Give Scrappers a real inherent power




Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I like my Scrappers to tank everything from level 10 and beyond, no exceptions.
See, there's the difference between you and me. I don't want my scrappers to be tanks. I want my scrappers to be scrappers. If I wanted to play a tank, I'd play a tanker. They have a class for that.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
You can do all that Scrappers are meant to do with one Scrapper
I do, frequently. And I actually do what scrappers are meant to do, not what tankers are meant to do.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
or you can leave out confront because you have no idea of how not to build/live without combat jump or something stupid like that.
Or I could leave out confront because I don't need it. Why waste a power pick on a useless power when I can have something awesome (like combat jumping) instead.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Not only am I glad you are not a dev, but I am also glad that they tend to ignore people that make merit less suggestions that would take their time away from things that have merit.
I had a reply, but decided there was no reason for me to become a troll too.

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Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Were Stalkers able to solo as effectively as Brutes/Scrappers(/Tankers)?

Were they able to perform as well as Brutes/Scrappers in their team role of damage, when considering their (Normal) lack of AoE and decreased survivability?

If your answer is "yes" to either one, you're lying.

Stalkers could not solo as effectively as Brutes or Scrappers due to their, generally radically, altered melee sets. CoX is a game of AoE, we can't deny that in 2012.

Additionally, even with their team-buffed 30% Crit Rate before their buff, Stalkers were not keeping up with Scrappers or Brutes. And don't pull a TwoHeadedBoy and say your KM/StJ/MA Stalker was keeping up. Those three sets do not define the AT as a whole. Oh, and those sets perform better on those AT's anyway (Sans StJ now, Stalker version could use a bit of a nerf. A small one.)

Stalkers did not perform on the same level as their brothers/sisters/whatever. Period. It's not even debatable. They had far less survivability and did less damage.

=/= Logic?
But by the logic that people are using to oppose this, yes it's quite relevant. You're not saying that Stalkers were weaker. Just that they were weaker than their brothers. Brutes and Scrappers are very strong. Stalkers were very strong. People just wanted Stalkers to be stronger.

As you have admitted, Stalkers were not hurting. They just weren't as good as Scrappers or Brutes. If an AT can have no trouble solo or in groups, but still gets a very substantial buff, then there is absolutely no need for me to justify anything.

Stalkers didn't NEED a buff. The players of Stalker WANTED a buff. They got it. Good for them. It is now entirely fair for Scrapper players to ask for something since their entire inherent is substantially weaker than Stalkers.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I had a reply, but decided there was no reason for me to become a troll too.
That train left the station long ago mate...long ago.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Stalkers didn't NEED a buff. The players of Stalker WANTED a buff. They got it. Good for them. It is now entirely fair for Scrapper players to ask for something since their entire inherent is substantially weaker than Stalkers.
And lo, power creep.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Stalkers didn't NEED a buff. The players of Stalker WANTED a buff.
The devs felt they did need a buff. The devs did not make the changes just because players wanted it, that is a misrepresentation of the facts.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
That train left the station long ago mate...long ago.
See I feel the same way, except about you. It is possible that we are both right I guess. I have attempted to be constructive though, I refuse to back down from my stance. EG is at this point doing a far better job of arguing it than I ever could.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It is now entirely fair for Scrapper players to ask for something since their entire inherent is substantially weaker than Stalkers.
Inherent powers are kludges to fix AT imbalances, starting with Scrappers getting Criticals to help their damage.

You can have balanced ATs, or you can have balanced Inherent powers. You can't have both.



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Inherent powers are kludges to fix AT imbalances, starting with Scrappers getting Criticals to help their damage.
Actually, scrappers had criticals from day one. It was never a kludge to fix AT imbalance. Other inherents have been added over time to fix AT imbalances until CoV came out. With CoV, all the classes were designed with inherents in mind from the beginning.

Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
You can have balanced ATs, or you can have balanced Inherent powers. You can't have both.
False dichotomy. There's no reason you can't have balanced ATs and balanced inherent powers.

However, I don't really care whether the inherents are balanced against each other. I care whether the archetypes are. If an archetype is strong enough that even with a weak inherent it is on par with the other archetypes that have stronger inherents, than that is fine with me.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Actually, scrappers had criticals from day one. It was never a kludge to fix AT imbalance. Other inherents have been added over time to fix AT imbalances until CoV came out. With CoV, all the classes were designed with inherents in mind from the beginning.
According to Paragonwiki, only a few Scrapper attacks could crit originally - the ones that have bonus crit chance now. Crits were added to all attacks in issue 1, and crits as we know them, with CRITICAL text and the higher chance against Lt+ were added in issue 2. As I recall, this was presented along with dev comments that a Scrapper's role on a team was as a boss killer - that is, it was designed to fix the (perceived?) imbalance of Scrappers not having a place on a team.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
There's no reason you can't have balanced ATs and balanced inherent powers.
The reason is trying to pull this off would drive the devs insane.

However, I don't really care whether the inherents are balanced against each other. I care whether the archetypes are. If an archetype is strong enough that even with a weak inherent it is on par with the other archetypes that have stronger inherents, than that is fine with me.
I agree.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Stalkers didn't NEED a buff. The players of Stalker WANTED a buff. They got it. Good for them.
Stalkers were playable, but they needed the buff because they were noticeably under-performing in their role as the melee glass cannons and masters of single-target damage. Now they have nice pylon times like brutes and scraps, so something was done right - if you ask the pylons.

It is now entirely fair for Scrapper players to ask for something since their entire inherent is substantially weaker than Stalkers.
Define 'substantially weaker'. Or why this matters when you take in effect scrappers' higher damage mod, damage auras, AoEs, and better survivability compared to stalkers.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
And lo, power creep.
That train has not only left the station. It's made it to its destination. We're at a point where power creep isn't even a reasonable argument anymore. There hasn't been any AT in years that hasn't been able to survive solo and contribute to a team.

The justification for just about every buff we've seen in the last 2-3 years has been to make them more 'fun' either solo or in groups. So why not give Scrappers something for when they are in groups.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Inherent powers are kludges to fix AT imbalances, starting with Scrappers getting Criticals to help their damage.

You can have balanced ATs, or you can have balanced Inherent powers. You can't have both.
Right now we have neither. Balance among the 4 melee ATs is just about meaningless. Three of the four are clearly tank mages and the fourth, Tanks, is currently under evaluation by the devs.

Inherent powers STARTED as kludges to fix AT imbalances. But that's not why Defenders got their inherent, nor why it got buffed. Honestly, it seems to me that the devs buff ATs just to get more people to play them. For the life of me, I can't see how Stalkers deserved a buff before Blasters and I pray Arcanaville wins her crusade regarding them.

Balance would not allow the majority of ATs to handle group content with ease, even considering Inventions. But that's where we are. The game is off the rails. These high minded arguments that we need to maintain 'balance' lost me when you gave an AT with: Stealth, an aggro drop, a better version of the Scrapper inherent, an AoE fear on the ST nuke, & controlled crits even more buffs.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Stalkers were playable, but they needed the buff because they were noticeably under-performing in their role as the melee glass cannons and masters of single-target damage. Now they have nice pylon times like brutes and scraps, so something was done right - if you ask the pylons.
Let's parse that out. Blasters can reasonably be called 'glass cannons'. Stalkers have 134 less HP at level 50 than Scrappers. They are not and never have been a 'glass cannon'.

As for masters of single-target damage. I could get on board with that. However, every new set has retained its AoE in the Stalker version. Hell, Kinetic Melee is MUCH better on Stalkers than it is on anyone else because they get AS instead of that useless Repulsing Torrent. And Castle would never admit it to me, but I'm sure that was intentional.

While I don't understand why such a massive buff was necessary, I don't begrudge Stalkers the buff. I don't see why people are so actively opposed to an ally-only buff for Scrappers.

As for pylons. When you have ATs doing solo what was originally designed to be a raid target....sigh. Let me ask you this; do you really think balance means anything at this point?

Define 'substantially weaker'. Or why this matters when you take in effect scrappers' higher damage mod, damage auras, AoEs, and better survivability compared to stalkers.
  • Higher damage mod - Where's my controlled crits? Or my scaling crit rate in teams? Or my 50% AoE crit rate from Hide. That's before the recent buff.
  • Damage auras - My Regen has a damage aura? Where? Can you show it to me? I can't believe I was such a noob.
  • AoEs - Stalker Kinetic, Electric, Street Justice, Staff, Spines say hi!
  • Survivability - When Stalkers were asking for buffs I said many, many times, equalize their HP with Scrappers. That would have been fairer. Nobody wanted the 134 Health. The wanted to continue to make the argument that they were weaker than Scrappers. No matter how minute that difference was.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I can't think of much else scrappers could use really. Maybe take the crit inherent and give it a scaling effect as teammates fall. The chance for crits increase when teammates go down, in order to be what most scrappers think they are, the team's savior.

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
While I don't understand why such a massive buff was necessary, I don't begrudge Stalkers the buff.
Well I do. But then I feel I'm at least entitled to begrudge since I've been playing them back when their crit rate was tied to the foe being held or slept.

That is to say, I'm not wishing the old Stalker was back, but I'm not bias either. Putting their Max HP and HP cap up to where it is blurs Scrapper and Stalker survival. Giving them inherent crits blurs their roles. Neither of those are bad on their own, but together it's iffy. Then go and add utility (demoralize), scaling crits, give them sets that retain their AoE, then make their situational attack just another button to mash and you practically have *NO* distinction. The only real difference is one hits hard from crits and the other just hits hard (and can crit).

I'm not campaigning for changes to be reverted but I wish the people defending Stalkers right now would just plain admit there could have been so many better ways to improve Stalkers than this...



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Let's parse that out. Blasters can reasonably be called 'glass cannons'. Stalkers have 134 less HP at level 50 than Scrappers. They are not and never have been a 'glass cannon'.
60% resist to 75% resist. The only set with any meaningful DDR still has less than its scrapper equivalent. Willpower comes with a click heal instead of regen. Heck, the most popular secondary is the one with a quick heal, mass slow, mass confuse, and mass placate as its second line of defense.

Compared to all the other melees? Yeah, its a glass cannon.

While I don't understand why such a massive buff was necessary, I don't begrudge Stalkers the buff. I don't see why people are so actively opposed to an ally-only buff for Scrappers.
What purpose does an ally-only buff fufill? Why the heck does a scrapper even need an ally-only buff beyond 'well the stalkers got a buff'?

As for pylons. When you have ATs doing solo what was originally designed to be a raid target....sigh. Let me ask you this; do you really think balance means anything at this point?
Considering there's now balance between tanks, brutes, scraps, and stalkers, I will say yes, balance does mean something.

[*]Higher damage mod - Where's my controlled crits? Or my scaling crit rate in teams? Or my 50% AoE crit rate from Hide. That's before the recent buff.
Stalkers outperforming scrappers in single-target damage was always as intended.

Damage auras - My Regen has a damage aura? Where? Can you show it to me? I can't believe I was such a noob.
So the damage auras in fire, elec, and dark don't count?

AoEs - Stalker Kinetic, Electric, Street Justice, Staff, Spines say hi!
So the lack of AoEs in Katana, Broadsword, Martial Arts et al don't count?

Survivability - When Stalkers were asking for buffs I said many, many times, equalize their HP with Scrappers. That would have been fairer. Nobody wanted the 134 Health. The wanted to continue to make the argument that they were weaker than Scrappers. No matter how minute that difference was.
Equalizing their HP doesn't fix the lack of resistance or reliance on clicky heals and gimmicks. And they weer supposed to be weaker than scrappers - that's the trade-off for being better at single targets than scrappers.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
60% resist to 75% resist.
What are you talking about? Stalkers and Scrappers (and Brutes) have a .75 resistance mod.

The only set with any meaningful DDR still has less than its scrapper equivalent.
How many Scrapper sets other than Super Reflexes have 'meaningful DDR'?

Willpower comes with a click heal instead of regen.
That is not a point in your favor. Reconstruction provides toxic resists, it's healing. Saturated to ten targets RTTC gives 633% Regen. That's heals a bit more than 1.5 of your max health in one minute. That's assuming you can keep ten targets around you for the whole minute.

Reconstruction with SOs returns 50% health every 30 seconds. And it benefits from additional recharge. Get it to 20 second recharge (which my Stalker and Scrapper does) and it heals as much as a fully saturated RTTC and you don't have to have keep any NPCs around you. And Recon can heal through burst damage. And as I said, it gives toxic resists.

Compared to all the other melees? Yeah, its a glass cannon.
134 Health makes you a glass cannon? Because that's the difference.

What purpose does an ally-only buff fufill? Why the heck does a scrapper even need an ally-only buff beyond 'well the stalkers got a buff'?
That was the basis for the Stalker buff, so why not?

Stalkers outperforming scrappers in single-target damage was always as intended.
And they did. You just couldn't faceroll to do it.

So the damage auras in fire, elec, and dark don't count?
You're counting it as a benefit when only a 1/3 of the sets have it. So no they don't count in Inter-AT balance.

So the lack of AoEs in Katana, Broadsword, Martial Arts et al don't count?
Katana and Broadsword have 130 degree cones. So no, they don't count. I'll give you Martial Arts.

Equalizing their HP doesn't fix the lack of resistance
Which is good since there is no difference.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
See I feel the same way, except about you. It is possible that we are both right I guess. I have attempted to be constructive though, I refuse to back down from my stance. EG is at this point doing a far better job of arguing it than I ever could.
I have no real idea what you are going on about other than you trying to make this some kind of personal thing which it is not for me.

I don't see a thing constructive about multi thread campaigns to make the suggested changes at all. Maybe the devs do and will adapt something that was suggested, but since they have a full plate already I doubt merit less changes are high on the list. YMMV.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I'm not campaigning for changes to be reverted but I wish the people defending Stalkers right now would just plain admit there could have been so many better ways to improve Stalkers than this...

I actually didn't care if Stalkers wound up better than Scrappers. I play plenty of Stalkers and they were the first AT I beta tested during CoVs beta. I love the AT. But I think that the always on crit chance and the scaling crits were a cop out.

Especially when there are so many examples of 'rogue' ATs in the MMORPG space.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I have no real idea what you are going on about other than you trying to make this some kind of personal thing which it is not for me.
You are correct, and I apologize.

As for the multiple thread portion, I would prefer if it were in one thread, but it is not. Each thread is so long now I am not sure it is even fair to request a merger of the threads.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
  • Higher damage mod - Where's my controlled crits? Or my scaling crit rate in teams? Or my 50% AoE crit rate from Hide. That's before the recent buff.
  • Damage auras - My Regen has a damage aura? Where? Can you show it to me? I can't believe I was such a noob.
  • AoEs - Stalker Kinetic, Electric, Street Justice, Staff, Spines say hi!
  • Survivability - When Stalkers were asking for buffs I said many, many times, equalize their HP with Scrappers. That would have been fairer. Nobody wanted the 134 Health. The wanted to continue to make the argument that they were weaker than Scrappers. No matter how minute that difference was.
You are forgeting that scrappers get a higher self buff mod too.
You are also glossing over the fact that even with all those tricks stalkers
barely outdamage scrappers single target (yeah I know Street Justice) and
its no question who wins the aoe fight.

Stalkers were a dying species before these changes, they were necessary.
You claim that stalkers were outdamaging scrappers single target before the changes, and Yes in unrealistic even on paper hedge cases it did happen rarely (good luck getting 5 teamates in your team buff radius...) but it was marginal.

If you can find a way to buff Scrappers while maintaining Stalker Single target Supremacy (as is intended, and finally reality in practice) more power to you.

I still think it needs to be low on the the developer priority list.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Outside of badges and my attempt to like non-melee during x2 xp, I have been playing nothing but stalkers. They are fun now, that is a good thing. I do think the buffs may have been too much on top of things that were already there, but I really don't care. What is important is that they are fun now, and I see plenty of them in the game. Stalkers are good stuff now.

Scrappers are not bad stuff, they are not in any form of trouble in the game. What they lack is their own "thing" something that is unique to them. They have no ability that is their own, that is not shared in some form with the other melee ATs. That is the point that some of us are trying to make in multiple threads.

I agree with EG, power creep, and balance are really nonexistent in this game. However it is a superhero game and I don't think things should be perfectly balanced in PvE. We have mission sliders to set our own challenges, incarnate trials and zones to use.

Even with that in mind there are things that will affect what little balance there is less than others.

I do not like EG's original suggestion. I could care less what a mob's stats are, am going to attack it either way. A team buff would be cool, but that doesn't really excite me either. More end would excite me, but that can be done by adding Superior Conditioning to the body pool for scrappers. I think it would be cooler if it were an inherent to scrappers, but I may be the only one.

I just want something unique for the Scrapper, because right now they lack that.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Scrappers are not bad stuff, they are not in any form of trouble in the game. What they lack is their own "thing" something that is unique to them. They have no ability that is their own, that is not shared in some form with the other melee ATs. That is the point that some of us are trying to make in multiple threads.
But it's not a point, it's just your own preference. Several others in other threads have expressed their preference that they like having a no-frills self-sufficient damage dealer available to them. Each preference has equal validity.

When Stalkers were being pushed for a buff, it was possible to list reasons. "Given the assumption that all ATs should be viable options, the fact that so few people play Stalkers presents a problem. They do not fulfill their intended role well enough, and properly utilizing their available powers requires a slow pace that very few people find fun."

That is an argument. Your argument in each of these Scrapper threads has been, "I think Scrappers should get a unique mechanic because I think each AT should get a unique mechanic." That's not compelling. That's just your preference. If a majority of people plus the devs shared your preference, it wouldn't be an issue, and it might even be counted as a core assumption. But they don't.

Now, I can see an argument for ensuring each AT is unique. After all, if two ATs aren't sufficiently differentiated, why have two ATs at all? However, an AT encompasses more than just the inherent, and I do not believe it has been shown that Scrappers are not sufficiently differentiated.

Yes, I realize you personally have been making a distinction between NEED and WANT, but rather than simply stating your preference and leaving it at that, you've been pursuing it pretty aggressively, as if you think your wants are what should be prioritized. When you're spending your own money or time, you can indulge your own wants without any justification, but here you're arguing that your wants deserve development time that could instead be used on things that have better justification for dev attention.

That's why you get people pushing back against you and EG, even people who might otherwise enjoy a small Scrapper buff. This is the City of Heroes equivalent of First World Problems.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.