Woot, Super Packs!




I know that this is going against the grain of the outrage expressed by a few people, but this was kinda cool and I have to add my dissenting viewpoint to the standard rants.

So like a lot of people, I bought the 24-pack of Super Packs the day they came out. I got all of the costume pieces, no black wolf (yet!), and a healthy mix of ATOs, boosters, unslotters, etc. Of course, I also got a bunch of inspirations, those things much maligned as the "useless crap" that the developers are accused of throwing in just to keep you from getting all of that sweet, sweet loot (and spend more money, of course).

Now, I admit I'm not exactly the target demographic for inspirations for purchase. Truth is, I find the game excruciatingly easy, even the "hard" content that is supposed to challenge players. Not that I'm a godlike powerhouse of a player, mind you, but mainly because if I get defeated, I'm like, "meh," life goes on. If you're willing to die a lot and put in a bare minimum of preparation, you can accomplish pretty much everything in a reasonable amount of time.

So anyway, this weekend, I went on a Mortimer Kal strike force. We got to the end, where you have to defeat Positron as that #@*$! Cleansing Flame keeps healing him if you don't defeat it in like five seconds. No one really knew the mechanics of it going in, so we'd get him down to half his health, and then he'd heal back up completely. I tried and tried to tell people, "You have to drop everything and focus on that Cleansing Flame!", but to no avail. Then the leader dropped, leaving us with what seemed an insurmountable challenge to overcome. I mean, if we couldn't do it with five, how could we do it with four?

Then, I remembered, "Oh yeah! I have all of those inspirations from my Super Packs!" I claimed a bunch of them, gathered everyone together, and before going in, popped four or five of them, including the defense, damage resistance, and damage ones. They carried us through the entire battle, and we managed to defeat Positron with just one of the Cleansing Flames to deal with.

I probably won't use the inspirations every session, but I've gotta say, it was nice having them--and having enough of them--to accomplish what we were trying to do. I'm not saying, "Wow, I hope I get a ton of inspirations!" in future Super Packs, but I will say that in hindsight, I'm glad I got as many as I did while trying to go for other stuff. It was a healthy mix of them with other stuff I wanted to make me try and like them. I don't look at them as the "useless crap" drops, I see them more as, "well, I'll eventually use them for something, so that cool."

Oh, and last night, I did pop a few of the individual dual inspirations while soloing Arbiter Hawk's Valentine's Day mission. I didn't have to, but it was nice defeating Countess Crey a little faster and not faceplanting so many times. I doubt I'll be buying any of the inspirations directly (barring really good sales on the market), but I do see myself buying plenty of Super Packs in the future and hope they add more goodies to the mix.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



My feeling on the super packs is that they're a pretty good buy, as long as you consider most of the contents useful. Personally, I very rarely use Windfalls, and never use Prestige Boosters (I'm not in any SGs), so those are worthless to me, but the rest of the stuff in the packs is at least mildly useful, and five at-least-mildly-useful things for a mere 80 points is pretty good. I bought a 24-pack, and am quite pleased with the contents thereof. I don't think I'll be buying more, at least not soon... but I may feel differently once the merits and insps I've got now run out.

Someone who only wants the costume set (or worse, the wolf) will feel the value is much worse.



I stated before that I wouldn't buy them but I decided that I wanted to stop making new alts and work on my favourite 50 (d3 corr) and make him Ultimate for the Trials.

So I bought packs until I got all the corr ato's and 6 catalysts, it took a little over 50. Of course then I had a heap of non corr ato's so I thought I'd sell them.
I made 1.6 Billion Inf. Teeheehee.



I've opened about 125 packs and still no Black Wolf. I wasn't completely set on it, but at this point I feel like I'm in too deep on these packs that I must have it. Damn you, Paragon.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Yeah, I have to say that I'm not finding the "useless crap" from the Super packs entirely usless, or even crap for that matter.

Even the windfalls have a use! I realize they don't affect the incarnate component drop table, but I use them before I start iTrials to help with the random drops rolls of everything else. Seems to be working! (And besides, what better place is there to use them?)

... And all the Merits ... mwa-hahahahaha!

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



ive only gotten 27 super packs, i got all the costume pieces within the first 15, no wolf pet but i really dont care about it because its a retarded vanity pet and the enhancement catalysts are too rare from the packs to be worth going after, i also can get ATOs in game so another thing i dont need to worry about especially since in game i can get exact one i need instead of a bunch that i dont have any use for



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
i've opened about 125 packs and still no black wolf. I wasn't completely set on it, but at this point i feel like i'm in too deep on these packs that i must have it. Damn you, paragon.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post

Although I ended up with around 300 enhancement boosters so I +5'd my main all the way. Even with ED limitations I can notice a difference. Quite the pleasant surprise.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I know that this is going against the grain of the outrage expressed by a few people, but this was kinda cool and I have to add my dissenting viewpoint to the standard rants.
I've been somewhat of a ranter about these packs, specifically about the poor chance to get a wolf, and how much of the "consumables" aren't useful for the way I play the game (my playstyle, to paraphrase Fernando, "it is better to look good than to fight good"). I did get the full costume set within my first 24-pack, so that part wasn't a problem for me, but the rest of what I got seemed like so much filler I would never use. "Ugh... consumables." But this weekend, I had a chance to go through all the consumables I'd won from the packs, and after I did, I'm a bit more enthused.

Inf/XP/Prestige boosters and self/other revives all make sense in a way I can understand, but they're not "sexy" to me in the same way that costumes and pets are. So at first, it seemed like my email item tab was now cluttered with even more nonsense. But as it turns out, I had received a LOT of merits. A LOT. Boyfriend mentioned that I could now afford that stealth proc I've been wanting. Probably several. OH REALLY?!?! See, you must understand that for me, a stealth proc is as much a "look good" as it is a "play good," so this excited that costuming part of my brain. Since boyfriend plays with inventions much more than I do, he helped me pick the right one, and soon I had some very stealthy alts. Awesome! Thanks, Super Packs!

With boyfriend's help, I'm now in the process of slotting inventions into my main for the first time. (EGADS! Who'd have thought!) I plan on using some of the ATOs I received for my main, and I'll be giving boyfriend several more. The rest have sold/will sell for a very nice chunk of change on the market. I'm sure the market value on these things will go down eventually, but I'm surprised at how much inf I've made from what I got in these packs. I know inf isn't exactly hard to come by in this game, but these packs are much closer to selling inf than I realized they would be.

I still haven't really taken to the inspirations yet, but I plan to give them an honest try next time I sit down for a longer play session, and perhaps I'll find them as surprisingly useful as I did the merits/ATOs.

I still think the incredibly low drop rate of the wolf pet is toooooooo low. I don't mind it being rare, but it needs to be achievable enough that it works to motivate me, not discourage me. But I will concede the packs have been a better experience than I thought they would be, and some of the consumables aren't nearly the waste I thought.




Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
So anyway, this weekend, I went on a Mortimer Kal strike force. We got to the end, where you have to defeat Positron as that #@*$! Cleansing Flame keeps healing him if you don't defeat it in like five seconds. No one really knew the mechanics of it going in, so we'd get him down to half his health, and then he'd heal back up completely. I tried and tried to tell people, "You have to drop everything and focus on that Cleansing Flame!", but to no avail. Then the leader dropped, leaving us with what seemed an insurmountable challenge to overcome. I mean, if we couldn't do it with five, how could we do it with four?
Pay-to-win boosters?



I love the packs.

Got one to try them out, enjoyed it, got a "box" (24). Got lots of shiny stuff.

Five star, would buy again. May, in fact. Probably will when the next "set" comes out.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Pay-to-win boosters?
Given that the team inspirations and similar buffs are purchasable individually, then any "pay to win" complaints would seem to be directed at the market itself rather than singling out the boosters.

I'm happy with the boosters. I'd pretty much considered the team insps and such to be "useless" given that I don't run iTrials and I literally don't have occasion to use such buffs during most of my play time. However, after reading TonyV's OP I'm at least reconsidering that maybe they will be situationally useful if I ever do buy another VIP month here and there and I do run some iTrials with my SG (who for the most part are casual players and to my knowledge none of them have run any iTrials or have a clue how to "do it right").



I'm also not totally sure that anything can be pay-to-win if it's also able to be earned in the game - that just makes it pay-so-save-time.
Like if they offered the 3 current Incarnate levels shifts in the market for 100 bucks each, that'd be a pay-to-save-time offer, because players could earn those 3 shifts without needing to use the market at all - but if they offered a bonus +4 and +5 level shift only on the market, then that'd be pay-to-win, as there'd be no other way to gain those boosts without spending real cash on them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm also not totally sure that anything can be pay-to-win if it's also able to be earned in the game - that just makes it pay-so-save-time.
Like if they offered the 3 current Incarnate levels shifts in the market for 100 bucks each, that'd be a pay-to-save-time offer, because players could earn those 3 shifts without needing to use the market at all - but if they offered a bonus +4 and +5 level shift only on the market, then that'd be pay-to-win, as there'd be no other way to gain those boosts without spending real cash on them.
That's not pay-2-win either, that's pay-2-B-more-powerful.
The only way that it'd be pay-2-win is if you needed the +5 level shift to complete some content.

If all the content can be completed by a +3, then the +5 hasn't won anything the +3 didn't, the +5 has just had an easier time of it.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post

Although I ended up with around 300 enhancement boosters so I +5'd my main all the way. Even with ED limitations I can notice a difference. Quite the pleasant surprise.
Every little bit helps no doubt.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Pay-to-win boosters?
Given the story in the OP and the problems he had with his teammates, I'd call them Pay-to-fix-stupid boosters.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Personally, I very rarely use Windfalls,
On the other hand, if you have them, there's no reason not to use them before taking on an ITF or trial. Recipe drops are still low enough that there's not always a noticeable difference in the odds, but thread/shard drops are pretty steadily better with them, as is inf gain.

The only trouble I have is REMEMBERING them, really.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Given the story in the OP and the problems he had with his teammates, I'd call them Pay-to-fix-stupid boosters.
For like the 20th time since i joined these boards, someone owes me another coca cola for spilling it all over my screen.


Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm also not totally sure that anything can be pay-to-win if it's also able to be earned in the game - that just makes it pay-so-save-time.
Like if they offered the 3 current Incarnate levels shifts in the market for 100 bucks each, that'd be a pay-to-save-time offer, because players could earn those 3 shifts without needing to use the market at all - but if they offered a bonus +4 and +5 level shift only on the market, then that'd be pay-to-win, as there'd be no other way to gain those boosts without spending real cash on them.
There are scenarios in which obtaining the items through ingame means could be construed as restrictive beyond reasonable and available gameplay however. I am not under the impression that this is (very) true for ATIOs. Turbine has done some of that with their feature free to play MMO, however.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



I'd probably like them more if it didn't seem like I mostly get Reward Merits on the Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare rolls.

I mean I have 264 of the x25 Reward Merits already.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Given the story in the OP and the problems he had with his teammates, I'd call them Pay-to-fix-stupid boosters.
Now to be fair, I think that three of the people were relatively new and still getting used to the game. Only one seemed to be pretty experienced. I definitely wouldn't call them stupid, just kind of green. And unlike a lot of people, I actually like these kinds of task forces where we don't just walk-through-the-park everything to death. Those are boring, this one was different and interesting.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



As much as I don't like 'exclusives' being gated behind the random purchase mechanic, I do admit that the Super Packs are a pretty good value if you want all the rewards they offer.

That, and I prefer to 'earn' reward merits, not just spend some real cash and have it all.

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Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Now to be fair, I think that three of the people were relatively new and still getting used to the game.
The problem is that these new players have now had the experience of winning the Mortimer Kal strike force only through the use of the Super Pack boosters, as opposed to learning the appropriate tactics to defeating their opponent (i.e. listening to their teammate tell them repeatedly "You have to drop everything and focus on that Cleansing Flame!"). Is that really the lesson the CoH community wants its new players to learn?



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
The problem is that these new players have now had the experience of winning the Mortimer Kal strike force only through the use of the Super Pack boosters, as opposed to learning the appropriate tactics to defeating their opponent (i.e. listening to their teammate tell them repeatedly "You have to drop everything and focus on that Cleansing Flame!"). Is that really the lesson the CoH community wants its new players to learn?
I think the "glass half full" lesson that they learned is "The team inspirations can make up the difference when the team leader buggers out on you in the finale of the task force."