Unwelcome change to Montague's Arc




Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
Unwelcome change,

I welcome things that bring people off the farms... but this doesn't do that. Frankly this encourages the AE Babys to stay in AE and just makes it harder and more complex for my SG members and I to get everyone into an ITF with new characters, for example.

God Forbid we want to run the content there...

::sighs:: seriously Devs, EACH person has to run the arc themselves, you can't run it as a team anymore, we have to cure some 160 lost for an 8 man team, with a 5 second cool down that means we are down in the old sewers for AT LEAST 13 minutes plus the time to get to the Lost and back out... all spent in a place where the bad guys are no threat to us, and if we accidentally hit the wrong button we just wasted 10 or so potential targets...

You can't see how this is INCREDIBLY ANNOYING!
No, just no. You have totally missed the point. All it means is that if you run it as a team only the people who have the arc (which CAN be everyone) will get it. It's just stopping people joining at the end of the arc for the last mission and getting the badge.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
What if they applied this same logic to getting the Dimensional Warder badge? "Only the mission holder will receive badge credit for any Praetorian AV/EB defeated."
What if that's a DEFEAT badge, making your example completely irrelevant?

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Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
::sighs:: seriously Devs, EACH person has to run the arc themselves, you can't run it as a team anymore,
Completely false.

we have to cure some 160 lost for an 8 man team,
Haven't tested personally, but pretty sure this is completely wrong too, based on how other hunt missions work.

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Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
Still think devs hate teaming.
Even if true, you can't use this change as evidence. There was no "teaming" in the exploit except only in the most technical sense.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Isn't there a mission in the new DA that requires you to go to Cimerora?

If your 50 has never done Monty's arc, do you need to stop saving the world from the God of Death and do it before you can continue?

That's mildly silly.

A soon as you get the mission to go to Cimerora, you become a midnighter automagically, rendering the point moot.

Aside from the fact that the arc is trivially easy at level 10, you don't even have to do it if you choose to go through Dark Astoria instead.

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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
A partial solution would be to get a Midnighter club access as a Vet Reward

I don't think the arc per se is bad, but it's monotonous once you've done it the first 47 times. Once we've done it a few times it would be nice not to have to do it for every toon. It's not like the ITF is skippable content is it?
a better change would be to just sell the damn access to Cim via the Paragon Market as an account unlock. done.

having speed run both the villain and heroic unlock for Cim till my eyes bleed already, i would not object.

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Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
A soon as you get the mission to go to Cimerora, you become a midnighter automagically, rendering the point moot.

Aside from the fact that the arc is trivially easy at level 10, you don't even have to do it if you choose to go through Dark Astoria instead.
That's useful to know.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I do not have, and never will have, any sympathy at all for people who gripe because an obvious exploit is fixed. I don't care how much of what you think is a "slog" that it lets you bypass.

It's like everything else in the game. You want access to the reward? Then quitchyerbellyachin' and do the mission.
I see no reason we must accept any decision made by the devs as sacrosanct; if we think a change, even an exploit fix, makes the game worse, it's our duty to say so and start a debate. There's no guarantee the devs will agree with us, of course, but they should certainly listen to our reasons before dismissing us.

Consider when the devs wanted to fix the "bug" that let us outlevel the mail boxes, cars and vault doors in Mayhem missions. Technically, that was an exploit. But many players thought it gave us a sense of growing more powerful, and made the missions a lot more fun. I'm glad the devs agreed and decided not to fix it.

Personally, I think it's a terrible mistake to lock Cimerora behind the Midnighter arc, because it really gets tedious on your 10th character - and I say that as someone who LIKED Montague's arc!


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I expect a purchasable Cimerora global unlock in the future, have to make it a little more difficult before charging for it don't ya know.

I hope I am wrong but I expect not.




I don't think I'd care quite so much about this change except for the fact that I found out about it by joining up with a couple of new player friends to run Monty's arc, and, as they had already rescued that redheaded idiot, figured we didn't need to bother with running that stupid mission again (yeh, twenty-some times is enough, I think). So my wife and I joined in on mission [censored] two, got brutally slaughtered over and over and over and over by the mapful of Nerva Spectra Daemons and Ruin Mages (yay for running it at level 20 >.<), Lady Jane promptly got herself killed once we finally managed to clear the however many spawns had decided to camp out in the intersection (at least three teamwipes later), bored our way through the rest of the missions... and found that the Latin student wouldn't talk to the two of us that had joined on mission two!

Son of a..!

Yeah, screw you too, Midnighters. Hate this mission chain, tired of doing it every single time I want to do the ITF on a new character, tired of suicidal imbeciles that I'm supposed to rescue, tired of the lore getting screwed over because the devs got lazy about the big reveal... bah.

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I've never joined a team to get the badge needed to enter the midnighters club, so cant say im all too fussed about this change. Doesnt affect me in the slightest
Same. And FFM's comment on how no one helps someone for the sake of helping anymore. It just makes those folks who still do help, just to be friendly, that much more awesome.



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
you don't even have to do it if you choose to go through Dark Astoria instead.
I must have missed something then, because I just got Sister as a contact and it's telling me to go to Cimerora to see her. I don't see any access to Cimerora on my DA map. What am I missing?

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Why is this thread still alive...?
Because someone ( Shubbie ) necro-bumped it after over a month...

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Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
A soon as you get the mission to go to Cimerora, you become a midnighter automagically, rendering the point moot.

Aside from the fact that the arc is trivially easy at level 10, you don't even have to do it if you choose to go through Dark Astoria instead.
That's true. Only thing I honestly hate about the arc is the curing the Lost part. It's time-consuming and dull, specifically because of the recharge time on the wand and the number of Lost that need to be cured.

Originally Posted by TeChameleon View Post
got brutally slaughtered over and over and over and over by the mapful of Nerva Spectra Daemons and Ruin Mages (yay for running it at level 20 >.<)
Seriously? What, were you running it at +4/x8 or something? Wow.

Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
I must have missed something then, because I just got Sister as a contact and it's telling me to go to Cimerora to see her. I don't see any access to Cimerora on my DA map. What am I missing?
I think by "through Dark Astoria" he meant getting access by getting the mission there that sends you to Cim. Still have to get to Cim the normal way.

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Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
This is not a slap in the face.
Bah, I need to fine-tune my "slap in the face" alarm to recognize false positives. But as long as I'm here...

Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
ITF only EVER gets run during a wst phase
You forgot to add IMOLW (in my own little world).

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I think by "through Dark Astoria" he meant getting access by getting the mission there that sends you to Cim. Still have to get to Cim the normal way.
Ah, got it. Thanks. I missed what Party_Kake said. Good info to know.

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Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
I see no reason we must accept any decision made by the devs as sacrosanct; if we think a change, even an exploit fix, makes the game worse, it's our duty to say so and start a debate. There's no guarantee the devs will agree with us, of course, but they should certainly listen to our reasons before dismissing us.
Exploits and bugs need to be fixed. If the behavior of the exploit is a desirable one, then it can be reintroduced in a better way.

Personally, I don't think allowing others to piggyback onto the last step of a not-insignificant arc to gain its rewards is very desirable. I'd much rather Montague's arc be streamlined or bypassable entirely, but done so in a deliberate way, rather than using unintended behavior. Allowing access via the Dark Astoria arcs is a good alternative, for example.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Exploits and bugs need to be fixed. If the behavior of the exploit is a desirable one, then it can be reintroduced in a better way.

Personally, I don't think allowing others to piggyback onto the last step of a not-insignificant arc to gain its rewards is very desirable. I'd much rather Montague's arc be streamlined or bypassable entirely, but done so in a deliberate way, rather than using unintended behavior. Allowing access via the Dark Astoria arcs is a good alternative, for example.
Whoa. Two different posts by two different posters on the same day that make me miss the old Star rating system.

5 stars.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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Montague's Arc is easy. I can complete it in 15 minutes on any alt. First 3 mission you can just ignore enemies and run straight for goal. Only Lady Jane mission can be bit harder, but on 0/1 diff. it is not that hard.

Only problem I have with this change is if bug isn't fixed. I had on few of my alt problem that I got Cure Lost badge before starting arc. That had resulted with losing lost cure after curing just one lost and not being able to complete arc. Old way I solved that problem joining other people entering MC. Now it will going to be much harder and it will need petition.
Don't know what will premium accounts do in that situation?

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I've been lurking the forums for awhile now, and now I have the perfect excuse to make my first post (also....Hi, everyone)

Having now completed the Midnighter's arc as a hero and as a villain, I have come to the conclusion that maybe the blueside version is better done solo. While the arc itself isn't nowhere near as difficult as I was lead to believe, the only part I consider difficult is when you escort Lady Jane while fighting the CoT (One of the deciding factors on playing CoX was watching a Youtube LP series, in which the host and his two friends were having an extremely difficult time on the mish. It was hilarious to watch, but I could see and hear how frustrating it was)

First time I got the arc I was intimidated, I'll admit. I had done the newbie AP story mishes and was pretty confident in my abilities (SD/WM Tanker), but I had a preconceived notion about this arc and dreaded doing it. So, alone I braved the arc......and about an hour later completed it without a hitch. Maybe because I was solo and the enemies were not as numerous as they were in the video, but Lady Jane stood by me and watched my back,unaware of how scared the poor newb tanker was lol.

What took the longest time was finding the Lost to use the cure on. I didn't really consider it annoying because I got to see more of the game area and learn my way around.

I can certainly understand how alot of you feel that repeating this arc per character can get tedious, and I agree that maybe it should have an account unlockable. But...I...kinda like the story I personally wouldn't mind just repeating it on my alts.

TL;DR just wanted to put my 2 inf in and say hi.