Give Scrappers a real inherent power




Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Just because you skip a power because you find it useless doesnt make it useless. You are giving away your limitations as a Scrapper as we speak.
I'd use that "not sure if serious" image here, but I know that you're serious.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I know, it's really... really sad.

Sure, the idea to make Confront a little more unique is interesting. If it was merited or even possibly needed. Scrappers get enough survivability as it is and are unique enough as it is. If a Scrapper player can't even see how a Scrapper plays differently (and in good ways) compared to Brutes and Stalkers, this conversation is doomed for a resolution.

Nothing suggested in the OP would make my Scrappers more unique than they already are (and they are unique compared to my Stalkers and Brutes), and I would much rather see dev time focused on something that is actually needed in game.

Like I said earlier, this is the 1% complaining about how the 99% might actually be evening the field by a slight bit. It's silly to even be having this conversation, but I suspect it's lasted this long due to the gawker status merited from watching people that want to have their cake and eat it too. The only thing that could make this worse is if we were rickrolled and linked to Jersey Shore reruns at the same time. *shudders*

What would a Jersey Shore version of a rickroll be, anyway? A Snookibomb? *shudders again*
I feel ya.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Just because you skip a power because you find it useless doesnt make it useless.
When 90% of the people playing the game skip it because they think it's useless, it's a good sign that it's pretty useless. You're the odd man out here Dawn, not me.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
You are giving away your limitations as a Scrapper as we speak.
Not wanting to be a half-***** tank when I'm playing a scrapper is a limitation? Usually though, I've found that if I really want something's attention, running up to it and punching it in the face works quite well.



I think the best Scrapper new inherent should be a special Prestige sprint called "Swagger." This and by default any trip to the tailor involves a new scaling feature for breast size or crotch lumpage that is far bigger than what can be obtained by all other AT's.

Hey, its about as useful as EG's idea and far easier to implement.



My idea is:

Confront - higher magnitude than Tanker taunt, but is balanced by only being able to affect one target. If it's applied to a new target, the old target can be 'stolen' by other taunts. This allows a Scrapper to take specific targets out of mobs which are being taunted.

Is it almost worthless? Yes... XD

Seriously speaking, even though I like Stalkers, the idea of them using the crit system, and in a better way (they get flat rate of 10% chance to crit enemies before teammates and Assassin's Focus comes into play) is kind of jerking the Scrapper's chain a little, haha. Bumping the critical rate is no good since it would make them unbalanced, since they're already a top-tier AT - not to mention enemies which use the critical system such as Cimerorans and Warworks Victorias. So any change can't be too great.

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Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
I think the best Scrapper new inherent should be a special Prestige sprint called "Swagger." This and by default any trip to the tailor involves a new scaling feature for breast size or crotch lumpage that is far bigger than what can be obtained by all other AT's.

Hey, its about as useful as EG's idea and far easier to implement.

"Crotch lumpage" LOL!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post

"Crotch lumpage" LOL!

Ok, I officially support the inclusion of the 'package slider.'

Because that'd be HILARIOUS.



Originally Posted by Resolve View Post
darn I wasted that crit on the guy who was almost down. And my first proper stalker is just coming up, but on a stalker the random criticals feel insignificant compared to the "generated" ones.
I suggested a while back, that scrapper criticals should be tweaked a bit.

The simplest way would be to double the critical percentage chance, but criticals can only fire when the bad guy is above 49 percent health. The mechanism to tie an effect to a foes health already exists, so why not? This makes criticals more effective by reducing wastage damage.

A more sophisticated version makes scrapper criticals stop firing when a target's hit points fall below a certain level, say, 10 hitpoints per level. Yes, this stops crits against minions, but really, do you NEED those? To compensate, the critical chance is increased by a hefty amount, say, increased to a base 45 percent chance versus 10. (I pick that number, 45 percent, to keep the total number of criticals about the same, since all the ones that used to hit minions are now concentrated on healthy lt's and bosses. It may need to be tweaked with maths. MATHS!!)

This makes scrappers more damaging against lt's, a bit, much more damaging against bosses and higher, but a bit less effective against minions. An overall boost, but not overpowering in any way, and it for sure would be different.

Just my two cents!



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

Ok, I officially support the inclusion of the 'package slider.'

Because that'd be HILARIOUS.
Every one of my scrappers would look like he was carrying a pool noodle in his boxers.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Every one of my scrappers would look like he was carrying a pool noodle in his boxers.


Ok, see?! HILARIOUS!!



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I know, it's really... really sad.

Sure, the idea to make Confront a little more unique is interesting. If it was merited or even possibly needed. Scrappers get enough survivability as it is and are unique enough as it is. If a Scrapper player can't even see how a Scrapper plays differently (and in good ways) compared to Brutes and Stalkers, this conversation is doomed for a resolution.

Nothing suggested in the OP would make my Scrappers more unique than they already are (and they are unique compared to my Stalkers and Brutes), and I would much rather see dev time focused on something that is actually needed in game.

Like I said earlier, this is the 1% complaining about how the 99% might actually be evening the field by a slight bit. It's silly to even be having this conversation, but I suspect it's lasted this long due to the gawker status merited from watching people that want to have their cake and eat it too. The only thing that could make this worse is if we were rickrolled and linked to Jersey Shore reruns at the same time. *shudders*

What would a Jersey Shore version of a rickroll be, anyway? A Snookibomb? *shudders again*
Nonsense. There is exactly ONE AT in this game that isn't currently overpowered and that's Blasters. And there are several threads going on about that already. The Scrapper AT has no unique properties, unless you count having no unique properties as a unique property.

Defenders got an inherent originally simply to give them an inherent. It was buffed for QOL reasons to give the preeminent group AT a little help solo. So yes, I think it's quite warranted for Scrapper to get a QOL change here. Both to give the AT something unique and now that I think of it, to give them a little help in teams.

This isn't going away. It became inevitable once players of other ATs which needed no help decided they were going to go for it all. Well, they got it. Now my Scrappers, some of whom predated the ATs in question want some of their uniqueness back.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
I suggested a while back, that scrapper criticals should be tweaked a bit.

The simplest way would be to double the critical percentage chance, but criticals can only fire when the bad guy is above 49 percent health. The mechanism to tie an effect to a foes health already exists, so why not? This makes criticals more effective by reducing wastage damage.

A more sophisticated version makes scrapper criticals stop firing when a target's hit points fall below a certain level, say, 10 hitpoints per level. Yes, this stops crits against minions, but really, do you NEED those? To compensate, the critical chance is increased by a hefty amount, say, increased to a base 45 percent chance versus 10. (I pick that number, 45 percent, to keep the total number of criticals about the same, since all the ones that used to hit minions are now concentrated on healthy lt's and bosses. It may need to be tweaked with maths. MATHS!!)

This makes scrappers more damaging against lt's, a bit, much more damaging against bosses and higher, but a bit less effective against minions. An overall boost, but not overpowering in any way, and it for sure would be different.

Just my two cents!
Great idea!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
When 90% of the people playing the game skip it because they think it's useless, it's a good sign that it's pretty useless. You're the odd man out here Dawn, not me.

Not wanting to be a half-***** tank when I'm playing a scrapper is a limitation? Usually though, I've found that if I really want something's attention, running up to it and punching it in the face works quite well.
Likewise 90% of the people were never in the top 5% of the most intelligent people either what does that tell you?

The Scrapper AT is defined by what's in its Primary and then what's in its Secondary. It's role was to lead in Raw DPS and do things like take on AVs. A Monkey can be trained to stand before a keyboard and press 1,2,3 until an AV gets defeated, but it would be even more difficult to get that Monkey to know what else to attract, because they knew who needed to be saved whilst fighting that AV.

In 7 years of playing I have come across many Brutes and Scrappers who think they are Rockstars, they believe that they are the only one on the team and their skillz was all that anybody else would think was enough. Telling me that they can run up to things and hit it for attention.
They were never rockstars, they never could always run upto things for attention, they often missed key targets who went onto take out the Defender who just so happened to be the one making them look like rockstars. So often. Most played like planks, oblivious to what else they could of done that would of been better for the team. I expect most Scrappers log in and have one notion and that's go kill stuff whilst everybody else is a sidekick, a spectator there to celebrate when a Scrapper is the last one standing, never mind the idea that the Scrapper could of prevented those other peoples defeats.

I believe that Scrappers could solo the Menders Silos TF on the hardest setting. Go in and come out undefeated, freeing every single hostage and having them alive for a massive group picture. That's to me what they're capable of, taking out every Arachnos AV in turn, letting no hostage die, getting Jade Spider sorted not some Rikti Pylon test or one AV whilst nothing else is going on or nothing else could instantly go wrong.

With SOs, tier 1s got skipped, with IOs two Primaries could easily be skipped, with Incarnates more can be skipped, how much "look at me survivability" does a Scrapper need before they start adopting powers that can help others by controlling a situation quickly and properly, and actually make a non half ***** challenge for a change?

I'm backing the bigger crutch idea, that just suits the mentality of 90% to me.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Nonsense. There is exactly ONE AT in this game that isn't currently overpowered and that's Blasters. And there are several threads going on about that already. The Scrapper AT has no unique properties, unless you count having no unique properties as a unique property.

Defenders got an inherent originally simply to give them an inherent. It was buffed for QOL reasons to give the preeminent group AT a little help solo. So yes, I think it's quite warranted for Scrapper to get a QOL change here. Both to give the AT something unique and now that I think of it, to give them a little help in teams.

This isn't going away. It became inevitable once players of other ATs which needed no help decided they were going to go for it all. Well, they got it. Now my Scrappers, some of whom predated the ATs in question want some of their uniqueness back.
This sums it up for me.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Likewise 90% of the people were never in the top 5% of the most intelligent people either what does that tell you?
That you think a little too highly of yourself for being one of the few people in the game that doesn't see a mediocre situational power for what it is.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
The Scrapper AT is defined by what's in its Primary and then what's in its Secondary.
Well yes, that's true for every AT though. And most powersets have at least one skippable power. It's just that with scrapper primaries, it's the same power in every one.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
It's role was to lead in Raw DPS and do things like take on AVs.
Actually, scrappers were not originally designed to be DPS machines like they are now. That role belonged to blasters.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
A Monkey can be trained to stand before a keyboard and press 1,2,3 until an AV gets defeated, but it would be even more difficult to get that Monkey to know what else to attract, because they knew who needed to be saved whilst fighting that AV.
Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Managing aggro is not a scrapper's job. That's a tank's job, and to a lesser extent a brute's job. That's why brutes and tanks are given tools which are actually good at managing aggro and for the most part scrappers are not.

In 7 years of playing I have come across many Brutes and Scrappers who think they are Rockstars, they believe that they are the only one on the team and their skillz was all that anybody else would think was enough. Telling me that they can run up to things and hit it for attention.
They were never rockstars, they never could always run upto things for attention, they often missed key targets who went onto take out the Defender who just so happened to be the one making them look like rockstars. So often. Most played like planks, oblivious to what else they could of done that would of been better for the team. I expect most Scrappers log in and have one notion and that's go kill stuff whilst everybody else is a sidekick, a spectator there to celebrate when a Scrapper is the last one standing, never mind the idea that the Scrapper could of prevented those other peoples defeats.
Again, you're confusing the role of a tank (aggro management and damage sponge) with the role of a scrapper.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I believe that Scrappers could solo the Menders Silos TF on the hardest setting. Go in and come out undefeated, freeing every single hostage and having them alive for a massive group picture. That's to me what they're capable of, taking out every Arachnos AV in turn, letting no hostage die, getting Jade Spider sorted not some Rikti Pylon test or one AV whilst nothing else is going on or nothing else could instantly go wrong.
And confront is useful for soloing the Mender Silos TF how? I question that most scrappers could solo the Mender Silos TF on 54/x8. Even among AV soloers, doing so would be quite a feat due to how difficult Lord Recluse is, and how much harder +4 AVs are than even cons.

I tried it myself back before the changes to the difficulty settings, and the AVs were 51's I believe. I took out all of them except Lord Recluse, but it took me probably close to 2 hours to do it all.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
With SOs, tier 1s got skipped, with IOs two Primaries could easily be skipped, with Incarnates more can be skipped, how much "look at me survivability" does a Scrapper need before they start adopting powers that can help others by controlling a situation quickly and properly, and actually make a non half ***** challenge for a change?
I don't think it really matters how much 'look at me survivability' they get, since at no point have significant numbers of people ever taken confront. It has always been skippable.



I don't think it really matters how much 'look at me survivability' they get, since at no point have significant numbers of people ever taken confront. It has always been skippable.
I have never taken it, but I would hate to see it change. If it were a good power my builds would get even tighter than they are. :P

Increase the endurance max (with a level scaling bonus) of a scrapper and be done with it.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



If the only use you can think of for confront is pulling aggro off of teammates you have no idea how to use it.



You know, I might be on board if this was actually a well though out idea to make scrappers more fun without seriously changing them, but this isnt in the slightest. Its something you want, not something scrappers need to make them a interesting AT. Why work on worthless fluff that will benefit only a small percentage of the number crunches that actually care about in game enemy stats? Especially when a extremely cheap temp power is already available that does exactly what you want and is available to any AT?

And just the fact that you want "fluff" alone and not a true improvement makes this thread incredibly silly. Use this effort to get the time spent on something worthy. You know, something other than "fluff" and that will actually matter to the game as a whole. After all, you are "the guy that gets everything he wants"... use your powers wisely.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Right, a lesson in perspective from the side who thinks Stalkers haven't become absurd? If people thought Scrappers were powerful before but now Stalkers do better, just do some simple arithmetic. What happens when Stalkers get Titan Weapons? What happens when Stalkers get Fire Melee? Fiery Aura?

The same thing that happens when any powerset goes to Stalkers: several powers are replaced, resulting in a set that is similar to but not identical to the set that was proliferated. Placate, Hide, and Assassin's Strike are not free. That is what several folks seem to be glossing over. You don't get these powers in addition to what a Scrapper is getting, you get them in their place. And any armor you get gets the lowest values of any armored set in the game.

Generally speaking, I'd much rather have whatever Placate replaced than Placate. Assassin's Strike is good but you have to give up an AoE power to get it. You get no damage auras at all from your armors, essentially meaning some combos give up two AoEs.

If Scrappers really need a "special" inherent, you can change the text on "Critical" to "Eviscerate" or something and get the same effect. The only AT that shares the same mechanic can't do achieve it with the same set of powers. And Scrapper Critical is hardly something to sneeze at.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
This isn't going away. It became inevitable once players of other ATs which needed no help decided they were going to go for it all. Well, they got it. Now my Scrappers, some of whom predated the ATs in question want some of their uniqueness back.
The bolded part is your opinion, and I feel comfortable in saying it's not an opinion that was representative of the majority for the ATs in question.

I do not believe that to be the case in this scenario.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Placate, Hide, and Assassin's Strike are not free. That is what several folks seem to be glossing over. You don't get these powers in addition to what a Scrapper is getting, you get them in their place.
This isn't universally true. Some sets (SR and EA specifically) do get hide in addition to everything a scrapper gets.

And while placate does replace a power in the primary, it's a fairly useless one.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
This isn't universally true. Some sets (SR and EA specifically) do get hide in addition to everything a scrapper gets.

And while placate does replace a power in the primary, it's a fairly useless one.
SR gives up one of it's passives, meaning it gets a little less Defense Debuff Resistance (Even with T4 Agility, a Stalker only gets 86.4% DDR compared to a Scrapper reaching 97% Before Alpha is even factored in) and they also get 2/3s the scaling resistance that the Scrapper gets.

EA gives up two powers and gains one. I'm not going to touch Disrupt because it seems terrible on paper (the end drain alone makes it unusable in my book) so instead I'll compare the other differences.

Kinetic Dampening gives the same Smashing/Lethal/Negative/Toxic Resistance of the two passives brutes/scrappers get, and it gives the same slow resistance found in Energy Protection. What stalkers don't get is the end drain resistance and approximately 5 and a half percent energy resistance.

On the other hand, while hide gives much larger defense/stealth radius than Energy Cloak prior to engaging enemies, it gives a fraction of that once you engage the enemy. As a result Energy Aura Brutes were ironically more survivable than Energy Aura Stalkers because they did not draw additional aggro because their Stealth power remained active.

Of course, considering EA started out as a Stalker set and was ported to Brutes because Ice Armor didn't work out in CoV Beta, it's more like the Brutes got a couple extra things rather than stalkers cutting things out.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
A Monkey can be trained to stand before a keyboard and press 1,2,3 until an AV gets defeated
Right, and you just have Confront in the 1 slot. Welcome to the monkey training club.

I honestly don't see how using a taunt somehow makes you smart or a superior player. I certainly took it on my Katana Scrapper but not because I think it puts me in some top 5% or something. Heck, I only use it because it looks cool >_>



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post

In 7 years of playing I have come across many Brutes and Scrappers who think they are Rockstars, they believe that they are the only one on the team and their skillz was all that anybody else would think was enough. Telling me that they can run up to things and hit it for attention.
They were never rockstars, they never could always run upto things for attention, they often missed key targets who went onto take out the Defender who just so happened to be the one making them look like rockstars. So often. Most played like planks, oblivious to what else they could of done that would of been better for the team. I expect most Scrappers log in and have one notion and that's go kill stuff whilst everybody else is a sidekick, a spectator there to celebrate when a Scrapper is the last one standing, never mind the idea that the Scrapper could of prevented those other peoples defeats.
Sorry for double posts;

Who are these lame-*** Defenders and Blasters that all crumple at the mere presence of 'a key target'? Maybe those n00bs need to take confront so they aren't **** that needs constant babysitting by the 'big strong muscley fighter' who probably has better things to getting off his lazy duff to try and punch something before my corruptor kills it first.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Nonsense. There is exactly ONE AT in this game that isn't currently overpowered and that's Blasters. And there are several threads going on about that already. The Scrapper AT has no unique properties, unless you count having no unique properties as a unique property.

Defenders got an inherent originally simply to give them an inherent. It was buffed for QOL reasons to give the preeminent group AT a little help solo. So yes, I think it's quite warranted for Scrapper to get a QOL change here. Both to give the AT something unique and now that I think of it, to give them a little help in teams.

This isn't going away. It became inevitable once players of other ATs which needed no help decided they were going to go for it all. Well, they got it. Now my Scrappers, some of whom predated the ATs in question want some of their uniqueness back.
Evil Geko and Johnny Butane, Separated at birth ?