Positron Massively Interview - Your character could join the Freedom Phalanx




Was Numina originally a player's actual character that they played with, or did that player just make her up for the contest? I wasn't around for CoH's beta so I have no idea.

I'm just wondering why people are assuming that the winner would lose access to the character they've submitted, though I haven't read the linked article yet. I suppose though, it would be funny if you were still allowed to play it, and you stood right next to the NPC trainer of that same character.

Anyways, I'd vote for Coyote to be inducted into the Freedom Phalanx.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
No, no, no - I say one of the newest 50s should be inducted into the Phalanx:


I could only hope! However, there is no way I am telling Flame about this possibility or she will have me cutting box tops/filling out ballots/buying scratch tickets until the end of time to make sure it might happen.

The Elementals - Brother Frost and Sister Flame

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Arc 118690 - Sibling Rivalry (Sister Flame) Tweaked 09/15/09



If not me, then... The Can Man.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
See, while most people were thinking about what sort of character would be cool to have in the Freedom Phalanx, I was thinking about what the nastiest sort of powerset combination I would want to put into the LRSF.
The game doesn't have a Skateboard/Smoker power set.

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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
"That doesn't sound very heroic."
"You did not know her, did you?"



Originally Posted by _Wyll_ View Post
I could only hope! However, there is no way I am telling Flame about this possibility or she will have me cutting box tops/filling out ballots/buying scratch tickets until the end of time to make sure it might happen.
Oh, come on now Wyll, think of the PR...
A 10-year old's favorite Character that is a darling of part of the player base getting canonized in to the game. What could be wrong with that?

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Was Numina originally a player's actual character that they played with, or did that player just make her up for the contest? I wasn't around for CoH's beta so I have no idea.
The content was on the pre-release boards and most people who entered did so with characters they didn't intend to play. (Poison entered with a character called Scirocco...which had more than a passing resemblance to the Scirocco who ended up in game many years later.) Numina was designed by a member called "Belle", but I dunno if that's the same @Belle that's still kicking around on Virtue and on the current forums.

Most of the oldschool CoH crowd who ended up in game post on cohguru.com and I can't remember belle ever posting there. Maybe she didn't make it to release.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Anyways, I'd vote for Coyote to be inducted into the Freedom Phalanx.
You scooped me! I was going to suggest Coyote. He needs something else to do now that he's not stuck in Outbreak anymore.

Of course...there's always The Fabulous Frosty Femme!

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Everyone. Even if they didn't do it, they'd all take the credit.


Totally beat you by a few seconds in saying "Everyone"...so..uh... jinx

oh snap

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, thank god the title wasn't saying what I thought it was saying. "My character" could join the Freedom Phalanx, in that a character I enter into a contest could be chosen to be made canon, NOT every character I play joining the Phalanx through a mission. OK, that's a load off my mind.
Your characters can already all become reserve members.



Originally Posted by Matt Miller, aka Positron
We need to promote someone from within the Freedom Phalanx to be the new leader, but that will still leave a hole to be filled. We have plans to fill that hole with a character submitted by a community member in a contest. We did this prior to launch and picked Numina to be one of the Surviving Eight, and we'd love to do this sort of thing again. We'll have more details on that in the coming months, but suffice it to say that your character has a chance at making into the official game lore as a member of Paragon City's signature supergroup.

So City of is devolving into a high school popularity contest? Happy happy, joy joy.

If you really feel like you need the community to pick a replacement (and not just have one of your paid writing staff do his or her job), then I implore you to simply pick 4 or 5 NPCs that are long overdue for a promotion and the character development it brings. Say, Back Alley Brawler, Ms. Liberty, Moonfire, Infernal, and someone else, like Rose Star from the canceled City of Hero. Blue Steel or Castle would be a good choice too.



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
If you really feel like you need the community to pick a replacement (and not just have one of your paid writing staff do his or her job), then I implore you to simply pick 4 or 5 NPCs that are long overdue for a promotion and the character development it brings.
This is certainly something we've considered, however we also weighed in our history of involving the Community in the story of CoX. It's actually far *more* work to include a Community character (legal, taking submissions, making a selection, vetting backstory, etc) than just writing a character ourselves.

Even by selecting a Community member, our paid writers will be earning their salaries by writing this character into the lore of CoH.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Most of the oldschool CoH crowd who ended up in game post on cohguru.com and I can't remember belle ever posting there. Maybe she didn't make it to release.
The person who introduced me to this game was also a part of its beta community and posted on those boards, and played CoH/CoV up until a few years ago. He doesn't play here anymore. He originally went off to be with our Challenging Opposition, but has recently been seen in a galaxy far, far away.



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
So City of is devolving into a high school popularity contest? Happy happy, joy joy.
Did you just totally miss the part where we were talking about how this happened before, back when the game was in beta?

Also, what's "high school" about this? Man, stop being such a grump!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This is certainly something we've considered, however we also weighed in our history of involving the Community in the story of CoX. It's actually far *more* work to include a Community character (legal, taking submissions, making a selection, vetting backstory, etc) than just writing a character ourselves.

Even by selecting a Community member, our paid writers will be earning their salaries by writing this character into the lore of CoH.
Well, here's a question, then... is it written in stone that the number of heroes in the Freedom Phalanx must remain constant?



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I'm just wondering why people are assuming that the winner would lose access to the character they've submitted, though I haven't read the linked article yet. I suppose though, it would be funny if you were still allowed to play it, and you stood right next to the NPC trainer of that same character.
.... while pointing at the trainer and shouting, "IMPOSTOR!"

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



If it's a competition, I can't as I'm half-way round the globe. And, well, I can't anyway because I have no heroes except my first 50, and his bio is so incredibly bad, and the concept so bland that I wouldn't put him up anyway. My villains, however, have concepts and backgrounds which I would be willing to put forward.... but they're not heroes, so they're not eligible...



I'm definitely intrigued by this, though I'll also express my concern over the future of that character. I wouldn't mind if it was something that we might have some say in (i.e. if my troller Magical Master was chosen, the devs would possibly correspond with me whenever content involving him was being made to see how he would react and what his actions would likely be. He's a hammy, over-the-top stage magician pastiche with a heart of gold so he's more likely to spout off cheesy one liners like "Stop right there, ruffian! Behold the magic of JUSTICE!", would that still be put into the game?) but if it's something that's going to remove the character from my ability to play and completely remove it from my influence I'd have concerns.

On the flip side, though, if I was allowed to keep the character I'd be interested to know if the dev team would possibly give them a signature makeover with a custom piece or two that's signature to them and allow me to keep playing that character with these unique pieces. THAT would be pretty sweet. I've got a few toons that I'd love to see make it into the Phalanx. One in particular that I really loved playing and that I've had innumerable compliments for on costume I ended up parking at 50 because I just moved on to other ATs and found it difficult to play her anymore. I'd love to see her move to the Phalanx as she's a very iconic-style character and would bring something new to the table. The question is, how is this character going to be chosen? Can't wait to hear more on the subject and get some more details!



Originally Posted by SlackTech View Post
And, well, I can't anyway because I have no heroes except my first 50, and his bio is so incredibly bad, and the concept so bland that I wouldn't put him up anyway.
I don't think it'll only be an existing hero - I'm pretty sure you'll be able to submit ideas, even if you havn't made them as playable avatars - after all, when they had the contest for Numina, there weren't any player avatars available to submit

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Even by selecting a Community member, our paid writers will be earning their salaries by writing this character into the lore of CoH.
While the official rules are still weeks away from being posted, I am working under the assumption that a player will have to have already established their character's place in CoH lore (its background/biography) in order to enter the contest. Unless this is just an overinflated costume contest, your coders will be doing all the work of adding the character wherever it appears in the game. Other than the creation of a few lines of generic F10-type text, the writers are basically getting a free pass.

But I could be wrong. Regardless, neither of us can say whether they've "earned their salaries" or not until after we experience the writing itself. If recent examples are to be used as a basis for judgment...well, YMMV.

Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Did you just totally miss the part where we were talking about how this happened before, back when the game was in beta?

Also, what's "high school" about this? Man, stop being such a grump!
Exactly, they allowed a beta character to become a NPC, a character that would otherwise have been wiped from the game entirely before release. Unless they plan to eventually replace all of the Phalanx (not just Jack's characters) with PCs, all doing this now does is give a single player a massive ego boost.

The phrase was "high school popularity contest". You know, like a homecoming/prom queen/king thing. Vote for Pedro!

And yes, I'm a grump. It's hard to be an optimist in today's society. Again, YMMV.



Sunstorm gets my vote.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
If you really feel like you need the community to pick a replacement (and not just have one of your paid writing staff do his or her job), then I implore you to simply pick 4 or 5 NPCs that are long overdue for a promotion and the character development it brings. Say, Back Alley Brawler, Ms. Liberty, Moonfire, Infernal, and someone else, like Rose Star from the canceled City of Hero. Blue Steel or Castle would be a good choice too.
This is what I lean towards supporting.

If you open it up to player created characters, I predict it's going to turn into a a farce where someone who I've never heard of, from a server I never play on, with a long friends list and a lot of Inf, ends up getting the spot after a shameless astroturfing campaign regardless of the actual merit of their creation.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I don't think it'll only be an existing hero - I'm pretty sure you'll be able to submit ideas, even if you havn't made them as playable avatars - after all, when they had the contest for Numina, there weren't any player avatars available to submit
I acknowledge your point, GG, and thank you for raising it.

I'm still half a world away, and hence outside the geo-political boundaries of Paragon Studios contest entry rules (and therefore forbidden to enter if the previous terms and conditions are to be taken as applying to this 'contest').

Of course, we don't know for certain that they will be... but I would be amazed if they're not, particularly if prizes are offered.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

One word.

Somebody needs to die in a fire.
While being skewered.
And pummeled to death.
And shot with the largest, most powerful machine-gun we can find.

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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
No, no, no - I say one of the newest 50s should be inducted into the Phalanx:



Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Somebody needs to die in a fire.
While being skewered.
And pummeled to death.
And shot with the largest, most powerful machine-gun we can find.
I got one right here.

And after I shoot her, out of gratitude, the Freedom Phalanx will unanimously vote to make me their newest member.

We are all doomed.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World