How would you have killed the Statesman???

Demetrios Vasilikos



This is a good question...

...maybe let all the players who ever hated Jack Emmert loose so they could a bridge out of his rendered body and GET OVER IT? /endsnark

Sorry, I just had to type that after seeing the waves of bile that still spill over towards the former Dev that apparently so many can't seperate from the character. It's a game, kids. There are better things to do than hate on a guy who doesn't even work here anymore.

But for Statesman the character? I would've let us see him at the absolute apex of his power, absolutely terrible and frightening, the full Avatar of Zeus just before dying, just to remind Wade that unlike Wade, Zeus is a true Immortal.

And if there's anything I remember about Zeus is that he's not the most forgiving sort.

That being said, I guess I should put in the call to Kevin Sorbo. Time to bring back Hercules(tm)!


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



A flaming toilet seat that de-orbits Earth's satellite.



Ignoring my opinions for the Develper associated with the character (I came in around I-9, after he left), and the poor characterization that 90% of the writers have inflicted on him, I do feel that his death, while emotional, suffered too much of a gimmicky, cop-out, feel. The villain I ran through the arc, characterizing her attitudes, really feels that his death was unsuitable. She wanted him to fall by her hand, preferably after an hours-long epic battle of Incarnates, trashing an entire city zone, and only delivering the final blow when she was down to about 15 HP, pausing only long enough to catch her breath, and letting him have the chance to wheeze out those final words. "But not today, Statesman. Farewell." *THWOCK*



I would have cast Recluse as having some part in the scheme (maybe not with the intention of killing Marcus, but at least have some part in it). Maybe it will be revealed in the coming episodes, but I would think Wade has far less reason to kill Marcus than Stefan (I confess that although I tried to read everything in each episode, I'm not a fan of the writing, so I probably missed something incredibly crucial).



Oh, just to clarify, I get that Wade's plans have something to do with the Rularuu and Cimerora (only due to the reference to Rom and Imp). I'm guessing this will tie into the Well (grab for power and all that), but the motivations for this killing spree doesn't make a lot of sense to me at present (as I said, I'm probably missing the obvious).

Now that I think about it, though, Stefan's absence could actually be logical. I'm getting the impression that Wade wants to destroy the world - Recluse doesn't want to destroy it, he wants to re-make it in the fashion of his choosing, but wholesale destruction is probably not his intent (unless something or someone clashes with his plans, of course).

He did, however, kill to take over the Rogue Isles, so it's possible he has something do with Statesman's defeat 'behind the scenes'. Or it could just be a continuation of the diminishing of the City of Villains brand (and for those that who just put this down to bitterness on my part, when was the last time a ViDoc was made about Villain content e.g. Recluse's right-hand men and woman. And yes, I do understand and appreciate that this is 'City of Heroes Freedom' now and the devs are still making villain-only content, so it could be said that I should just be happy and stop complaining)