Mexican government releases New Mayan Alien Artifacts for Documentary




Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Are there any other kind of space babes than green-skinned?
There's blue...

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



It was an interesting video, especially linking together all the various architecture styles and then somehow turning that into an equatorial landing strip. I'm personally of the belief that we lost a great deal of highly advanced knowledge before the advent of the Roman Empire, and even then we lost so much when Alexandria was sacked.

I also believe there is intelligent life out there beyond our own, mathematical probability alone says it's entirely possible. I think all the sightings of craft beyond a point exceed coincedence and are part of something larger. The same goes for the depiction of non-humans in older inscriptions and the like.

What's it all about? Well, when the Doctor introduces us to them via the TARDIS, I'm sure we'll all know.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
It was an interesting video, especially linking together all the various architecture styles and then somehow turning that into an equatorial landing strip. I'm personally of the belief that we lost a great deal of highly advanced knowledge before the advent of the Roman Empire, and even then we lost so much when Alexandria was sacked.

I also believe there is intelligent life out there beyond our own, mathematical probability alone says it's entirely possible. I think all the sightings of craft beyond a point exceed coincedence and are part of something larger. The same goes for the depiction of non-humans in older inscriptions and the like.

What's it all about? Well, when the Doctor introduces us to them via the TARDIS, I'm sure we'll all know.

There has to be other intelligent life out there, otherwise the universe needs a design overhaul. If the Doctor and his Tardis aren't available then lets get Dr. Jones and his Crystal Skull to aid us.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
There has to be other intelligent life out there, otherwise the universe needs a design overhaul. If the Doctor and his Tardis aren't available then lets get Dr. Jones and his Crystal Skull to aid us.
Strange, I have no recollection of Doctor Jones doing anything credible after World War II.....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
a solar flare/something sun related knocking out electronics.
There was a lot of strong solar activity earlier this month, including one of the strongest solar flares yet recorded, as well as a huge coronal mass ejection. Fortunately, due to the angle of impact and partial alignment with the earth's magnetosphere, it didn't cause too much trouble.

Also, here's what NASA has to say about 2012:

Basically, as far as we know, there's no impending doom coming from space.

Also, the sun aligns with the galactic center every year when it moves through the constellation Sagittarius(



I like how they say the ET's were using the sun as a portal.

I also thought it was cool how they spotted what looked like an earth sized ship coming out of the sun.

That's so cool!

If any of it is real, I'd love to see it up close.

I'd love to have some of their medical tech.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Just a heads up: Twice from two different sources (dumb TV commercial and even dumber pseudo-scientific 'documentary' on the 2012 thing), the end of the world according to the Mayans is supposed to be from the poles reversing.

Not the magnetic fields, which have happened in the geological past and could indeed create havoc. But the rotational poles reverse making the world spin backwards!!!!

Where the heck did this new piece of feral idiocy come from?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Just a heads up: Twice from two different sources (dumb TV commercial and even dumber pseudo-scientific 'documentary' on the 2012 thing), the end of the world according to the Mayans is supposed to be from the poles reversing.

Not the magnetic fields, which have happened in the geological past and could indeed create havoc. But the rotational poles reverse making the world spin backwards!!!!

Where the heck did this new piece of feral idiocy come from?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I like how they say the ET's were using the sun as a portal.

I also thought it was cool how they spotted what looked like an earth sized ship coming out of the sun.

That's so cool!

If any of it is real, I'd love to see it up close.

I'd love to have some of their medical tech.

"They" saw it, huh.

OK, where's the corroboration from NASA? This would be news. (And potentially dangerous - planet size objects, even if we're not talking "That's not a moon, that's a space station!" sci fi, have this little thing called "gravity" everything in the area would have to contend with.)

Government hush-up, as is the common UFO conspiracy nonsense answer? OK, what about from the British, the Russians, the Chinese? The last two, especially, would *love* to be able to announce and confirm something like this before the US if it were real. Big PR coup. How about every *other* nation with any sort of astronomical tie in? Peru's popular, for one. Nada?

World conspiracy between the governments to shut this up?

Then how about the *millions* of amateur astronomers who would be talking about this just to confirm what they're seeing?


Not a peep?

Just some people tying carvings they don't understand into "aliens" and "spaceships" who just *happen* to be evading this same, massive, worldwide conspiracy (which the governments seem to be awfully efficient at even as they bungle everything else, and agree to do when they can't agree on anything else) to present it... on youtube?

... Or, they could be wrong and just shilling for their "OMG, it's 2012, aliens!" wrongumentary.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

"They" saw it, huh.

OK, where's the corroboration from NASA? This would be news. (And potentially dangerous - planet size objects, even if we're not talking "That's not a moon, that's a space station!" sci fi, have this little thing called "gravity" everything in the area would have to contend with.)

Government hush-up, as is the common UFO conspiracy nonsense answer? OK, what about from the British, the Russians, the Chinese? The last two, especially, would *love* to be able to announce and confirm something like this before the US if it were real. Big PR coup. How about every *other* nation with any sort of astronomical tie in? Peru's popular, for one. Nada?

World conspiracy between the governments to shut this up?

Then how about the *millions* of amateur astronomers who would be talking about this just to confirm what they're seeing?


Not a peep?

Just some people tying carvings they don't understand into "aliens" and "spaceships" who just *happen* to be evading this same, massive, worldwide conspiracy (which the governments seem to be awfully efficient at even as they bungle everything else, and agree to do when they can't agree on anything else) to present it... on youtube?

... Or, they could be wrong and just shilling for their "OMG, it's 2012, aliens!" wrongumentary.
I can just about say that no Terran government would allow credible and concrete proof of aliens existing to be shown to the unwashed masses. Short of an actual invasion, I can believe that they would cover everything up or at the very least work to discredit those with proof. Even with an invasion, I'd imagine there would be those like that Iraqi PR guy stating everything is fine and there are no aliens while the saucers are disgorging shock troops in the background.

Humans are dumb, panicky animals. We lose our **** over the slightest thing. Can you imagine the result of an actual confirmation of aliens?

*tinfoil hat*



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

"They" saw it, huh.

OK, where's the corroboration from NASA? This would be news. (And potentially dangerous - planet size objects, even if we're not talking "That's not a moon, that's a space station!" sci fi, have this little thing called "gravity" everything in the area would have to contend with.)

Government hush-up, as is the common UFO conspiracy nonsense answer? OK, what about from the British, the Russians, the Chinese? The last two, especially, would *love* to be able to announce and confirm something like this before the US if it were real. Big PR coup. How about every *other* nation with any sort of astronomical tie in? Peru's popular, for one. Nada?

World conspiracy between the governments to shut this up?

Then how about the *millions* of amateur astronomers who would be talking about this just to confirm what they're seeing?


Not a peep?

Just some people tying carvings they don't understand into "aliens" and "spaceships" who just *happen* to be evading this same, massive, worldwide conspiracy (which the governments seem to be awfully efficient at even as they bungle everything else, and agree to do when they can't agree on anything else) to present it... on youtube?

... Or, they could be wrong and just shilling for their "OMG, it's 2012, aliens!" wrongumentary.
Tell me about it. especially the "youtube" part of it.

really: who knows?

I only know from my experiences, so I don't know what, who, "they" are and what "they" are all about.

Guess we will never know.

I'm good either way.

whatever happens ...happens.

I'm just here to enjoy the ride.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
I can just about say that no Terran government would allow credible and concrete proof of aliens existing to be shown to the unwashed masses. Short of an actual invasion, I can believe that they would cover everything up or at the very least work to discredit those with proof.
The way governments work? Some might want to take that tack, sure. Others would want to confirm and trumpet it. Do you really think, for instance, China would *not* point it out - possibly paint it as a threat (while simultaneously lauding their scientists for the "great discovery!" and showing how they're ahead of the Western world?)

Also, governments *could not* cover something like this up. Period. Governments are horrible at tying their own shoelaces without thirty committees. And again, even *if,* somehow, the US government (for instance) kept NASA and every university with an astrophysics department, somehow, from releasing the news - which would still happen *within* the community, as they would need independent verification from *other* astronomers and astrophysicists - there would be multiple upon multiple upon multiple *amateur* astronomers talking about it. Not one "super sekret ZOMG mayan aliens we'll release a film that just happens to be near this overhyped date" group.

There are people looking at the sky constantly, and not just the UFO nuts but people actually *respected* in their field and in the astronomical community. It would be *impossible,* not to mention unwise, to shut them all up. Or to hide what would be, not in some underground bunker or a contained research lab, but in the sky for anyone and everyone to see.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
The way governments work? Some might want to take that tack, sure. Others would want to confirm and trumpet it. Do you really think, for instance, China would *not* point it out - possibly paint it as a threat (while simultaneously lauding their scientists for the "great discovery!" and showing how they're ahead of the Western world?)
China would be one of the last ones to allow discovery of alien life forms out into the public knowledge. Given their track record with hiding or attempting to block information from their own citizens, I can easily see them not letting the cat outta the bag. Especially if the discovery gives them advancements in weapons tech.

Also, governments *could not* cover something like this up. Period. Governments are horrible at tying their own shoelaces without thirty committees. And again, even *if,* somehow, the US government (for instance) kept NASA and every university with an astrophysics department, somehow, from releasing the news - which would still happen *within* the community, as they would need independent verification from *other* astronomers and astrophysicists - there would be multiple upon multiple upon multiple *amateur* astronomers talking about it. Not one "super sekret ZOMG mayan aliens we'll release a film that just happens to be near this overhyped date" group.
Oh they could. Just because we see them as dysfunctional and unable to put a hat on their head rather than their ***, doesn't mean they actually are that stupid. Those are just the buffoons put out to distract people from the ones that are actually doing things.

Confirmations would be done under strict NDAs and quite possibly the "Say anything and you, your family, your dog, the paperboy, your third grade math teacher, will end up disappeared." treatment.

There are people looking at the sky constantly, and not just the UFO nuts but people actually *respected* in their field and in the astronomical community. It would be *impossible,* not to mention unwise, to shut them all up. Or to hide what would be, not in some underground bunker or a contained research lab, but in the sky for anyone and everyone to see.
Face it. They don't want us knowing that stuff because it makes us easier to control. If there were aliens visiting us and they had hyperdrives or whatever, that would take all the power and control away from Terran governments. And there's one thing governments love and that is control.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
China would be one of the last ones to allow discovery of alien life forms out into the public knowledge. Given their track record with hiding or attempting to block information from their own citizens, I can easily see them not letting the cat outta the bag. Especially if the discovery gives them advancements in weapons tech.
We're talking about a supposed "sighting of something near the sun." Now, how does that give the Chinese any sort of "Advancement in weapons tech?"

Oh they could.
No, really, they couldn't. Something being developed in a contained base in the desert? OK, sure. Something sitting there for anyone looking up to see? Not so much. It would be like trying to hide the moon.

Confirmations would be done under strict NDAs and quite possibly the "Say anything and you, your family, your dog, the paperboy, your third grade math teacher, will end up disappeared." treatment.
.... riiiiiiiiiiiight. They'll go to each and every one of *thousands* of amateur astronomers - who, of course, they have under surveillance ahead of time - and within an hour of sighting threaten each and every one of them, and each and every one of them - instead of talking to each other, laughing in the guy's face, etc. - will be cowed.

Then they'll do the same through some massive worldwide network, coordinating with every government on earth (because you know they all get along and agree *so* well) to every single amateur and professional astronomer and astrophysicist (and anyone who happened to be looking as well) around the world.

... are you *sure* you want to believe this?

Face it. They don't want us knowing that stuff because it makes us easier to control. If there were aliens visiting us and they had hyperdrives or whatever, that would take all the power and control away from Terran governments. And there's one thing governments love and that is control.
You give *far* too much credence to conspiracy theories. They're somewhat fun in movies and spy/mystery novels. Real life? They're just a joke.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
We're talking about a supposed "sighting of something near the sun." Now, how does that give the Chinese any sort of "Advancement in weapons tech?"
Monkey see, monkey do.

No, really, they couldn't. Something being developed in a contained base in the desert? OK, sure. Something sitting there for anyone looking up to see? Not so much. It would be like trying to hide the moon.
Except that you need to know where to look, what to look for, when to look, and powerful enough scopes to see anything.

.... riiiiiiiiiiiight. They'll go to each and every one of *thousands* of amateur astronomers - who, of course, they have under surveillance ahead of time - and within an hour of sighting threaten each and every one of them, and each and every one of them - instead of talking to each other, laughing in the guy's face, etc. - will be cowed.
They don't have to threaten them all. Just the first one. Control the methods of dissemination of the knowledge, keep the most likely finders under surveillence.

Then they'll do the same through some massive worldwide network, coordinating with every government on earth (because you know they all get along and agree *so* well) to every single amateur and professional astronomer and astrophysicist (and anyone who happened to be looking as well) around the world.
All it takes is leverage. Everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet. And when push comes to shove, who is going to believe the backyard astronomer over the guy with multiple ph.Ds in his pocket?

... are you *sure* you want to believe this?
I don't necessarily believe it. I do believe that the government(s) of the world hide a LOT of secrets and seem to go well out of their way to write stuff off. There's only so many times they can say something is Venus reflecting off of swamp gas and the viewer is drunk.

You give *far* too much credence to conspiracy theories. They're somewhat fun in movies and spy/mystery novels. Real life? They're just a joke.
Maybe, maybe not. People have to play the long game and most simply aren't capable of doing that.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Monkey see, monkey do.
Again... "I saw something way over there" is not "Instant death ray."
Except that you need to know where to look, what to look for, when to look, and powerful enough scopes to see anything.
You'd be surprised what people see, and how many people will be looking there.
They don't have to threaten them all. Just the first one. Control the methods of dissemination of the knowledge, keep the most likely finders under surveillence.
Yes, you *would* have to threaten pretty much all of them, and manage to back it up. And who, in the amateur astronomy community (and don't be misled by the label,) would be the "most likely" of thousands upon thousands of "finders?"

All it takes is leverage. Everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet. And when push comes to shove, who is going to believe the backyard astronomer over the guy with multiple ph.Ds in his pocket?
Now I know you don't know what you're talking about. You need to go look up just what all has been found by "backyard astronomers." As well as ask the professional astronomers and astrophysicists what they think of the amateurs.

Hint: They *go to them for help* in verifying claims and getting more sightings.

I don't necessarily believe it. I do believe that the government(s) of the world hide a LOT of secrets and seem to go well out of their way to write stuff off. There's only so many times they can say something is Venus reflecting off of swamp gas and the viewer is drunk.
Most people don't know what they're seeing to begin with.

True story:
Cop called in a UFO that was "zipping back and forth at incredible speeds." People believed because, hey, authority figure, a cop, right? Well, except that someone who *knew* the night sky happened to know, when he worked out where the cop was looking, that he *was* looking at venus.

Why was venus zipping back and forth? Curvy road.

Maybe, maybe not. People have to play the long game and most simply aren't capable of doing that.
... especially governments. Frankly, if it weren't for the cold war, I don't think we'd have gotten to Apollo. (And look how fast we moved on to other things after we went "We're on the moon, na-na, na na, naaaaa!" to the Russians.)

Look, I'd love for there to be confirmation of non-terrestrial complex life. Should I live another 40 years, I'm fairly sure that by the time I die, we'll have the capability of not just directly detecting Earth-size planets, but be able to do analysis of their atmospheres, temperatures, etc. and have a good - oh, 20 candidates for planets capable of sustaining life (or likely having sustained life.) Mathematically, it's silly to think we're alone, just given the number of worlds we've found with our *current* tech in a fairly small region of the galaxy.

But it's a *huge* leap from that if you want me to believe aliens from who-knows-where are flying "earth size ships" through "sun portals" to bother the Mayans, found (or flee from) Atlantis or probe cows and steal our wimminfolk in the middle of the night, or that there's some worldwide conspiracy of governments to "hide the truth." That nonsense belongs in the X-files or bad novels.



It's all good, man. Just sit back and watch the fireworks.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Again... "I saw something way over there" is not "Instant death ray."
Look at what our advanced researchers are doing. They are looking at animals and finding inspiration for new technologies. Like the wall-climbing capabilities of geckos. Show someone that something is possible, and they'll look for ways to either imitate or improve upon it.

See a massive object near the sun? Think on what that would do for either materials science, energy shielding, heat dissipation/absorption, or any sundry of things. People would start looking at ways to imitate that or use the knowledge that it simply IS possible.

You'd be surprised what people see, and how many people will be looking there.
Yes, you *would* have to threaten pretty much all of them, and manage to back it up. And who, in the amateur astronomy community (and don't be misled by the label,) would be the "most likely" of thousands upon thousands of "finders?"
What would they do with that information? The mainstream press wouldn't cover it, at best. At worst they'd work to actively discredit it. It would be relegated to conspiracy websites and laughed about. The major universities/think tanks wouldn't touch it, especially if there was any indication their government funding would be pulled if they confirmed it.

Now I know you don't know what you're talking about. You need to go look up just what all has been found by "backyard astronomers." As well as ask the professional astronomers and astrophysicists what they think of the amateurs.

Hint: They *go to them for help* in verifying claims and getting more sightings.
And how many of those claims were things that while interesting, were not complete paradigm/society changers here on Earth? Finding an asteroid or watching a comet smash into Jupiter is not exactly the same as someone seeing a flying saucer pulling over for repairs on the Moon.
Most people don't know what they're seeing to begin with.

True story:
Cop called in a UFO that was "zipping back and forth at incredible speeds." People believed because, hey, authority figure, a cop, right? Well, except that someone who *knew* the night sky happened to know, when he worked out where the cop was looking, that he *was* looking at venus.

Why was venus zipping back and forth? Curvy road.
While yes, there are some that are indeed mistaken sightings, do you truly believe that Venus, or swamp gas, or hallucinations, are responsible for everything?

... especially governments. Frankly, if it weren't for the cold war, I don't think we'd have gotten to Apollo. (And look how fast we moved on to other things after we went "We're on the moon, na-na, na na, naaaaa!" to the Russians.)
Look at what the US government has been doing with the various trade treaties and laws related to copyright infringement. They're playing a long game there with 'em. Same as game companies with DLC/online passes/etc.

Look, I'd love for there to be confirmation of non-terrestrial complex life. Should I live another 40 years, I'm fairly sure that by the time I die, we'll have the capability of not just directly detecting Earth-size planets, but be able to do analysis of their atmospheres, temperatures, etc. and have a good - oh, 20 candidates for planets capable of sustaining life (or likely having sustained life.) Mathematically, it's silly to think we're alone, just given the number of worlds we've found with our *current* tech in a fairly small region of the galaxy.

But it's a *huge* leap from that if you want me to believe aliens from who-knows-where are flying "earth size ships" through "sun portals" to bother the Mayans, found (or flee from) Atlantis or probe cows and steal our wimminfolk in the middle of the night, or that there's some worldwide conspiracy of governments to "hide the truth." That nonsense belongs in the X-files or bad novels.
The truth probably lies in the middle. Dismissing everything is no better than those who claim everything is hidden.

Humans have been in our present form for 200,000 years or so. Do you really think it's inconceivable that there wasn't some visit in that time and they said, "Hmm...we might want to keep a watch on these things...". Come back every so often to see how we are progressing. Probably keep a much closer watch once nuclear energy is discovered and the first fledgling steps into space is taken.

200k years is a long time. Even at 50% of the speed of light, a race could cross the galaxy.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
See a massive object near the sun? Think on what that would do for either materials science, energy shielding, heat dissipation/absorption, or any sundry of things. People would start looking at ways to imitate that or use the knowledge that it simply IS possible.
... you are aware that we have satellites around the sun, near Mercury, etc. already, yes? We started looking into that sort of thing without any sort of "mystery UFOs."

What would they do with that information? The mainstream press wouldn't cover it, at best. At worst they'd work to actively discredit it. It would be relegated to conspiracy websites and laughed about. The major universities/think tanks wouldn't touch it, especially if there was any indication their government funding would be pulled if they confirmed it.

And this is why I generally just work on ignoring people who are buried neck deep in their need for conspiracy theories.

The mainstream press will cover, oh, pretty much anything that sounds interesting. They'll skip a lot of the science because they don't get it. However, the mainstream press is not the *only* press. This information would get into journals and specialty (and I don't mean "UFO Today," I mean actually respected) publications.

The government, frankly, would be clueless anyway as they debated what the meaning of "is" is. Meanwhile, the sightings would be confirmed or denied independantly - including by organizations and people with no need or tie to the - or *any,* don't forget we're not just talking about the US here - government.

The government(s) is(are) not "all powerful." Nowhere close. Your premise here is deeply, badly flawed.

And how many of those claims were things that while interesting, were not complete paradigm/society changers here on Earth? Finding an asteroid or watching a comet smash into Jupiter is not exactly the same as someone seeing a flying saucer pulling over for repairs on the Moon.
Most people don't know what they're seeing to begin with.
A, we're not talking "most people," we're talking people who *are* trained and *do* know what they're seeing - and have others to verify their claims, and B, look at the size of the impacts on Jupiter. Take that knowledge, and work with it. Why does everything need to be a "complete paradigm/society changer?" It advances our knowledge - including knowledge, for instance, of how an NEO may behave, the way ancient impacts can affect the planet and the like. (NEOs being *actual* threats, as opposed to aliens flying around looking for some random hillbilly to probe.)

While yes, there are some that are indeed mistaken sightings, do you truly believe that Venus, or swamp gas, or hallucinations, are responsible for everything?
You left out the "need to believe I'm seeing something special" - without believing that, yes, the fact you're seeing *another world* anyway *is* special.

And yes, I do believe misidentifications of common objects and phenomena are responsible for basically everything reported. Why? Because when someone who actually knows what they're talking about works out what they saw and when, it turns out.... that's exactly what they saw.

Eyewitness testimony is *notoriously* unreliable.

Look at what the US government has been doing with the various trade treaties and laws related to copyright infringement. They're playing a long game there with 'em. Same as game companies with DLC/online passes/etc.

They're playing the "long game" with utterly shortsighted laws and policies for things they don't seem to understand?


And this has what to do with the discussion at hand, anyway?


Humans have been in our present form for 200,000 years or so. Do you really think it's inconceivable that there wasn't some visit in that time and they said, "Hmm...we might want to keep a watch on these things...". Come back every so often to see how we are progressing. Probably keep a much closer watch once nuclear energy is discovered and the first fledgling steps into space is taken.

200k years is a long time. Even at 50% of the speed of light, a race could cross the galaxy.
... requiring an immense amount of time and energy for "curiosity." And don't forget, they'd have to *know we were here* first. We've only been sending out radio signals for a bit over a century. That's a very small bubble around us where we'd send out anything detectable - and much of it incredibly weak. We have to *work* at picking up the Voyagers' signals at the heliopause, and we *know* they're there - and they're designed to intentionally transmit back to us, as well.

So either they're... what, psychic, somehow, or *extremely* lucky, or have such an excess of population, material and energy they can just "shotgun" the galaxy (with these extremely long trips) ...

Inconceivable? No. Extremely, incredibly unlikely? Yes. I need more proof than "Um, I found this cut in a rock and I think it looks like a spaceship."



... requiring an immense amount of time and energy for "curiosity." And don't forget, they'd have to *know we were here* first. We've only been sending out radio signals for a bit over a century. That's a very small bubble around us where we'd send out anything detectable - and much of it incredibly weak. We have to *work* at picking up the Voyagers' signals at the heliopause, and we *know* they're there - and they're designed to intentionally transmit back to us, as well.

So either they're... what, psychic, somehow, or *extremely* lucky, or have such an excess of population, material and energy they can just "shotgun" the galaxy (with these extremely long trips) ...

Inconceivable? No. Extremely, incredibly unlikely? Yes. I need more proof than "Um, I found this cut in a rock and I think it looks like a spaceship."
Who said anything about radio signals? Our first thought is to examine stars like our own for planets and life. Why wouldn't they do the same? Provided they've found a way to shortcut space (which we're looking for ways of doing), the energy and distance requirement is meaningless.

Humans do not have a monopoly on curiosity and exploration.

Ya know what...forget it.

It's pointless arguing with you.

Good day to you sir.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Who said anything about radio signals? Our first thought is to examine stars like our own for planets and life.
Assuming similar development, they're not going to detect planets that could support light via telescopes until long after (and with the help of) radio.

Provided they've found a way to shortcut space (which we're looking for ways of doing), the energy and distance requirement is meaningless.
... really? Finding the energy to, say, fold space, or bypass it, is meaningless? Having it relate to distance is meaningless? And your scientific basis for this is?
Ya know what...forget it.

It's pointless arguing with you.
Yeah, I know, I won't drink the kool-aid. I prefer facts and well thought out extrapolation to "ZOMG ALIENS!" and conspiracy theories. Don'cha just hate that. I don't buy it in religion either. You want to wave it away and say "God (or Aliens) did it" when it goes somewhere uncomfortable for you.



what if you actually had an extra terrestrial experience... an encounter, what if you weren't alone, what if two of your closest friends were there with you, saw the same thing you did, experienced the same thing you did, clean and sober.

What would your stance be then?

Iv'e had that experience, and yet, I don't look at every ufo claim I see on youtube or otherwheres and immediately get behind it.

The invasion thing?

What I experienced doesn't support it.

The overseers thing?

to an extent...what I experienced doesn't support it.

repressed memories? probing? experimentation?

Sorry. what I experienced, none of that was there.

What I DID see was a form of technology FAR beyond anything Iv'e ever seen on this earth.

cloaked craft? check.

ambient beam of blue light that could freeze matter in place? check.

Before any of that took place we "felt" like something was watching us and it didn't want to be disturbed. So we honored that. Everything that happened afterwards was when we were setting off on our own way.

So I guess that makes me one of the crazies.

I'll proudly wear that label.

I had the experience. Who else can stand up and honestly say that? I'm honored. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that there is life out there. What intentions it has? Can't say.

What I CAN say is that if there was any intentions of invasion or hostilities we wouldn't stand a chance. It would have happened a very long time ago. If some retarded portion of these doom conspiracies have any truth to them, and by some happenstance our planet becomes unlivable, seeing what I have...

I hate to use the word assume. I hate it.

I can only assume that there probably would be some kind of planetary wide relocation.

Much the same way animal control relocates misplaced animals.

That's all.

I highly doubt any of that will take place, starting with the end of the world scenario.

more than likely eventually the ET's will just make themselves known, and that will be that.

We don't need for them to show up to figure that out.

It's as simple as looking up in the sky at night.

Intelligent life is out there.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

And this is why I generally just work on ignoring people who are buried neck deep in their need for conspiracy theories.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them think. Best to just leave them be and perhaps swing back by in a few years and ask them what became of their 2012 theories and "evidence" and hope they haven't forgotten all about that but now are deep into another one.



I don't disbelieve you had... something happen. Here's the thing. Scientifically speaking, eyewitness accounts - yeah, they're pretty much useless. Now, even saying "Well, I was with my two buddies!" - ok, we have a tendancy to start comparing in a group, modifying, and reinforcing each others conclusions, even if they're *completely* wrong. Feeling like you're being watched? That's absolutely ancient. We (daylight) humans tend to fear the dark, the hidden, the unknown. We make up monsters, gods and demons - and aliens - to fill those spots.

If you want to prove to me - or anyone else, and have me say "OK. I'm now paying attention. I believe you" to being abducted? You just said you saw "technology beyond what we have here." ... we have some pretty funky tech in spaces. If at all possible, *grab proof.* I don't mean reach for the Super Quantum Defluxibiliator Ray And Pizza Oven. *ANYTHING* there is going to be different than anything here - the manufacturing marks, the warning label, the preferred alloys. Grab their version of a ballpoint pen and stick it somewhere. Then *take it to a scientist.* Take it to a metallurgist. Without saying "I was with these aliens," see what they say.

When they tell you "I haven't seen anything like this, this is unusual," and they've deduced *for themselves* that it's not something from around these parts, THEN tell them what you saw and experienced.

If you couldnt' grab something, but know (not think you know but *know*) the location, bring people back there. If the aliens are still there, you now have a repeatable experiment - and the area can be checked for anything that can cause a change in sensation (after all, the Greek oracles "spoke to the gods" because they were getting buzzed on volcanic gasses and the like.) If they aren't there, but they physically were previously, *something* will be left. You have mass and matter on top of other matter, energy being directed, whatever. Not as good, but "something" would have been there.

We don't need for them to show up to figure that out.

It's as simple as looking up in the sky at night.

Intelligent life is out there.
If you read back, I fully expect there to be intelligent life "out there." The odds favor it. After all, life, as we know it, is made up of some of the most common elements in the universe. And planetary systems? You can't throw a rock without hitting one, it seems. So, yes, I do believe "intelligent life is out there."

Until I have proof, though, I don't believe they've gone from out there to visiting here.