Mexican government releases New Mayan Alien Artifacts for Documentary




Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
<takes aspirin>
I really don't think Apophosis will hit us; just pointing out there is a statistically small chance of it happening. Come 2029, we'll have better information, and can narrow it down to either it will hit us or it won't. Until then, we can only say that it is almost a certainty that it will not hit us.

Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Someone (3) won because over 600 million tickets were bought. In the case of the Apophis, it only has one chance.
True enough.

I'm not paranoid about Apophis or aliens for that matter; far more pressing things in this world that are well documented to worry about. I also don't believe in discounting any possibility no matter how far-fetched; just because I don't believe in faeries or Sasquatch doesn't mean that they don't exist. For example, when a scientist in Australia sent colleagues both a sketch of and fur from a platypus, his colleagues were sure that it was a hoax.

I am a skeptic; however, it would be wonderful to be proven wrong. (Well, at least in the cases of aliens, faeries, and the like. I'm comfortable being a skeptic in terms of Apophis and the Mayan apocalypse.)

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



I do believe that there is life in space and that we are not the only living beings. But I also believe that they are not that advanced to visit us yet (same as we can not visit them yet).
Maybe one day we will meed other life forms in our universe, if we stop with self-destruction.

I don't think that anything apocalyptic will happen this year, but if we don't start caring about our planet, generation that will follow will have very big problem.
I am more worried of reaching "Soylent-Green is people" scenario then about some meteor falling from sky or alien invasion. It might not happen while we are alive, might not happen while our children are alive, but what about grandchildren?

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)