A worrying realization from Prometheus..(spoilerish)




this is not the Prometheus I was looking for



Originally Posted by Night_Watcher View Post
This makes them quite dangerous, and is the reason why my organization watches all attempts to 'ascend' in this way closely.
Wait, what organization?



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Wait, what organization?
That's an interesting question. Another one is: when he's talking to you, those two angels flanking him start giving him unhappy looks, and Prometheus starts getting nervous and rather angry with you. This is not a line of questioning he likes you broaching with him... and neither do his friends.

Or are they his minders?

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Have you guys ever thought that the real enemy is Prometheus? Me, though my scrapper got his sword ready to put the fool back on his rock if he ever try to deep six me.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Wait, what organization?
The developers. Essentially, Prometheus is acting as a mouthpiece for the devs, replying to player complains about stuff like wanting true godlike power, why Mot and Rularuu are the 'real' gods while we get wrecked by TPN rocks and in general why we are Prometheus' lackey.




Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
this is not the Prometheus I was looking for




Originally Posted by Night_Watcher View Post
Prometheus also mentions that for one to ascend, they would take a large portion of their race's Force Potential with them, weakening the others.
That might be Tyrant's ultimate goal - not only would it weaken the resistance to him, it'd also make the people have to genuinely rely on him for protection, and it'd also let him break free of the Well.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
You really are the king of "can't let stuff go".
You say that now, but in a year you'll just be saying J_B ascended to an even higher level than King.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That might be Tyrant's ultimate goal - not only would it weaken the resistance to him, it'd also make the people have to genuinely rely on him for protection, and it'd also let him break free of the Well.
Wasn't it fairly implicit that's where all the magic users and supers that "go overseas" are going? I mean, take them out, their power goes back to the Well.

Of course, that's contradictory to what was said about power in as recently as Vincent Ross's arc: that power can't be destroyed, only more of it created. If that was true, 'Force Potential' loss wouldn't happen, since it's infinite. Or it'd be only temporary.

But really, at point this Prometheus has had us running around like lackeys, he's held back information, disrespected us, threatened us...it's not far fetched to think he's outright lying to us about this and other things.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That might be Tyrant's ultimate goal - not only would it weaken the resistance to him, it'd also make the people have to genuinely rely on him for protection, and it'd also let him break free of the Well.
By now, Tyrant is completely reliant on the well, cut it off him and he'd be at a loss to do anything. There is a lot more other info Prometheus gives you through the conversation trees as well, but copypasting it all in here would take up a page or a few



You know, everyone assumes we're headed for this grand finale fight against Tyrant.

It would be a great twist if we fight our way up his tower, past thousands of guards, only to find him sitting in his private movie theater, naked, watching Ice Station Zebra on a continual loop.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
You know, everyone assumes we're headed for this grand finale fight against Tyrant.

It would be a great twist if we fight our way up his tower, past thousands of guards, only to find him sitting in his private movie theater, naked, watching Ice Station Zebra on a continual loop.
The new Hami-Os: Promi-Os, with names like "Toenail Clippings," "Hair Packets," and even less appetizing things than that.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Wasn't it fairly implicit that's where all the magic users and supers that "go overseas" are going? I mean, take them out, their power goes back to the Well.

Of course, that's contradictory to what was said about power in as recently as Vincent Ross's arc: that power can't be destroyed, only more of it created. If that was true, 'Force Potential' loss wouldn't happen, since it's infinite. Or it'd be only temporary.
It wouldn't be destoryed - becoming ascended would just mean that one entity had absorbed the force potential of other members of its species -so it Tyrant ascended, he'd absorb power form the rest of Praetoria, weakening the people there.
Or, if the Well of each species is linked accross the dimesnions, then Tyrant ascending would drain power from every single human in the mutliverse.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
You know, everyone assumes we're headed for this grand finale fight against Tyrant.

It would be a great twist if we fight our way up his tower, past thousands of guards, only to find him sitting in his private movie theater, naked, watching Ice Station Zebra on a continual loop.
And this time the gunslinger fled across the desert.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
The new Hami-Os: Promi-Os, with names like "Toenail Clippings," "Hair Packets," and even less appetizing things than that.

(Reference for the perplexed.)
Given Prometheus was involved, the first thing that came to my mind with Promi-Os and body parts was the line "Eat your liver, it's good for you!".

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It wouldn't be destoryed - becoming ascended would just mean that one entity had absorbed the force potential of other members of its species -so it Tyrant ascended, he'd absorb power form the rest of Praetoria, weakening the people there.
Or, if the Well of each species is linked accross the dimesnions, then Tyrant ascending would drain power from every single human in the mutliverse.
And Primal earth, too, since Prometheus does make it explicit somewhere in his huge wall of dialogue that the Well is trans-dimensional, linking the potential of that species across the entire multiverse.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It wouldn't be destoryed - becoming ascended would just mean that one entity had absorbed the force potential of other members of its species -so it Tyrant ascended, he'd absorb power form the rest of Praetoria, weakening the people there.
Or, if the Well of each species is linked accross the dimesnions, then Tyrant ascending would drain power from every single human in the mutliverse.
Yeah, but them taking it shouldn't matter because more power can be created.

If not, personally, I think it should stay contained to the Praetorian Earth. That way you could establish why dimensions like the real world exist:

We don't have super powered beings because some jerk stole all our Force Potential and ran off to make his own dimension. The best we can manage now are these guys:





Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Wasn't it fairly implicit that's where all the magic users and supers that "go overseas" are going?
I don't think all of the magic users are sent overseas just because they use magic. Transmuter was a part of Powers Division until Reese got all Reesey on him. We don't really know what's up with the other magic-using mirrors of the signature characters over in Praetoria yet except for Diabolique. All we do know is that Cole must have a tight grip on the use of magic in the city; anyone else who doesn't play along gets sent to play with the Hamidon instead.

I mean, take them out, their power goes back to the Well.

Of course, that's contradictory to what was said about power in as recently as Vincent Ross's arc: that power can't be destroyed, only more of it created.
It's not destroyed if it goes back to the Well.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It wouldn't be destoryed - becoming ascended would just mean that one entity had absorbed the force potential of other members of its species -so it Tyrant ascended, he'd absorb power form the rest of Praetoria, weakening the people there.
Or, if the Well of each species is linked accross the dimesnions, then Tyrant ascending would drain power from every single human in the mutliverse.
I think its been established that the power of the Well that we're trying to release comes from the same Well that's empowering Tyrant.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Yeah, but them taking it shouldn't matter because more power can be created.
Well, Prometheus doesn't seem concerned about whether or not someone can ascend so much as whether they should. Right now, since the Battalion is bearing down on Primal Earth, he doesn't think anyone should be playing around with the idea of taking that much power for themselves at all. We don't really know how long it takes to restore what we would consider a 'normal' amount of potential to the people.

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I saw the title to this thread and immediately assumed [for some reason] that it was concerning the movie Prometheus. In which case I should NOT have clicked on it, because I already know more about it than I want to know; people posting plot-synopsises in the comments on YouTube for the lose! Damn it....

But yeah, if DJ Zero is a god then why hasn't he teleported Daft Punk in there for some new tunes, I'll never understand. A god needs control over more than one song.... or so saith I.



I think hamidon is a well as well. When talking with Prometheus about Tyrant and Hami he says "Noone can destroy Hamidon" and it was with a certainty exceeds reason he even implies although I forgot full wording that even if Tyrant becomes Well's champion he can't destroy hamidon truly.

In DiB we also have some clues from a shivan that their well (mother) was absorbed by (or controlled) whatever is controlling battalion.

Also I doubt Prometheus himself is a well. If he was he wouldn't bother with our well and would try to protect himself by choosing his own champion among his own race. From what I understand about Prometheus' words that he can hunt and kill a newly ascended well or anyone tries to ascend. In this manner I think their organisation have means and powers that can kill a well but not a well seemingly omnipotent powers of creation.

Also Prometheus talks about our well with a great hatred and grudge. My assumption that when Prometheus assigned to watch our well, he saw wells chosens were ignoring rest of the race and decided to help them a little. At that time well didn't like this and empowered his best chosen Zeus to imprision Prometheus and tortured him. During this time Prometheus couldn't oversee other races as well and Rularuu ascended. Someone from organisation came to check only to find Prometheus imprisoned and tortured. Freed Prometheus along with organisation wiped out wells choosens but couldn't touch well itself since it means destruction of all humans in all dimensions and I guess organisation didn't want that. At least that is my 2 cent.



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
I don't think all of the magic users are sent overseas just because they use magic. Transmuter was a part of Powers Division until Reese got all Reesey on him. We don't really know what's up with the other magic-using mirrors of the signature characters over in Praetoria yet except for Diabolique. All we do know is that Cole must have a tight grip on the use of magic in the city; anyone else who doesn't play along gets sent to play with the Hamidon instead.
Well, no what I meant was that there's a distinct lack of magic users in Praetoria. First Ward only partially accounts for that. There's a pretty clear indication that Tyrant seizes and/or destroys magical power granting artifacts if he can.

And supers of all sorts end up being "sent overseas" never to be heard from again. The implication I'm seeing is that Tyrant is rounding up powered people and eliminating them, both because they're a threat to him/potential asset to the resistance, and because without them that's more Well power for himself.

IIRC, it was said directly that the number of people in Powers Division and the number of people applying to it, was dropping, as if people with powers were becoming rarer.




I think the devs did try to scale our expectations for the incarnate system, though, way back at the beginning.

Remember Mender Ramiel's story arc? There was this big deal about the difference between becoming an Incarnate all at once like Statesman and many others did, and the so-called "slow path". That's the explanation for why we have to grind Incarnate XP and Incarnate components - we're incrementally moving ourselves closer and closer to godhood, but we're still incredibly far away.