Positron interview at OnRPG.com

Agent White



In homage to our old friends, I would like the team mission TP power to summon an actual Taxibot.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
In homage to our old friends, I would like the team mission TP power to summon an actual Taxibot.
Going by their not-subtle hints, it's going to be some kind of jet

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've always regarded Skyway City as a bit of a disaster, design-wise. Its one notable feature, the series of elevated highways, is nonsensical. Even in a world of super-powered heroes it defies all logic. :P And there's nothing else memorable about the zone, it's utterly bland and lifeless. Instead of revamping it, I'd actually scrap it entirely and leave an echo version in Ouroboros.

Move the entrance to Overbrook/Faultline to another zone, move Synapse (and revamp his TF while you're at it) and the helicopter leading to Bloody Bay and call it good!



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Do you find it funny that, somehow Brickstown should also fill this role, yet it doesn't (not for me, at least)?
Yeah, I know. Brickstown always felt like a 'detour' where the 'real' path lead to Founders.
It's got limited amenities, was harder to get to and never got much in the way of new content.

Also, it never felt right to me to have this big Super Max prison right in the middle of the urban center. Like, who's going to live next door to that and how the hell did the zoning board ever approve it?

Personally, I'd love to redo the whole zone from scratch. Make it a rural area outside of Paragon like Crotoa is, with "Brickstown" being a small town nearby the Zig.

EDIT: And, said small town is called "Brickstown" because they used to have a brick factory there until it closed down and the economy dried up, explaining why they would be desperate enough to allow a prison for walking weapons of mass destruction in their backyard.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Yeah, I know. Brickstown always felt like a 'detour' where the 'real' path lead to Founders.
It's got limited amenities, was harder to get to and never got much in the way of new content.

Also, it never felt right to me to have this big Super Max prison right in the middle of the urban center. Like, who's going to live next door to that and how the hell did the zoning board ever approve it?

Personally, I'd love to redo the whole zone from scratch. Make it a rural area outside of Paragon like Crotoa is, with "Brickstown" being a small town nearby the Zig.
I like this idea.



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
I've always regarded Skyway City as a bit of a disaster, design-wise. Its one notable feature, the series of elevated highways, is nonsensical. Even in a world of super-powered heroes it defies all logic. :P And there's nothing else memorable about the zone, it's utterly bland and lifeless. Instead of revamping it, I'd actually scrap it entirely and leave an echo version in Ouroboros.

Move the entrance to Overbrook/Faultline to another zone, move Synapse (and revamp his TF while you're at it) and the helicopter leading to Bloody Bay and call it good!
Well, it was part of a traffic flow project in the 70s that was abandoned, that's why the bridges are only in that zone - the orginal idea seems to have been to create freeways over the city to reduced the amount of traffic on the normal roads.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Yes. One really good arc that tells the story all the other level 5-10 arcs tell (without the repeats, the sweeps, and FedExes) that leads to a Perez Park Trial.
That would be great.

I also hope they keep the slum feel of the row.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, it was part of a traffic flow project in the 70s that was abandoned, that's why the bridges are only in that zone - the orginal idea seems to have been to create freeways over the city to reduced the amount of traffic on the normal roads.
Instead, the traffic problem solved itself when the Clockwork started taking apart people's cars for scrap and many commuters switched to using the city's fleet of invisible buses and the Green/Yellow line rail system.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Instead, the traffic problem solved itself when the Clockwork started taking apart people's cars for scrap and many commuters switched to using the city's fleet of invisible buses and the Green/Yellow line rail system.
Imagine Wonder Woman trying to impress Primal Earth people with her invisible airplane; a citizen of Paragon would just shrug and say "Oh, it's made of the same stuff they make buses out of?"

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've been suggesting a revamp for Kings Row ever since Freedom started

It's got a lot of potential to be our "Gotham", and it'd be a great way to show newer players the darker side of the city early on - especially if they're more into gritty urban environments rather than the "Metropolis" setting of Atlas Park.
If they add some gargoyles for my main to crouch upon I would love it!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Skyway should get the gritty revamp.

Between the recent Sky Raider attack at the end of Sutter, Kong Bao who's a big portion of the Tsoo arc, as well as Jake Montoya(a former hero Red Tiger) bumming around we've got a zone practically begging for a new makeover for something a bit darker/grittier. Then, throw in the Synapse triggered Babbage attack

The highways could be cleared away for something new. Kong Bao(isn't there another Asian named contact just across the street from him?) who's supposedly a part of the Hmong community, could reside in a small Chinatown section. You could tuck Jake Montoya's Red Tiger statue to something a smidge more subdued/smaller and stick it in some dark corner of the new zone. It'd change it from little traveled section to something a bit more interesting.



If they revamped Skyway they should remove all the elevated highways except one and make it the centerpiece of the zone (and also create new assets for it so it doesn't look like they just deleted all the other freeway sections). And have more than three cars on it!



The answer's in this thread already. Kings Row doesn't need a huge amount of Dev time... it needs the zone equivalent of a lick of paint and some new soft furnishings, which translates to a few new textures and a cool zone arc and we're there.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Am I the only one who likes King's Row the way it is?

OK, that's not entirely true. Given my druthers, I would make two changes to it, both of them relatively trivial. I would rewrite the contacts' missions into actual story arcs. And I would replace one of the construction sites with the Cyrus Thompson Community Center from the end of Top Cow comic #6. But other than that? Leave it alone! Go make Steel Canyon less gang-infested, go push the Rikti into the alleys off Founder's Falls, go wrap up the story of Perez Park, give Boomtown at least some blue FEMA tarps, but leave King's Row (mostly) the way it is!

And I'll tell you why: ever since issue 4, stepping off the tram into King's Row is the first minute I feel like I'm actually needed. The people of King's Row need heroes, because, even with Blue Steel standing there, even with Paragon PD headquarters in the zone, it is obvious just walking through it: ever since Statesman bankrupted the King Garment Works for their Family ties, King's Row is the neighborhood that everybody else left behind, that nobody cares about.

When you step into King's Row for the first time, you may be only a level 5 hero, but these people don't even have that much.

When you step into King's Row for the first time, you may not know anything about the Circle of Thorns and the war of the gods, and you may not know anything about which of the city's many villain groups and corporations are Nemesis plots. But those are two of the main long-running story lines (the other two being Arachnos and the Fifth Column/Council conspiracy), and the clues that break both start with gang and street-crime crackdowns in King's Row. When you're level 5, you're so far back in the storyline that none of your contacts know anything; the time you spent street-sweeping in KR is why, thanks to you, your later contacts know enough to help you crack the conspiracies.

I love King's Row. Update the story tech, fill in the one missing building, but please, leave the rest of it the way it is!

I would have to agree 100% with this.

Eye-sores? How about Boomtown? Or how about re-doing Perez Park...*shrugs*

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Well it was also just what Positron would choose to revamp. We know the Pummit will have a whole panel where people are given 2 minutes to make their case about revamping any specific zone.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
The highways could be cleared away for something new. Kong Bao(isn't there another Asian named contact just across the street from him?) who's supposedly a part of the Hmong community, could reside in a small Chinatown section. You could tuck Jake Montoya's Red Tiger statue to something a smidge more subdued/smaller and stick it in some dark corner of the new zone. It'd change it from little traveled section to something a bit more interesting.
I'd love a Chinatown area for the city - I'd probably have a few Tsso missions in it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



We definitely need some Asian zone. A Chinatown are would be sweet!
Ancient Japan would be awesome,but may need to be a new zone.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Ancient Japan would be awesome,but may need to be a new zone.
Quite possibly, yes

But a medieval zone would be even better

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Am I the only one who likes King's Row the way it is?

OK, that's not entirely true. Given my druthers, I would make two changes to it, both of them relatively trivial. I would rewrite the contacts' missions into actual story arcs. And I would replace one of the construction sites with the Cyrus Thompson Community Center from the end of Top Cow comic #6. But other than that? Leave it alone! Go make Steel Canyon less gang-infested, go push the Rikti into the alleys off Founder's Falls, go wrap up the story of Perez Park, give Boomtown at least some blue FEMA tarps, but leave King's Row (mostly) the way it is!

And I'll tell you why: ever since issue 4, stepping off the tram into King's Row is the first minute I feel like I'm actually needed. The people of King's Row need heroes, because, even with Blue Steel standing there, even with Paragon PD headquarters in the zone, it is obvious just walking through it: ever since Statesman bankrupted the King Garment Works for their Family ties, King's Row is the neighborhood that everybody else left behind, that nobody cares about.

When you step into King's Row for the first time, you may be only a level 5 hero, but these people don't even have that much.

When you step into King's Row for the first time, you may not know anything about the Circle of Thorns and the war of the gods, and you may not know anything about which of the city's many villain groups and corporations are Nemesis plots. But those are two of the main long-running story lines (the other two being Arachnos and the Fifth Column/Council conspiracy), and the clues that break both start with gang and street-crime crackdowns in King's Row. When you're level 5, you're so far back in the storyline that none of your contacts know anything; the time you spent street-sweeping in KR is why, thanks to you, your later contacts know enough to help you crack the conspiracies.

I love King's Row. Update the story tech, fill in the one missing building, but please, leave the rest of it the way it is!
95% with you.

Any graphical update shouldn't make King's Row shiny. I *like* having part of the zone look industrial - run-down industrial. The effect SHOULD be somewhat jarring. If they can make decent broken and boarded windows...

I still want a phased (not phasing-tech-phased, but multiple issues, with several issues in between) reclaiming and rebuilding of Boomtown, working its way farther into the zone.



I agree with everything said about a King's Row update....if anything, it should get a City of Villains makeover with some additional detail to emphasise that grim and gritty feel. And a Cyrus Thompson building, definitely.

I also agree with the notion of having the zone revisitable. If CoH does one thing wrong with its zones, it's that you are never encouraged to go back and revisit places as a higher level character. It's a shame, seeing as the morality missions cause you to revisit old foes like Frostfire and you get the 'What are they doing now...?' updates.

And from a story perspective, you can work the breaking apart of the Phalanx into the story, suggesting that yes, criminals and villain groups are being much more bold, and so you come full circle from being the neophyte hero to embracing the neighbourhood as 'your' patch. Which I think should apply to Brickstown and even Skyway.

Give us reason to re-embrace the city, not leave it behind.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



In the interview he mentions the Panther Stealth power. He mentions it in jest as to how Adamastor used the Panther Stealth power to sneak out of DA into Talos. Is that live? I couldn't find it in the store.

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
In the interview he mentions the Panther Stealth power. He mentions it in jest as to how Adamastor used the Panther Stealth power to sneak out of DA into Talos. Is that live? I couldn't find it in the store.
It's on beta right now, so expecting it in the coming months



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Any graphical update shouldn't make King's Row shiny. I *like* having part of the zone look industrial - run-down industrial. The effect SHOULD be somewhat jarring. If they can make decent broken and boarded windows...
It should be the best grim, rundown, industry choked, gang-ridden district Ultra Mode can do.
Also, it NEEDS to have the Cyrus Thompson Community Center.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd love a Chinatown area for the city - I'd probably have a few Tsso missions in it
Given how many of the Tsoo-themed contacts and missions are in Skyway City, a Skyway City revamp should definitely include Paragon City's "Little Cambodia" neighborhood.

Given how little architectural change the Hmong brought to (real life) Minneapolis, it wouldn't take actually creating new buildings, or not very many of them, but it should definitely include new multi-lingual signage and maybe new civilian NPCs walking around.

My opinion only, of course, and subject to change if we instead move the lowl-level Tsoo storyline to Steel Canyon and make the changes to Skyway City, from the Admiral Sutter TF, permanent. Which I would be just okay with.



Probably not the most popular suggestion, but I think heroside still needs to lose some zones. There are just too many, spreads the players out way too much, causes unnecessary loading when your missions are all over the place and results in a lot of ghost zones that serve no purpose anymore.

I love the Rogue Isles set up of fewer zones with varied neighborhoods. Instead of having zones and hazard zones, just make the hazard zones sections of a regular zone. Would love to see things like Steel & Boomtown combined, IP & Terra Volta with Terra Volta taking up some of the unused miles of space in IP and so on.