Tanker Staff - Awful




Krogoth from the Repeat Offenders is the one that is doing all the number crunching for Tank Melee sets. He is busy going through every Melee set figuring up the DPS and DPA for each and every power. So far his conclusion has come to the point that Staff Fighting is the lowest Damage set overall for Tanker Melee. Now he isn't quite finished crunching all the numbers yet, but he has done both Staff and Ice, and yes Staff does lower damage than Ice from his numbers. At least that is what I have gathered from the information I have seen so far. He is not very happy with the performance that Staff has given during his tests.



It is the work of all about two minutes to copy the data from City of Data, slam it into a spreadsheet, and add calculations for individual attacks and powersets for DPA.

Here is an Excel spreadsheet for such. (Note: Damage is based on the damage scale given at City of Data. You can multiply as appropriate to get actual damage.)

Yes, if you look at the average of each power's DPA for the powerset, its value is lower than any other powerset's average. Of course considered that way Ice is ahead of Dual Blades, Kinetic Melee, and Super Strength (which probably should tell you something about looking at things this way).

Tell me, are you going to be using Staff Fighting without being in a form? 3 stacks of Form of the Body provides an 18.75% boost to damage. Going by the above method of comparing powersets that is sufficient to boost Staff ahead of Dual Blades, Kinetic Melee and Super Strength.

But as I noted above, if you're fighting a single target you're not going to be using every attack you have. You will instead be working with a subset of the attacks in your powerset. Most likely for single-target damage you will be using something from a set including Mecurial Blow, Precise Strike, Guarded Spin, Serpent's Reach, and (if you want to lose your levels of Perfection) Sky Splitter. Please feel free to note that of the powers I just listed only one has a DPA less than the powerset average. In fact, average together, that selection of powers is 0.92666. That is higher than the value you calculate for Ice, though to be sure you would need to perform the same sort of consideration for a set of attacks for Ice (or any other powerset). And again, that is before you consider Form of the Body which would boost your set average to 1.1 (some quibbles about needing to build Perfection again apply here).

All of this to say that the method being used to say Staff does the least damage of any powerset is flawed. You can not look at things that way and expect to get meaningful results.

Perhaps if I am bored enough I will consider writing a program to calculate out a reasonable series of attacks for single target, tacking into account Form of the Body and/or Form of the Mind.

Under construction



Considering that Staff Fighting has a +end discount, and it is the only melee powerset with a +resistance buff, perhaps you should evaluate whether or not it is the best melee powerset ever for tanking?

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Considering that Staff Fighting has a +end discount, and it is the only melee powerset with a +resistance buff, perhaps you should evaluate whether or not it is the best melee powerset ever for tanking?
I'm certainly very pleased with it on my dark/staff. I'm not seeing damage in practice being particularly low either. Running 50+0 at 0x8 vs the new Knives of Vengeance in DA paper missions: my end bar doesn't move and my health bar rarely moves (I think I used dark regen once in the last mission I ran, and that's because I was talking in channel instead of using the KD from /staff attacks and then took a bunch of -def hits). And I'm mowing through the spawns at a pretty brisk clip too.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Considering that Staff Fighting has a +end discount, and it is the only melee powerset with a +resistance buff, perhaps you should evaluate whether or not it is the best melee powerset ever for tanking?
Nah, there are always pluses and minuses. It could be the best set ever for those that struggle with slotting builds to positive effect with such things as DA. Dark Armour isn't actually end heavy.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Nah, there are always pluses and minuses. It could be the best set ever for those that struggle with slotting builds to positive effect with such things as DA. Dark Armour isn't actually end heavy.
I have a DA tank, and I know you're wrong about that.

I'd honestly like to see Staff Fighting evaluated for its tanking benefits. I'd like to see those plusses and minuses added up. It seems to me that it might be the second-best tanking secondary after Dark Melee. Then again, since I don't know how long staff's buffs last or if they're stackable, it might actually be number one.

Evaluating a tanker secondary for damage output is like measuring the speed of a Porsche's windshield wipers. Yes, they're important, but they do not contribute to the vehicle's primary purpose.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I'd honestly like to see Staff Fighting evaluated for its tanking benefits.
At the point you say 11.25% - 17.55% boost to Melee Defense (and Lethal) every time you use Guarded Spin with a duration longer than Guarded Spin's recharge, I think you've said plenty.

I'd like to see those plusses and minuses added up. It seems to me that it might be the second-best tanking secondary after Dark Melee.

Under construction



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I have a DA tank, and I know you're wrong about that.
I have a Dark Armour Tanker. Dark Armour Brute too. What am I wrong about? That Dark Tanks arent end heavy? Don't think so.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
It seems to me that it might be the second-best tanking secondary after Dark Melee.
Oh I get it, you must be the all knowledgeable one. No, each tanker secondary has it's pluses and minuses including Dark Melee. People can determine what's best for themselves based on their own priorities.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I have a DA tank, and I know you're wrong about that.
(shudder) Some people like DA, but it was just about my worst slog to 50 ever. I pull it out every now and then, look it over, and stick it back in exile.

I'd honestly like to see Staff Fighting evaluated for its tanking benefits. I'd like to see those plusses and minuses added up. It seems to me that it might be the second-best tanking secondary after Dark Melee. Then again, since I don't know how long staff's buffs last or if they're stackable, it might actually be number one.
I'm thinking that for any of the elemental defense sets (ice/fire/dark/elec) it's easily the number one. For willpower, it's easily the number one. For stone, not so much, dark is better. For invuln, the verdict is out, although dark is super-good on an invuln. On SR, I'm thinking dark melee has a clear edge, the heal and -to-hit works really well there.

Also, don't forget martial arts on a tank: That's another really strong tanking set, although staff beats it handily. SD/ma is a bit of an outlier and a BEAST on paper.

Evaluating a tanker secondary for damage output is like measuring the speed of a Porsche's windshield wipers. Yes, they're important, but they do not contribute to the vehicle's primary purpose.
Heh. Doesn't stop me from wanting really GOOD windshield wipers.



I'm an objective guy with too much time so I ran some numbers from Mid's and got the following results:

1) The WORST T1 Tanker Secondary is from Super Strength at 30 dpa. That's a full 7 worse than the next highest and nearly half of the best. Staff does 37 which is pretty middle of the road.

2) The T2 from Staff is pretty middle of the road at 58 dpa. Better than some, worse than others.

3) Staff is ALL Smashing damage where most of the other sets have whole or partial damage from other classes. Is it possible that enemies are more resistant to pure Smashing at 50+?

It's late so that's all I got for now. Good luck though.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
I pull it out every now and then, look it over, and stick it back in exile.



Originally Posted by Fugacity View Post

See, now I need to make a joke about my girlfriend's name....



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I'm an objective guy with too much time so I ran some numbers from Mid's and got the following results:

1) The WORST T1 Tanker Secondary is from Super Strength at 30 dpa. That's a full 7 worse than the next highest and nearly half of the best. Staff does 37 which is pretty middle of the road.

2) The T2 from Staff is pretty middle of the road at 58 dpa. Better than some, worse than others.

3) Staff is ALL Smashing damage where most of the other sets have whole or partial damage from other classes. Is it possible that enemies are more resistant to pure Smashing at 50+?

It's late so that's all I got for now. Good luck though.
Problem there is that you can't rely on Mid's. Their numbers are not 100% accurate.



Originally Posted by oOStaticOo View Post
Problem there is that you can't rely on Mid's. Their numbers are not 100% accurate.
Correct, and especially if there's an oopsie in the implementation, so that while Mid's is reporting 'should be' numbers, the game is using 'what really is' numbers.

I'll wait and see if the folks digging at it find anything.



After playing 22 levels, I'm considering 3 different attack chains depending on what I need at the time.

For ST DPS, I'm considering Mercurial>Precise>Mercurial>Serpent's>repeat (with an Achille's proc in MS). I will probably throw Sky Splitter in on occasion as well. I'm opting for that chain so I can keep Form buffs active, which is why Sky Splitter will not be part of the normal chain. I will probably also add Guarded Spin at the tail end of it if it turns out I do not have sufficient recharge for that chain.

For AoE, I will be opting for Guarded>Innocuous>Mercurial>Guarded>EoTS. Mostly because that is my guess as to what I will be able to pull off with my expected level of recharge.

For tanking I will be using Mercurial>Precise>Guarded>Sky Splitter (with the +resist form active). I will be alternating between Sky Splitter and EoTS for the last attack in this chain.

I will be in Form of the Soul nearly exclusively, only switching forms when I need an extra boost. I haven't noticed the damage or recharge buff making as much of a difference as the end discount.

My tank is DA/Staff, and I rolled it not expecting huge damage out of this combo. It is actually perfectly thematically appropriate as well, since staves have traditionally beendefensive weapons rather than offensive ones. You didn't see many standing armies equipping their foot soldiers with staves, but you very frequently saw people defending their villages with them. It is very difficult to land a sword strike on a skilled staff-wielder, due to both the extra reach the staff affords them.

Thus far in my playing, I have not found Staff Fighting to be noticably weaker than other secondaries. I'm soloing at +0/x4 with no difficulty at all, which isn't something most of my tanks have been capable of until several levels later than I am currently. I'm level 22, and have been running at that difficulty since level 12. I could probably crank the difficulty up a little more, but I'm waiting until I have a little more defense before I do that.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Thus far in my playing, I have not found Staff Fighting to be noticably weaker than other secondaries. I'm soloing at +0/x4 with no difficulty at all, which isn't something most of my tanks have been capable of until several levels later than I am currently. I'm level 22, and have been running at that difficulty since level 12. I could probably crank the difficulty up a little more, but I'm waiting until I have a little more defense before I do that.
Yeah, Krogoth says Staff is a mid-tier performer, which is exactly what I said it should be. I was wrong.




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
My tank is DA/Staff, and I rolled it not expecting huge damage out of this combo. It is actually perfectly thematically appropriate as well, since staves have traditionally beendefensive weapons rather than offensive ones. You didn't see many standing armies equipping their foot soldiers with staves, but you very frequently saw people defending their villages with them. It is very difficult to land a sword strike on a skilled staff-wielder, due to both the extra reach the staff affords them.
Lol once I did an SCA fight with some one with a sword where I had a staff, the person I did that with was a champion with the sword, and I have never really fought with a staff before, and I still won just for those reasons you just mentioned. One of the reasons ppl defended there villages with a staff is also due to the ease which one can wield it.



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
Lol once I did an SCA fight with some one with a sword where I had a staff, the person I did that with was a champion with the sword, and I have never really fought with a staff before, and I still won just for those reasons you just mentioned. One of the reasons ppl defended there villages with a staff is also due to the ease which one can wield it.
Hozoin spears and English yew longbows had a lot in common from this viewpoint. Both were weapons that were easily learned and had schools of deep mastery. Unlike the sword, which had a set number of rules and forms (in Europe, German fencing; in Japan, classical samurai swordplay and Musashi-based style), Hozoin-Ryu and longbow training were much more free form and allowed for a lot of improvisation.

The story goes that even the greatest swordsman in history, Musashi, was vexed and barely able to beat a small number of Hozoin spearmen.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
The story goes that even the greatest swordsman in history, Musashi, was vexed and barely able to beat a small number of Hozoin spearmen.
1) Not the greatest swordsman in history, said to be by some maybe.
2) More than one Hozoin Spearman is still good I thought.
3) I used to be pretty good with staffs and 3 sectional staffs.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
1) Not the greatest swordsman in history, said to be by some maybe.
2) More than one Hozoin Spearman is still good I thought.
3) I used to be pretty good with staffs and 3 sectional staffs.

More so, I would be willing to bet the only reason he was able to beat them was because Niten Ichi-ryu allowed him to sidestep and block a spear thrust-slice maneuver, something a single handed swordsman would have been almost completely unable to do.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Yeah, Krogoth says Staff is a mid-tier performer, which is exactly what I said it should be. I was wrong.

Wait, that's IT? How about a little usable information?

Mid-tier on what metrics? On damage only? ST or AOE damage? Did that include any weighting for mitigation? If so, how much? If not, why not?

Details, man! I'm still saying Staff Fighting is a superb set that does good damage AND is the most mitigation you can get on a tanker, to boot.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Wait, that's IT? How about a little usable information?

Mid-tier on what metrics? On damage only? ST or AOE damage? Did that include any weighting for mitigation? If so, how much? If not, why not?

Details, man! I'm still saying Staff Fighting is a superb set that does good damage AND is the most mitigation you can get on a tanker, to boot.
He's running the numbers. It's ST is mid-performance, while it's AoE is slightly above. Mitigation was never really in question; Staff is superb as a Tank secondary. When the spread sheets are posted to the RO forum, I'll copy them over here.



Wow at this thread. I have a /Ice Tanker and I have played a /Staff Tanker and there is no way that Ice can outdo Staff across the board...in fact Staff has better mitigation and better damage output than /Ice.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Wow at this thread. I have a /Ice Tanker and I have played a /Staff Tanker and there is no way that Ice can outdo Staff across the board...in fact Staff has better mitigation and better damage output than /Ice.
Wow at this comment which doesn't mention the ***/ and the ***/ or reasoning to give it some credence.

You have been like a kid in the sweetshop when it comes to what every powerset needs but 95% of the people that don't come to the forums might need their concepts left alone.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Wow at this comment which doesn't mention the ***/ and the ***/ or reasoning to give it some credence.

You have been like a kid in the sweetshop when it comes to what every powerset needs but 95% of the people that don't come to the forums might need their concepts left alone.
Why would I list the primary New Damn? The OP is talking about the secondary by it's self not the primary. Also, I am a kid in a candy store and I love reviewing old and new powersets if the discussions arises. If that offends you or if I said anything in those threads to offend you I apologize but that is just something that I really like to research and debate!

The reasons why Staff is considered to have more utility and mitigation has already been said countless times in this thread by Clawsandeffect and by many others I was trying not to repeat it for the umpteenth time.

/Ice- Is based on -Recharge, which in its own right mitigates damage but only if the values are high enough which they are not. One does not notice a significant reduction in damage until you get into the -25+ Recharge and up range which Ice can do but only ST wise...so you hinder one baddie but you have 10 more to deal with and they have not been fully debuffed which is an issue if you are trying to stay alive. The set's mechanics should be better at mitigation but it's not due to missed opportunities like adding -Recharge in Frozen Aura and so on.

Ice Patch in it's own right is decent for mitigation but the radius is entirely to small and it only affects a certain number of targets at a time and KD is not reliable on all foes let alone a Boss, EB, AV ect.

Freezing Touch is amazing so I have no complaints there.

Greater Ice sword is a horrible power and the fact that you can deal more damage with Ice sword alone speaks volumes it traded it's damage and activation with a -Recharge debuff but again it's to much ST debuffing and not enough AOE to protect the tanker from incoming damage. I've always said that they should replace GIS with Ice sword Circle from Icy Assualt. It fits the theme of the set better and it debufs your surrounding targets.

Frozen Aura is one of my most favorite powers in the game but the sleep that is baked into it doesn't help at all when it comes to mitigation. Also there's no -Recharge baked into the power which I find very odd.

So to paraphrase you have a set that is focused on sleeps, slows, KD, Holds and -Rech which is excellent but! It misses the mark and it doesn't layer the mitigation the right way like other sets for example Elec Control or Elec Melee. This Secondary only meshes succesfully well with 2 to 3 Primaries and there's nothing about the set that makes a player want take /Ice over another set except for thematics, the visuals or the way the set handles DOT (the slows mixed with the DOT keeps the mob from hauling butt...which Staff isn't great at...sometimes the DOT in staff can make a mob run for the hills if you do not have a decent taunt aura or if you don't use taunt often).

/Staff- I fully Admit that I have not played staff nowhere near as much as I've played /Ice (I've had my /Ice tanker for 2 years now) but I do have one at lvl 50 on Beta and I since I've also played /Ice was able to effectively compare the two. I have an Fire/Ice Tanker on live and a WP/Ice and WP/Staff on beta that I wanted to test out to fully compare the two...in fact I often dropped all of my toggles for my secondary and I would just run in and duke it out that way to get a pure feel for the secondaries.

The set feels stronger damage wise but since I fail at math (and spelling it seems lol) I cannot roll the numbers in front of you but at 3 levels of perfection Staff is a monster and I'm able to mow down mobs even though the set is smashing and lethal and /Ice is cold,smashing and lethal which is more exotic in damage.

With Staff you can get the mitigation of these following powers which greatly add to your survival no matter the primary since they mesh well with almost any set.
  • 7.50 % +Resistance for 10 seconds
  • 12.50 % +To Hit buff for 10 seconds
  • 75 % Regen buff for 10 seconds
  • 50 % Recovery buff for 10 seconds
And this is just a small portion of mitigation this set has I still left out the +defense and knockdown AND the set has more AOE than /Ice.

So now I have repeated what was already posted several times in this thread.