Do you use global channels? Do you set colors?




This is a dugfromtheearth kind of thread. Only maybe he doesn't use global channels so he'd never ask this. I dunno.

I am subscribed to multiple global channels, most of them Virtue centric since I play there. I'm subscribed to several that I almost never pay attention to -- one channel each for Justice, Victory, Freedom, and Exalted, and also at least 3 Virtue channels that I don't pay much attention to -- VirtueUnited, VirtueBadges09, and some LRSF villain TF channel that I can't even remember the name of.

But I use several channels a lot: TF channels MG's Taskforces and AntebellumRevolution, TF/Chat channels Brickhouse Chat and Robokitty, and pure market chat channel The Market. I'm a mod for MG's Taskforces and also for the Hero Force global channel, which Power (HF leader) doesn't like people to use for chat, because he's all old-school and wants people to use Coalition chat to talk to each other.

Colors: When I found out you could set the colors of different global channels, I made MG's Taskforces purple, Brickhouse Chat blue, and Robokitty pink. Probably I should have made AntebellumRevolution purple because that's Freaky's channel and his characters are always purple... but nah. Now I've found that if I log into an alt that doesn't have these channel colors set, I have to fix it right away or it drives me crazy. Brickhouse Chat doesn't look right unless it's blue.

I made The Market channel bright green (the color of money!) on one toon this week, and now I think I'll have to do that on all of my characters, or that will drive me crazy too.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I have up on trying to use different colors back when they implemented it into the game and they wouldn't stay set...



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I made The Market channel bright green (the color of money!)
Yeah, I did that too. When I was on a farming channel, I made it brown - the color of dirt.
Offhand, I think I'm on 6 SG channels, 7 TF/teaming channels specific to my server, one cross-server help channel and The Market channel. hmm... If I'm remembering correctly, that means I'm full. We can only be on 15 channels.

and now I think I'll have to do that on all of my characters, or that will drive me crazy too.
You can set up standard chat settings and load them from either the menu, a chat line command, or a bind. It saves what channels are displayed, which tab they display in, what color they are.... and maybe other stuff. Then you can easily load the settings to other characters.

When I create a new character, I load my default bind file from the command line. That file has binds to load other stuff.

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Global channels:
Absolutely. Maybe not all of them on every character (I don't really care about server specific TF channels on other servers, for instance,) but I've got a fair number of them.

... I've actually never set up channel colors, to be honest. Whole-UI colors, sure (but infrequently.)



I am in a ton of global channels. Other than /team and /tell, it's almost the only way I communicate in this game.

I don't color them because I don't want my chat window to be *too* eye-catching (I have fairly severe ADD and color splashes are bad for my wow look at that really cool goldfinch sitting on a branch outside my window!!

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I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Do you use global channels? Do you set colors?
Yes, and yes; at least once the colors stayed put (although one of the recent patches apparently rest a lot of the colors and I've been re-adding them). I have a system where the channels have easily distinguishable colors and are always in either the top or bottom window. Virtue United up top & gold, Justice for All on the bottom and gold, etc.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
You can set up standard chat settings and load them from either the menu, a chat line command, or a bind. It saves what channels are displayed, which tab they display in, what color they are.... and maybe other stuff. Then you can easily load the settings to other characters.

When I create a new character, I load my default bind file from the command line. That file has binds to load other stuff.
Yup, when I make a new character, as the Badges ding and ding, it's /wdw_load and /chat_load then adjust the UI colors for the character.

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I color all my global channels. I try to keep all 15 channels different a different color even though I have separate chat tabs for each server. I also try to avoid accidentally recreating the color of any of the default game channels. Even though you can use different colors for the top and bottom half of the channel font, I keep them both the same for a flat look.

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Yes and Yes. The colors vary from character to character because it's enough for me just to see the conversations broken into separate color groups.



I only color the channels I care about and leave the rest default.



Wait wait wait wait, you can set colors for channels? Why was I not informed and how would I go about doing such a thing?

{}... .-



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
Wait wait wait wait, you can set colors for channels? Why was I not informed and how would I go about doing such a thing?
Left or right click (I forget) the channel name in the chat window and choose the color option. It's only available for global channels; you can't change the color of game-created channels.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



On a side note, in case anyone wasn't aware, you can also set colors to player names via Menu-->Options.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yes and Yes. The colors vary from character to character because it's enough for me just to see the conversations broken into separate color groups.
I just use separate tabs. *shrug*



I generally find Broadcast, Team, Local, and Tells (and now League on very rare occasions) to be way more than enough to keep up with as it is. The few times I've been bullied into joining an extra channel, that channel proved to ultimately be worthless for one reason or another.

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Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Yes and Yes.

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Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I just use separate tabs. *shrug*
I have three tabs I use

1. Strictly Global channels
2. Server wide and public channels
3. Private channels (SG, Team, Tells, Coalition, Friends, etc)

Others may not like that set up but it suits me.



The first time I learned we could set the colours of our global channels, my colour selection didn't stick. The channel colour reset when I zoned. This bug persisted for so many years I'd all but given up.

When they finally got off their hands and fixed the colour resetting issue, I did spend a lot of time fiddling with colours. What I found out was that it's VERY easy to make your Global channel fiendishly difficult to read. I'd picked a pure blue primary with a black secondary and that just turned into an ink blot. I forget what the right kind of colour correlation is these days, but it's quite limiting.

I have I think six Global channels I'm a member of, and all of they have distinct colours, though I accidentally gave Victory Badges and Victory Forum almost the same colour so I keep mixing them up.

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Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I use globals! One channel for all my characters, and depending on the server the character may get some others. Like I have the virtue tf channels, the freedom badge channels, and sometimes the pinnacle badge channel if I'm in the mood for the extra chatter.

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I have to use colours on my global channel tabs simply because otherwise i lose track of whats being said on which channel.
Union Chat is quite often talkative so having the badge/tf channels on the same tab requires different colours so it catches my eye when something is being recruited for on one of those channels x)

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



No. Never. Absolutely not.

Joined a couple of globals in 2010 and found them to be boring, inane and totally devoid of useful information. Now I delete all the chat tabs I can and edit out broadcast, local & private messages when setting up a new character. Only info I see is mandatory game info. LMTF alone while in-game. Color that Bright Red.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I have up on trying to use different colors back when they implemented it into the game and they wouldn't stay set...
This. Well, with the typos corrected, but otherwise spot on. The global channels I use now are Broadcast and LFG. That's it.

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