Spoilers: So. What information is there on the Netherworld?




So. The Netherworld. What is it exactly in the City of Heroes Multiverse?

In Champions, the Netherworld contains all the Hells ever thought up. Its counterpart is Elysium, which contains all the Heavens ever thought up.

In D&D the Netherworld is like the Negative Energy Plane or maybe even a spiritual plane of some sort.

So. What the heck is it in City of Heroes?



There is no significant information on it. It's dark (literally shadowy), and the energy found there causes fear, weakness and dissolution here. It appears strongly related to the undead, as they often wield powers found in Dark * powersets.

Personally, I prefer it as abstract as it is. That leaves a lot of what it really is open to interpretation.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Kinda frustrates me that they never really did make up a blueprint for the CoX multiverse. It makes it difficult(atleast for me) when there is no core rules on dimensions and stuff.

So most people treat the Netherworld as some sort of void plane that is filled with creatures that can shatter your sanity and is the "gas tank" for negative energy?

In essence, going back to the Champions setting, the Netherworld is the Qliphothic Realm? Basically the old worlds that are dying, where gods go to die, where the antithesis of life exists.



It's vague and left open to interpretation so that the devs don't say "Hey, you have dark powers? Then it has to come from this for this reason!"



It might be intentional. Like UberGuy mentioned, it leaves things up to interpretation. Then we make up the rules and the devs don't have to retcon anything (yet). If you're RPing or grouping with others that keep relative concepts, whoever in the group can decide the /rules/ and no body can get all butthert about another group's rules.

To me, the Netherworld is just the inverse-universe where matter and energy is reversed...and all realities linked to us have a similar inverse version in the Neatherworld. Where heat, light and energy brings life in our reality the reverse is true in the Neatherworld (heat, light and energy brings death while cold, darkness and void is what makes up creatures there). Furthermore, any other planes like 'Heaven' or 'Hell' linked here have a reverse version in the Netherworld.

...or that's my interpretation of it. Where unstable apparitions are considered undead here, they're 'alive' there and creatures that are considered living here are 'dead' there.



An inverse universe.. I like that idea! I'm writing that down in my concepts and ideas book.

On another note, but the same vein. I read that Mot and all the Banished Pantheon were banished to the Spiritual Plane. (Check the in-game timeline at paragon wiki). Could the Spiritual Plane be... What? The realms of all the afterlives? Though it wouldn't make sense to put soul devouring gods on the same plane as the afterlives. So..

Gah! I think my brain just turned in on itself.



It's a revolving door except when the writers don't want it to be.



I also think that its left deliberately vague.

That's the best way to do it in a game that encompasses many genres, the main one of which (superhero comics) is known for armoured genius inventors fighting alongside Norse gods and other such juxtapositions.

Its part of the patchwork way an MMO like this should work. If you want your particular character to interpret it as a Kabalic Qlipoth, Niflheim, an inverted anti-matter universe or black orgone dimension you can do so, without being told you're wrong by a game manual.




Total Characters: 120
Lowest Level: 1, Luke Johnson (Staff/WP Brute, Virtue)



Originally Posted by Acerbus_NA View Post
So. What the heck is it in City of Heroes?
The original details about the dark powersets and the netherworld, seems to suggest that the designers were inspired by something similar to the negative energy plane in D&D. Or possibly the plane of shadow. However, I'm sure this inspiration has changed more than once over the course of the game's history.

It was vague, but I recall having seen much more specific references in recent years. Not sure where... perhaps regarding the new versions of Darkstar and/or Black Swan? Maybe?

I don't remember. I just vaguely recall going "Huh, that's not at all what I got from the Dark Melee/Armor description" at some point.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




The Netherworld (at least in my interpretation) is The Darkness - the echoes, remnants, etc of life. That which originally was, and will always be alongside the living worlds.

It features heavily in the backstory of my dark/psi defender, Andrea Blake - and for her, the Darkness is sentient. Her darkness powers come from the Netherworld after she died and came back to life, and the more powerful she becomes, the more she becomes an Avatar of the Netherworld. In the end, she becomes an Incarnate of the Netherworld ("an", not "THE").

And every time she's died and come back since that first time, she's left more of an echo of herself there... which someone else finds.


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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Well one thing a badge tells us is that there are sentient creatures in there:

Regal Badge (Boomtown): King Mihenra, a self-proclaimed warlord from the Netherworld, attempted to seize control of Paragon City, only to be defeated by Positron on this very spot.



Originally Posted by KritikalMass View Post
Only in the area downtown where you can smell both the breweries and the docks (and dead fish) in the summer.

Other than that, perhaps the Pittsburgh airport.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Well one thing a badge tells us is that there are sentient creatures in there:

Regal Badge (Boomtown): King Mihenra, a self-proclaimed warlord from the Netherworld, attempted to seize control of Paragon City, only to be defeated by Positron on this very spot.

Only if his self-proclaimed title is literally true. But yeah, based on the darkness pets there does seem to be life of some fashion there. The inverse-universe idea has a lot of merit I think and actually enhances my darkness-power character concepts even if they don't totally understand it.



I can't help it...

'I use Magic Missile!'

'On what? There's nobody in the room?'

'I cast it...on the darkness!'

*nerdy giggles ensue*


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Do a search on the Wiki for "Netherworld." It's basically a 'negative energy' dimension that is Hell. CoT demons come from there. Souls of the damned reside their. It is the source of negative energy for Dark Powers and demons and vampyrs.

Just like Christmas is Winter Holiday in CoH. Hell is the Netherworld. A religiously sanitized word despite the fact that demons and damned souls reside there (damned by whom?).

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Originally Posted by Acerbus_NA View Post
On another note, but the same vein. I read that Mot and all the Banished Pantheon were banished to the Spiritual Plane. (Check the in-game timeline at paragon wiki). Could the Spiritual Plane be... What? The realms of all the afterlives? Though it wouldn't make sense to put soul devouring gods on the same plane as the afterlives. So..
It could be linked to the spirit world, which has already been shown to have evil creatures in it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
. A religiously sanitized word despite the fact that demons and damned souls reside there (damned by whom?).
"Damned" by whoever has (or can tap) enough power to send a soul or being to a specific dimension. And religiously sanitized is fine, as (a) in game it's simply another dimension, though not a pleasant sounding one (or set of them) for people from ours, and (b) there's been plenty of cursing, etc. long before any one modern religion came about.

Given the coordinates and enough power, in game, Portal Corp. could probably open a way there. (And promptly close it.)

Frankly, I'd see it more as a dimension (or series of dimensions) that gained negative religious overtones as people managed to stumble on them (or beings from them popped over here for whatever.) Sort of like an anti-Canada.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
(damned by whom?).


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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
"Damned" by whoever has (or can tap) enough power to send a soul or being to a specific dimension.
That's supported by the antics of Tammy and Clarissa in their First Ward catfight

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Do a search on the Wiki for "Netherworld." It's basically a 'negative energy' dimension that is Hell. CoT demons come from there. Souls of the damned reside their. It is the source of negative energy for Dark Powers and demons and vampyrs.

Just like Christmas is Winter Holiday in CoH. Hell is the Netherworld. A religiously sanitized word despite the fact that demons and damned souls reside there (damned by whom?).
Except, we have infernal CoT demons which are clearly designed with a fire and brimstone Hell in mind. And we have Hellfrosts, which their info alludes to them being from the lower depths of Hell which is possibly frozen, as in Dante's Divine Comedy.

Also we have Statesman from the Freedom Phalanx novel claiming to have visited Hades as it was known to the Greeks and having met Sisyphus.

I think given what Prometheus says after you complete the Diabolique trials, that beings who ascend and become their own Well can create dimensions and even life all on their own, I think there's room for a lot of Hells, afterworlds and shadow dimensions each ruled by someone different.
