The Well, Praetoria, and Incarnates; Problems with Writing?




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hey, hey, hey!
*I* coined Puddle of Mild Annoyance
I found it a very apt name, so I borrowed it.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I could have told you as much even without spoilers (which I haven't even seen yet) just from the arrogant, presumptuous "I'm right and everyone else is stupid and wrong" approach he foists on us through his letters. Maybe I'm just a contrary kind of guy, but the more someone tells me how I'm destined to be his ally and how I should be smart and be his ally, the more I want to hand his letters to Mender Silos and go "Here, does this help?"

Yeah, and the irony is he's the one who does something unbelievably stupid.


The crucial element here is that both sides need to be threatening, respectable and impressive, and that's simply not what's happening, at least outside of Dark Astoria. We're taking turns between demeaning the players and then demeaning the NPCs until it feels less like an epic clash of the titans and more like a parking lot brawl between two drunk bums.
In Dark Astoria both sides come across as incredibly flat. It does a really poor job convincing me the world is actually going to come to an end.

At the very least, crossovers need to be written with a great deal of respect for the source material. That's another writer's work you're wiping your feet on, and a certain amount of respect needs to be shown. And killing off said other writer's characters for no reason other than because you needed a shock death is to respect what an angle grinder is to tickling.
So is completely changing another writer's story because you like yours better, and you think their should be twisted to fit into yours.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



In Dark Astoria both sides come across as incredibly flat. It does a really poor job convincing me the world is actually going to come to an end.

Once again, Eva...your reaction to this Issue--and the last 4--is entirely subjective. You have had a very low opinion of the developers and their storytelling capabilities for years now. You've made your opinion very obvious in hundreds of different threads over the course of the last few issues.

With respect to the above statement though, I thought the atmosphere of the zone and the overall story did a wonderful job portraying what the writers and designers intended. I have no qualms with the quality of writing in Issue 22 (what I've tested of it thus far) or the quality of writing of the SSAs. Or the quality of anything released since Issue 18 (with the possible exception of the initial Dr. Graves arc...and even that wasn't SO bad). I think these writers now are leagues better than the writers of the legacy content.

So, with all things Internet, YMMV.




The problem with telling people to ignore a storyline they don't like is that it feels like skipping content. If there were an alternative "screw your stupid Well, I'm going to invent my own Well, and it'll do what I say and be covered in chrome" sort of plot, that would work. Since there's not, though, it plays like the game assumes you'll be beholden to the Well, so much so that it might even assume you are even if you choose to ignore Well content specifically because you don't want to be.



Originally Posted by RuthlessSamael View Post
If there were an alternative "screw your stupid Well, I'm going to invent my own Well, and it'll do what I say and be covered in chrome" sort of plot, that would work. Since there's not, though
Well, not yet, anyway

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
See, this is where I suppose the opinions of many players and myself diverge: they believe Natural Origin characters have no powers and succeed by 'being awesome!', and I believe that there's a difference between one guy who can break a plasma-vomiting mech in half with his bare heel and one guy who can't. You can call it training, motivation, force of will or self-discipline, but it's still power.
That's...A great way to look at it actually O_o.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
What you say is true, however, are you required to run through Ramiel's arc to begin your path to Incarnate power? Can you not unlock all of your abilities without ever setting foot in Oroboros? Do you have to converse with Prometheus to participate in any of the trials?
There is a way, as I hear it - Trials. However, Dark Astoria is the only solo Incarnate path that's worth a crap, and that requires you to have unlocked your Alpha slot just to participate in it, so that out doesn't exist if I don't want to raid-grind... Or be force-fed Praetoria. Besides, telling me to just ignore the content is just a clear admission that the content is not good. I still keep a quote from Matt Miller directed at my dislike of red electricity when Electric Melee for Brutes first came out saying that "You don't have to use it if you don't like it." That's just not a very good design practice when you're trying to design things people are supposed to want to use.

City of Heroes' story used to be one of its selling points. That time after time, player after player is advised to simply ignore it is a bad thing.

Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
There's also no reason why you can't turn your back on the Well entirely and use what knowledge you gained to forge your own path (completely free of the Well mind you). With Issue 22 though, there's no reason to even be involved with the puddle for any story progression (unless you want to proceed with the Praetorian storyline).
You still need to unlock the Alpha Slot to engage into it, and the only solo way to do this is vial Mender Ramiel's arc. And even if I didn't do it, the Well is still involved with the storyline to the best of my understanding. And again - if we CAN turn our backs on something that can apparently control people who draw from its power, then THAT would make for a compelling storyline I'd like to experience, as opposed to ignoring.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

You still need to unlock the Alpha Slot to engage into it, and the only solo way to do this is vial Mender Ramiel's arc. And even if I didn't do it, the Well is still involved with the storyline to the best of my understanding. And again - if we CAN turn our backs on something that can apparently control people who draw from its power, then THAT would make for a compelling storyline I'd like to experience, as opposed to ignoring.
A conflict within for our own characters would be AWESOME. If this were a petition I'd sign it.



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
A conflict within for our own characters would be AWESOME. If this were a petition I'd sign it.
It would. If being taken over by the well and controlled resulted in a crowning moment of awesome when I cast it out... I can deal with it, even if it's not exactly to-concept. If it comes to a cool end, I can gloss over many of the shortcomings along the way.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It would. If being taken over by the well and controlled resulted in a crowning moment of awesome when I cast it out... I can deal with it, even if it's not exactly to-concept. If it comes to a cool end, I can gloss over many of the shortcomings along the way.
And hey, more mileage for that "battle on a psychic plane" map from Minds of Mayhem/SSA1.4




You still need to unlock the Alpha Slot to engage into it, and the only solo way to do this is vial Mender Ramiel's arc.
I missed that tidbit about having Alpha unlocked somewhere.

Edit: Apparently it's in the patch notes introducing the story arcs. Glossed right over it

And even if I didn't do it, the Well is still involved with the storyline to the best of my understanding.
As far as I've seen in beta, the Well doesn't have a presence in Astoria, but I could very well be wrong again.

And again - if we CAN turn our backs on something that can apparently control people who draw from its power, then THAT would make for a compelling storyline I'd like to experience, as opposed to ignoring.
I'll vote for the above story arc as well It sounds like an interesting story to play through at the very least.




Something that I just cannot seem to understand is people get so caught up in "the well this" and "the well that".
Because whether you like it or not, that is what the story is.

Originally Posted by The Jargon File
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
“What are you doing?”, asked Minsky.
“I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe” Sussman replied.
“Why is the net wired randomly?”, asked Minsky.
“I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play”, Sussman said.
Minsky then shut his eyes.
“Why do you close your eyes?”, Sussman asked his teacher.
“So that the room will be empty.”
At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Here's how I deal with the Well of Furies lore:

Ha! Pretty much sums it up for me too! Or something pretty close: I'm constantly amazed at my ability to somehow completely misread "The Well of the Furies has granted you a Rare Component" to be "You have found a rare and valuable component from the bodies/wreckage of your fallen enemies."

Or ... "the Well is the ultimate source of all superpower" to "the Well is the ultimate source of all superpowers for anything the Devs put into the game, but if it's another player, I just go with whatever their bio says."

And I will reach across the Internet somehow and punch you in the face if you try to tell me otherwise about my story.
I can do you one better! Turns out that LA LA LA approach is just as effective on anybody else telling me something I don't want to hear about my own personal version of CoH lore (i.e. my story).

Caveat: Could the Devs be doing better with the story? Some places yes. Other places its fine, but not great. Others it's pretty good.

Beyond that, this thread actually started out as a very interesting place to read what other people's objections were to the Well storyline. Interesting to know. After it turned into a discussion, it stopped being interesting (but that's just for me - A poster's opinion is interesting to me. A poster's opinion of why someone else's opinion is or is not a good opinion isn't.)

I guess I should put my opinion on record, especially as a counter to statements we don't exist:
I like Praetoria just fine. I wouldn't mind seeing more Praetorian content and more development of Praetoria. I don't want it to be to the exclusion of Primal Earth, though. And adding Praetorian content is not the lynchpin for whether or not I like the game or its story.

It was interesting when it was pointed out that those of us who fall into that category usually keep (relatively) quiet. I certainly do.

And I'll say why. Since I'm content, starting a bunch of threads talking about it is pointless to me. As is stopping by threads filled with discontent to post about "how I'm not one of you." The only exception: when the claim is made that "nobody who wants X exists" and I want X (or don't hate it).

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



The Well:

Ignored as source of metahuman power on virtually all my characters. I don't even run the arc anymore now that you can unlock it with Astral Merits. My namesake is a former scientist that had no knowledge of the thing and got her powers through experimentation...yeah. The list goes on. The sooner I can avoid railroading of my character's motivations, the better.


Nice new starting area, loved First Ward content. Not a fan of everything Incarnate being tied to it. I can get to 50 without interacting with the Praetorian storyline and I can run endless task forces divorced from it, yet once I start the Incarnate path, I'm cooked.

Praetoria is a great starting zone but again denotes a tendency by the developing team to get "new shiny" syndrome and abandon it; you never use the "shifting" system of being part of the Resistance or Loyalist factions in First Ward or in any other content. Granted, branching arcs do require more tech, but those choices are generally the culminating part of an arc. How fun would it be to either let Diabolique go instead of seeing her torn asunder? Perhaps you betray Makwa instead of helping him? Still, you can't reproach the Devs too much as they've gone a bang-up job with this zone overall, and I hope to see 30-40 zone along the way.

The trials are a nice way to convey the "first strike" into Praetoria, and they are repetitive, but so is most MMO content. It would be nice to have alternate way to improve though and we'll see if Dark Astoria is that way...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Wing Leader, I hate to argue with a fellow man in stripes (plus you're always full of awesome comic book-y ideas for the game ) but you know better than to argue an exception as if it were a rule.

And anyway, the Fifth Column got an issue in their honor (Issue 15, although "honor" probably isn't the right word for them hehe), which included two task forces! It's regrettable what happened to them back in the day (was before my time), but I've heard lots of rumors that politics (as in correctness) were involved, and sales in Germany or something. Like I said, rumors. Would be nice to have a fact-check, actually. But more to the point, content for them is demanded a lot and I think I remember hearing somewhere that more content was in the pipeline.
I didn't mean to suggest that the 5th Column's exile represented a general "rule"; I was merely pointing out a particularly shameful move on the part of the publishers that left a very sour taste in my mouth. The fact that they were willing to do that completely undermined my confidence in them as developers.

I was gone from about I12 until I21, so I missed their reintroduction into the game. But for me, it is too little too late. They missed their chance to "undo" the damage they had done to my confidence in them when the 5C didn't return much sooner, taking the Council out completely in the process. Like I said, I'm glad they are back, but they seem relegated to a status even less relevant to ongoing events than Arachnos. Which is a shame because as much as I love Nemesis--both as a villain group and as an individual major mover-shaker in the greater mythos--I would have liked to see the 5th Column be more involved; for instance, replacing the Council in every single nook and cranny of content originally and currently filled by them. And that's just for starters.

But I realize that'll never happen. It is all about Praetoria (Emperor Cole), the Hamidon, and the Battalion now. Along with whatever tangential role Nemesis plays, being the nearly omniscient timelord that he is...

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



So really you're just another guy whining because his favorite villain group isn't getting the spotlight all the time. Seriously, I3 was seven years ago. Get over it. It's all kinds of stupid to continue holding Paragon accountable for that.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
Something that I just cannot seem to understand is people get so caught up in "the well this" and "the well that".

The only interaction anyone EVER has with the Well is in Mender Ramiel's story arc and in conversation with Prometheus. There are only 2 components in the ENTIRE Incarnate system that involve the Well (the Notice and the Favor). To say that this system and all the PCs involved in it are tied to the Well is just asinine. The only way your character is tied EXCLUSIVELY to the Well is by listening to Mender Ramiel and his ilk. You can easily accomplish meaningful progression along the Incarnate path without involving yourself with Ramiel, the Well, or Big Blue.

If you feel like your characters are somehow chained to Eva's "puddle of annoyance", then don't run Ramiel's arc. And for God's sake, don't listen to the Big Blue guy standing in a citadel of manipulators and liars.

Edit: Yes, I know there is a third component that is called "Drop of the Well", but according to its text, it's more of condensed, raw power.
Not sure how you work that out. The whole End Game is connected to the Well and the Origin of Powers arc tells us that. If you want to totally ignore the story and run the missions and trials for the loot, that's fine but that's rather like watching a movie for the images and ignoring the plot and character interaction.

The Well of the Furies is endemic and connected to the game on so many various levels that it's almost impossible to ignore it. That's arguably compounded by the retcons on the old Praetorian stuff that was in game pre-GR.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by RuthlessSamael View Post
So really you're just another guy whining because his favorite villain group isn't getting the spotlight all the time. Seriously, I3 was seven years ago. Get over it. It's all kinds of stupid to continue holding Paragon accountable for that.
I'm whining because one of my favorite villain groups has been squandered as a narrative device. That's not quite the same as "not getting the spotlight all the time," but maybe I'm the only one who sees the not-so-subtle distinction.

And you're right, I3 was a long time ago, but the impact of that issue is still being felt in terms of the relative irrelevance the villain group retains to this day (I would applaud their appearance in the ITF if it weren't for the fact that it feels so incongruous to me). It is hard to "get over" something that continues to chafe every time I do a mission involving the Council.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



No one else cares. It's not an objective design flaw when Paragon makes a game that other people like instead of you, and they never promised you the 5th Council would be important or even go on existing. Your bruised feelings are just that: Yours. So you deal with them. ParagonWiki is down because boo SOPA, but there's not even that much difference between the two villain groups to begin with. Given that "Champions clone" is your idea of "innovative game design," I'm guessing you just hate change.



Forgive my lateness to the discussion, but the issues about the Well didn't bother me too much (because I just chose to ignore them mostly and embrace them on just one occasion only because the character concept was that he was a god already and just had to regain his lost abilities) until the last few SSA's and writing generally.

And I have to agree about the Well; the instant you declare that your 'Origin of Power' trumps all others is really powergaming/writing of the worst order. It's like saying in the most childish way that 'my hero beats up your hero' and the kid saying that is fact shouting it until the other kid shrugs their shoulders and goes home bored. It's a sort of 'winning' (oh the irony of that phrase after Charlie Sheen) that isn't electing to incorporate a character's story or concept, but one that is railroading not only said concept but all subsequent stories and decisions afterwards.

It's a form of pre-determinism. The presumption that your power comes form this source means in turn you'll 'automatically' be interested in gaining more, listening to those who supposedly have knowledge about it, and oppose those who are using it for ends that you have 'decided' are misguided/evil. There's no room for even an illusion of free will at this point, which to me is a staple of any game to be enjoyable and invested in.

We've had branching dialogue for a while, but no options to challenge the notions of the Well being the source of 'my' power, or even find a player-driven alternative that yields the same result. It's not difficult writing at all; all you have to say is talk about the many things the Well can represent but not actually be. Let the player fill in the gaps there and suggest that the Well is a conduit for that. Denying that illusion of choice and interpretation really is bad writing, no matter how you cut it. It's as if doing so would encourage you to look behind the curtain and find the Wizard there, all bells and whistles and nothing more.

To then have the Well be sentient and apparently somewhat insane? So the player influence so heavily touted as our achieving Incarnate power is in the hands of a sentient being that can forcibly control others? Why do we not challenge or even question this? For heroes, surely this must be reminiscent of Praetoria's mind control at the very least? It's skipping basic story logic let alone continuity. It's also the beginning of many, many plotholes that revolve around those two elements that we see playing out in other stories where NPC's either act drastically out of character or simply not act at all, dispensing with either common sense or caution or even both.

There's an implicit suggestion on the part of the story writers here to essentially 'hand-hold' the characters and then railroad them on courses of action they may not wish to take. And by that I don't mean players have a hissy fit and refuse to do the mission, I mean that the incentive and positive engagement with the story is missing to do this. The player cannot help if they see the logic gaps and question why they are serving an essentially insane sentient power source that they have seen in the Alpha Slot story possess the most powerful beings in Paragon City. Consent and obedience are considered a given until very late in the story, as we have discovered.

Why should we question at this point? Surely the Well has been able to control us, as we are further down the proverbial food chain than Lady Grey or Statesman? But the story tells us we do without first querying why we haven't done so already.

The Well is far better served in being something like The Force, which is something everyone can tap into in some form or another, regardless of belief or intent, with both good and bad consequences for doing so, and is also a living entity. The instant sentience is given to this concept turns the notion of Incarnatedom from self-achievement to a partnership and at worst a indentured servitude. It takes away from a sense of achievement a player has done and becomes something given to a player, but with strings attached, which goes against the very psychology of playing for reward.

When you have fundamental errors in storytelling at this level, it's not hard to then start looking around and seeing it in other aspects of the story connected to the Well.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
The Well is far better served in being something like The Force, which is something everyone can tap into in some form or another, regardless of belief or intent, with both good and bad consequences for doing so, and is also a living entity. The instant sentience is given to this concept turns the notion of Incarnatedom from self-achievement to a partnership and at worst a indentured servitude. It takes away from a sense of achievement a player has done and becomes something given to a player, but with strings attached, which goes against the very psychology of playing for reward.
The Force is a particularly amusing comparison here because, well, Midichlorians, which has to be the gold standard of taking an explanation a step too far.

There's a huge benefit, I think, to leaving something vague; namely that people will fill in their own details, which are possibly better than the ones that actually exist. I can't count how many stories I've read that seemed awesome until the author could no longer contain their desire to show us what the truth of their setting was, at which point nuuuuu why did you do that for $DIETY's sake stop explaining things!




Originally Posted by Egos_Shadow View Post
The Force is a particularly amusing comparison here because, well, Midichlorians, which has to be the gold standard of taking an explanation a step too far.

There's a huge benefit, I think, to leaving something vague; namely that people will fill in their own details, which are possibly better than the ones that actually exist. I can't count how many stories I've read that seemed awesome until the author could no longer contain their desire to show us what the truth of their setting was, at which point nuuuuu why did you do that for $DIETY's sake stop explaining things!
Trust me, I'm more than aware of midichlorians (shudder) which threatened to turn mysticism into some sort of mutually beneficial parasitical relationship.

Yeah, I really wanted that interpretation. But who was going to tell Uncle George how to spend his money? But I totally agree with you; let us fill in the gaps. Stop over-explaining. But then I think the Incarnates story has well and truly not only jumped the shark and nuked the fridge, but has a radioactive shark jumping a giant fridge.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Egos_Shadow View Post
The Force is a particularly amusing comparison here because, well, Midichlorians, which has to be the gold standard of taking an explanation a step too far.

There's a huge benefit, I think, to leaving something vague; namely that people will fill in their own details, which are possibly better than the ones that actually exist. I can't count how many stories I've read that seemed awesome until the author could no longer contain their desire to show us what the truth of their setting was, at which point nuuuuu why did you do that for $DIETY's sake stop explaining things!
I think that you have hit the nail on the head.

The real problem is that we've had over six years of being allowed our own interpretation of how our powers have manifested. To suddenly change all of that either shows complete contempt of player's own stories or ignorance at how much players love the freedom of creation this game provides.

Had the devs chosen for a far vaguer and less deterministic way for us to access our incarnate powers, I doubt we would see this much criticism of their story.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I think that you have hit the nail on the head.

The real problem is that we've had over six years of being allowed our own interpretation of how our powers have manifested. To suddenly change all of that either shows complete contempt of player's own stories or ignorance at how much players love the freedom of creation this game provides.
Well, to be fair, this would not exactly be the first time we've confused them with how we actually use the game, as opposed to how it's designed to be used.

On the other hand, we can't exactly argue that the Well wasn't in the backstory from a very long time ago, it just wasn't spelled out in detail. Look at the City of Heroes comic book - back in 2005! - where all superhuman powers are stripped. This is a direct logical step from the way the Well is decribed to work now - superhuman powers, regardless of "origin", come from the Well and are subject to revocation.

On the gripping hand, the reaction to that comic was kind of "ha ha ha, no really? ha ha, yeah, whatever man, talk to us when you're out of rehab" which they perhaps should have learned something from.

Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Had the devs chosen for a far vaguer and less deterministic way for us to access our incarnate powers, I doubt we would see this much criticism of their story.
Yeah even given the Well exists in its current form - even if we don't retcon anything at all from the current Well lore (and this is a comic book universe, so anything and everything is subject to retcon) - I would have preferred to see more development of following Lord Recluse's route of gaining Well-like powers without having or requiring any connection to the Well at all. That's what I was really hoping for out of a "solo Incarnate path". And in lore, that's Lord Recluse's explicit goal in his powers research, Project Fury, etc, for exactly the reasons people in this thread are complaining about the Well.




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Agreed completely. Retro-fitting stuff seems to be common place given that Positron (the character) is suddenly super duper important. To be honest I have little hope for this game's storyline ever since I heard one of the devs say they weren't going to touch on old plot threads because they were:

"Someone else's stories who're no longer with the company".

Any writer of an ongoing serial that says the above should consider another profession. The old plot points are not "someone else's stories". The new plot points are not "your stories". The CoH game lore is bigger than any one writer and should be treated with respect accordingly...rather than as a platform to introduce some completely random concepts that have little to do with the existing lore. This isn't fanfiction; the contributions of all writers should feed into the general narrative, rather than from it.
There are a lot of times I dont' agree with Xanatos, but he's really hitting the nail on the head in this thread... all the nails, frankly.

Just had to quote this bit because it's something that irritates the hell out of me with the way the current team is going, even MORE than sticking Praetorians and the Well in everything.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



I look at it like this...Not every character needs to be incarnate.
The incarnate story doesn't lend itself to every character.
We are not gonna have Captain America wake up one day to find out his powers were the result of some cosmic entity. I have 5 level 50s and all but 1 lends itself to enhancement from mystical means.
Amun-Re, my blaster is based on the Egyptian works with him
Captain Champion, my tank is loosely based on Captain Marvel(shazam) and it world with him.
Mr Quantum, my Peace bringer is a cosmic powered entity and it works for him.

Black Spider, my scrapper, is loosely based on Spider-man and doesn't lend itself to a cosmic up with him I pull a Marvel.

Marvel a few years ago introduced a character with the same powers as Spider-man and he got his powers from a freaked because they thought Marvel was changing Spidey origin and its all been swept under the rug.
I have incarnated him but in my mind i explain it away as a new abilities the suit had that he just discovered (his origin is during the rikti invasion he fell into a arachnos secret lair and was enveloped in an arachnos war suit and thats where his powers come from)

"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams." Aunt May SM2

i dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone...good bye Paragon