactive will make it worth playing? I know that brought my ice/ice tank back to life.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
Question, have you dipped into incarnates yet? Maybe musculature + reactive will make it worth playing? I know that brought my ice/ice tank back to life.
Not to sound dull, but...

I don't rely on Incarnate powers to make a toon "live." If it isn't performing at 50, it won't perform at 50+3, imo.



Go into Mids and look at the animation times. Anyone see anything... interesting? *cough*

I'll give you a hint: check Tanker tier 1's. Coalition friends might be drawing spread sheets soon.



I am curious about the damage output strategy you followed. Did you shoot at direct damage increase, speed, a combination?

Under construction



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
I am curious about the damage output strategy you followed. Did you shoot at direct damage increase, speed, a combination?

I'm unsure what you mean? I slotted for recharge without purples and followed this chain:

Eye of the Storm -> Guarded -> Sky Splitter -> Guarded -> Depending on situation - Sky Splitter again or EotS.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Sigh. Now I'm a whining farmer. Hey, made it two pages before that happened.

(blink) You have a Repeat Offenders link in your sig. There's a certain expectation, there. As in, you have clue. Suck it up, your combo didn't work out, play somethin' else.

If it matters, I built the toon as a concept. You know... concept?

I'm not completely certain your notion of a 'concept toon' matches what mine is. A concept toon is one that is fun to play (for you) for non-performance reasons. For example, I have an ancient ma/sr scrap that's terrible. I mean, it stinks on ice. I love that toon, because its concept is an air-elemental that never touches the ground. Hover-scrapper for the win! I'll play it for hours, meleein' from head-height. Awesome to watch.

For me, the fact that the game now retains your toggles makes that toon MUCH more fun, because it isn't standing on the ground when I log in anymore.

Fun is what you make it. Concept trumps performance.

So why are you complaining? If you don't enjoy a CONCEPT TOON, ditch it and roll another. If you think the set is genuinely broken, post some numbers and folks will chew it over. Given the defensive potential of the set, I suspect it's damage is not only good, but excellent.

Hm, to the point though.... I actually roll a Tank if I like the Brute build... Or vice-versa. This is the first time I've regretted that.
It seems you have now learned something. Steff Melee is different. And different sets are good.

Well-played, Dev's!



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Working on the spreadsheet.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
I'm unsure what you mean? I slotted for recharge without purples and followed this chain:

Eye of the Storm -> Guarded -> Sky Splitter -> Guarded -> Depending on situation - Sky Splitter again or EotS.
I was getting at something I mentioned in one of the scrapper threads:

Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
I am beginning to wonder if Electric Armor is not the best secondary for for Staff Fighting. This may be "grass is greener" buyer's regret for having gone Willpower (Edit: Let me note I am very happy with Willpower), but look at what Electric Armor brings to the table: a damage aura, decent psionic resist, a heal, endurace cost reduction, recharge boost, endurance gain (self)/drain (enemies), and you're basically immune to energy attacks and endurance drain.

Running Form of the Mind in combination with Lightning Reflexes is like have 1.6 recharge reduction SOs slotted. If you add in Hasten it is like having 3.7 recharge SOs slotted while ignoring ED. And this is before you consider slotting recharge reduction in any of your powers. Of course you'lll be consuming endurance like crazy but you have Power Sink to replenish you, which due to all the recharge you're packing along with you slotting it up will probably be up quite often. And for whatever damage you take, Energize will not only be healing you but reducing your endurance costs for 30s at a time.
(There is some following commentary about costs to make it sufficiently survivable.)

I was curious if you had been focusing on Form of the Body and just damage SOs or if you'd been going for something more like the above, which obviously will not be boosting the raw numbers above opponent's heads so much as making those numbers show up more often.

Under construction



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Not to sound dull, but...

I don't rely on Incarnate powers to make a toon "live." If it isn't performing at 50, it won't perform at 50+3, imo.
Fair enough, but for me if it makes it fun to play I don't really care about all of that. And being able to kill stuff faster did exactly that. Back on subject, until I hear a mass death cry from staff tankers or try one myself, I find it a bit hard to believe its all that horrible. I mean, nothing can be as boring as energy melee on tanks IMO.

And as others have stated, if you want a damage dealer go brute. Tanks aren't designed to lay waste to mobs with ease no matter what you were able to make other builds do. They hold aggro while dealing moderate damage. Not to say I don't think tanks need some love, but that's a whole different beast...



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
The new melee sets haven't treated Tanker too fair. STJ was pretty mediocre on Tanker if I recall while TW was so-so.
How exactly does a melee powerset treat a Tanker fair?
Mediocre is the best you're going to get because melee component of the AT is designed for mediocrity at present. The problem is not Staff, or STJ or TW; the problem is the AT.




I know Rad and he's not about hyperbole. He knows the game inside out. I have full faith in his ability to make informed judgements about the set.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
How exactly does a melee powerset treat a Tanker fair?
Mediocre is the best you're going to get because melee component of the AT is designed for mediocrity at present. The problem is not Staff, or STJ or TW; the problem is the AT.

I'm not just saying Staff is low-damage; I'm insisting that something is wrong with the implementation of the set on Tankers. There is a scaling issue or an animation issue or...something. I'm still letting a master data guy in RO do the spread sheet, but playing the set at 50 was my first tip. There is something amiss.

GA, thanks. Means a lot.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
Fair enough, but for me if it makes it fun to play I don't really care about all of that. And being able to kill stuff faster did exactly that. Back on subject, until I hear a mass death cry from staff tankers or try one myself, I find it a bit hard to believe its all that horrible. I mean, nothing can be as boring as energy melee on tanks IMO.

And as others have stated, if you want a damage dealer go brute. Tanks aren't designed to lay waste to mobs with ease no matter what you were able to make other builds do. They hold aggro while dealing moderate damage. Not to say I don't think tanks need some love, but that's a whole different beast...
Energy melee on my tank makes me weep.

Hopefully it really is some kind of problem with scaling. On mids, at least, it looks like a pretty great set for tanks. Keep checking. I, at least, believe that it's possible something got messed up on the tank version of the power. Wouldn't be the first time one AT's version of a power got messed up in some way.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
How exactly does a melee powerset treat a Tanker fair?
Mediocre is the best you're going to get because melee component of the AT is designed for mediocrity at present. The problem is not Staff, or STJ or TW; the problem is the AT.

Ok who let the brute in? But back to the OP like I said before it would be nice to see who u slotted your tank, you mentioned u got lot of recharge, that might be the problem where u might of over did it and missed some damage some where. And before it is said by others on thread, yes staff might be weaker then others but his might be due to how he slotted his build. I have noticed the difference before and after I slot my builds. This might just be the case.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
I'm not just saying Staff is low-damage; I'm insisting that something is wrong with the implementation of the set on Tankers. There is a scaling issue or an animation issue or...something. I'm still letting a master data guy in RO do the spread sheet, but playing the set at 50 was my first tip. There is something amiss.
Well the first thing I would compare is the Perfection bonus damage from EotS and Sky Splitter between a Scrapper and a Tanker of the same level. Bruising withstanding, they should be the same for both ATs. Bonus damage has a way of finding itself using the wrong scaling, and the number of people that I saw testing Staff on Tankers during beta was exactly zero, so I wouldn't be surprised.

Beyond that, it's a Tanker; melee damage power sets just aren't going to be that good on it. I went through the same with with a Street Justice Tanker. I gave it a chance up to 50 and then cut it loose to free up the slot. If it bothers you, complain to the devs because the power sets are fine, it's the AT.




The DPE of an ATs attacks is usually always the same. Apart from varying depending on whether or not its a ST or AoE.

What differs is that the attacks across an ATs powersets aren't balanced against time. With one attack you may do the right DPE but take twice as long to do it.

Your DPS will suffer. On the upside with long cast times you make more end recovery against the end cost of an attack compared to what you would with a short cast time attack. This can help make this set feel good when used with what's often coined as "End Heavy Sets". You don't burn end as quick and you are blind to your DPS potential.

A set full of long cast times deserves to have more AoE to compensate. In my mind better recharge to compensate the PvPers.

A Brute using long cast time attacks will potentially get hit for longer fueling fury and maintaining endurance well through decent end recovery to give a feel good, doing alright factor.

The problem with Staff is the problem with the game for me. It's not balanced against time like people would want it to be.

A Powerset has to particularly work well with 3 Powersets that you combine it with. Staff probably does without us needing to look. Dark Armour being one, for many. For some, a DA they can finally play.

You have to make choices you can live with. Not everyone will find the niche benefits of putting X and Y together and build upon it. I have 100ish characters and personally love it when I find that certain something character can have that all my other characters can not. Last thing I want is 8 controllers, all about doing damage, all surviving by the same power pool additions being almost identical to eachother except for pretty graphics.

I would not of deleted. Sets can change at anytime. Niches can be found long after 50.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Well the first thing I would compare is the Perfection bonus damage from EotS and Sky Splitter between a Scrapper and a Tanker of the same level. Bruising withstanding, they should be the same for both ATs. Bonus damage has a way of finding itself using the wrong scaling, and the number of people that I saw testing Staff on Tankers during beta was exactly zero, so I wouldn't be surprised.

Beyond that, it's a Tanker; melee damage power sets just aren't going to be that good on it. I went through the same with with a Street Justice Tanker. I gave it a chance up to 50 and then cut it loose to free up the slot. If it bothers you, complain to the devs because the power sets are fine, it's the AT.

You always complain about the same thing if u do not like it stop playing it and make a brute like u want.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Working on the spreadsheet.
Just got a chance to look at this thread, I'm looking forward to what the spreadsheet shows.

Tanker Tuesdays: Meet in King's Row by IP Gate 6pm PT9pm ET.
1st Tuesday on Champion, 2nd Tuesday on Justice
3rd Tuesdays (Odd months) Freedom, (Even months) Virtue, 4th Tuesday, Tour, Server TBA
Brutal Thrashing Thursdays: Justice (ask Papa Slade when),meet in RWZ 6pm PT9pm ET.