Mexican government releases New Mayan Alien Artifacts for Documentary




Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
The thing about the supplies thing is that they are useful for more than just the end-of-the-world scenario.

Having a decent supply of canned, non-perishable foodstuffs? Great for waiting out blizzards or a drought putting pressure/price increase on food.

Home electricity generator? Again, blizzards or ice storms. We were without power for a week one winter due to a massive ice storm. Wouldn't want to go through that again.

Granted, there are people who go way overboard, like that Doomsday Preppers show, but a little preparation at the least can be useful for other situations. Besides, better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have a chance at getting it.
Sure, and I always keep some supplies on hand in case the weather turns rotten or there is a power failure. How many people went to extremes? As I recall, portable power generator sales boomed and one person that used to live in my neighborhood at the time had stockpiled about 10 portable generators and a lot of fuel for them. Not to mention all the guns and ammo and food supplies. For the record this neighbor was a war veteran and I respected his service to the U.S.A, but also he had lingering PTS problems and didn't always see things in a.....rational way. I even triple checked all his computers that he had and assured him that they would handle Y2K with no problems and repeatedly assured him that he had way more then enough supplies and should consider donating some of the generators and fuel to neighbors that may want or need them. I didn't want to try to get him to get rid of any of his guns as I knew that would be bad and some of the neighbors likely wouldn't be able to handle some of his guns anyway. Anyway, long story short, Y2K didn't trigger the end of all things and he felt rather foolish for having hoarded so many things. It took him awhile to get rid of all but two of the generators and fuel and a few years later he moved away for whatever reason.



I must admit I do find the doomsday theories a bit over the top, the date is simply the time the long count calander enters the next age or b'ak'tun, any interpretation of a cataclysm or a so called "new age for human consciousness" is pure speculation, despite what is depicted by the media I'm pretty sure that the Mayans didn't make any actual prophecy.

So we should be ok for staff fighting

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With the way that so many people are freaking out about the latest doomsday prophecy, I can't help but wonder if a future end-of-the-world prediction will end up being self-fulfilling: a lot of people panic, they mess everything up, and life as we know it is ruined.



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
I must admit I do find the doomsday theories a bit over the top, the date is simply the time the long count calander enters the next age or b'ak'tun, any interpretation of a cataclysm or a so called "new age for human consciousness" is pure speculation, despite what is depicted by the media I'm pretty sure that the Mayans didn't make any actual prophecy.

So we should be ok for staff fighting
Some new artifacts suggest that the beginning of the long count and the end marks the when Quetzalcoatl was believed to have come to the Mayans and when he's marked to return. It's not an end of the world prophecy per say, but it is a prophecy of something.



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
With the way that so many people are freaking out about the latest doomsday prophecy, I can't help but wonder if a future end-of-the-world prediction will end up being self-fulfilling: a lot of people panic, they mess everything up, and life as we know it is ruined.
Some might say we're not far from that now

Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
Some new artifacts suggest that the beginning of the long count and the end marks the when Quetzalcoatl was believed to have come to the Mayans and when he's marked to return. It's not an end of the world prophecy per say, but it is a prophecy of something.
Interesting, so depending on your mind set, the date could mark either - nothing (as it's just a myth), the return of an actual god, the return of a giant feathered serpent or the return of extraterrestrials?

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
The thing about the supplies thing is that they are useful for more than just the end-of-the-world scenario.

Having a decent supply of canned, non-perishable foodstuffs? Great for waiting out blizzards or a drought putting pressure/price increase on food.

Home electricity generator? Again, blizzards or ice storms. We were without power for a week one winter due to a massive ice storm. Wouldn't want to go through that again.

Granted, there are people who go way overboard, like that Doomsday Preppers show, but a little preparation at the least can be useful for other situations. Besides, better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have a chance at getting it.

This reminded me of a special I saw about zombies. It was about how there is a group of people who are making sure that everyone else has enough supplies, knowledge, and skill to survive a zombie outbreak. Their reasoning for this wasn't that there was going to be a zombie outbreak and we were all going to die, but that if you have the ability to whether a scenario as apocalyptic as a zombie outbreak, then you'll be able to handle pretty much any natural disaster that comes your way.

And that... is pretty cool.

EDIT: BTW I think that if you include the time that leap years take away we are well in 2013 already, so there is no worry about everyone dying off on that day.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
BTW I think that if you include the time that leap years take away we are well in 2013 already, so there is no worry about everyone dying off on that day.
The Mayans accounted for that. Their calendar was very very accurate, hence our fascination of them.



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Interesting, so depending on your mind set, the date could mark either - nothing (as it's just a myth), the return of an actual god, the return of a giant feathered serpent or the return of extraterrestrials?
Pretty much. Or you could also think of it this way, the Mayans were sophisticated enough to predict when the alignment of the Earth and Sun to the center of the galaxy (which they called Hunab-Ku) had last happened and when it was slated to occur again.

Edit: If you think about it in that light, it shows just how important the end of the long count really is the biggest new years event there is.



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
Pretty much. Or you could also think of it this way, the Mayans were sophisticated enough to predict when the alignment of the Earth and Sun to the center of the universe (which they called Hunab-Ku) had last happened and when it was slated to occur again.
Indeed and of course (back to the OP) it begs the question how could they possibly have obtained that knowledge...

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Indeed and of course (back to the OP) it begs the question how could they possibly have obtained that knowledge...



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Indeed and of course (back to the OP) it begs the question how could they possibly have obtained that knowledge...
Well since they didn't have cable TV they had plenty of time to look up at night and track the stars. Sometimes having hundreds of years to look and think about things can overcome the general lack of basic technology we take for granted today. Ancient peoples didn't always need to rely on "extraterrestrials" to get some things right.

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Oh please...



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well since they didn't have cable TV they had plenty of time to look up at night and track the stars. Sometimes having hundreds of years to look and think about things can overcome the general lack of basic technology we take for granted today. Ancient peoples didn't always need to rely on "extraterrestrials" to get some things right.
See, now you're understanding!

The Mayans tracked the stars and figured out when important astronical events will occur and they built their calendar around those events kind of how we track astronical events now on our calendars (the Earth revolving around the Sun and the cycles of the Moon), and they built legends around them. Though their way is arguably much more accurate and detailed.

Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Oh please...
BTW: The aliens thing was just a joke. It seemed appropriate and timely



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
Some new artifacts suggest that the beginning of the long count and the end marks the when Quetzalcoatl was believed to have come to the Mayans and when he's marked to return. It's not an end of the world prophecy per say, but it is a prophecy of something.
As I recall, wasn't Quetzalcoatl more of a "benevolent" deity? If such is the case and it is marked to return, then it could be a good thing.

Presuming that said deity exists at all of course. Call me understandably skeptical.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
As I recall, wasn't Quetzalcoatl more of a "benevolent" deity? If such is the case and it is marked to return, then it could be a good thing.

Presuming that said deity exists at all of course. Call me understandably skeptical.
In their culture Quetzalcoatl created mankind as well as being a border between earth and sky

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Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
Pretty much. Or you could also think of it this way, the Mayans were sophisticated enough to predict when the alignment of the Earth and Sun to the center of the universe (which they called Hunab-Ku) had last happened and when it was slated to occur again.

Edit: If you think about it in that light, it shows just how important the end of the long count really is the biggest new years event there is.
Did you mean the center of the galaxy? 'Cause I'm not sure we even know where the center of the universe is now. Other than the vague description that Tatooine is the planet farthest from it.

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Did you mean the center of the galaxy? 'Cause I'm not sure we even know where the center of the universe is now. Other than the vague description that Tatooine is the planet farthest from it.
Yeah, I meant galaxy. Sorry multitasking error.

Edit: Fixed OP so people won't keep correcting me.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
This reminded me of a special I saw about zombies. It was about how there is a group of people who are making sure that everyone else has enough supplies, knowledge, and skill to survive a zombie outbreak. Their reasoning for this wasn't that there was going to be a zombie outbreak and we were all going to die, but that if you have the ability to whether a scenario as apocalyptic as a zombie outbreak, then you'll be able to handle pretty much any natural disaster that comes your way.

And that... is pretty cool.

EDIT: BTW I think that if you include the time that leap years take away we are well in 2013 already, so there is no worry about everyone dying off on that day.
Part of it is that you learn to not panic. Sure, you might not be able to handle every conceivable scenario, but if you panic, you're dead for sure.

There's lots of things that could happen to interrupt services and things that we are used to having. Like a war interrupting oil/gas supply or drought taking its toll on the food supply or a solar flare/something sun related knocking out electronics.

Then there's just common sense stuff like having vegetable seeds on hand. Learn to plant & take care of a garden. Not only are you prepped for a disaster, but you can also reduce your food bill and have healthier foods on hand. It would also give your kids something to do during the summer.



So the return of a benevolent giant winged serpent God in 2012.

Actually, you know what, that'd be kind of awesome if it was true.

Just like I hoped when they fired up the Large Hadron Collider it would rend portals to the dimension of Kittens with hats...sadly such a thing was not true but hey a man can dream.

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Hello. I'm Geraldo Rivera and I believe the room behind me is Quetzalcoatl's vault.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
So the return of a benevolent giant winged serpent God in 2012.

Actually, you know what, that'd be kind of awesome if it was true.

Just like I hoped when they fired up the Large Hadron Collider it would rend portals to the dimension of Kittens with hats...sadly such a thing was not true but hey a man can dream.
I don't trust anything that can't make up its mind to be one or the other. Bird or snake! Not both!

And don't get me started on platypi...shifty little things. They're plotting something I tells ya!



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
This is really all that needs to be said.


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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Ya know...I really do want SOMETHING to happen on Dec. 21st*. If only to shock the world out of the self-destructive, malaisic path we are on. If said something happens to include green-skinned space babes with a penchant for geeks, then rock on.

Rock on indeed.

*I don't think anything is going to happen, but it would be neat if it did.
Green-skinned space babes you say? Oh... I'm totally there!

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Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
Green-skinned space babes you say? Oh... I'm totally there!
Are there any other kind of space babes than green-skinned?



The skulls were neat.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.