City Of Heroes Freedom Friday: 1/6/12 - Q&A, Or What?

Agent White



Here we go!

Welcome to Freedom Friday, where we answer your City of Heroes Freedom™ questions!


Bryan Mereness:
did you let the archtype i.o sets able to be purshable from hero merits yet?

City of Heroes: ATOs will be purchasable with Reward Merits and Inf, or Astral Merits and Inf.


Jared Sterzer: When will the super packs go live?

City of Heroes: Soon™. Super Packs on are VIP Beta now, if you'd like to check them out!


Asim Farooq Hassan:
Staff fighting. Will there be a trident? The Atlanteans would appreciate it!

City of Heroes: There will be many different staff models.


Jim Hart: How about some alternates to DBF that you could solo? ( or a way to test-drive a new toon just once at a higher level just to see if you like it before you invest a bunch of time in leveling it up... )

City of Heroes: There are no plans for any "test driving" of high-level characters.


Dennis M. Tolbert: Hoverboards, flying carpets...a motorcycle with customizable colors would be really sweet! Any more travel powers in the plans?

City of Heroes:
There are always ideas.


Tom C. Granger:
Any more base love?....can yu please turn base raids on...I wanna use my base arena.

City of Heroes:
We definitely want to give bases more love when we can!


Sean Lamphere: What's the deal with your new photo @City of Heroes?

City of Heroes: The new profile picture alludes to the Signature Story Arc, "Who Will Die." In part 5, which comes out January 17, Statesman will die.


Robert Boone: Has a power list been released for Darkness Control yet?

City of Heroes:
There is! You can see the list of powers here: We haven't revealed Tier 9 yet...we want to save that for later!


Tish Morgna: Please allow our characters to choose their own "flyposes".

City of Heroes: There are different poses you can activate while flying. Use the command /e flypose<number 1-4> to switch. For example, /e flypose1, /e flypose2, etc.

Tish Morgna: There is only one default flypose, is there a way of changing it to another?

Dave Van Domelen: Tish: You might want to bind a key for the flypose (i.e. "/bind k e flypose3") so that once you've hit r to start flying you just have to hit a single key to go into the pose. Sadly, you can't alter your default flying pose.

City of Heroes: You would have to use the /e flypose command while flying.


Ivan Turgenev: Request: Can you please start a quarterly contest for players where the winner gets a sketch of their main character by WHOEVER IS DOING THESE AWESOME WALLPAPERS?

City of Heroes: Hmm, that's an neat prize idea. I had personally thought of something along similar lines, but that's also an interesting one.


Kurt Charbonnier:
Has there been any progress in getting Paragon Points cards in retail locations?

City of Heroes: Nothing to report at this time. Sorry!


Tim Lehnerer: Now that Masterminds can be heroes, are there any plans for a Paragon Police or Longbow summoning set? I can see robots being used for either good or evil but not, say, zombies.

City of Heroes: Hero Mastermind pets are something that's been often requested by the community. I don't have anything to report on that at this time, sorry. I will say though, I'm sure Heroes could find a heroic way to put zombies to use...


James Stinedurf: i'm wondering why travel powers like ninja and beast run don't turn off your powers but the hover board and flying carpet do

City of Heroes: Ninja Run and Beast Run are like Sprint, where you can use toggles and powers. With the Flying Carpet and Rocket Board, it's more like Walk.


Duane Wilson: any plans for a shape shifting power set? i would imagine it would be similar to Keldians in execution. different animals for different powers and such?

City of Heroes:
There's a Coyote Travel Power that's on VIP Beta right now that allows players to become a Coyote. Shape Shifting as a Power Set, though? Nothing to report on that one.


Michael Wright: Magic carpet is nice, however is anyone in design thinking of adding a witch broom flying power...someday. I for one would love it, but I'm not sure of the demand. Am I the odd man out on this request?

City of Heroes: You're definitely not the odd man out, as I've heard quite a few people ask for a broom.


Duane Wilson: different power animations for different sets? something like different energy blast animations for the same power? i would imagine it would be something to purchase and i know if it was done well i would pay for it.

City of Heroes: We have offered different animation options for certain Powers/Power Sets. While we would love to do more, there's always the issue of time and resources--could time be better spent updating old animations, or creating animations for a brand new Power Set? That's not to say we might never offer more options for older sets, but there would be a lot of time involved in updating older powers animations.


Rick Mares: Any chance of the paragon market showing what items we already have unlocked on our accounts? Example buying a bundle shows that you own in the individual pieces, or if you had things unlocked from the paragon rewards, or from a collectors set)

City of Heroes: This is something a lot of our players have been requesting, and we'd love to offer this type of functionality within the Paragon Market™. There's a lot of moving parts behind it, however.


Duane Wilson: i use to play during Good Vs Evil and well into the second rikti invasion. after running out of money i had to let my account sit for quite a while and the log in info was either lost of my account was deleted having come back on CoX as a freeb i was wondering if there was any way to get that information back? i paid for the game ages ago and my attempts at finding my old log in and password have failed. i had some good builds and i paid for the cyborg costume set when it first came out it would be a shame for all the time and money to go to waste. so i guess my question is how would i go about finding out if my account was deleted or if i am just not remembering my info correctly?

City of Heroes: Your account likely wasn't deleted. You can e-mail support at; they should be able to help.


Dennis M. Tolbert: I was excited about the german sheperd pet until, I realized it was just a vanity pet. Any chance of having a dog that actually helps you fight. Maybe if it gets defeated then there's like a 15 or 20 minute cooldown so it won't cause any balance issues. Would this be something you would all would consider?

City of Heroes: Nothing to report on attack dogs at this time. Sorry!


Bud Bowen: Dont know if it has been posted or talked about, but I would like to have a personal space, an apartment / lair that I could call my own with some more personal items and touches instead of a room in the SG Base. Not sure if anyone is / was... familiar with Google Lively, but you could furnish your home as well as place personal photos on the walls of your place and also run Video from Youtube in there. I was thinking something similar from COH would get alot of folks more in depth creating and such, even to the point of having some create bits and pieces for sale. Another great way to generate revenue and offer to Elite Accounts, so subscribers would go up. My wife and I love this game and have been on it for a long time now, we love the continual improvements. Keep up the Great Work.

City of Heroes: Personal player housing is not something that we have plans of implementing at this time, due to the amount of in-game resources it would use. Player housing would operate the same as having an SG base per player; this equates to a lot of server resources being used.


Chris Fenwick: A wall mountable frame that could accept screen shots via an uploader would be a super cool feature for bases!

City of Heroes: It's a neat idea, although I'm not sure how feasible it would be.


Thiago Flaulhabe Xavier Gomes: How i can use other costumes?

Chris Fenwick: first ya gotta open up the slots

City of Heroes: You can acquire costume slots in-game, or purchase more from the Paragon Market. These costume slots will allow you to visit a tailor and create a new costume that you can switch to. You can have up to 10 costumes for a single character!


Thiago Flaulhabe Xavier Gomes:
For refer a friend i need be a VIP?

City of Heroes: Yes, you would need to be a VIP to refer a friend.


Antoine Mason: Will Praetoria Ever Go To Level 50? Will There At Least Be A Level 30-40 Zone In Praetoria?

City of Heroes: Nothing to say about higher-level zones in Praetoria at this time. Sorry!


Dave Van Domelen: Internal walls (folding screens, cubicle-style walls, curtains) for bases would be nice. Right now, if you want to wall off a section of a room, there's not many ways to do it (shelves and the glass supergroup things are about it). Now that raids don't drive design, the ability to make more internal divisions easily would be helpful.

City of Heroes: Noted.


Thiago Flaulhabe Xavier Gomes: I need be a VIP to access all zones of the game?

City of Heroes: You can access many of the zones as a Free or Premium player, but you will need to be a VIP to access all of the content.


Brannon Sherry: Will Darkness Incarnate be our chance to fight the actual gods of the Banished Pantheon?

City of Heroes: Issue 22: Death Incarnate will pit you against the dark god Mot, and the Banished Pantheon.


Antoine Mason: What Is The Status On Staff Fighting? Will There Be Barbarian Titan Weapons And Barbarian Staffs? Will There Ever Be An Ancient Egyptian Costume Bundle?

City of Heroes: While there is no new zone for Issue 22, Dark Astoria is getting heavily revamped and will be made a co-op zone.


Tim Lloyd:
hey. Any plans for supergroup advances / changes to the way SG's are setup and organised etc? maybe even some perks for staying in an SG for longer periods of time?

City of Heroes: No plans for the way SGs are organized at this time. We'll be sure to let players know of any changes to Supergroups!


Unity Rains: What about Illusion Control for Dominators?

City of Heroes: Not in the current round of Power Proliferation, but it's a possibility!


Steven Forrest: Still waiting to hear: How can a level 50 control his own badging destiny when he has to rely on others to get missed safeguard and mayhem missions? Could there be some way to get those missions in Ouroboros?

City of Heroes: It's something we've heard players ask for, however it would take a lot of time and resources to implement.


Kurt Charbonnier: Any progress in adding Power Customization to a Epic Pools?

City of Heroes: No updates at this time.


Robert Thomas: not a question more like a comment. The flying carpet is worthless. as i said in some of your other post keep the slopes open they were open for such a short period of time or how about you change the even area according to the holidays like Valentines day, Easter,4th of July. Why does the area only open for winter why not make the most of it. If not that maybe the VIP lounge could be where you make all that happen. just a thought and suggestion.

City of Heroes: The Ski Chalet is open for the Winter Holiday, as appropriate for the season. That being said, Pocket D is an extra dimensional space where time and seasons don't necessarily apply... there have been times when the Ski Chalet is open during other seasons.


Unity Rains: Have we seen the last of VIP included powersets? Will all of them from now on ahve to be purchased in the Marketplace?

Robert Boone: Unity: Darkness Control is going to be free for VIP!

City of Heroes: Definitely not! As Robert Boone mentioned, Darkness Control will be the next free-for-VIP Power Set.


Mikey Peterson: Where is my Omega slot, and where is my solo incarnate trial?

Robert Boone: Your solo Incarnate content comes out with issue 22.

City of Heroes: A solo Incarnate path will be coming in Issue 22: Death Incarnate! You'll face off against the dark god Mot in the revamped Dark Astoria, climbing your way up the Incarnate tree!


Tyron Samaroo: As a premium player any way you getting keep the incarnates power???

City of Heroes: Incarnate content is VIP only


Rutager Jones: Any chance of expanding the random crimes on city streets ? Like say instead of the muggings etc.... something on the order of say a gang fight or a shoot out with the police or maybe even a bank robbery in progress/ something to got into random buildings for. Maybe an extension of the Steel Canyon fire alarms like going into burning buildings and leading people out ??? Just to make daily street travel more interesting/exciting.

Also on the street level how about Hero parades occasionally ? You know bands, heroes on floats waving, giant Manticore and Positron balloons :] ?
Maybe ends in an zone attack sometimes ?

Also again , with the movie theater in Atlas how about being able to go inside and see some small movies like the kind from the game trailers ??

Just some thoughts.

City of Heroes: There are some things like that, where you might catch different groups fighting. As for larger events, like a bank robbery in progress or rescuing civilians from a burning building, that'd take a lot more resources. I can ask around about the idea, but it might be something difficult to implement.


Unity Rains: Thanks for putting up with all of my questions! Are older powersets going to be revamped to reflect the new combo system, such as SJ?

City of Heroes: No, the Street Justice combo system is unique to Street Justice. We like to keep sets visually and gameplay-unique.


Evan McMichael: How is that Staff weapon set coming along?? Been foaming at he mouth for it...

City of Heroes: It's coming along quite well. You won't have to froth at the mouth too much longer; expect it on VIP Beta later this year!


Evan McMichael: Will we be seeing anymore weapon packs for TW soon? or at least unlockable Titan weapsons as with the other weapon sets?

City of Heroes: There's a lot of options and ideas for Titan Weapons.


Robert Boone: Did you just say sash? if there is a Kheldian-esque sash and my Warshade can't wear it, he will go on the record as being "disgruntled."

City of Heroes: No Kheldian sashes at the moment. We do know this has been a huge request from the community.


David Fiacre III: why is the carnival of light pack female only costume pieces? i see no reason any of the pieces cant be male/huge also. especially sicne it contains some pieces requested for years to be given to all characters - the sash-belt.

City of Heroes: Most of the male parts are already easily reproduceable in game with different costume sets. There are some dev-only pieces which were unable to be ported over, for various reasons, however what you're getting ported to female is almost exclusively what we could port from NPC to Player Character. This, unfortunately, means almost exclusively female pieces (with the exception of weapons).


Mikey Peterson: is there an eta on i22?

City of Heroes: Soon™.


Evan McMichael: will Kheldians ever get an upgrade like the Praetorians, and Clockwork?

City of Heroes: We'll let you know if they do!


Tim Lehnerer: Dare I hope for a chainsaw broadsword option? Or dual blades?

City of Heroes: Dual chainsaws seems somehow impractical...

Dave Van Domelen: Dual Chainsaws are impractical, and yet rocket-powered megahammers are practical?

Tom Gormley: Dual chainsaws impractical? Sort of like having a railroad crossing sign strapped to your back?

City of Heroes: They seems somewhat less dangerous than swinging around two chainsaws. 1,000 Cuts with chainsaws sounds pretty frightening, for you AND your foes.


Robert Boone: COH I just found some screens of the Carnival of Light sash piece and it is verrry similar to a Kheldian sash. Is there any chance of porting it to males before i22 is released?

City of Heroes: We have communicated about players wanting the sash to be ported to Male/Huge. At this time, however, it is not possible to port the piece over at this timeframe. We may revisit it in the future.


Roman Jocktapus Valdez: Can free accounts ever unlock kheldians without paying a cent

City of Heroes: No, sorry. Epic Archetypes are purchasable for Premium players in the Paragon Market™, and are available to VIPs as part of their subscription.


Morgan Campbell: Any idea when the MM pets can be customized? Even if it's a swap to something like standard Robot to something a little more Nemesis-ish or Thugs to Family model swapping.

City of Heroes: Nothing yet, sorry!


Laura Ipsum: Pleeeeeease can you find a way to promote /demote sg or vg members when they aren't online?

City of Heroes: There's currently no way to do that, but we are aware players have asked for it.


Eric Horvath: oh i see. misread the clock. let's see... Would it be possible to add a spirit/ghost costume option?

City of Heroes: In the Costume Sets dropdown menu? Or do you mean ghost-like costume pieces?

Eric Horvath: I mean costume pieces

City of Heroes: There are a lot of variations of ghosts; you can create ghost-like characters through current costume options and certain powers. If you're talking traditional ghosts, some of those types of options would not be possible, such as the classic "bedsheet" style ghost.


Grant L. Thompson: Have any more pics of darkness control been released? Is there an ETA? I have been foaming at the mouth for this set since I started playing however many years ago...

City of Heroes: Darkness Control will be released with Issue 22: Death Incarnate! There haven't been any more shots for it released. You'll definitely see some as the set enters VIP Beta.


Richard Landis: Is Carp Melee still on hold until after the next issue? You had it up on the VIP Beta Server briefly, but not long enough to test the real problems with it.

City of Heroes: Carp Melee's been thrown back into the water for the time being.

Chris Fenwick: Carp melee? Really that silly thing is still floating about?

City of Heroes: More like floundering.

Chris Fenwick: 'More like floundering.' Is this Beastyle again?

City of Heroes: I see my terrible animal puns precede me.

Richard Landis: I think you are just having trouble figuring out the hook for the powerset. I'll bait you into a real answer someday!

City of Heroes: It's hard catching support for the set. So far there's only a few soles that've asked for it.


Dave Van Domelen: Could the clawlike animations for Spine/Thorn melee attacks be made available as Claws weapon options?

City of Heroes: It's something I can ask about.


Chris Fenwick: Did yall give Avatea a grandiose goodby party?

City of Heroes: We did. It was both a sad and happy party, and we wish her all the best.


Simon McCoy: Oh-- and are there any new Backpack options coming sooner than Soon (tm)?

City of Heroes: Soon™ is soon. Not as soon as Imminently™, but soon. We definitely want to get more backpacks onto the backs of players.


Joe Curreri: Any chance of an ancient egypt zone? Or something with that flavor? I'd love to buy some mummy wrap costume pieces too!

City of Heroes: New zones are created as content dictates. Would there be a reason to visit Egypt, ancient or otherwise, further down the road? Possibly. There'd have to be story content designed for it first.


Martin Dotson: IO's and LIVE tech support for NON Vip's

City of Heroes: Sorry, live support is a VIP perk. Access to the Invention system can be purchased as a 30-day license in the Paragon Market, or can be unlocked as a Paragon Reward at Tier 7.


Bryan Ellis: I'll echo someone else's question: Any plans to add an Ouroboros Police contact, so we can do the Paper/Police Band missions and unlock the Mayhem missions?

City of Heroes: Ouroboros Safeguard/Mayhem missions are something we'd like to do, however it'd require a lot of time and resources.


Adam Burtze: any plan on letting free player join sg's? you would figure since you really want them to buy time or other perks you would let them in a least an sg community so they can see what they are missing

City of Heroes: Players can join Supergroups at Paragon Rewards Tier 2, which takes two Paragon Rewards Tokens; Free players start with one. You can get an additional Paragon Rewards Token with your first purchase of any amount of Paragon Points in the Paragon Market, and one token for every 1200 Paragon Points thereafter.


Martin Dotson: ok then, how about this... I ahve gone through ALL os the possible avenues, so lets see of you have an answer to this one... i am a premium player, i have 2 server slots and 2 GLOBAL slots for a vet reward i suppose... the GUI shows this is true. BUT i have THREE slots used, it shows FOUR used...

i only use ONE server (Champion) so there is no possible way that i would have my last toon on another server... Tech support gives NO help other than looking at knowledge base... nothing in knowledge base works or even pertains to the issue because its not a CLIENT issue, its a SERVER one... What should I DO?

City of Heroes: I would suggest contacting Customer Support with another ticket; if you're referred to the Knowledge Base again, you can ask to have the ticket escalated.


Martin Dotson: and another thing... if i WERE to get VIP status for a month, when i go back to a FREE player, do i get to choose which three (or hopefully four) toons i want to play with again?

City of Heroes: If you become a VIP, then choose to go Premium, you'll be able to select again.


Bryan Ellis: Any chance of being able to "Sell Back" certain things to the market, such as the Server Transfers?

City of Heroes: Not at this time.


Richard FromDelta Villarreal: Can we expect to hear any news this year about when the rest of the incarnate abilities will be unlocked?

City of Heroes: You'll hear if there is.


Joe DeRouen: Will there ever be an option to breakdown incarnate powers we chose early on but later decided we didn't like? (or a new one came out that we liked better) I would dearly love to be able to break down Nerve Core Paragon on my scrapper!

City of Heroes: There are no plans to allow for Incarnate Abilities respecs.


Adam Burtze: any word on patron/epic powerset being able to have custom coloring?

City of Heroes: Nothing to report on Epic/Patron Power Pool customization at this time.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



::fist pump::
ATOs for Astrals + Inf or Reward Merit + Inf
Figured they would be real money. Wewt!

Thanks for the list Kheldarn, glad you took the time to sift through and retrieve that info!

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



City of Heroes: Hero Mastermind pets are something that's been often requested by the community. I don't have anything to report on that at this time, sorry. I will say though, I'm sure Heroes could find a heroic way to put zombies to use...
Yeah, that's not suspicious at all...

Antoine Mason: What Is The Status On Staff Fighting? Will There Be Barbarian Titan Weapons And Barbarian Staffs? Will There Ever Be An Ancient Egyptian Costume Bundle?

City of Heroes: While there is no new zone for Issue 22, Dark Astoria is getting heavily revamped and will be made a co-op zone.
I think something got lost in translation here.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Robert Boone: COH I just found some screens of the Carnival of Light sash piece and it is verrry similar to a Kheldian sash. Is there any chance of porting it to males before i22 is released?

City of Heroes: We have communicated about players wanting the sash to be ported to Male/Huge. At this time, however, it is not possible to port the piece over at this timeframe. We may revisit it in the future.
Arguably, the real question would be why did they not have the forethought to plan for a male Carnie sash considering the constant Kheldian sash requests.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Arguably, the real question would be why did they not have the forethought to plan for a male Carnie sash considering the constant Kheldian sash requests.
Ok been hearing about this for a while, what exactly is the Kheldian sash everyone wants?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok been hearing about this for a while, what exactly is the Kheldian sash everyone wants?
Go look at Sunstorm over by the Atlas Statue. The simple piece of cloth around his waist as been one of the single most requested costume pieces for player characters.

No, I don't know why.

No, I don't know why it hasn't been added yet.

As for the Q&A, a lot of the same company lines and a lot of clueless or just disgruntled people. Pretty much par for the course.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok been hearing about this for a while, what exactly is the Kheldian sash everyone wants?

The carnie sash looks better than that though.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Nothing new or shiny...
I need I22 in beta soon! Cant wait to see more of it!



Why do they hold these Q&A's if every answer is the same?

Nothing to say about <Insert Topic Here> at this time.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
Why do they hold these Q&A's if every answer is the same?

Nothing to say about <Insert Topic Here> at this time.
Keeps the angry mobs at bay, however momentarily.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Well it doesn't help that most of the questions are "When can we have my pet feature X?"

Not exactly something the community team can commit to on behalf of the whole studio.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Go look at Sunstorm over by the Atlas Statue. The simple piece of cloth around his waist as been one of the single most requested costume pieces for player characters.

No, I don't know why.
Because it would make a great kung fu sash with the martial arts robes.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
Why do they hold these Q&A's if every answer is the same?

Nothing to say about <Insert Topic Here> at this time.
The better questions are:

Why do people ask about features not in the game as a not so secret way to lobby for such features when the Dev is only a community moderator and thus can only say, "suggestion noted."

Why do people ask about upcoming features whose details (release date, stats, etc...) haven't been announced when the Dev can't talk about unannounced release dates or features?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The better questions are:

Why do people ask about features not in the game as a not so secret way to lobby for such features when the Dev is only a community moderator and thus can only say, "suggestion noted."

Why do people ask about upcoming features whose details (release date, stats, etc...) haven't been announced when the Dev can't talk about unannounced release dates or features?
Are you suggesting that people should only ask about things we already know, then?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Are you suggesting that people should only ask about things we already know, then?
They can ask about a feature they aren't familiar with but is already in the game. They can ask about where to get more help. They can ask *why* something is the way it is. They can ask some stuff about the Studio.

I learned long ago that FFs are Q&A for newbies and is not a source of new information. And thus, stopped attending long ago.

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"City of Heroes: ATOs will be purchasable with Reward Merits and Inf, or Astral Merits and Inf."

This is great to hear but hopefully the price in Reward Merits is reasonable.
200 Reward Merits for a LotG 7.5 or 2 Alignment Merits, which is bascially 100 Merits? The Reward Merit costs for recipes need a review.

I'm expecting 75-100 RM + 10 mil and 40-45 Astral + 10 mil myself.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
200 Reward Merits for a LotG 7.5 or 2 Alignment Merits, which is bascially 100 Merits? The Reward Merit costs for recipes need a review.
I agree that there are certain things that definitely need review (e.g., the price of certain individual IOs were set higher because they cost more in the AH is not an appropriate way to set prices... if there is such a high demand, that is the reason to set a *lower* price to ease the demand).

However, a correction on the exchange:

200 Reward Merits (for a Special IO) = 2 Alignment Merits = 100 Reward Merits + 40 Million INF

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Robert Boone: Has a power list been released for Darkness Control yet?

City of Heroes: There is! You can see the list of powers here: We haven't revealed Tier 9 yet...we want to save that for later!
Dark Miasma is my favorite power set on my Brutes and Scrappers and I'm really, really looking forward to trying Dark Assault on Doms. The first 8 power choices look to be quite good; very similar to the Mind set but with Buffs and Debuffs.



Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
Dark Miasma is my favorite power set on my Brutes and Scrappers and I'm really, really looking forward to trying Dark Assault on Doms. The first 8 power choices look to be quite good; very similar to the Mind set but with Buffs and Debuffs.
I'm not sure whether you mean Dark Melee or Dark Armor, but Dark Miasma is a support set not a melee/armor set. :x

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



City of Heroes: There's currently no way to do that, but we are aware players have asked for it.
Paragon Studios Employee: Hey, the players requested something. It's a good idea, and a LOT of people have been asking for it.

Paragon Studios Manager: Does it require time and/or resources?

Paragon Studios Employee: Some, yeah.

Paragon Studios Manager: Will it bring in new customers?

Paragon Studios Employee: Well, no, probably not.

Paragon Studios Manager: Will the stockholders directly benefit from it?

Paragon Studios Employee: I doubt many of the stockholders even play the game.

Paragon Studios Manager: Then forget about it and get back to making the next Incrnate Trial.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Paragon Studios Employee: Hey, the players requested something. It's a good idea, and a LOT of people have been asking for it.

Paragon Studios Manager: Does it require time and/or resources?

Paragon Studios Employee: Some, yeah.

Paragon Studios Manager: Will it bring in new customers?

Paragon Studios Employee: Well, no, probably not.

Paragon Studios Manager: Will the stockholders directly benefit from it?

Paragon Studios Employee: I doubt many of the stockholders even play the game.

Paragon Studios Manager: Then forget about it and get back to making the next Incrnate Trial.
Paragon Studios Employee: ... Have your incarnate trials brought any new customers?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Paragon Studios Employee: ... Have your incarnate trials brought any new customers?

Paragon Studios Manager
: You can collect your P45 on the way out.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by cactusbrawler View Post

paragon studios manager
: You can collect your p45 on the way out.
and that's how we lost back ally brawler and castle!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Actually, Castle left by his own choice, as did pohsyb, Avatea and JLove. In fact, Castle told us a few days in advance that he was leaving.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Here we go!

Tyron Samaroo: As a premium player any way you getting keep the incarnates power???

City of Heroes: Incarnate content is VIP only


Roman Jocktapus Valdez: Can free accounts ever unlock kheldians without paying a cent

City of Heroes: No, sorry. Epic Archetypes are purchasable for Premium players in the Paragon Market™, and are available to VIPs as part of their subscription.


Martin Dotson: IO's and LIVE tech support for NON Vip's

City of Heroes: Sorry, live support is a VIP perk. Access to the Invention system can be purchased as a 30-day license in the Paragon Market, or can be unlocked as a Paragon Reward at Tier 7.


Adam Burtze: any plan on letting free player join sg's? you would figure since you really want them to buy time or other perks you would let them in a least an sg community so they can see what they are missing

City of Heroes: Players can join Supergroups at Paragon Rewards Tier 2, which takes two Paragon Rewards Tokens; Free players start with one. You can get an additional Paragon Rewards Token with your first purchase of any amount of Paragon Points in the Paragon Market, and one token for every 1200 Paragon Points thereafter.
Now this has been a growing irritation for me... the game is opened up as a hybrid pay model where people can play for free or pay a subscription for VIP service. Yet, for some reason, any time a line of communication is opened, people inevitably ask for more of the game for free. I'm curious: If McDonald's were to offer a free cheeseburger once a day to each person that walked in the door, would they demand a Big Mac combo meal as well? Where does the feeling of entitlement come from?

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.