Who do we look up to now?




Originally Posted by Arctic Man View Post
You've been RPing a guy in coma?
That too

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



It would really be nice to see COX introduce a couple of new signature heroes. After hearing they were copying the kill the signature hero track that other comics have done to death, I was more than sure we were getting new sigs introduced into the game. Guess not.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



From the view point of the player it's you. By the way WWD seems to be set up, it's all about letting your character step up to the plate and show off what they can do. That you have the ability, power and skills to stand alongside people like BaB and Positrom after the world's greatest hero was slain.

From the point of view of a character inside the game... it's a bit more complicated.

For Freedom Phalanx the answer is obvious; Positron. When States is off clearing his head he's the one everyone in the FP turns to for leadership. He's the one that's expected to step up.

Now you're average citizen might be expecting Ms. Liberty to step up. After all she's Statesman's granddaughter, the next in line if you would. They might be turning to her as the face of the city, as it were.



You guys looked up to statesman?

I think I need to sit down.



You need someone to look up to? Look up to me!
*Point's to post count of OVER TEN THOUSAAAAAAND!!!*

Yeah. Yeah. I just don't know when to shut up.

10,001, here's lookin' at you kid!

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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I don't know if it's a case of looking up to anyone. Statesman was the figurehead, but one reason he has died is because many of the player base didn't actually respect him or look up to him. Hence, he was easier to take out of the game.

I viewed many of the FP as "long distance mentors" - the guys who were there to call upon, if the ordure impacts the thermantidote. Now, as the story progresses, they are largely superfluous to requirements and increasingly becoming irrelevant as the game becomes our characters' story.

And if that was too serious, then Faultline - because anyone who can cope with Fusionette for more than 20 minutes at a stretch is a genuine hero!
If this were the case they would've removed BaB instead though



Vote iconic characters and players from around the server to fill in?



Who looked up to Statesman? *I* always looked up to Back Alley Brawler and Blue Steel!

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



You. Me. Us.

Both philosophically and technically, an external moral center may have been a flawed concept for the City of X universe. Statesman's death planted that seed for me, but I didn't fully realize it until thinking about your post. Just like villain groups take up more of our heroes time than major villains--a major deviation from the standard comic book--an external but morally central character makes less sense for an entertainment medium starring us. Look at the two emboldened words there. It's not so reasonable, now that I think about it.

For those of you who want a moral center in your game, look to your own character rosters, or to upstanding members of your SGs or coalitions. Create one. In the final scene, there was an expectation in Statesman's dead wife's words that we would "rise up" to do just this. I doubt the writers intend to provide us with another Statesman. They have an opportunity to write stories wherein there is no question as to who the central characters are. Me. You. Us. This is something that players have demanded.

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Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Who looked up to Statesman? *I* always looked up to Back Alley Brawler and Blue Steel!
Always looked up to Positron and Manticore.



Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
Always looked up to Positron and Manticore.
Manticore's too short to look up to, unless you're crouching.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Manticore's too short to look up to, unless you're crouching.
Or you're one of those super short people. Or when your resting after finally defeating those Crey that have been chasing you for Two blocks and nearly kill you as Manticore just stands there. Same position as Positron. "They con gray"



I kind of like the idea that they won't have someone to look up to. That makes for great storytelling food for thought, where we can have missions where the city goes into a panic, villains go berserk, and we the player have to step up to stop it.

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Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Yeah they are constants standing around while the world burns.

If our heroes didn't do the things we did in all those tfs, etc, there would have been no Paragon City years ago.

I don't consider them constants in anything relevant.

You may not, but as Arnabas so correctly points out, the entire rest of the game world (where it is directly relevant) may comment upon your exploits, but they will always refer to the signature characters as being the preeminent heroes of the city.

We're not referred to in the lore (that's clearly impossible), we're not contacts, we're not badge titles. I could go on.

When we reach that level of recognition, then I could agree with you. And we both know that'll never happen. To suggest we are somehow more prominent is wish fulfillment on our parts collectively and is really only our construct.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I never looked up to any of the NPCs, especially not Statesman.

Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
Adolphe Menjou.

Seriously. Adolphe Menjou had the greatest mustache of the silent film era. How can you not admire the guy?

It's like Brent Spiner got merged with David Suchet's Poirot...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I thought the point of all this was to remove the unreachable icon hero status from the game and give players the lead.
That is what i got out of his ..ending. No one hero can take the world on their shoulders alone.

Who do the citizens of paragon city look up to now? The same heroes they always have looked up to, not States not the Phalanx but the players. Even Super Jerk



I think it’s probable that the people of Paragon would want a successor to Statesman. After all, history is filled with larger-than-life individuals who were lionized because they embodied the traits that their cultures admired. A few examples spring to mind: Joan of Arc, George Washington, Admiral Nelson, El Cid. I’m sure you can come up with others.

That said, we should then ask what particular traits would earn this status for a hero in a comic-based setting. In my opinion there are two: (1) overwhelming power and/or (2) a public perception of strong morality. Earlier posters mentioned Superman and Captain America and I think these are good illustrations.

From the standpoint of game mechanics, narrative cohesion and internal logic, I don’t think it makes sense for player characters to fill this void. I mean, we already have to suspend our disbelief when a pedestrian remarks, “There’s Captain Hero Guy. I heard he foiled a Tsoo plot to take over all the city’s gangs,” and we heard the same thing about Brave Valiant Lady the day before. And the Scarlet Stud Muffin on the day before that.

In my opinion, canon and in-game lore should provide background and a stable framework for the world in which our characters operate. Yes, our heroes become increasingly prominent and respected in this world, but how many true paragons of virtue can one city sustain? It’s their very uniqueness that makes them stand out. If you’ve got thousands of Statesmen running around, then what was once the lofty ideal just becomes commonplace.

So if you accept this argument, we’re still left with the question of who will assume the role of preeminent hero in the wake of Statesman’s demise. Logically, they’ll either have to elevate an existing character or create a new one.

I haven’t the foggiest idea if or how the devs will attempt this. Someone mentioned earlier the possibility of Ms. Liberty stepping into her grandfather’s shoes and this has a certain appeal. Personally, I’m rooting for Flower Knight. I don’t believe that she’s used that much in terms of game lore and she’s certainly had a lot of free time since they changed the tutorial. I’d love to see a storyline where she surprises everyone and ascends to the next level. Let Flower Knight bloom!



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I am giving that as an example of events in-game that the top-tier heroes would possibly be involved it. I am merely asking how we might become-- if we choose to-- a hero at the level of Statesman and have it reflected in the game.
In play? I'd suggest setting the difficulty and the number of heroes you're equal to what you can handle easily for everyday problems and only upping it to what you find a moderate to difficult challenge when it comes to "Save the world" type events.

Here's why: It shouldn't still be an uphill climb when you're at the top of the heap.

If your hero is supposed to be considered a substantial hero, then either through planning or sheer overpowering ability or some combination thereof or simply writer fiat, your character is more than capable of handling a typical situation with ease. So, set the difficulty accordingly.

Particularly, when you hit the "high-end" portion, everything in the radio/newspaper system isn't really worthy of "Oh no, the world is going to end" sorts of peril, so run easy mode for a bit. Don't forget to stop to smell the roses and get the drop on the occasional gray con, because Superman doesn't just let a mugger manhandle an innocent just because they con gray.

Plus, when you hit 50 and get fully incarnated up or purpled out or full up on inf or whatever you consider topped out, you're not really getting anything out of the game than the fun of playing your character.

If you think challenge is fun, then set it to whatever is challenging to you. But, to my mind, paddling upstream all the time doesn't represent what we're supposedly capable of.

Also, avoid those that throw rocks at you.



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
So with States gone, who is a shining example of all that's good?
You're suggesting that States was this? O.O

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



He was to the people of Paragon, even if not always in practice.

It's like Superman. He's not the holier-than-thou "boy scout" that everyone believes him to be, but everyone continues thinking of him that way all the same.

And during the Death of Superman arc in the comics, the criminals of Metropolis rejoiced when they heard that news. Street punks who formerly surrendered at the mere sight of Superman were ready to fight Supergirl to the death. They didn't even care that there were dozens of heroes in town for Superman's funeral, they simply didn't consider them, even collectively, as much of a threat as Superman on his own.

So, yeah, saying "Who needs Statesman, when we have lots of heroes to replace him?" is like saying "Who needs Superman, when you have Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Plastic Man, and Booster Gold to replace him?"



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
"Who needs Superman, when you have Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Plastic Man, and Booster Gold to replace him?"
Who indeed?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Works for me!

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.