How would you have killed the Statesman???
With a double barreled shotgun.
I would have done it much the same, except instead of the power absorption being the thing that killed states, I would have had him stood against Incarnate powered Wade after losing his powers and get killed in the fight.
I would'nt change anything other than to remove the PC altogether.
And, well, I might have an epilogue where a midget carries Statesman's body into the land of Mordor to hurl it into the fires of Mount Doom.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
"I suppose you're all wondering why I invited you, the five greatest villains on planet Earth, to meet me in this dark and depressing manor house on the edge of a cliff, during a rainstorm. I propose a crime so epic, so monumental in it's scope that it will make us MASTERS OF THE WORLD.
I propose nothing less than the elimination of the one obstacle to all our ambitions, the one man who has, time and again, thwarted us at every turn, the man who has sent our grandest schemes crashing down time and again....
....oh, yeah, we're going to kill Statesman too. Hopefully that won't take up too much time. But after that....."
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
Its always odd these rumors that float around. Ill be sure to let Marcus know about these tales of his demise. They should give him a good laugh.
You see he didnt die despite all these tongues wagging on. No you see what happened was this.
As Wade took on the power of the Dark and prepared to consume Marcus Cole, the oft unsung Immortal hero and co founder of the midnighters Bentley Berkeley leapt between the traitor who had once been his most prized pupil, and one of his oldest friends.
You see Bentley has been around along time, fighting the Cult of the Dark. Those mad fools like Wade became who thought they could master the power of the Devourer of Dimensions. For a long time he has fought against beings like Requiem and been hunted by Nemesis for the secret of his immortality.
What made him immortal is a secret none knew for he kept it close. You see when Imperious sacrificed himself to stop Romulus he left a fragment of power in his own child, that child would spend more lifetimes then men could dream of waiting to fullfill a prophecy given him by the oracle. that one day another champion gifted as his father was would fall on the very mountain they then stood upon. But with his sacrifice that champion could be restored and the world would not fall to the Dark.
So that day as Marcus Cole saw his life flash before his eyes and feel his power leave him, Bentley was there and calling upon centuries of magical skill honed to perfection he layed his former student low. Then he kneeled by the body of his old friend, and summoned up the shard of power his father had left him with, and with will and word drove that shard into Marcus Cole. Reviving the man free of the possession of the entity beyond the Well known as Zeus.
Now Cole walks among us, once more a man, but now on his own slow path to regaining the power he once knew, but this time in control of it, and not it controlling him. As for that hero who mentored so many young mages among paragon known as Ol'Birc? Thats a story for another day.
With kindness.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
It would have ended with Colonel Mustard in the drawing room with the candlestick.
I kid, I kid.
I thought about it and I would have spun the arc in such a way that the players would have to stop Statesman (maybe even permanently). Have Wade take over Statesman's mind and slowly twist him into doing nasty things. Very covertly at first and then make it obvious by the last act.
Another idea would have been to have Statesman "see the future" and realize that your toon may turn out to be something 100 timed worse than Recluse. Wade could have stirred the pot a bit and put you into a confrontation with Statesman... a final confrontation.
Just a few thoughts.
The Elementals - Brother Frost and Sister Flame
Who Is Sister Flame?
Arc 118690 - Sibling Rivalry (Sister Flame) Tweaked 09/15/09
Send him to Mars, and either one of these two:
Make him take off his helmet, thereby freezing him instantly. Just like Tim Robbins did.
Get the alien face thingy all mad and stuff, where he gets sucked into a giant martian sideways tornado vortex, and spun apart into his various limbs, torso and head, all separated.
I always thought that last was pretty gruesome way to go, but hey, he'd be gone for sure.
As a tangent, I just thought of something that would definitely have killed Superman:
Poison the water of Metropolis. But not with just anything... Kryptonite.
See, one of two things is going to happen:
1) He will drink the water by default, and get poisoned and die, either directly through the poisoning, or as a side effect of his not being invulnerable and getting the common cold.
2) He will be irradiated by *every person in Metropolis* by just standing about.
Now... this assumes you have Kryptonite. Or that Kryptarnite that Gus made, which will keep making him an ******* and then splitting him apart, so he keeps fighting himself, which will drive him fracking insane and he'd have to be put down with a real live Kryptonite bullet, supplied by none other than Lex, yeah?
Or something like that.
/Still likin' the tornado, though.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Adding diminishing returns to health with a defense and resistance nerf.....miscalculating the modifiers and ending up with -15hp.
While, the whole time, he didn't listen to people who told him not to do it....or fix things instead of just nerfing things to oblivion and wait 3 more years for a new system to go into place.
.........that's how I'd kill him
Mr. True Shot.
PS: Yes, I'm still bitter.
Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster
....and hopeless Science-Natzi.
Chicken bone in his sandwich.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
ideally...have him killed by a opportunistic Wade after he was drained from a epic battle of some sort...possibly after a major battle w/ Recluse.
Pillow over his face.
"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.
In the Conservatory with the Pipe Wrench.
Cancer, or another disease. He hid it for so long, dies from it before delivering the final blow to some hated enemies and the player has to pick up the slack.
Suicide. He'd start to lose his mind, diagnosed with dimensia or it be the symptom of some sort of condition or brain tumor. After hurting someone without realizing what he's doing, he ends it. Maybe fly into the sun or something else dramatic.
Time travel, someone goes back in time and kills him before he becomes statesman. I suppose that might screw up the timeline a bit.
Betrayal of some sort. A poison or some other method that would require a level of trust.
"I suppose you're all wondering why I invited you, the five greatest villains on planet Earth, to meet me in this dark and depressing manor house on the edge of a cliff, during a rainstorm. I propose a crime so epic, so monumental in it's scope that it will make us MASTERS OF THE WORLD.
I propose nothing less than the elimination of the one obstacle to all our ambitions, the one man who has, time and again, thwarted us at every turn, the man who has sent our grandest schemes crashing down time and again.... ....oh, yeah, we're going to kill Statesman too. Hopefully that won't take up too much time. But after that....." |

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
I would have killed him... Not in a cut scene. I'm sure that <instert your Lore explanation here> would have been awesome, but I just wanted a chance to face off against him, as a level 54 hero, on my main character (and Villain) one-on-one and beat him into oblivion... I didn't want to watch Darren Wade supergun him in the back during a cut scene.
I would have killed him... Not in a cut scene. I'm sure that <instert your Lore explanation here> would have been awesome, but I just wanted a chance to face off against him, as a level 54 hero, on my main character (and Villain) one-on-one and beat him into oblivion... I didn't want to watch Darren Wade supergun him in the back during a cut scene.
Please let me know what you think... and how should he die?
Check out this!!!!
The story as it stood had me thinking that I would get the killing blow in on Statesman.
To keep the outcome (Statesman removed from the universe) I would have gone with a moral choice scenario.
Darrin Wade manages to extract the power of Statesman, leaving him unconscious but as a mortal unpowered human.
The fights between the player and Darrin proceeds as currently written but afterwards you are presented with the choice of...
- Hide Marcus Cole and let the world think Statesman is dead (Vigilante)
- Honour Marcus Cole and see he gets the best of care (Hero)
- Honour Marcus Cole and see he gets the best of care (Hero)
- Kidnap Marcus Cole for your own ends [ransom/experiment] (Villain)
- Kill Marcus Cole, ridding the world of Statesman (Villain)
- Hide Marcus Cole and let the world think Statesman is dead (Vigilante)
- Kill Marcus Cole, ridding the world of Statesman (Villain)
- Honour Marcus Cole and see he gets the best of care (Hero)
... or other equivalents (made these options up off the top of my head - there are probably better ones). Phasing technology could then be used to display appropriate statues/plaques/NPC comments on Statesman's death/disappearance/retirement.
The players should have been involved. I didn't mind the SSA but it was a bit too simple and States did not have an epic death. I feel the final mish should have been heroes fighting along with States and attempting to save the city or world or whatever. After States is run down and the mish concludes then have Wade lure him away and THEN apply the cut scene. Not much different but a bit more meaningful and plausible; States saves something one more time, is beaten down, vulnerable and then meets his end. The cut scene could have shown States worn down, ripped costume and all. In the SSA 5 cutscene, States just seems to be a bit of an overconfident buffoon blinded by anger and steps into an obvious trap (I really think he should have suspected something; why else would Wade want to confront him alone in an isolated area...seriously).
For the villain side, perhaps the villain toons are part of the force fighting States et al and the villains apply a sound beating on good old States. Then Wade steps in and finishes him off. The players feel a bit more empowered in this storyline and are partially responsible for the death of States! A truly evil deed! States was less than a Saint so Rogue toons may also enjoy exacting a form of punishment.
I enjoyed the cut scene on SSA 5 but, overall, a weak installment.
Hopefully, in i23, the dev team puts up a memorial in Atlas or something. Maybe something with a burning flame. Then again, the dev that was States was a big enough idiot where I wouldn't mind just removing him from the game with no memorial.
Or cast mystic fortune on him and hope for the Tower.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Epic amounts of bacon stuck to a nerf bat and beat the living dhsfuijdsafhs out of him...then to finish him teabag him xd

First off folks. I already told you Marcus is fine and dandy.
Secondly some folks seem to be under the mistaken impression that Wade stole Statesmans power. Which is utterly absurd. What he did do was tap into the Ruluruu, because wade was part of a little thing called the Path of the Dark, a cult bent on bringing an end to everything. Though many modern worshippers delusionally believe they can master the dark entity of the shadow shard.
Thirdly Stephan for all his posturing is more then likely to take Wades attack on his old friend quite personally. Expect Recluse himself to be shifting rogue more likely then not in the coming months. Especially considering Tyrants intrusions into our world. Recluse might be a meglomaniac bent on world domination, but he will be damned if he lets anyone else conquer it first.
This message was brought to you by Crey Global Enterprises. We make the nightlight that keeps the darkness at bay and your child safe in thier dreams. Psi Scrambler optional.
Crey. Because we care!
How would your AE arc to kill the Statesman start? Here are a few ideas that I had ....
Requiem: You, my most loyal of subjects, are to be privy to a secret. The Statesman has agreed to join Captain Cool's Sewer Trial Team. Now when he is at his weakest we will strike. Get the Maestro out of his lair and bring him to me. Get Burkholder off his stinkin island. Get every Robot, Vampyr, Warwolf and Marksman we have to our council base.
This is what we've waited for. This is it boys this is WAR!
The Prophet: Remember that group called Hickman's Heroes. The public never knew where they vanished to. Well they are all under my control and tomorrow at L hour they will all attack the Statesman. Grandma Disturbing, Frogs Legs, Manscaper, Bibbity Bobbity Boom, Peter Pants, Ghoul Aid, the Eensy Weensy Spygirl and all the others. To make sure they succeed I have also brought the Giant Monsters known as Sharktopus and Mansquito under my control. The lost will keep the heroes busy while the Statesman is brought down.
Lost! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty... For tonight, we dine in Atlas Park!
The Lord of Frosts: Here I sit alone. Looking for a reason to go on. Its so clear that all we have now are our battles of yesterday. Well no longer will the Lord of Frosts hide in Indignity. Tomorrow the last of the Americans warriors will fall. Gather my Ashigaru. Clean my brightest robe. Tell my Byakkotai that we have one last, greatest battle to fight.
Deru kui wa utareru!
Tyrant: So we are agreed to band together to rid of selves of this heroic fool version of ourselves. I, the Tyrant, Lord of Praetoria shall join with The Reichsman, Lord of Axis America and Imperious, Deposed Ruler of Cimerora. Even our long lost doppleganger Banana Republicsman will join in one last assault to purge ourselves of this heroic fool once and for all!
Salamander: For years, we the Radio Mission bosses, have wreaked havoc on Paragon City. But the tedium is too much. Last week I kidnapped Clive Loveking and he gave me a coffee mug with my name on it. Gregor still gets calls from Dr Boyce Boyd wanting to meet at The Hungry Dragon and talk about old times. I have four storage lockers filled with Space Ship Blueprints, Blood Rubies, and Claws of Doom. The local pawn shops stopped hocking Crowns of Enos weeks ago.
No longer will we struggle in silence to be skipped whenever someone gets a task force invitation. We will kill the Statesman! Tell Operative Barrow to gather his spiders. Tell Yewande to muster the dead. Tell Clemalion to summon his Thorns. Tell Baldorf to cluster his flock of Lost. Let the call go out to every deviant, miscreant, and black heart that the Statesman must fall!
The Honoree: So how was our noble sacrifice received? I bet the women and children were crying for years. I bet they built statues of every last one of us. I bet every school child has memorized our final words to our loved ones. Statesman? He gave them capes? HE GAVE THEM CAPES! Do you know how they tortured us? Every day burning probes followed by dunking in the rikti stench pits! Listening to magical hero after magical hero scream in unending agony. HE GAVE THEM CAPES! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! MUST KILL!
Malaise: Now that the mind witch has departed from my psyche you must help me with my greatest plan ever. I have switched every bottle of the Statesman's favorite cologne with Banana Extract. Tomorrow when he addresses the Banquet I shall give you the signal. You shall press the lever opening the container of 10,000 Rikti Monkeys. This will be more fun than a barrel of Monkeys. Heehee. It will be chimply marvellous! Hohoho! When they throw all that poo at the Statesman it will be third debris assault! Muhaha! When they see Statesman and start throwing it will be Monkey See Monkey Doo Doo! Hahaha!
Wait! Don't Leave. This is a great plan. Stop walking out that door villain. I saw that facepalm mister! We still have monkey business to finish! Wait, I didn't mean that!
Longbow Commander of Bloody Bay: Yesterday Statesman came in and wiped out Arachnos in 15 minutes. He said it was on his to do list and he finally got around to it. Do you know how many friends and colleagues I lost in Bloody Bay. My cousin Jose lost his spleen to an Arachnos Widow! He could have been saved but NOOOOOOOO the Statesman had more important things to do. Gather everyone who has lost friends in Bloody Bay. Tomorrow we call Shennanigans on the Statesman!