A worrying realization from Prometheus..(spoilerish)




Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post
That's the explanation for why we have to grind Incarnate XP and Incarnate components - we're incrementally moving ourselves closer and closer to godhood
Except we're not. This is the Incarnate system, not the Ascension system. That's the point. They baited and switched us. Incarnates used to mean godhood. Now, it doesn't. Now it means having some ghost robots and being able to lob a large fireball every couple minutes and you and 23 others fighting a palette swap of Luminary that I used to solo before I became an Incarnate.

This is the "slow path" to godhood in the sense that driving is the "slow path" to Easter Island.




Really, the lore for the Incarnate system is so horribad I haven't even bothered to keep up on the Prometheus updates. It reads like something my friends and I would have been ashamed of writing for our D&D campaigns in 1979.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



It was heavily implied during the new Valentine's Day mish that DJ Zero is the entity formerly known as Eros, God of Love. FWIW.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Have you, like, every played any other games that purported to make you into gods?
Populous. Black and White. Creatures, if you squint a bit. More recently, From Dust.

You asked.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Really, the lore for the Incarnate system is so horribad I haven't even bothered to keep up on the Prometheus updates. It reads like something my friends and I would have been ashamed of writing for our D&D campaigns in 1979.
Well, then. That just means CoH is effectively simulating super powered comic books.

Well done, Paragon Studios!

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Except we're not. This is the Incarnate system, not the Ascension system. That's the point. They baited and switched us. Incarnates used to mean godhood. Now, it doesn't. Now it means having some ghost robots and being able to lob a large fireball every couple minutes and you and 23 others fighting a palette swap of Luminary that I used to solo before I became an Incarnate.

This is the "slow path" to godhood in the sense that driving is the "slow path" to Easter Island.
It's an MMO - no player will ever be the strongest force in the game world - there'll always be tougher NPCs

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's an MMO - no player will ever be the strongest force in the game world - there'll always be tougher NPCs
That's why the scope and scale of the game world and of what and who we were fighting needed to grow before we got to even this far into the Incarnate system. We needed to move into a cosmic scale theater of operation.

But it didn't grow up, or out, it fell over sideways and now we're 'demigods' fighting OP palette swaps of the Freedom Phalanx and getting hit by rocks.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
That's why the scope and scale of the game world and of what and who we were fighting needed to grow before we got to even this far into the Incarnate system. We needed to move into a cosmic scale theater of operation.

But it didn't grow up, or out, it fell over sideways and now we're 'demigods' fighting OP palette swaps of the Freedom Phalanx and getting hit by rocks.


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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's an MMO - no player will ever be the strongest force in the game world - there'll always be tougher NPCs
Thankfully, South Park showed us all the cautionary tale of what would happen if such a player ever did acquire the powers of a god.



Well, then. That just means CoH is effectively simulating bad super powered comic books.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



sure it is



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Really, the lore for the Incarnate system is so horribad I haven't even bothered to keep up on the Prometheus updates. It reads like something my friends and I would have been ashamed of writing for our D&D campaigns in 1979.
Bah. Nothing could make me ashamed of playing D&D. How dare you mention shame and D&D in the same sentence!

And to be more on-topic:
Have you tried talking to him on a character that has never encountered DJ Zero? I suppose it's a rather large stretch to assume that could even be possible. Well, not that a character could hit 50 without encountering DJ Zero, but that they'd waste a valuable binary digit on storing that information.

you could have it all
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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Essentially, this was the devs continued retconning and downsizing of what it means to be an Incarnate, which is exactly what I expected when they announced the Incarnate system.

Incarnates were said to have the power of the gods, rare beings of awesome might. That is how it was understood and established long before the Incarnate system was added to the game.

Now, Incarnates mean nothing. There's hundreds of them walking around Atlas Park with names like 'Healz1992'. Statesman was said to have the power Zeus, a god. But as we've seen, he was hardly godlike, neither are player Incarnates.

The beings with true godlike power are the Ascended, like Mot and Rularuu.

Incarnates are at best, weak demigods, able to be challenged by any random martial artist shmuck with 'Soul Ink' or Praetorian citizen armed with stones. We're not gods. We can't even fight gods directly. Mot is a god and we essentially had to cheat to win against him, and at best all we did was contain him temporarily.

The Incarnate system so cheapened what it meant to be an Incarnate they had to invent a whole other tier above them to be the actual gods; the Ascended. And woe be it anyone who aspires to ascend, because Prometheus threatens to send his invisible ninja death squads after you if you ever stop being his lapdog and running his little trials for tiny scraps of power.

So, congratulations. We graduated from being the Phalanx and Recluse's lackeys to being doing what Prometheus tells us and being threatened by him, civilian thrown rocks and enemies we used to solo but can now fight off you and 23 other 'demigods'. Oh, and you get to feel a little more insignificant because the actual cosmic movers and shakers are the Ascended.

Nice job devs. Way to move that goalpost.

I agree, but this is old news. TPN is sucky and the Devs aren't overburdening themselves to tell an epic story - rather they are designing missions and trials on an ad hoc basis and then trying to stitch them into a single story.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

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Thelonious Monk



Even as a lore junky, I gave up on reading anything Papa Smurf says ages ago. To do so just makes me despair over the state of the endgame storyline. Despite the general improvement in writing in tip missions and new arcs, every time Prommy opens his mouth to utter another retcon I just think, "After five years of build up and backstory, this is the best they could come up with?"

I expect soon enough we'll find out that the Midnighters didn't really create the Shadow Shard, they had to get some Ascended guy to do it for them, probably DJ Zero back when he was the Dream Doctor's sidekick and before he decided to give it all up in favour of floating in his nightclub listening to the same track over and over. Seriously, I wouldn't put it past them by this point.


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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
That's why the scope and scale of the game world and of what and who we were fighting needed to grow before we got to even this far into the Incarnate system. We needed to move into a cosmic scale theater of operation.

But it didn't grow up, or out, it fell over sideways and now we're 'demigods' fighting OP palette swaps of the Freedom Phalanx and getting hit by rocks.

Johnny and I don't often agree, but this is one time where I stand with him. The problem is that the narrative and visual scope have not reached the next scale. Incarnate Power has been largely hinted to be Cosmic (or at least Sub-Cosmic) in scope. During the first Rikti War, Statesman single-handedly destroyed entire Rikti Motherships. I know it's not feasible to present this type of situation in the standard game, but having opponents in which the visuals and narrative imply to be of a similar power scale would be appreciated.

With the exception of the Underground Trial and the Praetorian Hamidon forces, the psychic landscape of Minds of Mayhem (where we are possibly made weaker simply because we're not fighting in a physical domain), and the Incarnate-empowered enemies of Dark Astoria, everything we have fought to date was a palette swap. The civilians in TPN were just another unnecessary reminder of this poorly-designed perception of escalating threat scale.

I can bring myself to forgive Lambda, BAF, and Keyes because the narrative suspects the player to be in their fledgling days as Incarnates prior to amassing adequate power. But TPN is just a mess. I hope we continue to see the visuals and narrative pushing for escalation in scope with future Incarnate content, because palette swaps are just demotivating to fight. I personally hope if we fight the Warworks in another trial again that they're just presented during a very small portion of the trial and featured as unshifted enemies in order to show us how far we've come before introducing us to a new enemy group to fight.

As an aside, locking us out of 2 of the 3 level shifts in standard content was a bit lame.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
This is painful, but I kinda agree. They should have had tanks, or something HUGE hitting us outside of the TPN, not a human mob with rocks.
Unfortunately, I'm kinda with Johnny on this one too, the TPN is rather silly.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Sylph_Knight View Post
I can bring myself to forgive Lambda, BAF, and Keyes because the narrative suspects the player to be in their fledgling days as Incarnates prior to amassing adequate power.
I can't, because even before becoming an Incarnate, aspects of the BAF, Lambda and Keyes shouldn't have been the challenges they were, and only were challenges because the devs cheated me.

My Inv/SS Tanker isn't an idiot. If a BAF tower is attacking him, and somehow managing to seriously hurt him(which is an issue in itself), he's going to jump up there and smash the hell out of it. But I CAN'T because the devs cheated and made it untargetable/unkillable, unlike pretty much every other turret or gun in the game.

Not to mention the Mindwashed LTs completely ignoring control, Nightstar and Siege standing up to 23 players when I used to solo both of them (that's not a believable increase in power in such a short period of time no matter what story you pin on it after the fact).

The fact of the matter is, the BAF trial should have began and ended with two Incarnate SS Brutes grabbing Nightstar by each arm and making a wish. When that is a completely believable scenario given all past player encounters with NS until that point, that's a sign that the BAF probably isn't a "cosmic level challenge worthy of beings of godlike power", at least not for more than three of them.




As much as I'd like to join to pile-on in progress against the writing, I can't, not because I particularly like the Praetorian storyline thus far, but because of how easy it is to write better scenarios when you aren't hindered by production schedules, marketing considerations, system mechanics, ill-documented continuity, and the myriad other considerations that come with MMO content creation.

Because I am old, I remember clearly the frenzied discussion among the nascent Star Wars fandom after Empire was released in 1980. After Luke falls and Ben calls it for the dark side, Yoda cryptically mumbles "there is another." For three years we all huddled over our Mountain Dew and Doritos, arguing about who this mysterious "other" might be. When it was finally revealed a mighty "WTF, Lucas?!" was heard across the land. We had come up with a thousand better plots than that!

Of course, we had three years to do nothing but putz around and come up with theories about a pulp-ish movie. There may have been a month or so after the release of Empire before the script had to be completed for the start of shooting on Jedi. Of course we were going to come up with better ideas -- we were a million monkeys at our typewriters.

So yes, there are lots of ways that the Incarnate/end-game scenarios could be improved. Heck, just typing this up I thought about how easy it would be to throw in a reference to how the approach of the Battallion has been leaching away the Big Names' power for years, explaining why Statesman was able to punch holes in Rikti ships during the first war, but today gets one-shotted by a trumped up clown in a trenchcoat. And I have no doubt that many veterans of a literary bent could do (and have done) much better.

So complain all you want, and I'll continue to join in. But also give consideration that here on the forums we're still monkeys in front of keyboards operating without constraints, and try not to be outright nasty and insulting to the writers.

That said, those TPN rocks? I don't know I'll ever be able to swallow that.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

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While you have a good point about the writing, GlassGoblin, I still say that if there's not a "Lord Recluse is very upset with you" moment at Darrin Wade, they missed something truly obvious.



Some of the early post where pretty good in this thread then it devolved into mostly complaints about not feeling super man enough.

Id agree that just about any NPC described as creating thier own world or dimension in anyway is a great canidate to suspect of being ascended.

As some may recall in Lore, all gods started as nothing more then natural spirits who learned to feed on the emotions of sentient races. How old humanity is still hasnt been clarified fully in cox lore, and even is debated in RL especially among the occult/conspiracy groups which are not an atypical source of ideas for comics and movies.

Nowhere in lore have they ever supported the existance of a god in the grand cosmic made all of existance sense of it. I myself assumed it was the Dream Doctor who made the shadow shard with the help of the other founding icons of the Midnighters like Bentley Berkely or our resident The Shadow wannabe hanging out in RWZ. An immortal and a plane walker working with a master of the astral/ethereal sounds like a viable group capable of making the shard.

Beings like Mot and Tielekku are as far as I can tell younger then the human race, and in ways just leeches getting fat off of the latent psyich energy of us all. It may be the Wells do the same, and now apparently being keyed into races the question remains is the Well statesman was bonded to the Well of Humanity, the Well of Earth, or a portal to another race, one that like kheldians preys upon humans needing our bodies as host. I often joked in RP that whatever Zeus is, it is like a grand daddy space squid.

For fellow fans of the Wild C.A.T.S comics you may recall the main evil alien species was all about searching the galaxy for the most powerful beings to take possession of to further thier power.

Granted invasion of the body snatchers is an old plot, but a good one and frightening. The question is should the heroes of Paragon trust any being that does this. Have we made ourselves vulnerable by allowing PB PPD?

How does our choice to open our arms to the Kheldians impact our future when we know the fate of thier entire race is doomed.

Finally we know Twilight son is the last kheldian in the future, new lore suggest being the last could allow one to take up considerable FORCE or some such, could that little squid ******* being a Ascended in sheeps clothing, COuld he actually be possessing Silos even someone?

Keep the conspiracy alive!



On a side note. I simply dont bother with content that feels wrong for a given character, If my character is supposed to be super human then I ignore content with them where those things capable of threatening me seem to mundane.

Case in point. Those silly rocks, granted O concur that the debuffs are the logical reason they can hurt even so called god like beings. However I much prefer to tailor my experiance based on my characters concept and so pick and choose what I do with each one. I dont see any reason or need to play all content with all character.

So although I feel for those embarassed when they drop to a mob stoning them, I equally feel you could easily not run that trial with that specific character. No reason to rush character progress to the point you make yourself angry with the game.



Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
As much as I'd like to join to pile-on in progress against the writing, I can't, not because I particularly like the Praetorian storyline thus far, but because of how easy it is to write better scenarios when you aren't hindered by production schedules, marketing considerations, system mechanics, ill-documented continuity, and the myriad other considerations that come with MMO content creation.
If you can't do something right, don't do it at all.

Also, if production time was an issue for coming up with better scenarios, instead of doing SIX bad trials, they should have tried to do three good ones. Because heaven knows this Praetorian thing has dragged on long enough.

I got all my tier 4s on all existing slots running the BAF and Lambda. We didn't need four more trials that all cover the same range. Three good, polished well written and executed trials is what we needed.

And it's not like all of those trials made meaningful contributions to the storyline:

Lambda: We shut down Cole's big military hub. This had ZERO EFFECT on IDF that still show up by the thousands in trials that happen AFTER that (and show up better equipped than ever). It should have crippled his forces, and that's why it should have been one of the last trials, storyline-wise.

Keyes: No effect on anything.

The Underground: A long pointless adventure to find out a "secret" everyone already knew and pointlessly kill off someone who's death didn't really matter.

TPN: This trial accomplishing nothing was at least justified by the storyline, but still made it pointless.

Minds of Mayhem: How much you want to bet Seers will STILL show up in trials after this point?




then on the other side of the coin

"blah blah blah, not enough content, blah blah blah"



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
If you can't do something right, don't do it at all.
Normally I'd agree, but in this case getting two new story arcs or trials a year would get kind of old, no matter how awesome they turned out to be.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

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We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Back to the original discussion. I happened to notice this today, on the Info tab for Daedalus.

"Daedalus is the finest crafter these ancient times have ever seen. His gift borders on Celestial, but is in fact simply his own genius at work."

Celestial is referenced a few times in Cimerora, and then there's the costume set. If it isn't another dropped bit of lore, I wonder where Celestial fits into the divine power ladder.

  1. Standard Supers
  2. Incarnates
  3. The Ascended
  4. Profit?

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day